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Cornell University
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of Ijorti) Qarolina
From Colonial Times
to the Present
Samuel A. Ashe
Stephen B. Weeks
Charles L. Van Noppen
Greensboro, N. C.
Advisory Board , . . . vii
Contents ix
Portraits xiii
Contributors xv
Avery, Waightstill i
Avery, Isaac Thomas 7
Avery, William Waightstill ■ . 9
Avery, Clark Moulton 12
Avery, Isaac Erwin 14
Avery, Alphonso Calhoun 18
Avery, Willoughby Francis 26
Avery, Isaac Erwin ' . 29
Badger, George Edmund 35
Boyd, George Dillard 45
Boyd, Andrew Jackson 48
Branch, John 52'
Branch, Lawrence O'Bryan 55;
Childs, Frederick Lynn 60
Clark, Walter 67
Clarkson, Heriot "77
Cramer, Stuart Warren 82
Dixon, Thomas, Jr 88
Ellis, John Willis : 94-
Erwin, Joseph J 102
Fuller, Edwin Wiley . . 107
Gaston, Alexander 1 1 1
Glasgow, James 115
Gray, George Alexander 122
Halling, Solomon 130
Hill, Daniel Harvey 137
Hill, Daniel Harvey 145
Hinsdale, Samuel Johnston 148
Hinsdale, John Wetmore 153
Holt, Michael 160
Holt, William Rainey 172
Holt, Edwin Michael 181
Holt, Thomas Michael 190
Holt, James Henry 196
Holt, William Edwin . 200
Holt, Lynn Banks 204
Holt, Lawrence Schackleford 211
Holt, Walter Lawrence . 216
Holt, Edwin Cameron 219
Holt, Robert Lacy 222
Holt, John Allen 225
Holt, Martin Hicks 229
Hooper, William 233
Hooper, William 245
Hooper, John De Berniere 251
HosKiNS, Charles 256
Johnston, Thomas Dillard 260
Jones, Hamilton Chamberlain .... . 268
Lamb, Gideon 274
Lamb, John Calhoun . 278
Lamb, Wilson Gray 281
McClure, Alexander Doak 288
McDonald, Flora 292
McDowell, Ephraim 297
McDowell, Charles 300
McDowell, Joseph, Sr 306
McDowell, John 309
McNeill, John Charles 312
Mebane, Alexander, Sr 327
Mebane, Giles 335
Mebane, Robert Sloan . 339
Meserve, Charles Francis 343
MiMS, Edwin 349
Parker, Francis Marion 355
Peacock, Dred ' . 362
Pearson, Robert Caldwell 368
Pearson, William Simpson 375
Person, Thomas 380
Powell, Alexander Milne 399
Raney, Richard Beverly 403
Robeson, Thomas 408
Robinson, John 417
Shepard, William Biddle 421
Smith, William Nathan Harrell 429
Smith, Edward Chambers 436
Staton, Lycurgus Lafayette 443
Stokes, John 447
Tucker, Rufus Sylvester 454
Weldon, Samuel 462
Weston, James Augustus 464
Wheeler, John Hill 472
Whitaker, Spier 479
Williamson, James Nathaniel 485
Williamson, William Holt ... .... 490
Williamson, James Nathaniel, Jr 495
Wilson, Joseph 499
Yancey, Bartlett 503
Holt, Edwin M Frontispiece
Avery, Isaac Thomas facing 7
Avery, William Waightstill " 9
Avery, Isaac Erwin " 14
Avery, Alphonso Calhoun " 18
Avery, Willoughby Francis " 26
Avery, Isaac Erwin " 29
Badger, George Edmund " 35
Boyd, George Dillard " 45
Boyd, Andrew Jackson " 48
Clark, Walter " 67
Cramer, Stuart Warren " 82
Ellis, John Willis " 94
Erwin, Joseph J " 102
Gray, George Alexander " 122
Hill, Daniel Harvey '■ 137
Hill, Daniel Harvey "145
Hinsdale, Samuel Johnston " 148
Hinsdale, John Wetmore " iS3
Holt, William Rainey " 172
Holt, Thomas Michael " 190
Holt, James Henry " 196
Holt, William Edwin " 200
Holt, Lynn Banks " 204
Holt, Lawrence Schackleford facing 211
Holt, Walter Lawrence " 216
Holt, Edwin Cameron . . " 219
Holt, Robert Lacy " 222
Holt, John Allen " 225
Holt, Martin Hicks " 229
Hooper, William " 233
Hooper, William " 245
Hooper, John De Berniere " 251
Johnston, Thomas Dillard " 260
Jones, Hamilton Chamberlain " 268
Lamb, Wilson Gray " 281
McClure, Alexander Doak " 288
McNeill, John Charles " 312
Mebane, Giles " 335
Mebane, Robert Sloan " 339
Meserve, Charles Francis " 343
Parker, Francis Marion " 355
Peacock, Dred " 362
Pearson, Robert Caldwell " 368
Pearson, William Simpson " 375
Raney, Richard Beverly " 403
Shepard, William Biddle "421
Smith, William Nathan Harrell .... " 429
Smith, Edward Chambers " 436
Staton, Lycurgus Lafayette " 443
Tucker, Rufus Sylvester . " 454
Weston, James Augustus " 464
Wheeler, John H " 472
Whitaker, Spier " 479
Williamson, James Nathaniel ... . " 485
Williamson, William Holt " 490
Williamson, James Nathaniel, Jr " 495
J. C. Abernathy
AlphonsoCalhoun Avery, LL.D,
Samuel A. Ashe
William Willard Ashe
JosiAH William Bailey
John D. Bellamy
Elizabeth Janet Black-
Joseph P. Caldwell
Collier Cobb, A.M.
Frederick K. Cooke
Rev. D. I. Craig, D.D.
Richard B. Creecy
William H. Glasson, Ph.D.
J. G. De R. Hamilton, Ph.D.
Marshall De L. Haywood
Archibald Henderson, Ph.D.
Martin H. Holt
B. S. Jerman
John C. Kilgo, A.M., D.D.
William P- McCorkle
Charles F. McKesson
John Charles McNeill
James C. MacRae
James H. Myrover
A. Nixon
E. S. Parker
E. S. Parker, Jr.
William S. Pearson, A. B.
Henry E. Shepherd, LL.D.
George A. Shuford
James H. Southgate, A.B.
Charles W. Tillett
Stephen B. Weeks, Ph.D., LL.D.
Fanny DeB. Whitaker
T. E. Whitaker
John A. Wyeth, M.D.
I born at Groton, Conn., May lo, 1741, and died
at Swan Ponds, in Burke County, N. C, in
vi82i. The first of his ancestors who settled in
'this country was Christopher Avery, who with
^^his young son James crossed the ocean in the
ship Arabella and landed at the place where now stands Boston,
in the year 1631.
When James Avery grew to manhood he married Joanna Green-
slade. The youngest of the ten children of his marriage was
Samuel, who was born August 14, 1664, and married Susanna
Palmes, daughter of William Palmes, of the province of Munster,
Ireland, on October 27, 1686. William Palmes married Miss Ann
Humphrey, who was a daughter of Sir John Humphrey, of Lynn,
Mass. Dr. Elroy McK. Avery, who is now writing a "History
of the United States," is also preparing a second edition of the
"Averys of Groton." He has received in recent years a duly certi-
fied statement from the proper custodian of records in England,
which traces the genealogical line of Ann Humphrey through a
number of earls and through Edward I, II and III, and through
Henry III, kings of England, and through King Alfred to Egbert,
the first king of England.
Humphrey Avery, the sixth child of Samuel Avery and Su-
sanna Palmes, who was born July 4, 1699, married Jerusha Mor-
gan and had twelve children. The tenth son, Waightstill Avery,
is the subject of this sketch. Waightstill Avery and his younger
brother, afterv^rard Rev. Isaac Avery, were prepared for college
by Rev. Samuel Seabury (father of Samuel, the first Episcopal
bishop in America, who, when he was ordained bishop in Scot-
land, took with him Isaac Avery to be ordained a minister).
Waightstill Avery graduated at Princeton (then called the College
of New Jersey) in 1766, and taught in the college for a year after
graduating. A book recently published shows that he was awarded
the first honor in his class- and delivered the Latin salutatory.
Oliver Ellsworth, afterward chief justice of the Supreme Court
of the United States, was his classmate, roommate, and lifelong
friend. He read law with Lyttleton Dennis, a prominent lawyer
of Maryland, and came to North Carolina in 1769. He entered
the colony at Edenton, with letters of introduction, as his journal
shows, to her most prominent men, and, beginning with Iredell
and Hewes at that place, he mentions in it the leading men whom
he met as he came west. He met Fanning at ' Salisbury, with
whom he formed a friendship that lasted some years. He found
in Mecklenburg Dr. Ephraim Brevard, Adlai Osborne, and Rev.
Hezekiah J. Balch, all of whom he had known at Princeton.
He settled at Charlotte, and was a boarder at the house of Heze-
kiah Alexander, where he lived until 1778, when he married and
removed to Jones County. He was an early and ardent friend
of liberty, and was doubtless an active promoter of the move-
ment which culminated in the Mecklenburg Declaration of Inde-
pendence on May 20, 1775, as the minutes of the Council of
Safety and many other public documents show. He signed that
immortal embodiment of patriotic principle and defiant spirit.
Colonel Avery's learning, talent, and wisdom made him at once
a leading man in Mecklenburg. He was elected a member from
Mecklenburg to the Provincial Congress, which met at Hillsboro,
August 21, 177s, and also a member of the Congress that met
at Halifax, November 12, 1776, and formed the first state consti-
tution. He was one of the committee who drew and reported the
provisions of our first organic law, under which our ancestors
lived for sixty years. The late Governor Swain, who had more
thorough knowledge of the history of our State than any man
of his day, asked a grandson of Waightstill Avery in 1867 if he
knew the handwriting of his grandfather, and said that if he did,
he would find from an examination of the archives at Raleigh
(pointing at the time to where they were stored away), that
more of the Constitution of 1776 was in the handwriting of
Waightstill Avery than in that of any other member of the com-
mittee appointed to draft that instrument. Especially is it under-
stood that he was the author of the clause requiring the legis-
lature to establish one or more universities.
After the formation of the state government he was elected
to the first General Assembly, which met at New Bern in 1777,
and by that body was made first attorney-general of North Caro-
lina. He met at New Bern, and married, in 1778, a young widow,
Leah Franks, who was a daughter of William Probart. His wife
had a large farm in Jones County, upon which he settled. Her
mother was the daughter of Sir Yelverton Peyton, of Maryland,
from whom descended the family of Peytons, well known in
Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
In 1779 he resigned the ofSce of attorney-general and accepted
that of colonel of the militia of Jones County, in place of Nathan
Bryan, resigned. In this capacity he was engaged for more than
two years or until Cornwallis went to Yorktown. In 1781 he
employed Harvey Williams, the father of the banker, George
Williams, of Charleston, S. C, to take charge of his wife and
two little daughters and his negroes, and remove them to Swan
Ponds in Burke County, N. C, which place he had bought from
"Hunting John" McDowell, of Pleasant Gardens. He joined
his family late in the year 1781, after it became apparent that
our ancestors had won their independence.
In 1780, while Cornwallis was occupying Charlotte, he caused
Colonel Avery's office, with his books and papers, except such as
were in the house of his friend Hezekiah Alexander, to be
burned. This evidence of displeasure was visited upon only a
few of those whom Cornwallis considered leading offenders.
Colonel Avery was not a stranger to the people of Burke
County, and hence, after his removal to that county, represented
it in the house of commons in 1782, 1783, 1784, 1785, and 1793,
and in the senate in 1796. In the year 1801 he was rendered
helpless in his lower limbs by paralysis, but continued to practice
his profession from Raleigh to Jonesboro (now Tennessee) until
a few years before his death, in 1821. He had been rendered
speechless by a third stroke of paralysis some months before the
first account of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence
was published in the North Carolina papers, and hence we are de-
prived of the benefit of his testimony as to that instrument. It
was only when the Declaration was printed that such men as
General Graham began to realize the importance of the move-
ment as evincing the dogged and daring spirit that animated the
people of Mecklenburg. They had never learned before to look
upon that movement through the glasses of the succeeding gen-
eration, and had never realized that they had been actors in
one of the grandest scenes in our history.
The family of Colonel Avery, except his brother. Rev. Isaac
Avery, who also came south, remained in New England and
were all patriots. In a letter to Colonel Avery from his
brother Solomon, written July 11, 1783, the latter said: "Eleven
Averys were killed in the fort at Groton and seven wounded.
Many Averys have been killed in this county, but there have been
no Tories named Avery in these parts." The monument at Fort
Griswold erected to those who were killed there by Benedict
Arnold's men has inscribed upon it more names of Averys than
of any other family. Solomon Avery was the great-grandfather
of John D. and William E. Rockefeller, the multi-millionaires.
Rev. Isaac Avery came as far south as Virginia, where he
preached at Norfolk and at Bethel. He was colonel of a Virginia
regiment from Northampton County, and held the office of
lieutenant of that county, a position which made him, under the
laws of that State, the ranking officer of the county. One of his
daughters married John Murphy, the only son of James Murphy,
who distinguished himself as a soldier at Ramseur's Mill, King's
Mountain and Cowpens. Margaret Stringfellow Murphy was
the mother of Mrs. Thomas G. and Mrs. William M. Walton,
who reared large families in Burke County; of Mrs. Loretta
Gaston, who married General Alexander F. Gaston, the only son
of Judge Gaston; and by a subsequent marriage was the mother
of Dr. W. A. CoUett, of Morganton.
Colonel Waightstill Avery was one of the most thorough
and accurate lawyers in the State. In one of the earliest vol-
umes of the "North Carolina Reports," when law books were not
very abundant, one of the judges said in an opinion that he had
been unable to find authority upon a certain point, but rested
his decision upon what Colonel Avery told him was laid down
in a volume which the latter had in his private library. Governor
Swain said that, until the time of his death. Colonel Avery had
the most extensive library in western North Carolina. He was
a thorough classical scholar, and during the war for indepen-
dence and after it was ended bought, as entries on blank leaves
show, copies of many of the works of the Latin writers, and en-
tertained himself, even after his second stroke of paralysis, read-
ing them in the original.
One of the evidences of the subserviency of all classes of men
to an unfortunate public sentiment was found in the fact that
Colonel Avery, an avowed Presbyterian of Puritan extraction,
accepted a challenge from Andrew Jackson, then a young lawyer
at Jonesboro court, went on the field, and allowed Jackson to shoot
at him, though he did not return the fire. After Jackson had fired
Coloney Avery walked up to him and delivered him a lecture.
Jackson had known Colonel Avery in Mecklenburg, and had ap-
plied to him for board in his family and instruction as a law stu-
dent. This was after Colonel Avery came to Burke in 1781.
Colonel Avery had declined to take charge of him as a student
because he was living in a small house in the country and had
no room for boarders, whereupon Jackson went to Salisbury and
read law with Spruce Macay.
Colonel Waightstill Avery was a gentleman of the old school,
and wore knee-breeches, powdered wig and full dress of the time
of Washington up to his death. He was a man of great dignity
of demeanor, but was remarkably courteous in his language and
manner, even toward young people. Writing of him when he
first came to the State, Wheeler says : ''He was truly an acquisi-
tion to any State. He was a gentleman and a scholar."
Colonel Avery had four children — three daughters and a son.
His daughter Elizabeth married William Lenoir, settled at Lenoir
City, Tenn., and was the founder of a large and influental
family, now scattered from Bristol to Chattanooga- His daugh-
ter Louisa married Thomas Lenoir, another son of his old friend.
General William Lenoir, and settled first on Pigeon River, in Hay-
wood County, and afterward at Fort Defiance, the old Lenoir
homestead. The other daughter married first a Mr. Poor, and
then Mr. Summey, and lived on Mills River, in Henderson
W. S. Pearson.
born at Swan Ponds, Burke County, September
22, 1785, and died December 31, 1864. He was
the only son of Waightstill Avery. He was
compelled to leave Doak's School, later Wash-
ington College, at Jonesboro, Tenn., at the age
of sixteen, when his preparation for college had just been fin-
ished. His father had been stricken with paralysis in his lower
limbs, and the son was compelled to take the burden of his very
extensive business, outside of his practice as a lawyer. His
teacher was the distinguished divine who prayed for Shelby's and
Sevier's men when they were leaving for King's Mountain.
Isaac T. Avery was a member of the house of commons from
Burke County in 1810 and 181 1, and was afterward more than
once a member of the council of state and aide-de-camp to Gov-
ernor Dudley. In 1824 he was, with Owen Kenan and others,
chosen a presidential elector.
He was happily married to Harriet Eloise Erwin in 1815 and
did not afterward seek any political preferment. His wife was
the daughter of William Willoughby Erwin, who was a member
of the convention that ratified the Constitution of the United
States at Fayetteville 1789, and the granddaughter of Colonel Wil-
liam Sharpe, a distinguished soldier of the war for independence
and the first member of the Continental Congress from the Rowan
district. He was a man of strong convictions and much firmness
and energy, united with broad views and excellent judgment. He
was cashier of the Morganton branch of the state bank for many
years, and in addition managed an extensive landed estate. He
devoted all his leisure time to reading and was well informed upon
many subjects. His nature was social, and nothing pleased
him more than to dispense a lavish hospitality.
He reared and educated a large family and left an extensive
landed estate. He was bowed down with grief near the end of
his life for the loss of his three oldest sons, who had fallen in
battle within one year (from July, 1863, to July, 1864).
A. C. Avery.
r ■f'TV,, £■ ■'£'-1:
.-^o/. ^^
est child of Colonel Isaac T. and Harriet E.
Avery, was born at Swan Ponds, in Bur£e
County, May 25, 1816. There were during
his boyhood no classical schools of high grade
in the piedmont section of North Carolina,
and upon attempting to enter college in the year 1833
he found that he was not thoroughly prepared in the
ancient languages. He therefore remained at Chapel Hill during
vacation of the first two years of his college course, and prose-
cuted his studies under the instruction of the late Dr. Mitchell
and Mr. Abram Morehead, and so faithfully did he apply himself
that before the end of two years he stood at the head of his class
and graduated with the first honor in 1837, in the same class with
Perrin Busbee, Peter Hairston, Pride Jones, and others.
He studied law with Judge Gaston, and was licensed to prac-
tice in 1839. He was from boyhood an ardent admirer of Mr.
Calhoun, and allied himself with the States' Rights wing of the
Democratic party. He was beaten as a candidate for the house
of commons in 1840, but in 1842 was elected as a Democrat from
Burke County, though the Whig candidate for governor carried
the county by a large majority. He had a large and lucrative
practice as a lawyer, and did not appear again actively as a poli-
tician until 1850. In May of 1846 he was married to Corrinna M.
Morehead, a beautiful and accomplished lady and a daughter of
the late Governor Morehead.
He served in the house of commons as a member from Burke
in 1850 and 1852, and in 1856 he was chairman of the North Car-
olina delegation in the National Democratic Convention which
nominated President Buchanan, and during the same year was
elected to the state senate, of which he was chosen speaker.
In 1858 he was a candidate for Congress, to fill the vacancy
made by the appointment of Hon. T. L. Clingman as United
States senator. Colonel David Coleman, who was also a Demo-
crat, opposed him. Although the district had given Mr. Buchanan
a very small majority in the election in 1856, the dissension was
such that Z. B. Vance, a Whig, was elected.
In i860 W. W. Avery was again chairman of the North Caro-
lina delegation in the National Convention at Charleston, and
seceded with the Southern wing of the party, which afterward
nominated Mr. Breckinridge. He was made chairman also of the
committee on platform. During the same year he was again elected
to the state senate, and declined the renomination for speakership
in favor of his friend H. T. Clark, of Edgecombe, who became
governor after the death of Governor Ellis, in the summer of
1 86 1. When Lincoln was elected, in November, i860, being a
lifelong believer in the right of secession, he favored immediate
action by the State, and urged the call of a convention during
the winter of i860 and 1861.
After the State seceded, on May 20, 1861, he was elected by
the convention one of the members of the Provisional Congress.
He served in that body until the provisional government was suc-
ceeded by the permanent government, provided for in the consti-
tution of the Confederacy, adopted in 1862. He was a member
and chairman of the committee on military affairs. A majority
of the Democrats in the Legislature of 1861 voted for Mr. Avery
for senator in the Congress of the Confederate States, but a
minority supported Hon. T. L. Clingman, while the Whigs voted
for a candidate from their own party. After balloting for several
weeks, a compromise was made by electing Hon. W. T. Dortch.
After the expiration of his term in Congress, in 1862, he re-
turned to his home with authority from President Davis to raise
a regiment, but was prevented from carrying out his purpose by
the earnest protest of his aged father and four brothers, who were
already in active service. They insisted that he was beyond age
for service and that it was his duty to his family and country to
remain at home. He was an earnest and active supporter of the
Confederate cause, and contributed liberally to the maintenance
of the soldiers and their families.
In 1864 an incursion was made by a party of so-called Union-
ists from Tennessee. This party after capturing a small body of
conscripted boys, in camp of instruction about four miles east of
Morganton, in Burke County, retreated toward Tennessee. Mr.
Avery joined his friend Colonel T. G. Walton, and with a small
body of Burke County militia and a few soldiers on sick or
wounded furlough pursued the invading party, who retreated
toward the mountains. They were found intrenched in a strong
position on the Winding Stairs on Jonas' Ridge. Mr. Avery and
his party vigorously attacked them, and in the encounter he was
mortally wounded. After being removed to his home in Morgan-
ton, he died July 3, 1864.
In all the relations of life he was distinguished for his kindness
and affability and his unselfish love for the comfort and happiness
of others. Few men have ever been more missed and lamented
by the community in which he lived. His aged father (then in his
eightieth year) went down to his grave sorrowing for the loss of
his three sons, who had fallen within one year. Mr. Avery left
surviving him three daughters— Mrs. Annie H. Scales, of Patrick,
Va., wife of Captain Joseph Scales; Mrs. Cora Avery Erwin,
wife of Captain G. P. Erwin, of Morganton, and Adelaide, who
married Hon. John J. Hemphill, a representative in Congress
from South Carolina, but died soon after her marriage ; and two
sons— John Morehead Avery, now a prominent lawyer of Dallas,
Texas, and Waightstill W. Avery, who resides in Mitchell County,
N- C. A. C. Avery.
was born October 3, 1819, and died June 19,
1864, of wounds received at the Wilderness.
(His left arm was amputated soon after the
[battle, and when his broken right leg was
being cut off, some weeks later, he died
under the operation. He was the second of the six sons of Colonel
Isaac T. and Harriet E. Avery that lived to years of maturity.
He was a graduate of the University of North Carolina and a
man of the most pleasing address. He was fond of the society
of young people, entered with zest into their amusements, and
was a great favorite with the boys. He did not desire office,
though he was one of the most popular and probably the most in-
fluential man in Burke County. He had strong convictions upon
all questions, and invariably acted upon them in elections. He
was prevailed upon by his friends to run for the convention at the
election on February 28, 1861, and was elected a delegate over
one of the most popular Unionists in the county by an overwhelm-
ing majority. The delegates elected did not meet, however, because
a small majority of the electors of the State voted "no con-
He was made captain of the first company formed in the county,
which became Company G of the Bethel regiment and was en-
gaged in the first battle of the civil war. When that company was
mustered out of service, at the end of six months, he was ap-
pointed by the governor of the State Ueutenant-colonel of the
Thirty-third regiment, of which General L. O'B. Branch was
colonel. Branch was soon commissioned as brigadier-general, and
Avery became colonel of his regiment. His commission as colonel
was dated early in 1862. He was captured with about half of his
regiment at New Bern, in 1862, and was kept in prison on John-
son's Island, Ohio, until October of that year.
His regiment was the equal in drill and discipline of any in the
army. Under his command it came up to the full measure of its
duty, and made a history from New Bern to Appomattox of which
the State should be proud. It was the only regiment in the
division to which it belonged that was in line ready to meet the
sudden onset of the enemy at the Wilderness when Grant ad-
vanced at the dawn of the day. The other regiments had stacked
their arms, and the men were many of them lying down on the
ground asleep. In the attempt, without support, to check the ad-
vance of the enemy he received the wounds that caused his death.
No man in the county was kinder or more charitable to those
in want. It was one of his greatest pleasures to dispense an un-
stinted hospitality and to exert all his powers to contribute to the
enjoyment of his guests. He married Elizabeth Tilghman Walton
and left surviving him four children — Martha, who married
George Phifer, a gallant boy soldier, and is the mother of a num-
ber of rising young sons in North and South Carolina and of two
daughters. Another daughter, Eloise, married Rev. James Col-
ton, and was the mother of Moulton Colton, Lizzie Colton, and
several other children who are rapidly rising as educators. His
only surviving son, Isaac T. Avery, is a prominent lawyer and
politician of Burke County. A fourth child is the wife of Rev.
John A. Gilmer, of Newton, N. C.
A. C. Avery.
son of Colonel Isaac T. Avery, and was born
December 20, 1828. He took a regular course
at the University of North Carolina, and after
leaving college was engaged for several years
in supervising a large stock farm owned by his
father in Yancey, now Mitchell, County, and in dealing in cattle,
as the partner of Colonel Montford E. Stokes, of Wilkes. He
was when the war began a contractor on the Western North Caro-
lina Railroad, in partnership with Colonel C. F. Fisher and
S. McD. Tate, and had shown himself a most efficient manager of
work of that kind.
He undertook to raise a company as soon as his friend Colonel
Fisher was appointed by the governor to organize the Sixth North
Carolina regiment of state troops to serve for three years or
during the war, and was successful in enlisting, with the assistance
of his brother, A. C. Avery, the largest company in the regiment.
While Colonel Avery was a patient, amiable and most agreeable
man, he believed in discipline, and had the firmness in a quiet way
to enforce the strictest obedience to authority and orders. He
sustained Colonel Pender, who succeeded Fisher, in his efforts to
bring the Sixth regiment up to the highest degree of efficiency,
and when Pender was made brigadier-general, just after the battle
of Seven Pines, he recommended Avery to succeed him, having
■■ L l>,n /^fnp/j.:',.. F:,f-i.iLhBr
already induced the governor to appoint him, over others who
ranked higher, lieutenant-colonel to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Lightfoot. Colonel (then captain) Avery received
a slight flesh wound in the charge upon Rickett's battery at Manas-
sas, which charge was made upon his suggestion. When it ap-
peared that the battery was silenced and the horses, artillery, and
a number of the supporting Zouaves had fallen. Captain Avery
said, "Colonel, let us charge !" Colonel Fisher said in reply, "That
is right, captain," and gave the command to his men, "Charge!"
Fisher led, but veered to the left, and fell fifty yards in advance
of his line. His regiment drove back the New York Zouaves and
captured Rickett's battery.
Colonel Avery was again wounded, more seriously, at Gaines'
Farm, in 1862. As senior colonel he was in command of what
had been Hoke's brigade, which was composed of the Sixth,
Twenty-first, Fifty- fourth and Fifty-seventh North Carolina regi-
ments, at Gettysburg. He fell mortally wounded in the advance
upon Cemetery Heights late in the afternoon of the second day.
Captain J. A. McPherson, first lieutenant and afterward captain
of Company E, Sixth North Carolina, who was acting as aide-de-
camp to Colonel Avery, gives the following account of the move-
ments and conduct of the brigade and the fall of Colonel Avery :
"... The brigade attacked a portion of Reynolds' command, entrenched
with a strong wire fence in front of the trenches, and after marching across
the open wheat field, they drove Reynolds from his position and through
the town to the wall on Cemetery Hill. . . .
"The brigade halted in a wheat field near, and just to the right of Gulp
House, where it remained all night and until just before sundown on the
next day, when it was ordered to move forward with his brigade and attack
Cemetery Heights."
In this attack Colonel Avery led the brigade on horseback, being
the only mounted man of the advancing column, until he fell from
his horse mortally wounded by a ball which passed through his
neck and shoulder. After falling from his horse he took from
his pocket a pencil and piece of paper, on which he wrote in indis-
tinct characters with his left hand (his right being paralyzed) the
following message : "Major : Tell my father I fell with my face
to the enemy. I. E. Avery."
"In June, 1896, I visited Gettysburg and located the place where Colonel
Avery fell, which was marked by order of the commissioners. The brigade
moved forward, scaling the heights and occupying the entrenchments of
the enemy." ("North Carolina Regiments," vol. i., pp. 354, 355.)
Of this charge Chief Justice Clark wrote in "Five Points in
the Record of North Carolina in the Great War of 1861-65" ^s
follows :
"That the soldiers of this State went somewhat farther at Gettysburg
than any others in the third day's battle is so succinctly and clearly shown
by Judge Montgomery and Captain W. R. Bond in the articles by them that it
is not necessary to recapitulate. The controverted point . . . was only as
to that charge, else we could have referred to the undisputed fact that on
the evening of the second day Hoke's brigade, commanded by Colonel Isaac
E. Avery (who lost his life in the assault), together with Louisianians from
Hay's brigade, climbed Cemetery Heights, being farther than any other
troops ventured during the three days. The following inscriptions placed
upon tablets locating the position and stating the services of Hoke's brigade
on the second day and Pettigrew's on the third day amply vindicate the
justice of our claim. (The tablets also record their glorious services on the
other days, which are omitted here.)
Hoke's Brigade
"Second of July. Skirmished all day and at eight p.m. . . . charged East
Cemetery Hill. Severely enfiladed on the left by artillery and musketry,
it pushed over the infantry line in front, scaled the hill, planted its colors
on the lunettes, and captured several guns. But assailed by fresh forces
and having no supports, it was soon compelled to relinquish what it had
gained, and withdrew. Its commander, Colonel Isaac E. Avery, was mor-
tally wounded leading the charge."
General Early said in his report :
"Accordingly, as soon as Johnson became warmly engaged, which was a
little before dusk, I ordered Hay and Avery to advance and carry the
works on the Heights in front. These troops advanced in gallant style for
the attack, passing over the bridge in front of them under a heavy artillery
fire, and then, crossing a hollow between that and Cemetery Heights,
moved up the hill in the face of at least two lines of infantry posted behind
plank and stone fences; but this they drove back, and passing over all
obstacles, they reached the crest of the hill and entered the enemy's breast-
works, and crossing it, gained the position of one of the batteries. But
no attack was made on the immediate right, as was expected, and not
meeting that support from that quarter, these brigades could not hold the
positions that they had attained, because the heavy force of the enemy
was turned against them from that part of the line, which the divisions
on the right were to have attacked, and these two brigades had, therefore,
to fall back, which they did with comparatively small loss considering the
nature of the ground over which they had passed and the immense odds
opposed to them.
". . .1 had to regret the absence of Brigadier-General Hoke, who was
severely wounded in the action of May 6th at Fredericksburg and did
not recover, but his place was worthily filled by Colonel Avery, of the
Sixth North Carolina regiment, who fell mortally wounded while leading
the charge on Cemetery Hill at Gettysburg on the afternoon of July 2d.
In his death the Confederacy lost a brave and good soldier."
The body of Colonel Avery was brought by his faithful servant,
Elijah Avery, in a cart to Williamsport, where it was buried. But
some of the over-zealous Confederates, after the war, had it dis-
interred and removed to some Confederate cemetery. His friends
have tried in vain to trace the removing party so as to bring his
remains to North Carolina for final burial.
A. C. Avery.
?ANY of the most honored Southern families
combine the blood of Pilgrim, Puritan or
Scotch-Irish with that of Cavalier, for before
the spirit of Garrison alienated the sections, the
adventurous men of New England, who have
since sought the West, frequently turned to the
South for a larger and more promising field for their endeavors
than was offered by the granite hills of their native region. Of
such a blending of Puritan and Southern blood, with a strain of
the Cavalier stock, is Judge Alphonso Calhoun Avery, the grand-
son of Waightstill Avery, and the fourth son of Colonel Isaac T.
Avery. His great-grandfather, Colonel William Sharpe, married
Katherine, the daughter of David Reese, a signer of the Mecklen-
burg Declaration of Independence. He was, therefore, descended
from two men who pledged their lives and fortunes to the sacred
cause of liberty by signing that instrument — David Reese and
Waightstill Avery.
Alphonso Calhoun Avery was born September ii, 1835, at
his father's estate. Swan Ponds, near Morganton, Burke
County, N. C, and he there passed the greater part of his
home life. It is an ideal place for a home; the broad valley
of the Catawba River, with its extensive plains and low
undulating forest-covered hills, stretches out to the north and
west, where rise the sharp crests of the mountains, forever
-'■?.:' /, i-a-r A'S'//^?'-.', Put/sA.r
glistening under the mellow southern sun. The Piedmont, it
is called, for just so do the Alps rise beyond the fertile plains
of the Po.
His boyhood was that of the typical ante-bellum country life,
quiet and simple, yet vigorous and natural, endowing him with
perfect health, and hardening a naturally vigorous constitution.
While his father was wealthy, owning more than one hundred and
fifty slaves, and reared his sons in cultured surroundings, giving
them the advantages of the best education which the State af-
forded, he believed in their knowing the business of farming thor-
oughly, as that was the chief occupation of southern gentlemen,
and each of his six sons was raised to follow the plow for at least
one season. This part of his education completed, the subject
of this sketch was prepared for college at the Bingham School at
Oaks, Orange County, afterward entered the University of North
Carolina, and graduated with the degree of A.B. in 1857, standing
first in his class among such men as Colonel Thomas S. Kenan,
Major Robert Bingham, Judge Thomas N. Hill of Halifax, and
Hon. W. P. McClain of Texas. The ambitious youth, excelling
in Latin and mathematics, was not content with his early aca-
demic laurels. An address of Governor Swain, heard while at
college, pointing out that judicial positions were the most exalted
and commonly afforded opportunity for winning the most endur-
ing reputation, determined the law as a profession. Young Avery
was not able, however, to exercise his choice at once, and for the
next two years, until the summer of 1859, he was in that part of
Yancey County which has since been organized as Mitchell, in
charge of a grass and stock farm of his father. He then, how-
ever, began the study of law under Chief Justice Richmond Pear-
son at Logtown, and within a year, in June, i860, was licensed
under the old statute regulations to practice in the county courts.
Although he was prepared to stand his examination for license
to appear before the superior court, the crisis of the war inter-
vened, and he hastened to take up arms in defense of his State.
Before leaving home to join the army he was married on Feb-
ruary 27, 1 861, to Miss Susan Washington Morrison, daughter
of Rev. R. H. Morrison, of Lincoln County, and granddaughter
of General Joseph Graham, of Lincoln.
His brother, I. E. Avery, was commissioned captain and he was
appointed first lieutenant of Company E, Sixth North Carolina
regiment, which he joined in April, 1861, at Charlotte, where the
regiment was being formed under Colonel Charles F. Fisher. This
was one of the ten regiments organized at the beginning of the
war, in which the men enlisted for three years' service.
The regiment at once proceeded to Virginia, where, after being
reviewed by President Davis at Richmond, it was hurried forward
by rail to Strasburg. A forced march was made to Winchester,
and thence to Manassas, and, within a week after leaving the
drill camp at Company Shops, N. C, it engaged in the bloody
battle of Manassas, arriving on the field at a crisis, and was partly
instrumental in turning defeat into victory. In the first engage-
ment Colonel Fisher and many other officers and men of the regi-
ment were slain, and because of its early losses and fine conduct
the regiment became famous in North Carolina. In the report
of the battle both Captain and Lieutenant Avery were compli-
mented for their excellent bearing on the field.
In 1862, when his brother was promoted to the colonelcy of the
regiment. Lieutenant Avery became captain of his company, and
later he was commissioned as major and assistant adjutant-gen-
eral of General D. H. Hill's division of the Army of Northern
Virginia. In 1863, on Hill's transfer to the western army,
Major Avery accompanied him to Chattanooga, but when General
Hill return to Richmond, after his disagreement with Bragg,
Major Avery remained in the West, serving on the staff of Breck-
enridge, Hindman and Hood, and being on the staff of the latter
in the retreat from Dalton to the Chattahoochee River. Toward the
end of the war, after the death of two of his brothers, he secured
permission to return to North Carolina, and was given a commis-
sion as colonel and the command of a battalion in western North
Carolina. In April, 1865, just before Johnston's surrender, he was
captured near Salisbury by General Stoneman, and was a prisoner
of war at Camp Chase and Johnson's Island until August, 1865.
In June, 1866, Colonel Avery secured his license to practice be-
fore the superior court, and at once entered upon the duties of
his profession. In the fall of the same year he was nominated by
the Confederate soldiers and elected to the North Carolina senate
by a large majority from the district formed of Burke, Caldwell,
and McDowell counties. This was the last legislative body con-
vened in North Carolina which was elected exclusively by white
Though the youngest member of the senate, he became a favor-
ite with older senators, among whom were ex-Governor Clark,
Judge Moore, Mr. J. H. Wilson, Colonel John W. Cunningham,
Hon. Mason L. Wiggins, and Colonel Edward Hall, and suc-
ceeded in originating and securing the passage of laws which
proved very beneficial to his constituents. The terminus of the
Western North Carolina Railroad was then at Morganton. The
charter provided that when solvent individuals should subscribe
a million dollars or more to the capital stock of the company, the
governor, upon that fact being certified by the president of the
company, should cause double the amount so subscribed to be
paid by the State in its bonds at par ; but the bonds could not be
sold for more than a song, because the interest was not being paid
on the outstanding bonded debt of the State. In this emergency
the young senator conceived the idea of enhancing the value of
the bonds thereafter to be issued for stock in the company by
pledging an equal amount of the State's stock in the North Caro-
lina Railroad Company for the payment of each state bond there-
after issued, and put his plan into execution by securing the enact-
ment of chapter 106, Laws of North Carolina of 1866-67. ^^
less than six months the grading was let to contract from Morgan-
ton to Asheville, and within two years was completed to Old Fort.
This work was paid for almost exclusively out of the proceeds of
the enhanced bonds issued under the act referred to, though the
bonds sold for much less than par. The passage of this act gave
rise to what is known as the "South Dakota Bond Suit," com-
promised by the State, but it enabled the company to complete
forty miles of road, extending it almost to the eastern portal of the
tunnel, and to do much grading on and beyond the Blue
Two years afterward, although there had been a readjustment
of the senatorial district, he was again elected on the Democratic
ticket, but as he had been elected solicitor of Burke County in
1861, the Republican senate, at the instance of Governor Caldwell,
decided that he was barred by the provisions of the Thirteenth
Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and his seat
was refused him. Thereupon he returned to Morganton and again
took up his profession, acting as counsellor in many important
cases. Although urged, he declined to be a candidate again for
the legislature. In 1875 he was elected from Burke County as a
member of the constitutional convention which revised the state
constitution. He was one of the foremost members of that dis-
tinguished body ; was largely instrumental in perfecting its organ-
ization, in adjusting differences of opinion among its members
and in drafting the important constitutional amendments it
adopted, which were always revised and made ready for the
reports of committees in a Democratic caucus.
Again, the subject of this sketch, being sent by the citizens of
Morganton, in 1875, to Raleigh to aid in securing the passage of
the bill, offered by Captain Mills in the senate, to provide for
building the asylum at Morganton, found while there that some
of the creditors of the North Carolina Railroad Company threat-
ened to disregard a private agreement with Colonel S. McD. Tate
and refused to settle their claims on the terms provided in Tate's
bill, whereupon he drew up a resolution, subsequently offered by
Major Erwin, representative from McDowell County, which
brought the recusant creditors to terms. This resolution will be
found on page 405, laws of 1874-75, and provided for reinstating
and carrying on a suit in equity involving the validity of their
claims, instituted by Governor T. R. Caldwell in the name of the
State, in the Circuit Court of the United States, at Greensboro, in
which a nonsuit had been entered, reserving to the State the priv-
ilege of reinstating the suit within a given time. The resolution
empowered Governor Brogden and Speakers Armfield and James
L. Robinson, of the senate and house, respectively, to cause the
original suit to be reinstated on the docket pending negotiation
for a compromise with the creditors of the Western North
Carolina Railroad Company, and the suit was reinstated by
Judge Avery was instrumental in compelling the Wilmington
and Weldon Railroad Company to submit to taxation. Availing
itself of the provisions of its charter exempting it from taxation,
the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company successfully re-
sisted all efforts in the courts and by legislation to tax its fran-
chise and property up to January, 1891. The charter of the rail-
road from Weldon to Petersburg had expired in 1888 and had
been reenacted for two years only, with the purpose of refusing a
further reenactment unless the other company would consent to
pay taxes. But the Wilmington and Weldon people, relying upon
the authority conferred by several amendments to their charter,
as well as the general law, defied the Legislature. The Supreme
Court of North Carolina had held in Railroad vs. Alsbrook,
no N. C. 137, that the branches of the Wilmington and Weldon
Railroad, being created by acts passed under the clause of the
Constitution of 1868, reserving to the State the right to alter
and amend all charters thereafter enacted, were not exempt from
taxation, while the charter for the main line, granted in chapter 78,
laws of 1833-34, contained a provision exempting that line from
taxation, which it was contended was in the nature of a contract,
protected from being impaired by the Constitution of the United
States. At the request of Elias Carr, afterward governor, but
then at the head of the Farmers' Alliance, Judge Avery, in March,
1891, drew what was published as chapter 544, laws of 1891,
which repealed all authority for connecting the line of the Wil-
mington and Weldon Railroad with the Virginia line between the
Blackwater and the crossing of the Clarksville Road over the
state line. The bill was offered by Mr. Jones, of Wake, and was
passed after a bitter fight in both houses ; but the franchise and
property of the railroad was on the tax lists for the next and
subsequent years. Mr. Baylus Cade, who is still living, repre-
sented Governor Carr in getting the bill from Justice Avery and
having it offered by Mr. Jones.
In the presidential election of 1876 Judge Avery was a Tilden
elector from the eighth congressional district, and made a favor-
able and extended campaign, being a strong, earnest speaker, and
exerting a great influence throughout the piedmont region. Two
years later he was elected judge on the Democratic ticket for the
eighth judicial district, and served until 1886, when he was re-
elected as judge of the tenth judicial district, in which position he
served until January, 1889, when he ascended the Supreme Bench
of North Carolina, having been elected associate justice in the
preceding fall. This position he continued to fill until January,
1897. While on the Supreme Bench, Justice Avery prepared
many opinions which are noted for their breadth of view and the
rational manner in which he applied his extensive knowledge of
the law and cited cases of precedents. At the very outset of his
service upon the Supreme Bench he rendered marked service to
the profession by certain decisions in which were crystallized rules
of practice applicable to issues and the granting of new trials
upon newly discovered testimony. Later, the rules governing
negligence, parole trusts, real estate, constitutional law, and other
questions of importance were simplified and made to cover
growing conditions of our new civilization.
In reviewing the dissenting opinion of Justice Avery in Emery's
case, Mr. Desty, in a legal classic, said the rules governing the du-
ties of judge and jury in trials of cases involving questions of neg-
ligence had never been more clearly expressed.
On the day before assuming the ermine of the Supreme Court
Bench he was married to his second wife. Miss Sallie Love
Thomas, a daughter of Colonel W. H. Thomas, of Jackson
County, and a great-granddaughter of Colonel Robert Love, of
Judge Avery possesses in a high degree the judicial tempera-
ment, as would be inferred from the length of time he has been
judge of the superior and supreme courts, resolute and flexible,
yet cautious and tempering justice with mercy. The traits which
he displayed upon the Bench he has carried with him through
life, for the role of judgeship but displayed his qualities in the
brighter light of publicity. While an unswerving Democrat, his
politics have never in^enced his judicial opinions, and he was
fair and impartial in administering justice. By belief and early
training Judge Avery is a Presbyterian, and he has been an elder
in the First Presbyterian Church of Morganton for more than
twenty-five years, and, indeed, he has carried his religion into his
daily life. At college he was a member of the Beta Theta Pi
fraternity. He is a Master Mason, an Odd Fellow, a member of
the Royal Arcanum, and an honorary member of the Junior Order
of United American Mechanics. In 1889 the University of North
Carolina conferred upon him the honorary degrees of A.M. and
LL.D., and the latter degree was likewise conferred by Trinity
College, North Carolina.
Judge Avery is a member of the Southern Historical Society.
He is especially interested in the history of the civil war period,
and has prepared several sketches and articles covering incidents
or actions of the war, the most important one being a sketch of
certain North Carolina regiments, and he is considering the prepa-
ration of a personal memoir covering the entire period.
Among other publications that he has made is an extended his-
torical account of Burke County, which is of great interest and
value, published in Smith's "Western North Carolina."
Judge Avery has had eleven children, among them being Isaac
Erwin Avery, the brilliant local editor of the Charlotte Observer,
whose untimely death in 1904 was lamented throughout the entire
State. W. W. Ashe.
child of Colonel Isaac T. Avery, was born May
7, 1842, at the old homestead Swan Ponds, on
the Catawba, in Burke .County. He was the
Benjamin of a large family, the pride of his
father, far past middle life at his birth, and as
youth and man was cast in nature's strongest mold.
His early instruction was received in part at the Marion Acad-
emy, then conducted by Mr. Morrison, the youth boarding at his
aunt's, Mrs. Adolphus Erwin's, at Pleasant Gardens, three miles
distant, thus necessitating a daily walk of six miles. In all boyish
exercises he was then famous, being of dauntless and most in-
trepid spirit, and gifted with a frame of iron and nerve of steel.
At the university he stood first in a large class, but left the
institution to volunteer in the Confederate army, his first service
being lieutenant in a company of cavalry raised in Burke County
by Colonel T. G. Walton, which became Company F, Forty-third
North Carolina or Third Cavalry. Later in the war he was com-
missioned second lieutenant in the Thirty-third regiment, com-
manded by his brother. Colonel C. M. Avery, on recommendation
of Lieutenant-Colonel, afterward Brigadier-General, Hoke, while
his brother was a prisoner. In this regiment he became, by pro-
motion for good conduct, captain of Company C, composed mainly
of men recruited in Forsyth and Yadkin counties. He was in
II '/j^' .A
VjZ.»««^..., Fui'al.,-
many difficult and trying situations, several times wounded, and
his death after the war was the direct result of an absolutely
shattered nervous system, growing out of a mouth and throat
wound received in the battle of the Wilderness in May, 1864.
This wound necessitated sharp surgery of the most painful nature
and compelled the use of false teeth, which he wore with difficulty
owing to the course of the ball.
Willoughby Avery had a remarkably fine sense of humor and
enjoyed a joke even when he was the butt of it. One such now
occurs to me in connection with his army experience. Late in
1864 or early in 1865, when the thin line at Petersburg was
daily growing thinner and desertions had increased in frightful
proportions, on a certain dark night a squad of men crossed the
lines and took service with the enemy. Among them were some
men of Avery's company; and the Federal line reaching up to
the Confederate line so close as to permit conversation, a little
Irish Federal sergeant mounted in front of the Thirty-third
regiment and made proclamation for "Captain Avery" — so the
story was told. The "Johnnies" yelled back to know his reason.
"I want him," said Pat, "to come over and take charge of his
In humor he far surpassed, in this writer's opinion, any mem-
ber of his family; and they are a people, without exception, gifted
in this regard. In the years after the war Avery was connected
at one time or another with the Asheville, Charlotte, Hickory and
Morganton press, and if from their files could be dug out, as has
been done in the case of his nephew, the brilliant Erwin Avery of
the Charlotte Observer, specimens of his rich and varied vein of
humor, a veritable feast of good things would delight the lover
of folk-lore.
'Nor was his genius confined to things witty and sharp. He
could at times blow a bugle blast (in his paper) which roused
the patriotism and party pride of men as effectively as the best
stump efforts of Vance and men of his like.
Soon after the war he married Miss Mattie Jones, of the Happy
Valley family in Caldwell, by whom he had one child, which died
in infancy, not long surviving the death of its mother. For years
Mr. Avery remained a widower, when in 1875 he married Miss
Laura Atkinston, of Johnston County, a stepdaughter of Hon.
W. A. Smith, by whom he left a son, Willoughby Moulton Avery,
recently married to Miss Emma Sharpe, of Greensboro, a grand-
daughter of Judge Settle.
This writer can never forget the shock which came to him upon
receiving a despatch at Statesville from Major Smith announcing
Mr. Avery's death at his (Smith's) home in Johnston County.
Avery had gone to the meeting of the General Assembly of 1876,
intending to be a candidate for one of the clerkships, his paper,
the Blue Ridge Blade, having rendered distinguished service in
the Vance-Settle, Tilden-Hayes canvass then closed. He left
Raleigh for a visit to his people, and our next news was that of
his death — the death of young Lycidas in his prime — Nov. 24,
Willoughby Avery never held public office, never seemed am-
bitious in that way ; he was too much of a lover of a good time
for business or business methods ; and yet he worked unsparingly
when his heart was in the task, and of newspaper work he was
exceedingly fond. That was the work he had taken for his life-
work, but its opportunity and emoluments were far less in his
day than in ours. Along with W. A. Heme and others of that
school he was sowing in a field where J. P. Caldwell and men of
the later school reaped a fine reward as the demand grew and
general intelligence advanced. But on that account what he did
and praise for the power that was in him to have done more
should not be passed by lightly. He was an all-round giant intel-
lectually, evolving slowly, at times painfully,, but a truth-seeker
to the core, and having a mind analytic as well as synthetic. His
reading was accurate, extensive and solid. As a critic his judg-
ments were entitled to respect, and no man in this section ever
evinced more of the Thackeray talent for satire upon society.
W. S. Pearson.
(■74«*. L '■'■:^-n M"pps'-
fSAAC ERWIN AVERY was born at the an-
cestral home of the Averys, at Swan Ponds,
about four miles from Morganton, in Burke
County, N. C, on the first day of December,
1 87 1, and died at Charlotte, on the second day
of April, 1904. He was the second son of Hon.
Alphonso C. Avery and Susan Morrison Avery. His parents
moved to Morganton when he was very young, and there his boy-
hood days were spent, attending the primary schools. He was
prepared for college at the academy in Morganton by Rev. John
A. Gilmer, now the Presbyterian minister at Newton, N. C, and
might have entered college at the age of sixteen, but remained
at home for a while, devoting most of his time to reading. His
fondness for reading developed when a mere boy, as did his pro-
pensity for writing humorous letters and compositions. He spent
some months in the service of the Western North Carolina Rail-
road Company, at Morganton and Hot Springs. For six months
or more prior to entering college he served as collector for the
Bank of Morganton. He entered the sophomore class of Trinity
Collegf (then located in Randolph County, and later moved to
Durham) in 1891, and his course there was marked by a special
fondness for history and literature. He was an excellent football
player and was universally esteemed by faculty and students.
During his senior year he read law under his father, the dean of
the law department of Trinity, and when licensed, in September,
1893, was, to say the least, as well prepared as any candidate in
the large class which went before the Supreme Court.
While, he was regarded by all who came in contact with him
as possessing a mind especially fitted for the law, his tastes and
talents were constantly driving him toward newspaper and more
general literary work. He had made good progress along this
line before leaving college, as editor of the Trinity Archive and
as correspondent for different papers in the State. His first con-
tribution which earned him money was a paragraph of about
thirty lines sent to Town Topics, without hope of reward, during
the Christmas vacation of 1892, and for which he received ten
dollars. This incident led to dreams of making reputation and
support some day as a writer.
Soon after receiving his license to practice law, Mr. Avery re-
turned to Morganton and was employed by Mr. W. C. Erwin as
associate editor of the Morganton Herald. Here he exercised
a free hand in writing for the paper, and attracted considerable
outside attention by his original methods and the excellent humor
in many of his articles. Upon the invitation of Mr. Thomas R.
Jernigan, then a citizen of Raleigh, who had been appointed by
President Cleveland consul-general at Shanghai, Mr. Avery left
for China in March, 1894, as secretary to the consul-general, and
in less than a year was appointed vice consul-general at Shanghai,
which office he filled until the spring of 1898, when a new consul-
general was named by President McKinley. In China Mr. Avery
did some writing for American newspapers, but decided not to
continue the work, owing to his connection with the consular ser-
vice. He was, however, during a large part of his stay in Shang-
hai a regular contributor to the North China Daily News, the
leading English paper in the Orient. While residing in Shanghai
Mr. Avery was prominent in the leading social circle among the
foreign residents, and absorbed a rich fund of information which
stood him in good stead later and made him a most interesting
talker not only about things in the Far East, but in the world at
When he returned to North Carolina he took up active news-
paper work after a few months, reporting the proceedings of the
state senate in the legislature of 1899 for a number of news-
papers represented by Colonel Fred A. Olds, of Raleigh, and had
charge of Colonel Olds' news bureau for a month or more while
he was on a trip to Cuba. About May i, 1899, he went to Greens-
boro, where he established a news bureau, representing a number
of leading papers in North Carolina and elsewhere. As a result
of his activity as a reporter, Greensboro became- especially promi-
nent as a news-dispensing center, and Mr. Avery's reputation as
a writer began to expand. On January i, 1900, he became city
editor of the Charlotte Observer, which position he filled until
his death. It was while there that his unusual literary gifts to
some extent gained the recognition which they really deserved.
Personally he was the most engaging of men. Handsome as
Apollo, with a countenance clear-cut and proclaiming in every
line his gentle birth; tall, massive of frame, he combined with
these physical attributes a manner as genial as the sunshine. His
cultivation was that of the schools, that acquired by the reading
of the best literature and by close association with, and acute ob-
servation of, the great world of men. His gifts of conversation
were equal to those with which he had been endowed for his pro-
fession, and thus he was with these, and his commanding pres-
ence, the center of every group in which he found himself. His
popularity was unbounded. In his great heart was charity for
all mankind, and it was ever open to the cry of distress. None
who knew him or followed him in his work will ever forget him
or cease to mourn that his life, so rich in promise, should have
been cut off before its sun had nearly reached meridian.
During his four years' sojourn in Charlotte Mr. Avery became
thoroughly identified with the best phases of the city's life, and
was a recognized leader in almost every movement that promised
benefit to the people. While he was a leader in the best social life
of the city, he was popular with all classes. He was especially
sought after by those in trouble, whether friends or strangers,
and while his time was generally taken up to large extent with
his newspaper work and calls made upon him by society, he
always took that necessary to offer counsel to those who
called on him. While exceedingly patient and genuinely anxious
to aid all who appealed to him, he would, on rare occasions, re-
mark with a sigh that he wished he did not know of so much un-
happiness — had not been made to put himself in the places of so
many people in distress. But this feeling was only momentary,
for he would immediately turn his thoughts to other things and
become again the possessor of that sunny disposition which was
one of his most charming characteristics.
While Mr. Avery was designated as "city editor" of the Char-
lotte Observer, he was in reality much more, for he was given
freedom to criticise or commend the public acts of men which
came under his observation, and while he never failed to write
what he thought, he did it in a way that made him few enemies,
even among those whose actions suffered most at his hand. While
he was most widely known because of his manner of handling
stories of human interest, either pathetic or humorous, as a mis-
cellaneous news-gatherer he was eminently successful, thus com-
bining gifts rarely developed in the same nature. So famous did
his writing become that it was not unusual for papers published
hundreds of miles from Charlotte to reprint his reports of events
which, written in the ordinary manner, would interest none save
those residing in the immediate vicinity in which the incidents de-
tailed occurred. Another rather unusual combination noticeable
in his newspaper work was his ability to write pathetic as well as
humorous articles. He could do either with equal readiness, yet
his natural propensity was toward that of humor — the clean,
sweet and yet sharp and sparkling kind that would cause a laugh,
and no more. In his general newspaper work, where he was con-
fined to no special class of events, but had the entire field at his
disposal, he seemed never at a loss as to how a story should be
written, and he made remarkably few mistakes. This statement
is, of course, intended to convey the idea that Mr. Avery was a
student of human nature. In fact, he seemed to know men at
first sight, and his ability to pick out a fraudulent scheme when
first unfolded to him — no matter how well clothed — was notice-
able on many occasions, and the value of this clear-sightedness
in his work as city editor was incalculable.
Mr. Avery could not only gather the news which was on the
surface, so to speak, and put it in the proper shape to go before
an intelligent public, but he could readily induce people to give
out particulars that are legitimate matters of publicity, but which
are often withheld by those who possess the information desired.
Therefore he was preeminently known among his newspaper asso-
ciates as the best of interviewers. Whenever an occurrence of
special importance came to light, no matter where, the first
thought in the Observer office was that Avery should be on the
ground, and, whenever it was possible to do so, he was sent at
once to the scene. Who can ever forget his stories of the mill
disaster in South Carolina? or his account of the Greensboro re-
union? His paper received numerous requests to have him as-
signed to out-of-town meetings and other events which it was
desired should be handled in a masterly manner.
In exercising the prerogatives of his position it often fell to
his lot to pass unfavorable criticism upon men or systems. He
did this in such a manner as he thought appropriate, and now and
then a controversy would develop; but he invariably contented
himself with merely stating his position clearly, being satisfied
to let the public draw its own conclusions. On a few occasions
his humorous references to people brought them to see him, to
protest that they should not have been referred to in the manner
which he had seen fit to employ. Here, too, he was especially
gifted, for, without any semblance of a compromise, he would
make peace in a way that would sometimes provoke envy in his
newspaper associates, and in rare instances disappoint them when
they thought he might have to essay the role to which by nature
he seemed especially fitted in a physical sense, owing to the belli-
cose vein into which the aggrieved party had brought himself
on reading Mr. Avery's description of him.
More significant than his work as a reporter or an interviewer
or an editorial writer was his "A Variety of Idle Comment" — a
department of the Observer which appeared on Monday morn-
ings— and upon this department his fame largely rests. A man
of the world, of contact with all sorts and conditions of human-
ity, he had closely studied his fellows and looked "quite through
the deeds of men." A commentator upon their virtues and vices,
their merits and weaknesses, he brought to every discussion the
subtlest analysis, and with perfect, sometimes startling, fidelity
"held the mirror up to nature." His pen was adapted with utmost
facility to every subject he touched, and he touched none but to
adorn or illumine it. Amiable, sweet of spirit, he yet might
feel that a person, a custom or an institution called for invective
or ridicule, and he was a torrent. Anon a child, a flower, a friend-
less one appealed to him, and his pen caressed them as his heart
was attuned to the music of the spheres. His humor was ex-
quisite; his pathos tear-compelling. He was the master of a rich
vocabulary — the master ; that is the word. It responded immedi-
ately to every demand upon it; and thus he attempted no figure
that was not complete ; he drew no picture that did not stand out
on the canvas in colors of living light. The writers profess some
familiarity with the contemporaneous newspaper writers of the
South, and are sure that they indulge in no exuberance of lan-
guage, that personal affection warps their judgment not at all,
when they say that for original thought, for power or felicity of
expression, Isaac Erwin Avery had not an equal among them.
/. C. Abernethy.
J. P Caldwell.
i'/mff £, f'^'j jYcK'ji-g'J, /^ai^i^^si
JHILE there may be some question as to who
should be regarded as the greatest North Caro-
Unian, certainly in any list of the five greatest
the name of George E. Badger would be in-
cluded. Not so great a lawyer as RufBn or
Pearson or Judge Haywood and perhaps some
others; not so great an orator as Joseph Alston Hill or W. W.
Cherry or George Davis or General Ransom, he has always been
awarded a place in the first rank of the greatest sons of this State
because of the comprehensiveness of -his mental equipment, his
varied attainments, his wonderful power as an orator and de-
bater, and his learning.
In both lines of descent Mr. Badger inherited a stalwart pa-
triotism. His father, Thomas Badger, sprang from a Revolution-
ary family in Connecticut and was born at Windham, in that
State, in 1766. Having been educated at Yale, he came in early
manhood to New Bern and taught school at Spring Hill, in
Lenoir County, for some time, and was admitted to the Bar,
making his home at New Bern. From 1792 until his death in
1799 he was regarded as a brilliant lawyer and one of the ablest
men in the State. He married, about 1793, Lydia Cogdell, a
daughter of Richard Cogdell, a leading Revolutionary patriot of
New Bern.
On April 17, 1795, Mr. Badger, the first child and only son of
his parents, was born at New Bern. His father dying when he
was but four years of age, leaving the widowed mother with but
little fortune, his prospects in life were not very flattering. After a
preparatory course in the local schools of New Bern, however, a
rich relative in the North provided the means for his entering
Yale College, and at the age of fifteen he became a pupil at that
institution. There he was beyond dispute the first boy of his
class, but before the completion of his sophomore year his kins-
man withdrew his support, and he returned home and studied law
under his cousin, Hon. John Stanly, a distinguished lawyer, states-
man and orator, who in September, 1802, had killed Governor
Richard D. Spaight in a duel, but was pardoned by Governor
Williams. Stanly was twice speaker of the house of commons
and died in 1834.
In the summer of 1814, at the age of nineteen, Mr. Badger was
granted his license to practice in the county courts, and about
that time an invasion of the State being threatened by the British
under Admiral Cockburn, then hovering on our coast. Governor
Hawkins called out the militia and took the field to defend New
Bern and Beaufort. On this occasion Mr. Badger served as
aide-de-camp to General Calvin Jones, of Wake, with the rank of
major. Hardly had he obtained his license before he was ap-
pointed solicitor to prosecute for the State in that district. In
1816, when just turned twenty-one, he was elected to represent
New Bern in the legislature. These marks of favor and appre-
ciation indicate that even at that early age he gave evidence of
high powers and strong character. In the Assembly he met Hon.
Thomas Ruffin, the speaker of the house, who, being then ap-
pointed a judge, invited Mr. Badger to take his cases in the
Orange circuit. Accepting this offer, he removed to Hillsboro,
where he resided for two or three years; but marrying at that
time the daughter of Governor James Turner, of Warren, he
moved to Warrenton. In 1820, when but twenty-five years of
age, so superior were his accomplishments and so high was his
reputation that he was elected a judge of the superior court, and
served on the Bench for five years. At the age of thirty he re-
tired from the judicial office and, locating in Raleigh, devoted
himself to his profession, in which he took rank with the fore-
most of his brethren.
"His massive forehead and sparkling eye and a countenance that seemed
to have a supernatural illumination attracted the gaze and scrutiny of
every one who saw him and subdued every feeling but that of astonishment
and wonder, and when he spoke, the rich, musical tones of his voice, the
perfection and eloquence of his language, and his faultless pronunciation
charmed his hearers and persuaded all who listened to him. The attention
being riveted, the spell was never broken till he chose to suspend and
permit you to breathe again in freedom. His mind was thoroughly culti-
vated; he had read nearly everything in our language and very much in
Latin and Greek and was familiar with all the incidents of history. His
memory was unfailing and his powers of recollection without a limit.
All that he had read and observed were as servants at his hands, ready
to illustrate his arguments, to adorn his language or to magnify his elo-
quence. It seemed that he knew everything that was beautiful and elo-
quent and enchanting, and blended them in harmony as a lovely picture,
and then with bewitching words invited the admiration and wonder of his
hearers to the scene before them."
He was especially noted as a conversationalist, and with his
friends was genial, familiar, jocular, and with such an exuberance
of sprightliness that at times it led to apparent frivolity. He had
an inexhaustible fund of anecdotes and related them inimitably.
Having now achieved eminence, Yale College enrolled his name
among the members of his class who graduated in 1813 and con-
ferred upon him the degree of LL.D., as did also the University
of North Carolina, of which institution he became a trustee and
so continued for some twenty years.
On the disappearance of the Federal party during the War of
1812 there seemed to be but a single party in the Union, the Re-
publican; but there remained factions in every State, and at
length, about 1834, various factions cooperating came to be known
as the Whig party.
In 1828 Mr. Badger had supported Jackson for the presidency,
and it was expected that he would be made attorney-general of
the United States, but General Jackson made another appoint-
merit. In North Carolina, later, Jackson had driven off from
him many who entirely disapproved of his invasion of the rights
of South Carolina by his Force Bill and others who antagonized
his violent opposition to the National Bank; and, indeed, the
Republicans of that period were divided into Federal Republicans
and National Republicans, the latter of whom advocated the exer-
cise of extensive powers by the Federal Government, which the
former deemed either unconstitutional or inexpedient. It was
on these lines chiefly that the Republican party, which had admin-
istered the government from Jefferson's election in 1800, split
into two great factions. In 1836 the Whigs, as the opposition
party then was called, were successful locally, although the elec-
toral votes of North Carolina were given to Van Buren. Mr.
Badger had aligned himself with that party and was among the
most distinguished of its leaders in this State. In 1839 the Whigs
held their National Convention at Harrisburg and nominated
General Harrison and Governor Tyler of Virginia as their presi-
dential candidates, without, however, adopting any platform or
resolution or principles or making any declaration of purpose, the
great demand made on the hustings and through the press being
for reform and "to turn the rascals out." North Carolina now
gave her fifteen votes to Harrison, and on his inauguration as
President he invited Mr. Badger to take the office of secretary
of the navy. Mr. Badger, however, remained in the cabinet only
six months. In April, 1841, President Tyler succeeded General
Harrison, and differences arose that led to Mr. Badger's retire-
The united forces of the opposition embraced many men of
many minds. Harrison and most of his friends, including Mr.
Badger, were in favor of the reestablishment of the bank; Gov-
ernor Tyler was not only opposed to the bank but considered that
Congress had no power to charter one except as a necessity of
governmental operations. On his accession to the presidency that
question made a split between him and the Whig leaders. Con-
gress passed a bill to charter a bank, which Tyler vetoed ; but he
assented to the introduction of a new measure somewhat differ-
ently cast. Yet when that bill was passed he likewise vetoed It.
His action separated him from his party, who generally declared
him a traitor, and Mr. Badger with great indignation resigned
his office, along with Mr. Ewing, afterward in Taylor's cabinet,
and with Hon. John Bell, afterward the Constitutional Union
presidential candidate in i860. Secretary Badger's administra-
tion was so brief that he accomplished but little, and yet the
measures then inaugurated were later effective in bringing about
reforms in the naval service. It may be remarked in passing that
at that period whiskers and beard were not usually worn by gen-
tlemen, and Mr. Badger found it expedient to issue an order that
naval officers could wear beards cut in a certain way, which then
became known as "Badgers."
Returning home, he resumed the practice of his profession, and
was accorded the leadership of his party in North Carolina, to
which he was entitled by virtue of his splendid powers.
In 1846 William H. Haywood, who had been elected United
States senator as a Democrat and had been instructed to vote for
tariff reform, dramatically resigned rather than vote for the tariff
measure prepared at that session, General J. J. McKay, of Bladen,
being the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means in the
House, but the bill was commonly called the "Walker Bill" be-
cause of the connection with its preparation of Robert J. Walker,
President Polk's secretary of the treasury. At the succeeding ses-
sion of the legislature; in 1848, both houses were a tie, but Mr.
Badger was elected to succeed Mr. Haywood, although the elec-
tion was unsought and unexpected by him and he was absent at
the time. He continued in the Senate until 1855, taking rank in
that body with Mr. Webster and other men of the first ability,
although he was not as useful as some others as a business mem-
ber. It was his custom when entering the Senate to linger and
have a pleasant word with nearly every member before taking his
seat. This he would not retain long, for he was less frequently
in his own seat than in that of other members. Yet with this
apparent carelessness he would catch and remember every word,
whether trivial or important, uttered in debate, and was ready
to answer any questions. He had a certain kind of humor, and
would ridicule, in a pleasant way, even the most dignified of the
senators if any should happen to make a little mistake or blunder
either in speech or conversation. Mr. Webster once remarked:
"Badger is the greatest trifler I ever knew; we are all afraid of
him ; he can make more out of a trifling occurrence than any man
I ever knew." But Mr. Webster had the highest respect for his
legal ability and great powers. In a note to Judge Story intro-
ducing Mr. Badger, Mr. Webster said: "I beg to introduce to
you Hon. George E. Badger, of North Carolina, your equal and
my superior." In some respects certainly Mr. Badger was Mr.
Webster's superior.
At that time he was appearing in many important cases in the
Supreme Court of the United States, and his reputation was very
great as a lawyer and he was regarded as one of the most eminent
characters at the Federal capital. As a statesman he had adopted
a rule for the construction of the Constitution which he once
heard Judge Marshall enunciate from the Bench in North Caro-
lina: "The Constitution of the United States is to be construed
not strictly, not loosely, but honestly." On the burning question
of slavery in the territories, while arguing the justice and expedi-
ency of opening the territories to all immigrants without restric-
tion as to any species of property, he yet refused to argue that
Congress had no constitutional power to legislate on the subject
of slavery in the territories. For this he incurred the disappro-
bation of the extreme advocates of Southern interests. In 1853,
just before the inauguration of President Pierce, President Fill-
more nominated him to a vacant position on the Supreme Court.
Although the Senate was Democratic, it would under other cir-
cumstances have confirmed him without referring the appointment
to a committee, but believing that Mr. Pierce could fill the vacancy
by a more acceptable appointment, with reluctance it withheld
its consent and the appointment was not acted on. Later,
President Pierce appointed Judge Campbell, of Louisiana, to the
It was about this time that Mr. Badger performed an important
service to the Episcopal Church in North Carolina, of which he
was a member. He was one of the vestry of Christ Church at
Raleigh, and he first moved in the matter of Bishop Ives, whose
conduct he did not approve, but who was greatly beloved and
revered throughout the diocese. At first Mr. Badger was very
severely criticised, but the result proved his wisdom, and his posi-
tive action in the matter gave him another title to the esteem and
regard of those interested, and illustrated the manliness of his
character. A little later Bishop Ives abandoned Protestantism
and became an adherent of the Papacy.
Mrs. Badger having died, Judge Badger married a second time.
Miss Mary Polk, a daughter of Colonel William Polk by his wife
Sarah, a daughter of Philemon Hawkins. Mrs. Badger was a
sister of Leonidas Polk, Bishop of Louisiana and general in the
confederate army. Colonel William Polk by his first wife, Miss
Gilchrist, had two other sons, one of whom was the father of
another Mary Polk, who became the wife of Hon. George Davis.
On the death of his second wife, Mr. Badger married Delia, a
daughter of Sherwood and Eleanor Hawkins Haywood. She
had first married General William Williams and was Delia Will-
iams at the time of her marriage to Mr. Badger. She was a lady
of rare loveliness and enjoyed the affectionate regard of a large
circle of relatives and friends. She survived Mr. Badger several
After his retirement from the Senate, Mr. Badger, like Chief
Justice Ruffin and other characters of the highest respectability,
served as chairman of the county court and gave his attention to
the administration of the local affairs of the people of Wake
County. He held also the position of regent of the Smithsonian
Institution. In his professional visits to Washington and in all
his correspondence with public men he never departed from that
moderation on the exciting subject of the period which had char-
acterized him as a senator. He joined in the movement for the
organization of a Constitutional Union party; he accepted the
nomination for elector on the Bell and Everett ticket and ad-
dressed the people in its support.
Although up to the last moment a Union man, yet when the
Convention met on May 20, 1861, being a member from Wake
County, he offered an ordinance declaring the separation of
North Carolina from the United States, which, after a recital
of the reasons that required the separation of the State from the
Union, continued:
"Therefore this Convention, now here assembled in the name and with
the sovereign power of the people of North Carolina, doth for the reasons
aforesaid and others, and in order to preserve the undoubted rights and
liberties of the said people, hereby declare all connection of government
between this State and the United States of America dissolved and abro-
gated, and this State to be a free, sovereign and independent State. . . .
And appealing to the Supreme Governor of the World for the justness of
our cause, and beseeching Him for His gracious help and blessing, we
will, to the uttermost of our power and to the last extremity, maintain,
defend and uphold this declaration."
The line of difference between public men at that time in re-
gard to the right of secession was that most of the Democrats
held that any State having ratified the Constitution of the United
States could lawfully abrogate its compact at will, while the old
Whig leaders regarded that the right to withdraw from the Union
was merely based on the natural right of revolution and not on
the reserved rights of the states. Mr. Badger's proposed ordi-
nance seemed to be based on the right of revolution. William S.
Ashe, Burton Craige and other Democratic members preferred
a simple ordinance annulling the ordinance adopted by the State
in 1789, whereby the Constitution of the United States was rati-
fied and adopted. Mr. Craige moved to strike out Mr. Badger's
resolution and substitute one simply repealing the ordinance of
1789. On the motion to strike out forty members voted with
Mr. Badger and seventy-two against him. On the motion to
adopt Mr. Craige's ordinance the vote was unanimous. Judge
Badger, however, was not recorded as voting at all. Still he
signed the ordinance and stood foursquare in favor of all meas-
ures of defense to the last extremity. The Convention held four
sessions, finally adjourning on May 13, 1862.
In March, 1862, upon the fall of New Bern, President Lincoln
appointed Edward Stanly military governor of North Carolina.
Mr. Stanly was a son of John Stanly, under whom Mr. Badger
had studied law, and was his kinsman. He had been a most im-
portant member of the Whig party in eastern North Carolina
and was a member of Congress with some intermission from
1837 to 1853. He was an actor in the dramatic scene in the house
of commons of North Carolina in 1849 when he proposed to the
western members to support the Ashe Bill incorporating the
North Carolina Railroad Company, his action at that moment
paving the way for the passage of that bill.
In 1853 he moved to California, and in 1862 came to New
Bern as the military governor of North Carolina. In connection
with that appointment Judge Badger wrote a letter to Jonathan
S. Ely, of New York, on the feeling in North Carolina. In it
Mr. Badger said:
"There is no union feeling in North Carolina, as you suppose and is
probably supposed by the generality of northern men. There was in the
State a very strong union feeling, a strong love for the Union as estab-
lished by our forefathers, but as soon as Mr. Lincoln's proclamation of
April, 1861, appeared, offering us the alternative of joining that armed
invasion of our southern sister states for their subjugation, or resisting
the authorities of the United States, our position was taken without a
moment's hesitation. A convention was promptly called, and instantly,
without a dissenting voice, that convention resolved to take our side with
the already seceded states, and share their fate for good or evil. From
that moment, however we may have differed in other things, there has
not been and there is not any difference; hence our people with one heart
sprang to arms.
"We look with horror at the thought of being again united in any political
connection with the North. We would rather far that our State should be
a colony of England, or France, or Sardinia. The North may be able
(though we do not believe it) to conquer us, and even to keep us con-
quered, and if it should be the wise and good purpose of the Almighty
that this should happen, we shall endeavor to suffer with patience whatever
ills may befall us; but a voluntary return to any union with the North
we cannot, will not accept on any terms. A revival of any union senti-
ments is an impossibility."
While taking a walk at an early hour on the morning of Jan-
uary 5, 1863, he was prostrated by a paralytic stroke, and before
reaching his residence his mind wandered and his faculty of
continuous speech deserted him, never again to return. In this
condition he lingered until May n, 1866, when, after a few days'
illness, he expired, having recently completed his seventy-first
Judge Schenck, a member of the Secession Convention along
with Judge Badger, and writing of him at that period, says :
"I remember him as a grand old man whom I loved and admired and
venerated, and I feel proud that he honored me with his friendship and
association. He may have had his equals, but I do not believe that his
superior as a lawyer, an orator, a scholar and a conversationalist lived
in this generation. He was the greatest man I ever knew."
S. A. Ashe.
^r /j~73 s^r/Anr
'a^ L f-i^T /Vcc^!-n. J=id-'-^^«r^
an excellent man. He was a typical North
Carolinian among the well-to-do and pros-
perous classes in the ante-bellum days. He
was born in Rockingham County, N. C, May
19, 1797, where he spent his long and useful
life, which ended peacefully, crowned with honor, love and
esteem by his fellow-citizens, on April 16, 1886. Being one of
the oldest men in the county, having lived nearly eighty-nine
years, and having been in former years prominent in politics and
public life, successful in business, kind and generous to his
neighbors, especially to the poor, cheerful and truthful, he en-
joyed to the last the love, esteem and confidence of his fellow-
citizens, and was honored in death by one of the largest funeral
processions that was ever given to any one in the county.
Mr. Boyd was married to Miss Minerva Hill, July 19, 1827,
and by this marriage there were five children, all sons ; the eldest
died in infancy, the others attained manhood.
The mother of these sons, who was a lady of fine intellectual
ability and noble moral qualities, died March 2, 1844, and Mr.
Boyd was married the second time March 29, 1859, to Miss
Eliza C. Webb, who loved and comforted him in his declining
years, and who survived him until July 11, 1903. By this mar-
riage one child, a daughter, was born, Mrs. J. H. Blackwell, of
Reidsville, N. C.
Mr. Boyd was a farmer from choice, and a very successful one,
a,nd at the same time owned and conducted a large store and
flouring mills, both situated near his home, and it is said at times
the "Boyd Place" presented the bustle and activity of a small
Being thus situated, he was widely known, and he had the op-
portunity to study and to know the people, and being endowed
with a splendid physique, a commanding personal appearance, a
big heart and extraordinary mental powers, he wielded a very
wide influence in his day. He was the "people's man," and his
wholesome advice, wise counsel and sound judgment, on various
subjects and interests of the commonwealth, were eagerly sought
after by the common people, and freely given through a long
period of years. He was an ardent Democrat, and for many years
took an active interest in politics. He was known as "Squire
Boyd," and for many years served the people as a magistrate, but
his intellectual endowments and adaptability to the masses called
him to higher positions of usefulness. He was first elected as a
member of the lower house of the legislature in 1840, with the
Hon. R. P. Cardwell. He was afterward elected successively for
three terms as a member of the senate, and served in this capacity
until 1848. In 1853 Mr. Boyd was the Democratic candidate for
Congress in his district, against the Hon. R. C. Puryear, who was
the Whig candidate. The Whigs at that time had an overwhelm-
ing majority in the district, and while Mr. Boyd was defeated by
Mr. Puryear, yet he reduced the majority of more than 1000 votes
to about 300, which showed his great popularity with the masses
of the people.
After the civil war he was elected a member of one of the con-
ventions which never met, and he retained the unbounded confi-
dence and esteem of his fellow-citizens unto the end of his long
Mr. Boyd, like many of his compeers, suffered not only in the
common misfortunes of the civil war in the loss of his property,
but he suffered in the terrible bereavement and loss of his noble
sons. He gave four sons to the "lost cause" ; two were killed in
battle, one died in the service, and one returned to bless his old
age. All of these sons were brave soldiers and gallant officers.
Of the five sons born to the subject of this sketch the eldest,
James Pinkney, died in infancy. John Hill Boyd entered the Con-
federate army as captain of Company L, Twenty-first North Car-
olina regiment, and died in Richmond, Va., August 28, 1861,
from exposure and disease contracted in the service.
Samuel Hill Boyd entered the service as captain of Company E,
Forty-fifth North Carolina regiment, and by his personal bravery
was promoted to colonel of the regiment, and fell at Spottsylvania
Court House, May 19, 1864, while leading his men and mounting
the breastworks of the enemy, bearing aloft the colors of the
regiment in his own hand.
George Fulton Boyd first enlisted in a Mississippi regiment and
was transferred to the famous Forty-fifth North Carolina regi-
ment, became a lieutenant of Company A, and was killed at Get-
tysburg, July I, 1863.
Colonel Andrew J. Boyd, the surviving son, is considered in a
separate sketch.
Mr. Boyd belonged to that class and type of men in the ante-
bellum days, not so numerous now, who chose the quiet life of
the farmer and who lived among the people and with the people,
and yet towered above their fellows in intellectual endowments
and educational advantages, and therefore wielded a tremendous
influence in molding the character of men and in shaping the
political destinies of the country. He did his work nobly. He
served his generation well. He came to his grave in a full age,
trusting in God, "like as a shock of corn cometh in his season,"
fully ripe, ready to be garnered, and honored of God and men.
D. I. Craig.
subject of this sketch, was born in Rockingham
County, N. C, about four miles southwest of
Reidsville, February 24, 1836, and died on
Friday, August 18, 1893, in the fifty-eighth year
of his age.
Colonel Boyd was the son of the Hon. George D. Boyd and
Minerva Hill, who were the parents of a family of five sons. One
of these sons died in infancy, and the other four lived to mature
manhood and were conspicuous and distinguished in the confed-
erate army, and all of them except the subject of this sketch gave
their lives to the "lost cause."
Andrew Jackson Boyd entered the service as lieutenant of Com-
pany L, Twenty-first North Carolina regiment, and was after-
ward transferred to the Forty-fifth regiment, in which he first
became major and afterward was promoted to lieutenant-colonel,
which position he held until he was forced by broken health to
retire from the army.
Colonel A. J. Boyd was reared in the country, and his early
academic education was received at Madison, N. C, and at the
then famous Smith School at Shady Grove, near Stoneville, N. C.
He afterward entered Emory and Henry College, Virginia, and
from this institution he entered upon the study of law under
Judge Pearson at Logtown, N. C, completed his course and
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began the practice of law at Wentworth, N. C, before he enlisted
in the army.
Colonel Boyd went from the bar to the front, and as a soldier
he displayed in a marked degree those characteristics which were
so conspicuous in his eventful after life. He was a brave man
and in the army often distinguished himself for personal gallantry
as well as for being an organizer and leader of men. He was
quick to take high rank among his associates. He was naturally
of a secretive nature, and was often slow in making up his mind,
but his convictions always took deep root, and when once formed
they were as firm as a rock. He was scrupulously careful and
painstaking in his work, mastering every detail of the situation,
alert in grasping every aspect of the case, and planning his line of
action with marvelous acumen. He was always calm, self-poised,
clear-headed, long-sighted ; he never forgot himself, and his fertil-
ity of resource and personal courage never failed him. These
characteristics made him a favorite soldier and officer in the
Confederate service and distinguished him as a born leader of
Colonel Boyd was a man of fine physique, but the exposure
and hardships of camp life completely undermined his health, and
in the fall of 1863 he was compelled to retire from the service.
He at once returned to the practice of law, and endeavored by
every means possible to resto,re his broken health.
On July 7, 1864, Colonel Boyd was married to Miss Sallie A.
Richardson, eldest daughter of Robert P. Richardson, Sr. This
proved to be a happy union until her death, which occurred June
8, 1869, leaving him with three small children, Samuel H.,
George D., and Mary E. Boyd. In the winter of 1864 Colonel
Boyd was elected and served as a member of the lower house
of the state legislature. These were stormy times and required
such men as Andrew Boyd to steer and keep afloat the ship of
state, no less than those who planned and executed the deadly
charge on the field of battle.
After the war Colonel Boyd persistently refused to gratify
the wish of his friends to become an aspirant for political
honors. With the single exception of accepting the appointment
of President Cleveland as collector of internal revenue of the fifth
district, which office he filled for two or three years, he declined
every overture to enter public life. Nevertheless, he took a
deep interest in all political questions and was an influential
factor in the Democratic campaigns of his time, being an ardent
Democrat of the Andrew Jackson type. For many years no man
in Rockingham County seemed to question his recognized right
to leadership in the Democratic party, or failed to find in him a
strong friend or a dangerous foe — a strong leader, strong in
intellect, strong in will and strong in character. But he gave
his unceasing attention to the practice of law, the profession he
loved, and to the study and management of finance. He was
an able lawyer and a perfect wizard in the art of managing
finances. At the bar he was not conspicuous as a jury advocate,
though in addressing the court his style was finished and his
statements lucid and luminous in their character. It was always
as consulting attorney that he displayed that judicial cast of
mind and wonderful legal tact and skill which seemed to have
been born with him, and not in the arena of forensic eloquence.
In the resolutions adopted by the bar of Rockingham County
and spread upon the minutes of the court at Wentworth after
his death, the following language is used :
"The county and State have lost a m5n faithful, courageous and true
in the discharge of all his obligations in every relation of life, both in peace
and in war. A man gifted in his attainments, learned in his calling, faithful
and efficient, painstaking and laborious, lucid in thought, forceful and
elegant in diction, and, in brief, a sound and excellent lawyer."
Colonel Boyd was not only an able lawyer, but a man of
unrivaled business sagacity and a high-toned gentleman. As a
business man he exerted an influence which few men who have
ever lived in Rockingham County possessed. Men of wealth as
well as the poor took him into their most guarded confidence,
and large estates were left with him to settle, and he was always
able to command money in any amounts he wished, either for
himself or for his friends. He possessed the unbounded confi-
dence of his fellow-citizens in financial matters, and at the time
of his death was president of the Bank of Reidsville, which insti-
tution largely owes its origin and existence to him, and he was
also president of the Reidsville Hermitage Cotton Mills; and
yet, it is said, in all these positions of trust and confidence, he
was never known to abuse the power he possessed.
On September i, 1875, Colonel Boyd was happily married the
second time to Miss Margaret I. Richardson, a sister of his first
wife. By this union there were five children, Sallie R., John R.,
Robert R., Bessie W., and Margaret P., all of whom, and their
mother, are still living.
On October 27, 1889, Colonel Boyd, together with two of his
children, united with the Reidsville Presbyterian Church, and
were baptized by the pastor, the Rev. D. I. Craig. He was
a faithful and consistent member of the church during the re-
mainder of his life, and took a lively interest in church aifairs,
and gave liberally of his means to all benevolent causes. In the
throes of death he was the same calm, peaceful and brave soul
that he was in life, and realizing that his hour of departure had
come, called his family, one by one, to his bedside and bade them
an affectionate good-by, commending them to the Lord Jesus, in
whom he believed and trusted, and to whom he committed .his
soul. D. I. Craig.
Ugh on the roll of North Carolina statesmen
' stands the name of John Branch, a native of the
' county of Halifax, whose birth occurred on
November 4, 1782, about the close of the Revo-
_ lution. In that war his father, John Branch, the
elder, had borne a patriot's part, serving as a
member of the Assembly in 1781 and 1782, and as high sheriff,
bringing Tories before the Provincial Congress and "praying
condign punishment upon them." He was also a member of the
Assembly after the war, in 1787 and 1788.
The younger John Branch, subject of this sketch, was one of
the early students at the University of North Carolina, and grad-
uated therefrom in 1801. Afterward he studied law under Judge
John Haywood (of Halifax, later of Tennessee), but never prac-
ticed. He represented Halifax County in the state senate in
181 1, at five sessions from 1813 till 1817, and again in 1822 and
1834. He was president of the senate in 1816 and 1817. He
was elected governor of North Carolina in 18 17, and served till
1819. He was elected to the Senate of the United States in 1823,
and reelected in 1829, but resigned upon being appointed sec-
retary of the navy by President Jackson on March 9, 1829.
Speaking of Branch's appointment to the cabinet, Parton, in his
"Life of Jackson," says :
"Mr. Branch was not one of those who achieve greatness, nor one
of those who have greatness thrust upon them. He was born to it.
Inheriting an ample estate, he lived for many years upon his plantations
and employed himself in superintending their culture. He was a man
of respectable talents, good presence, and high social position."
As is well known, there was a disruption of Jackson's cabinet,
owing to the fact that the wives of its members (including
Mrs. Branch) refused social recognition to Mrs. Eaton, wife of
the secretary of war, about whose character so many tales were
afloat. On April 19, 1831, Mr. Branch sent his resignation to
the President. Replying to this, Jackson wrote :
"In accepting your resignation, it is with great pleasure that I bear
testimony to the integrity and zeal with which you have managed the
concerns of the navy. In your discharge of all the duties of your office
over which I have any control I have been fully satisfied; and in your
retirement you carry with you my best wishes for your prosperity and
happiness. It is expected that you will continue to discharge the duties
of your office until a successor is appointed."
After Mr. Branch's retirement from the cabinet, he returned to
his home in Halifax County, but did not long remain in private
life, being elected a member of the Twenty-second Congress, and
serving from December 5, 1831, till March 3, 1833. In 1835 he sat
as a delegate from Halifax in the constitutional convention of
North Carolina, and nominated Nathaniel Macon for president of
the body, that nomination being carried unanimously. On the for-
mation of the Whig party Mr. Branch did not abandon the admin-
istration, but remained an earnest. supporter of the regular Repub-
lican party, and in 1838, at the first election for governor by
the people, he was the Democratic nominee for governor, an office
he had held twenty years before, but was defeated by the Whig
candidate, Edward B. Dudley. In 1843 ^^- Branch was appointed
governor of the territory of Florida by President Tyler, who at
that time was affiliating with the Democratic leaders, and served
until the establishment of the state government in 1845. This
was his last public service. He afterward spent his time partly
in Florida and partly in North Carolina. At Enfield, in Halifax
County, North Carolina, he died on January 4, 1863.
Governor Branch was twice married. His first wife, Miss
Elizabeth Foort, the mother of all his children, was the lady
whose reserve in her Washington entertainments and personal
associations helped to split the cabinet of President Jackson.
After the death of this lady he was married to Mrs. Bond, nee
Jordan, who survived him a few years.
The closing years of Governor Branch's life were passed amid
the great sorrows incident to the war between the states. In that
conflict his family and kindred were active participants. Though
all bore an honorable part in defending the rights of the South,
the best-known member of his family connection in the Con-
federate service was his nephew. General Lawrence O'Bryan
Branch (son of his brother Joseph), who was killed at the battle
of Sharpsburg.
Nearly all of the immediate descendants of Governor John
Branch now reside in the State of Florida.
Marshall DeLancey Haywood.
' N November 28, 1820, at the village of Enfield,
in the county of Halifax and State of North
Carolina, was born Lawrence O'Bryan Branch,
afterward known to fame as a distinguished
member of Congress under the government of
the United States, and as a brave and capable
brigadier-general in the army of the Southern Confederacy.
The family of General Branch had been one of prominence long
prior to the time when his own career added luster to its reputa-
tion. His grandfather, John Branch, was a fearless patriot of
Revolutionary times, who served as high sheriff of the county of
Halifax under the Whig government, was a justice of the court
of pleas and quarter sessions, and also a member of the North
Carolina house of commons during the progress of the war.
One of General Branch's uncles, son of the foregoing, was the
Hon. John Branch, member of Congress, governor of North
Carolina, United States senator, secretary of the navy of the
United States, governor of the then territory of Florida, etc.
At an early age Lawrence O'Bryan Branch was left an orphan,
though not unprovided for. His mother died on Christmas day,
1825. His father. Major Joseph Branch, removed with his chil-
dren to Tennessee in the following year, where he soon afterward
died. Hardly had young Lawrence reached Tennessee when he
was brought back to North Carolina by his uncle and guardian.
Governor John Branch. And when Governor Branch went to
Washington as secretary of the navy in the cabinet of President
Jackson, his nephew accompanied him and returned with him to
North CaroHna after the disruption of the cabinet in 1831.
At the age of fifteen he entered the University of North Caro-
lina, but in less than a year withdrew and began a course at
Princeton. From the latter institution he graduated with the
first honors of what was up to that time the largest class which
had ever finished a course there. He was then less than eighteen
years of age. He spoke the English salutatory, his brother
Joseph having spoken the Greek salutatory there in the previous
In 1839 Mr. Branch went to Tennessee and studied law, also
becoming editor (incognito) of a political newspaper called the
Reserve Corps. Going to Florida to practice law, he at first met
with some difficulty, owing to the fact that he was not of age, but
the legislature of that State passed a special act allowing him^
to practice, notwithstanding he was under age. Although a
student and pursuing his practice, in 1841, when the Seminole
war was in progress, his gallant spirit led him to abandon his
office and serve as aide-de-camp to General Reid during that war.
In April, 1844, it was his happy fortune to be united in marriage
to Miss Nancy Haywood Blount, daughter of General William
Augustus Blount, and granddaughter of Sherwood Haywood of
Raleigh, a lady distinguished among her sex for her elegance and
intellectual and conversational gifts, no less than for her refine-
ment and personal graces. After four years of married life in
Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Branch were drawn back to the Old North
State, and September, 1848, found them established in the city of
A man of fine personality, earnest and of strong and vigorous
intellect, Mr. Branch proved a great acquisition to the Democratic
party, then struggling for supremacy with the Whigs, who had the
popular majority in the State, and he soon became a recognized
party leader. Entering actively into politics, in 1852 he made a
notable canvass as elector on the Pierce and King ticket, and in
October of the same year he was elected president of the Raleigh
and Gaston Railroad Company, but in 1855 he resigned that posi-
tion to take his seat in Congress. His first service was in the
Thirty-fourth Congress, and twice thereafter he was reelected,
serving from December 3, 1855, till March 3, 1861. Just prior to
his retirement from Congress the office of secretary of the treasury
became vacant by the resignation of the Hon. Howell Cobb,
and President Buchanan offered that post to Mr. Branch, but the
honor was declined, as the latter foresaw that his native State
would soon be one of those arrayed against the general govern-
In tracing the military career of General Branch, we are fortu-
nate in having as a source of information the able address de-
livered in Raleigh on Memorial Day (May loth) 1884, by the late
Major John Hughes, of New Bern. Indeed, this sketch is drawn
almost entirely from that excellent address.
In April, 1861, to manifest his zeal and spirit, he entered as a
private in the Raleigh Rifles, and about a month later, on the day
that North Carolina seceded (May 20, 1861), Governor Ellis com-
missioned him to the joint office of quartermaster-general and
paymaster-general. This he accepted unwillingly, wishing to go
into active service. In the following September he resigned the
above office and was commissioned colonel of the Thirty-third
North Carolina regiment, and a few months later, January 17,
1862, he was appointed by President Davis a brigadier-general.
His first command as brigadier-general was at New Bern, which
was threatened by a large Federal force. On March 14, 1862, the
Federals marched to the attack, but were vigorously opposed by
General Branch, whose insufficient force, however, was soon
driven from before the town. Branch's brigade, consisting of the
Seventh, Eighteenth, Twenty-eighth, Thirty-third and Thirty-sev-
enth regiments, was then ordered to Virginia to join "Stonewall"
Jackson, and went to Gordonsville by rail, afterward proceeding
on foot. After a long march, however, they were ordered back
to Hanover Court House. Near that place was fought the battle
of Hanover Court House, at first called the battle of Slash
Church. In this fight General Branch commanded the Con-
federate forces, and received a letter of thanks from General Lee
for his conduct there. In all of the battles in the Seven Days'
Fight around Richmond, Branch's brigade also bore a highly
creditable part.
In the address by Major Hughes, already mentioned, he quotes
a congratulatory address by General Branch, in the course of
which the latter said :
"The general commanding with pride points to the good conduct of
this brigade in the recent battles below Richmond. At New Bern, besides
a fleet of gunboats, you fought 13,000 of the best troops in the Federal
service, they having reserves of 7000. You numbered less than 4000, not
ten of whom, officers and men, had ever been in battle before.
"After an uninterrupted fire of four hours, which has not been exceeded
in severity by any you have since heard, except for one hour at Gaines'
Mill, . . . you made good your retreat out of the peninsula, in which
the enemy had confidently boasted that he would capture you as he
would 'chickens in a coop.'
"At Slash Church you encountered the division of General Porter
and a part of the division of General Sedgwick, numbering at least
20,000, and including 5000 United States regulars. You with two addi-
tional regiments temporarily acting with you numbered about 4000. You
repulsed the enemy's attack, and boldly advancing, attacked him with
such vigor that after six hours' combat you withdrew in perfect order
to avoid being surrounded during the night.
"In the late brilliant operations below Richmond you were the first
brigade to cross the Chickahominy, you were the first to encounter the
enemy, and you were the first to start him on that retreat in which the
able combinations of our general-in-chief allowed him to take no "rest
until he found shelter under the guns of his shipping. You captured
from the enemy a flag before any other troops had crossed the Chicka-
"Though rarely able to turn out 3000 men for duty, you have in six
pitched battles and several skirmishes lost 1250 men in killed and wounded.
Of five colonels, two have been killed in battle, two wounded, and one
taken prisoner by an overwhelming force."
General Branch's brigade was later engaged in the battles of
Cedar Run, Second Manassas, Fairfax Court House, Harper's
Ferry and Sharpsburg. Sharpsburg (otherwise known as Antie-
tam) was General Branch's last battle. While standing with some
ofificers who were endeavoring to get a better view of a detach-
ment of the enemy, he was shot through the head and fell into the
arms of Major Joseph A. Engelhard, an officer attached to his
staff. The death of General Branch caused deep regret through-
out the army and particularly in North Carolina. His remains
were brought to Raleigh by three officers of his brigade. Major
Joseph A. Engelhard, Captain James A. Bryan, and Lieutenant
A. M. Noble, arriving in the city on the 25th. From the capitol,
where his remains lay in state, they were borne with a vast con-
course in attendance, on the following day, to the Old Graveyard,
at the eastern terminus of Morgan Street in Raleigh. There a
white marble shaft has been erected to his memory, and on it are
inscribed some of the principal battles in which he participated —
viz. : New Bern, Hanover Court House, Mechanicsville, Chicka-
hominy, Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill, Cedar Run, Second
Manassas, Ox Hill, Harper's Ferry, and Sharpsburg.
General Branch left four children, who reached maturity and
married. His only son, Hon. William Augustus Blount
Branch, also served in the Confederate army, being at one tiine
a lieutenant on the staff of General Hoke ; and from 1891 to 1895
he represented the Pamlico district in Congress; in 1905 he
was a member of the legislature. The three daughters of General
L. O'B. Branch were Susan, who married Robert H. Jones,
Esq. ; Nannie, who married Armistead Jones, Esq. ; and Josephine
(now deceased), who married the late Hon. Kerr Craige, of
Salisbury. Mrs. Branch survived General Branch more than forty
years, and was ever esteemed as an ornament to society and as one
of the most distinguished and admirable of her sex.
We cannot better close this sketch of General Branch than by
quoting language which the Rev. James A. Weston uses with
reference to him :
"He was the truest of patriots. He loved his country with a deathless
affection, and there was no sacrifice, however great, that he would not
have made for the good of his people. His moral power was very great.
Like Sir Galahad, his strength was as the strength of ten, because his
heart was pure." Marshall DeLancey Haywood.
lURING the last years of the war between the
states, Fayetteville became a point of great
interest. There were eight cotton factories in
that vicinity, a paper mill, the machinery of the
navy ordnance works, and the Confederate
States' arsenal of construction. This arsenal had
been built many years before by the United States Government
and used as a place of deposit for arms. At the beginning of the
war it was under the command of Colonel Bradford, who had
a few soldiers there ; later Colonel De Lagnel was assigned to the
command, and he began to buy and store there iron and every
other commodity that could be of use in the ordnance service, and
the business of construction was begun. The great development,
however, of work there was when Colonel Frederick L. Childs
was the commandant. Under his supervision the arsenal became
a great workshop, employing several hundred artisans and en-
gaging the services of several hundred laborers, and its work in
supplying the needs of the army was most important.
Colonel Childs was a descendant in the eighth generation from
Samuel Childs, one of the Plymouth Colony of 1620, who was
slain by the Indians on March 25, 1675. In the fifth generation
was Captain Timothy Childs, who, on hearing of the battle of
Lexington, led a company of minute-men from Deerfield,
Mass., to Boston; his son, also Timothy, marching at the
same time from Pittsfield, Mass., in a similar corps as lieutenant.
The latter, afterward known as Dr. Timothy Childs, rendered,
as did his father, great service to his country, was senator from
Berkshire and an eminent physician. His youngest son, Thomas,
at the age of sixteen years, entered the Military Academy at
West Point, in May, 1813. The next year he was ordered to join
the army in the defense of Fort Erie, and behaved with such dis-
tinguished gallantry that he was presented with a quadrant, cap-
tured from the British and engraved as follows :
"Presented to Lieutenant Thomas Childs by order of the President of the
United States for gallant conduct in the sortie from Fort Erie, and for
spiking the guns of the enemy's batteries, at the age of seventeen years,
September 17, 1814."
Throughout his life, in every position, the same conspicuous
bravery was displayed by him. He served with distinction in
the Florida war in 1836 and 1840, and in Mexico, where he com-
manded the battalion of artillery under General Taylor. Par-
ticularly at the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma was
his conduct the subject of eulogium. Colonel Belknap, command-
ing the brigade, said in his report: "Lieutenant-Colonel Childs
needs no praise from me ; his well-earned fame, won on many a
field, is known to all." For his Florida service he had been
brevetted lieutenant-colonel, and now he was brevetted colonel.
At Monterey he won imperishable renown. General Worth say-
ing : "The gallant Colonel Childs is safe, and covered all over with
glory." And so it was at Vera Cruz, and in every other engage-
ment of that campaign. For the defense of Puebla Colonel Childs
was afterward brevetted brigadier-general. Of this defense Gen-
eral Scott said : "Though highly arduous, gallant and triumphant,
it has not exceeded what was expected of that excellent com-
mander, his officers and men."
General Childs married Miss Ann Eliza Coryton, whom he met
at Judge Bushrod Washington's home at Mount Vernon. He was
stationed at Eastport, Me., in 1831, and there, on February 15th
of that year, the subject of this sketch was born.
Colonel Frederick L. Childs graduated at St. James College,
Maryland, in 1851, and at the age of twenty entered West Point,
where he graduated in 1855, and became second lieutenant of
artillery. For two years he served in the Seminole war, and then
for two years was assigned to duty as professor at West Point.
For some months he was on garrison duty at Fort Moultrie ; and
at the close of 1859 was on frontier duty at Fort Clark and Fort
Duncan in Texas, where he remained until, on March 4, 1861,
when he resigned his commission; and on March i6th he was ap-
pointed captain of artillery in the Confederate army. In the first
days of April, 1861, he was detailed for duty at Charleston, as
assistant to the commandant of batteries on Morris Island.
General Childs had been stationed during his son's boyhood
at Smithville. General Woodbury, who married a daughter of
General Childs, had been employed in constructing sea walls to
deepen the mouth of the Cape Fear, and Mrs. Childs for some
years resided at Wilmington; and thus that town in a measure
was regarded as the home of the family. Immediately after the
fall of Fort Sumter, Major Whiting and Captain Childs came
from Charleston to put the forts on the Cape Fear in a state
of defense, and Captain Childs was assigned to that duty as
chief of artillery. The writer of this sketch accompanied him,
and together they were engaged in that work for some two
months. The fort was quite defenseless. The work was one of
creation. It was entirely novel. But Captain Childs addressed
himself to it with surpassing zeal and intelligence, and was so suc-
cessful that he soon had Fort Caswell and some of the neighbor-
ing batteries in a fair condition for defense. In June, i86r, the
writer was ordered by the state authorities to go to Harper's
Ferry and superintend the removal of the rifle machinery there
to the arsenal at Fayetteville, and about the middle of July Cap-
tain Childs was transferred to the command of the arsenal at
Charleston. Here his constructive work became very important.
Within the short period of two months, twenty-eight private estab-
lishments, of which twenty-two were in Charleston, and the others
in Greenville, Columbia, Wilmington, etc., as well as every avail-
able mechanic, were employed by him in preparing ordnance
stores. Because of the scarcity of proper supplies every sort of
substitute had to be resorted to ; and by his forethought and wise
suggestion he induced the merchant firm of John Fraser & Com-
pany to import many articles of great value to the Confederacy.
On November 26, 1862, Colonel Wagner of that company wrote :
"Every ounce of saltpeter imported into the Confederacy they are
indebted to you for, besides many other of the most essential arti-
cles for our defense." On November 30, 1862, Captain Childs
himself wrote : "I have been much pleased to-day to find that an
important recommendation of mine has been approved at the War
Department, and I am ordered to carry it out. It is to freight
the ship Mackinaw with 2200 bales of cotton and send her to
Liverpool on a dark and stormy night." With unflagging zeal,
great intelligence and an energy unsurpassed by any one, Captain
Childs admirably performed the duties of his position and ren-
dered incalculable service to the Confederacy. It was the fortune
of the writer to have been with him at the arsenal at Charleston
a few months in the spring and summer of 1862, and he was a
witness of the wonderful powers of endurance of this patriotic
During the month of November, 1862, Captain Childs was pro-
moted to be major of artillery. He remained at the arsenal for
eighteen months, in which time its operations had developed from
an expenditure of a few thousand dollars per month until it
reached (including imported stores) nearly two millions of dol-
lars for the last quarter of 1S62. In that fall Brigadier-General
Ripley, district commander at Charleston, assumed to give orders
to Major Childs relative to the work at the arsenal, and his right
to do so being questioned the matter was referred to Colonel
Gorgas, the chief of ordnance at Richmond, who sustained Major
Childs' position; and thenceforth throughout the war the prin-
ciple of the independence of arsenals of the local division com-
manders was established and acted on. In this particular matter
both General Beauregard and General Ripley behaved discredit-
ably. In zeal and patriotism and in a devoted performance of
duty, Major Childs was much superior to either of them. They
were very fussy; somewhat negligent of the business committed
to their charge ; were surrounded by staff-officers some of whom,
at least, were apparently incompetent; and on the occasion of
the conflict with Major Childs were both disobedient to the army
regulations, and lacked candor and the magnanimity which gentle-
men in their position ought to have displayed. Because of this
affair, although Major Childs was sustained by the War Depart-
ment, he was early in 1863 transferred to the arsenal at Augusta,
where he succeeded Brigadier-General Raines in command; and
on April 17, 1863, was assigned to the still more important post,
commandant of the arsenal at Fayetteville. In the meantime,
however, he had urged with some vehemence that he should be
permitted to take the field ; but the secretary of war unhesitatingly
affirmed that he could render much more important service as
commandant of an arsenal than with the army. At Fayetteville
he addressed himself with great vigor to his work. He turned out
new rifles as rapidly as possible for the army, at the same time
making heavy gun carriages, carriages for light batteries, all sorts
of ammunition — even the hexagonal, twisting Whitworth shell —
rockets, fuses, caps, harness, every article known to the Ordnance
Manual and serviceable to the army.
The raw material for the work he had to pick up as he could,
adapting some substitute where the proper article could not be
obtained. He caused furnaces to be constructed in the Deep
River section and got iron there and from South Carolina. Coke
he had made at the Deep River coal mine ; heavy white oak timber
and lime he got from Rocky Point, on the northeast branch of the
Cape Fear, and leather was made for him in several counties. He
erected many large government buildings, first making the bricks
for the purpose. Those buildings alone would form a monument
to his indefatigable zeal had they not been burned at the close
of the war. Several hundred operatives and their families had
to be maintained, and for this purpose he rented farms and had
them cultivated, established fisheries along the Cape Fear and
Black rivers, curing the fish with pyroligneous acid, and obtaining
from the sturgeon quantities of fish oil needed for his department.
To feed, house and clothe this army of operatives and their
.families was in itself no inconsiderable work; and when we re-
call the buildings he constructed, the many necessary machines he
had to make in order to do the work of the arsenal, and, above
all, the difficulty of obtaining the raw material at that time, and,
in spite of this difficulty, the great quantity of supplies of all
kinds he manufactured for the Ordnance Department, his per-
formance was indeed a marvel. Indefatigable, persistent, wise,
prudent, overcoming every obstacle that presented itself, he built
up in time of war, when the country was denuded of men, of pro-
visions and of all sorts of supplies, a great arsenal furnishing
immense quantities of needed supplies to the army.
But this work, creditable as it was to the energy of Colonel
Childs, could not have been accomplished except for the industrial
capabilities of his operatives and the men working under him.
It is an evidence of those latent characteristics of the southern
people, which, since the war, have been developed and made
prominent by the great industrial progress that has rendered this
era so memorable in southern life.
On November 19, 1863, Major Childs was promoted to the rank
of lieutenant-colonel, and in 1864, on the organization of a bat-
talion of troops for local defense, was commissioned as colonel.
In April, 1865, on the approach of General Sherman, Colonel
Childs evacuated the arsenal, sending the most valuable govern-
ment stores to Greensboro and moving his force and material
into the Deep River country. General Sherman destroyed the
arsenal, and Colonel Childs, together with the writer, who had
been on duty with him at Fayetteville since September, 1863, and
several other gentlemen, went to Charlotte, where President Davis
and his cabinet and General Gorgas were, to obtain orders. When
they reached Charlotte the Confederacy was in its last agonies.
Johnston was surrendering his army; the Federal cavalry were
in the vicinity; President Lincoln had been assassinated; some
of the troops were in a state of demoralization, and President
Davis and the higher officers of the Confederacy were holding
their last consultations preliminary to a hasty departure. General
Gorgas at first gave Colonel Childs orders to cross the Mississippi,
but subsequently left it discretionary with him and his officers to
return to their homes. It being evident that the Confederacy had
fallen — with heavy hearts the party returned to Fayetteville.
Colonel Childs married, June 12, 1856, Miss Mary Hooper An-
derson, only daughter of Dr. W. W. Anderson, of Stateburg,
S. C, and a sister of General R. H. Anderson, "Fighting Dick"
as he was called. Mrs. Childs died at the Fayetteville arsenal in
June, 1863, leaving several children. At the end of the war
Colonel Childs removed his family to Stateburg. For a few
years he engaged in farming there, and then accepted service un-
der the New York and Charleston Steamship Company. In 1878
he was appointed inspector for the Government on the public
works at Charleston and Savannah, which position he held until
1886, and during the last years of his life he was in the govern-
ment service at Charleston.
Colonel Childs married a second time, but had no children by
his last wife. He died at Stateburg, South Carolina, June 10,
1894. One of his daughters, Miss Mary Childs, is in the United
States Forest Service at Washington; a son, William Wallace
Childs, is in the United States service at Panama.
5*. A. Ashe.
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fALTER CLARK, the distinguished chief jus-
tice of the State, was born in Halifax County,
August 19, 1846. The first of the name coming
to North CaroHna was a clergyman of the
Church of England. His son, David Clark,
attained a position of great prominence in Hali-
fax County. He was one of the Board of Internal Improvements
and one of the originators and a director of the Roanoke Naviga-
tion Company, which constructed the canal from Weldon to
Clarksville, which before the era of railroads was such an impor-
tant factor in the trade of. Roanoke River. He had a son named
for himself, David Clark, who was the father of the subject of this
At an early age this David Clark was placed at school with
Dr. Joseph G. Cogswell, the principal of the Episcopal Male
School established at Raleigh, which subsequently became the
famous St. Mary's School for young ladies. Young Clark, along
with his schoolmates, John Devereux and Thomas D. Hogg, had
also been a pupil of the academy at Round Hill, Mass., and had
there received his education in part under Mr. Bancroft, who
afterward attained renown as the eminent historian, and Dr. Cogs-
well, subsequently known as the learned and venerated librarian
of the Astor Library in New York.
Mr. Clark entered neither professional nor public life. He
was one of the wealthiest planters on the Roanoke; a man of
wide reading, and with a great landed interest; he found ample
occupation in superintending his estates and among the books of
his large private library. He was one of the most progressive
planters in the State. In politics he was an early follower of
Henry Clay, but realizing that the safety of the southern states
depended upon the preservation of the rights of the states as
declared in the Federal Constitution, he adhered to the doctrine of
states' rights. He possessed a strong influence among the people
of his section, and during the war between the states was com-
missioned by the State of North Carolina as a brigadier -general,
and in January, 1862, was assigned to the command of the de-
fenses of Roanoke River. The militia of seven contiguous coun-
ties were placed under his orders, and authority conferred on him
to impress slaves, teams and supplies for the purpose of carrying
on the work he had in charge. When Roanoke Island fell, he
assembled his militia at Plymouth, but subsequently fell back to
Williamston ; he remained in command until April, when Colonel
Leventhorpe relieved him, that being the only instance of a gen-
eral of militia in North Carolina being called into active service
during that war; and General Clark was assigned to this duty
particularly because of his capabilities, his superior intelligence,
and his influence over the militiamen of those counties.
General Clark married Miss Anna M. Thorne, of Halifax
County, who became the mother of the subject of this sketch.
Through the Clarks Judge Clark is descended from the Blounts,
Grays, Norfleets, McKenzies, and other prominent families of
northeastern North Carolina, and the Bryans of Southampton,
Va., the same family as that from whom William Jennings Bryan
is descended. His mother's grandfather, Dr. Samuel Thorne, came
to North Carolina just after the Revolution and located in Hali-
fax, and through her Judge Clark is connected with the well-
known families of Hilliard, Davis, Alston and Williams. One
of the latter. Captain William Williams, was adjutant of the
Fourth regiment of the Continental Line, served with distinction
throughout the Revolutionary war, and fell severely wounded at
the battle of Germantown. Through him Judge Clark is de-
scended from Gilbert Johnston, a brother of Governor Gabriel
Johnston. And through the Thornes he is also related to General
Warren, the distinguished corps commander of the United States
At an early age Walter Clark became a student first under
Professor Ralph H. Graves in Granville County, and in i860 at
Colonel Tew's military academy near Hillsboro. In the spring of
1861, before he was fifteen years of age, being proficient in the
drill, he was among the cadets of that institution who on recom-
mendation of its officers were appointed by the governor to drill
the troops assembled at Camp Ellis, near Raleigh. Upon the
organization of the Twenty-second North Carolina regiment in
July, he was assigned to duty as drill-master for that regiment,
commanded by Colonel J. Johnston Pettigrew, and proceeded with
it to Virginia. He continued to act in that capacity in its camp
at Evansport, on the Potomac, until November, when he returned
to Camp Mangum, at Raleigh, where the Thirty-fifth North Caro-
lina was being organized. In February, 1862, resigning, he re-
turned to the military academy and resumed his studies. On Au-
gust I, 1862, he was appointed, upon the solicitation of its officers,
who had known him at the camp of instruction, first lieutenant and
adjutant of the Thirty-fifth North Carolina, of which Matthew W.
Ransom had then become the colonel, and joining his regiment he
participated in the first Maryland and Fredericksburg campaigns.
In the latter battle his brigade held Marye's Heights and drove
back, among others, Meagher's famous Irish brigade.
Being then' just sixteen years of age and rather small, the
soldiers of the regiment called him endearingly "little Clark," and
as he performed his duties with great acceptability he became a
general favorite and enjoyed the esteem and respect of both offi-
cers and men. It is narrated that when going into the battle of
Sharpsburg all the field officers had dismounted except "little
Clark," who remained unconcerned in the saddle, when a big
mountain private from Company B ran forward and seizing him
exclaimed : "Git off'n this horse, or you'll git killed," and just at
that moment a minie ball struck the young adjutant on the hand,
the mark of which remains to this day. He behaved in that battle
and in the battle of Fredericksburg with coolness and distin-
guished intrepidity, and was of particular service in handling the
In February, 1863, the regiment having returned to North Caro-
lina to recruit and to render local service and being thus tem-
porarily detached from the Army of Northern Virginia, there-
seeming to be no early prospect of further active service, Adjutant
Clark resigned with the purpose of completing his education, and
entered as a student at Chapel Hill, where he graduated with first
distinction on June 2, 1864; for he had always been an excellent
scholar, and even in camp had continued to study his Latin and
Greek. The day after he graduated he was elected major of the
Sixth battalion of Junior Reserves, then organized for active ser-
vice by Lieutenant-Greneral Holmes; and under his command the
battalion did service at Goldsboro, at Weldon, and at Gaston, pro-
tecting the railroad bridge from a threatened cavalry raid.
On July 4th his battalion and the First were consolidated into a
regiment, that became the Seventieth North Carolina regiment of
state troops, and in pursuance of orders the company officers
proceeded to an election of field officers for the regiment. Charles
W. Broadfoot was elected colonel, Walter Clark lieutenant-
colonel, and N. A. Gregory major, and they accepted their posi-
tions. Lieutenant-Colonel Clark was then seventeen years of
age and the youngest officer of his rank in either army. Subse-
quently, however, at the request of Lieutenant-General Holmes,
who desired that his chief of staff, Lieutenant-Colonel Armistead,
should have the position of colonel of the regiment, as he felt con-
fident that Colonel Armistead ^would in that case without delay
be appointed brigadier-general of a brigade to be composed of the
Junior Reserves, and Colonel Broadfoot and Lieutenant-Colonel
Clark would then by promotion resume the respective positions to
which they had been elected, they relinquished their positions for
this temporary purpose, and consented that a new election should
be held, at which F. S. Armistead was elected colonel, C. W.
Broadfoot lieutenant-colonel, and Walter Clark major. Although
this arrangement was expected to last for only a brief period, for
some reason Colonel Armistead was not appointed brigadier -gen-
eral, and Major Clark continued to serve during the remainder
of the war as major of his regiment.
In October the regiment was sent to repel a threatened Federal
raid on Boykin's Depot, Va., and toward the end of that month
was ordered to the defense of Plymouth, which, however, was
captured before it reached that point, although the march was so
expeditious as to have won a high compliment from General
Baker, the commanding general. The regiment then went into
camp near Hamilton and rendered arduous and important out-
post service, covering the approaches to Martin, Edgecombe and
Pitt counties, whence large supplies were being drawn for the
support of Lee's army.
Early in November four companies under Major Clark were
despatched to Williamston, and Major Clark took command of
the post, embracing cavalry and infantry as well as artillery. For
one so young this was an important command; and perhaps no
other instance occurred during the war where an ofificer only eigh-
teen years of age \yas intrusted with the responsible duty of hold-
ing such an exposed outpost, defended by a force embracing every
arm of the service ; but Major Clark bore himself so well as to
justify the confidence reposed in him. Captain Moore, speaking
of him at that time, says : "He had the bearing and command of a
born soldier and displayed the executive talent which he has since
shown." "The enemy," says Captain Moore, "made many attacks,
especially at Foster's Mills and Gardner's Bridge, but were always
driven back." On one occasion Major Clark, having driven them
off, pursued them, with a part of the cavalry, three companies of
infantry and a section of artillery, nearly to Jamesville, but they
In December, 1864, receiving a furlough, instead of spending
it at home, he visited his old commander, General M. W. Ran-
som, and his old comrades in the trenches around Petersburg,
though he had to go by way of Greensboro, as the Weldon
route was closed by the enemy. The regiment was at the repulse
of the gunboats at Poplar Point, December 25, 1864, and in many
minor encounters, and continued to perform active and arduous
service in that part of North Carolina until about the middle of
February, when it was ordered to Kinston and attached to Hoke's
division as a part of the First Brigade of Reserves, General L. S.
Baker being in command of the brigade. On March 8th the regi-
ment participated in the battle of Kinston, moving into action
handsomely and driving the enemy from behind their temporary
breastworks, and captured some prisoners, but lost some of their
own men. From Kinston the brigade moved to Smithfield to join
General Johnston, and on March 19th, a bright Sunday morning, it
engaged the advance corps of Sherman's army at Bentonville,
which was held in check three days, the 19th, 20th and 21st of
March. Some two hundred yards in front of the Confederate line
was the skirmish line of each brigade on the 20th and 21st of
March, and Major Walter Clark was in command of the skirmish
line in advance of Nethercutt's brigade. During the two days
that Hoke's division held its position, the enemy repeatedly
charged and generally drove in the skirmishers along the front,
but being favored by the ground or for some other cause, the skir-
mish line under Major Clark gallantly held its position the entire
period. No brigade made a finer appearance on that field than
the Junior Reserves. It was the largest brigade in Hoke's di-
vision, and it bore itself with such bravery and gallantry as to win
the highest encomiums from General Hoke and all the veterans
on that last field of battle. While Sherman was resting at Golds-
boro. General Johnston remained at Smithfield, but on April loth
Johnston began to retire before Sherman's advancing army. On
the 1 2th the Seventieth regiment passed through Raleigh, and
then to Red Cross in Randolph County, where, on the afternoon
of May 2d, Major Clark with his associates in arms were paroled ;
and then they dispersed to their respective homes.
As soon as order was restored. Major Clark, who had entered
upon the study of the law under Judge William H. Battle while a
student at the university, became a student in a law office in Wall
Street, New York. Later, completing his course at the Columbian Law
School in Washington, D. C, he obtained his license to practice in
January, 1867. At first he located at Scotland Neck, but subse-
quently removed to Halifax, where he entered into partnership with
Hon. J. M. Mullen and soon established a lucrative business.
Active and energetic and a leading Democrat in his county, he
was twice the local standard-bearer of the Democratic party ; and
although the Republican party had a majority of more than 2500
which he could not hope to overcome, he made his campaigns with
such address as to largely reduce the vote against him. In January,
1874, he had the good fortune to marry Miss Susan Graham, the
only daughter of Hon. William A. Graham, and they have an in-
teresting family of children, full of promise and much admired.
Being desirous of residing at the state capital, where larger op-
portunities would be opened to him professionally, he had removed
to Raleigh in November, 1873, and soon became one of the lead-
ing influences in the Democratic party. He became interested in
the Raleigh News, which had been established by Stone and
Uzzell, and for some years contributed editorially to its columns
and directed the policy of the paper. His writings were remark-
able for their conciseness and clearness, and vi^ere marked by bold-
ness and vigor and a thorough mastery of the details of every sub-
ject he touched upon. Perhaps the most famous of his editorial
discussions was that known as the "Mud Cut Boom," in which
he pointed out a great obstacle that had arisen in the construction
of the Western North Carolina Railroad in crossing the Blue Ridge,
and which soon after led to the sale of that road by the state.
Judge Clark was not only a student of law but had a fondness
for literature, was an indefatigable worker, and admirably exe-
cuted such literary work as he undertook. He prepared a very
interesting and valuable historical summary of Methodism in
North Carolina, and because of his accomplishments and strong
character attained a high place in the regard of the members of
his church. In 1881 he was chosen as the lay delegate for North
Carolina to the Methodist Ecumenical Council in London, and
availed himself of that occasion to travel extensively in Europe.
He was twice a delegate to the General Conference, and it was
largely due to him that all the Methodists of this State were or-
ganized into two North Carolina conferences, instead of being in
part portioned out among the Virginia, South Carolina and Ten-
nessee conferences as before.
In April, 1885, Governor Scales appointed him judge of the
superior court for the metropolitan district, and the next year
he was nominated to succeed himself and was elected by the
people. In 1888 his friends brought him forward as a candi-
date for governor, another aspirant for the nomination being
lieutenant-governor Charles M. Stedman; but during the pre-
liminary discussion the name of Hon. Daniel G. Fowle was
brought forward, thus making two candidates from Raleigh, and
Judge Clark, unwilling to embarrass the mutual friends of him-
self and Judge Fowle, withdrew from the contest. Judge Fowle
was elected, and somewhat later. Judge Merrimon, of the Su-
preme Court, becoming chief justice. Judge Clark was transferred
to the Supreme Bench in November, 1889, and was subsequently
elected to that position in 1890. In 1894 he was nominated by
the Democratic party, and being also indorsed by the Republican
and Populist parties, -was unanimously elected by the people. In
1896, being still on the Supreme Court Bench, he was virtually
tendered the nomination for governor by the Democratic state
convention, but did not accept it, preferring at that time to remain
on the Bench. In that year also his name was presented by the
North Carolina delegation to the National Democratic Conven-
tion for the vice-presidency. In 1902 he was nominated for the
office of chief justice and was elected to that position, which by
his learning, virtues and character he adorns. His opinions to
date appear in thirty-four volumes of North Carolina Supreme
Court Reports, beginning with 104 N. C.
Judge Clark has been an indefatigable worker, and his con-
tributions to literature have been numerous and notable. Be-
sides the preparation of his judicial opinions, he has annotated
and edited forty-three volumes of North Carolina Supreme
Court Reports and has other volumes in preparation. He is the
author of an "Annotated Code of Civil Procedure," of which three
editions have been issued. This has been a great boon to the pro-
fession, his thoroughness equaling his industry. He is the editor
of the well-known article "Appeal and Error," consisting of about
500 pages in the Cyclopedia of Law, and has prepared another
important article for that work on "Indictments and Informa-
tions." He is also the author of two or three other legal works
of lesser importance. He has wandered beyond the domain of
legal lore, and gained much reputation by his translation of Con-
stant's "Private Memoirs of Napoleon," in three volumes. He
has contributed many articles to the leading mag9.zines of the
country and made many addresses, among them to the Bar As-
sociation of Tennessee, Kansas and Virginia, and before the Na-
tional Association of Railroad Commissioners at Denver, Colo.
For the most part he has directed attention to new subjects and
has taken advanced ground on many public questions; one of
his addresses in 1906, pointing out needed amendments of the
Federal Constitution, attracted wide attention. His views on
these public matters have clashed with many whose interests lead
them to adhere to the existing status, so that he has been an object
of their unremitting warfare, and when the time approached for
his nomination for the position of chief justice, he was vigorously
opposed and violently assailed; but the weapons of his adver-
saries fell harmlessly at his feet, and the Democratic convention
conferred upon him the nomination with unparalleled unanimity
and he was elected by nearly 61,000 majority. He stands for the
broad interests of humanity and the rights of men rather than
for the conservation of the privileges that aggregated wealth has
secured through the powerful influences it has been able to wield ;
and so widely has he become known as an earnest and progressive
statesman and so highly is he esteemed that, in 1904, Mr. Wil-
liam J. Bryan, who had twice been the Democratic nominee for
the presidency, suggested that Judge Clark was one of the few
he deemed worthy to be nominated by the Democratic party for
the presidency.
Many of his articles are of an historical character, relating
to episodes in North Carolina history ; his chief work in this line
has been the preparation of the "State Records," a continuation of
the valuable publication begun by Colonel Saunders, running
through sixteen quarto volumes, which entailed on him vast labor
and is of the highest historical value. Another great work of still
higher interest is that known as the "Regimental Histories," em-
braced in five volumes, in which is preserved the record of each
North Carolina regiment, battalion and division during the war
between the states. To Judge Clark is due the conception as
well as the compilation of this memorial of the courage and
patriotic services of the soldiers of North Carolina in that great
war. The method employed in executing the design is admirable,
recording the story of each organization, while the articles pre-
pared by some competent member of each regiment are themselves
of unusual merit. In accomplishing the publication of these two
great works of the State, Judge Clark has rendered a most im-
portant service to the people of the State and to posterity. Both
of these works have been executed by him as a labor of love,
without any pecuniary compensation whatever.
During his whole career he has been astute to place the State
on a high plane and promote such action as would redound to the
credit of North Carolina ; indeed, it was at his suggestion that the
motto for the seal of the State was adopted : "Esse quam videri,"
and he has also brought into prominence the expression, "First
at Bethel and last at Appomattox."
His own contributions to war literature have of themselves been
valuable and excite admiration. He was chairman of the commit-
tee to make reply to the strictures of the Virginia Camp of Con-
federate Veterans upon the claims of patriotic action by North
Carolina during the war, and he performed the duty assigned him
to the eminent satisfaction of the people of the State. Indeed,
there has been no man of more versatile gifts and unremitting
labor than Judge Clark, nor has any other of North Carolina's
sons done more to preserve the memorials of her people and
to perpetuate a remembrance of the glorious deeds that have em-
blazoned the annals of the State. S. A. Ashe.
,HE bar of the city of Charlotte has always
held an enviable place in the legal annals of
North Carolina. As one generation of success-
ful practitioners passes away, another supplies
its place, and the Queen City loses none of its
past prestige.
Among the lawyers who have grown to manhood since the war
between the states, and now are located in Charlotte, few have
succeeded so well as Heriot Clarkson, of the firm of Clarkson &
Duls. Mr. Clarkson was born at Kingsville, a small village in
Richland County, S. C. At the time of his birth (August 21,
1863) his mother had come with her family of children from
Charleston to escape the attack upon that city by the five monitors.
Mr. Clarkson's father was Major William Clarkson, of Charles-
ton, whose wife was Margaret S. Simons. Major Clarkson was
an officer in the Confederate army. As lieutenant he commanded
the sharp-shooters in Fort Sumter on April 7, 1863, when the
Federal forces attacked Charleston. Prior to the war. Major
Clarkson was a planter, and afterward engaged in the railroad
service. Both the families of Clarkson and Simons were held in
high esteem in South Carolina, and they now have a joint repre-
sentative in the person of Heriot Clarkson, whose life in his
adopted State has well measured up to the record of his ances-
tors. Among the patriots of the Revolution from whom he is
lineally descended were Colonel Maurice Simons and Lieutenant-
Colonel Robert Heriot. The first of the Simons family to settle
in South Carolina was Benjamin Simons, who came to America
from France shortly after the Edict of Nantes was revoked in
1685. Among the other ancestors of Heriot Clarkson was Gabriel
Marion, father of General Francis Marion, of Revolutionary
fame. He is also a lineal descendant of Thomas Boston, the great
Scotch divine. '
As was the case with so many southern families, the Clarkson
family had its entire property swept away by the vicissitudes of
war, and in early boyhood Heriot Clarkson was forced to acquire
those habits of industry which have so distinguished him as a
lawyer of maturer years. His first labor, however, was not brain-
work, but manual labor of a varied character — working the gar-
den, cutting wood, and in other ways aiding to lighten the bur-
dens of his parents. At the age of sixteen it became necessary
that he should give up his studies at the Carolina Military Insti-
tute of Charlotte (conducted by Colonel John P. Thomas),
where he was a pupil, and seek some remunerative employment.
He entered the law office of Colonel H. C. Jones and General
R. D. Johnston, and there made himself useful in various capaci-
ties, doing the chores of the office, keeping books, etc. At the
end of four years he had saved three hundred dollars, and with
this capital he set out for the University Law School at Chapel
Hill, where he spent about nine months in 1884, as a student under
Dr. John Manning, then professor of law in that institution. He
made the highest marks in the class. He received his license as
a lawyer from the Supreme Court of North Carolina at Octo-
ber term, 1884. Immediately thereafter he began the practice of
law at Charlotte. He was alderman and vice-mayor of Charlotte
in 1887-88, and held the same posts in 1891-92. In 1899 he ,was
a member of the house of representatives of North Carolina. He
was a strong advocate of "white supremacy." It was at this ses-
sion that the constitutional amendment was submitted to the
people and was passed which eliminated to a great extent the
negro vote from politics in North Carolina. In 1901 Mr. Clark-
son became city attorney of Charlotte, and held that office for four
years. He twice codified the city ordinances of Charlotte, once in
1887 and again in 1901. In the North Carolina Booklet for Oc-
tober, 1901, he contributed an article on Charlotte, entitled "The
Hornets' Nest."
As a Mason, Mr. Clarkson belongs to Phalanx Lodge, No. 31,
A. F. and A. M., at Charlotte; he is also a noble of the Mystic
Shrine (Oasis Temple), a member of the Knights of Pythias
and of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics. He also
holds a membership in the Society of Sons of the Revolution and
is an honorary member of the Society of the Cincinnati. He is a
member of the Huguenot Society of South Carolina, joining
through the Marion, Horry and Simons families. Mr. Clarkson
was for some time a lieutenant of the Hornets' Nest Riflemen of
Charlotte, and was chief marshal at the time of the unveiling of
the monument to the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of
Independence. He is an Episcopalian in religion, and has been
closely identified with church work. He built as a memorial to
his father St. Andrew's Chapel, near Charlotte. For many years
he has been a vestryman of St. Peter's Episcopal Church at Char-
lotte. Few men in North Carolina have been so closely identi-
fied with the cause of temperance as has Mr. Clarkson. Speaking
of his sentiments on this subject, he says: "My strongest ambi-
tion as a boy was to see the saloons abolished in Charlotte. I saw
early the great evil they did. Every public office I ever held I
held as an opponent of the saloon. On July 5, 1904, Charlotte was
carried for prohbition by 485 majority, and I led the contest as,
chairman of the Anti-Saloon League."
He has always been a strong party Democrat and has never
voted any other ticket, often disagreeing with the party, but be-
lieving that unwavering allegiance to the Democratic party was
the only course to obtain good government in the South. He has
been a member for many years, and is now, of the State Demo-
cratic Executive Committee. He was opposed to fusion on the
electoral ticket in 1896, but followed the standard-bearer of his
party loyally.
The first "White Supremacy" club in recent years formed
in North CaroHna, with "white supremacy" and "white labor" as
its only platform, was organized by him and a few others in Char-
lotte before the election of 1896, and numbered about six hundred
members. Then Asheville, Winston and Wilmington formed simi-
lar clubs. He was a strong advocate of the white man's resolution
passed by only two votes by the Democratic Executive Committee
of the State, which did so much to help redeem North Carolina.
He is an advocate of a registered primary for white men to nomi-
nate all state and county officers under the auspices of the Demo-
cratic party. He drew up the platform on which Hon. John D.
Bellamy was nominated, and which was unanimously adopted
without change by the committee and convention. The
platform was received with enthusiasm by the convention
which was held in Wilmington. Subsequent events show how
nobly the people carried out the declaration : "We do hereby de-
clare our determination that white supremacy through white men
shall control and rule North Carolina." The platform reads as
follows :
"We do most heartily reiterate the resolution of the State Executive
Committee in which all white electors are cordially invited to participate
in our primaries and conventions, and do call upon all white men who
love their home and native land to join with us in the great battle in
North Carolina now waged for the supremacy of the white man and
against the corrupt and intolerable government now given us by designing
white men joining with the negro, and we do hereby declare our deter-
mination that white supremacy through white men shall control and rule
North Carolina.''
He has been in full sympathy with the industrial upbuilding of
the State, and was one of the charter members of the Piedmont
Fire Insurance Company, established a few years ago in North
Carolina. He was, in the legislature of 1899, an advocate of a
textile school for North Carolina, and is a firm believer in "trade
education." Through his efforts there passed the house, in 1899,
by twenty-two yotes, a bill establishing a textile school in con-
nection with the Agricultural and Mechanical College at Raleigh.
This was the beginning of the agitation which ended in the build-
ing and equipping of the present textile building at the Agricul-
tural and Mechanical College. He with his partner did much
to have Elizabeth College located at Charlotte and is on the ad-
visory board. He also started the Building and Loan Association
of Charlotte.
In 1888 he formed a partnership to practice law with Mr. C. H.
On December 10, 1889, Mr. Clarkson was married to Miss Mary
Lloyd Osborne, and to this union have been born eight children,
five of whom are now living. Mrs. Clarkson is a daughter of
the Rev. Edwin A. Osborne, now archdeacon of the Convocation
of Charlotte, who won fame in the Confederate army as colonel
of the Fourth North Carolina regiment, and was afterward chap-
lain of the Second North Carolina regiment of United States
Volunteers in the war with Spain. Archdeacon Osborne belongs
to the historic Osborne family which has so conspicuously figured
in the annals of North Carolina.
Mr. Clarkson was appointed solicitor of the twelfth judicial
district by Governor C. B. Aycock in 1904. Judge W. A. Hoke
was judge of the district, and was elected to the Supreme Court
Bench. Mr. J. L. Webb, the solicitor, was appointed to succeed
Judge Hoke. If the appointment of judge had fallen to Governor
R. B. Glenn he would have appointed Mr. Clarkson. He was
nominated by the Democrats by acclamation for solicitor to suc-
ceed himself in 1906. Marshall DeLancey Haywood.
'ITHOUT reference to the career of Stuart
Warren Cramer, of Charlotte, an engineer, con-
tractor and manufacturer, the history of the
industrial development of the South cannot
properly be written. Though he was specially
educated for warfare, being a graduate of the
United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, he chose to construct
rather than to desti^oy, and his achievements justify the asser-
tion that "peace hath her victories no less renowned than war."
He is a native North Carolinian, born at Thomasville, March
31, 1868. By heredity from his father's side of the house and
by education he is national; by maternal heredity and by birth
and association he is southern. His father, John T. Cramer,
was a Federal soldier stationed at Thomasville when he met
Jennie Thomas, Stuart W. Cramer's mother. After the war he
married her and made her native village his home.
Stuart W. Cramer comes honestly by his industrial talents.
His great-grandfather, John Cramer, was a German mechanical
engineer who emigrated to Pennsylvania in the beginning of the
last century, and was employed by his adopted State to aid in
opening up the Western Reserve and in building water-power
grist mills. His grandfather was, and his father is, interested
and active in industrial enterprises. His father organized the
Cramer Furniture Company at Thomasville in 1901, of which
company his father and himself are respectively president and
vice-president. The plant is the largest of its kind in the South.
Moreover, his father has not employed all his energies as a manu-
facturer, but has taken part in politics and has been alert to the
other demands of good citizenship. He has, for instance, repre-
sented his district in the state senate.
So much for the pedigree of Stuart W. Cramer as an American.
From his mother he derives his distinctively southern strain.
Thomasville was founded by and named after her father, John
W. Thomas, who was a planter and a man of affairs. He was
a director in the North Carolina Railroad and a number of other
financial and educational organizations, and was a member of the
state senate.
Mr. Cramer's preparatory education was under the care of
the noted teacher, the late I. L. Wright, whose school was two
miles from Thomasville. He graduated from the Naval Academy
in 1888, resigned from the navy, and, in order to complete his
education as an engineer, spent a year as a post-graduate student
in the School of Mines, Columbia University.
In 1889, having finished the course at Columbia, Mr. Cramer
was married to Miss Bertha Hobart Berry, of Portlajid, Me.,
and the same year returned south to take the position of assayer
in charge of the United States assay office at Charlotte, where
he has since resided. His wife died in August, 1895, and was
survived by two children. Some time thereafter he was married
to his first wife's sister. Miss Kate Stanwood Berry, who after
her marriage lived but a few months. His third marriage, in
January, 1902, was to Miss Rebecca Warren Tinkham, of Boston,
a great-granddaughter of Joshua Bennett, of Bennett Hall, Bil-
lerica, Mass. By this last marriage he has one son.
During the time when Mr. Cramer was in charge of the assay
office in Charlotte he made a number of reports on the gold and
silver production of the South ; prepared the chapter on gold and
silver mining in the South for the census of 1890; and acted as
a special correspondent of the Engineering and Mining Journal
of New York and other technical periodicals. Foi- two years at
this period he was commander of the Naval Reserve for North
Carolina, having organized it himself at the request of an old
friend of his grandfather Thomas, Governor Thomas M. Holt.
He held the position of assayer nearly four years, resigning in
1893 to enter the employment of the D. A. Tompkins Company,
of the same city, of which company he soon became manager.
After something more than two years' service with the Tomp-
kins Company, Mr. Cramer, in the fall of 1895, went into busi-
ness for himself as an engineer and contractor. His specialty
was the designing and equipping of cotton mills. The backbone
of the great business which he has built up has been the agency
in the South for the Whitin Machine Works, of Whitinsville,
Mass., the Woonsocket Machine and Press Company, of Woon-
socket, R. I., and the Kitson Machine Shop, of Lowell, Mass.
He is and has been either the agent or southern manager for
numbers of other large manufacturers of textile machinery and
the miscellaneous and sundry equipment, including power plants,
that goes to the building of cotton mills. He has had much to
do with electric-power mills, and has contributed much to the
science of their construction. One of his gifts to the art of elec-
tric transmission of power, so far as the driving of textile ma-
chinery is concerned, is the well-known "Cramer spinning drive."
So nearly perfect is the organization of his great business that
he has been able to do an immense amount of work. As an engi-
neer he has designed and furnished complete plans and specifica-
tions for over a hundred and fifty cotton mills; and as a con-
tractor he has furnished not only those mills their machinery and
equipment, but approximately an equal number of other mills
designed by other engineers. In short, as contractor he has sup-
plied some three hundred southern cotton mills, from Virginia
to Texas, with machinery, many of the contracts ranging from
a quarter million to a million dollars each.
In the course of such a business Mr. Cramer naturally con-
tributed to the improvement of methods both of designing and
equipping mills. Many of his inventions have been patented,
some of them in foreign countries as well as in the United States.
His system of air conditioning, known by his name, for the pur-
pose of improving atmospheric conditions in cotton and other
mills, is patented in this and foreign countries, and is unique in
being the only system that provides for complete ventilation,
humidifying and air cleansing, accompanied by an automatic reg-
ulation which maintains any desired and predetermined scale of
temperature and humidity. This invention has in mind not only
the economic success of the manufacturer in the lessening of
waste and in the general improvement of the conduct of manu-
facturing, but also the comfort and health of the operatives, ren-
dering it possible at moderate cost to maintain hygienic atmos-
pheric conditions in mills superior to those found in even the best
The work by which Mr. Cramer is best known to the cotton-
mill trade, however, is the second edition of his handbook of
"Useful Information for Cotton Manufacturers," a compilation
which he first edited and published in a volume of pocket size,
containing about a hundred pages. The grateful reception by
the trade of this little pocket handbook soon impelled Mr. Cramer
to the preparation of a second edition. With the purpose of
making it a standard reference book, he went into it more ambi-
tiously— so ambitiously that its preparation and publication re-
quired some seven years of close application. It is comprised
in three volumes of over thirteen hundred pages in all. No con-
tribution similar to this work has been made to the commercial
and scientific literature of any other industry. It covers, in all
its details, the complete equipment of a cotton mill, embracing
not only the architecture and engineering, the complete outfit of
machinery, but a vast accumulation of contributory and valuable
information relating to the mill itself, its organization and its
operation. Though the work was not for sale, it cost seven years
of time and toil and many thousands of dollars. It was for free
distribution to cotton-mill men upon application, particularly to
the mill men of the South, for which section it was especially
prepared and is especially applicable.
With this great record of achievement behind him, Mr. Cramer
is a young man, thoroughly wrapped up in his business and alert
to keep his standard of mill engineering abreast of the best in
the world. Only recently he has traveled in England, France,
Germany, Austria and Belgium, where he enjoyed courteous
treatment and was received as a visitor in many of the largest
factories of Europe and allowed to investigate their equipment,
operation and construction. He has kept in close touch with the
cotton-milling industry in our own eastern states and in Canada.
A few years ago he traveled through the West Indies, looking into
the possibilities of those islands for the development of cotton
milling. His business has so grown that only the first^ of this
year (1907) he has completed and moved into a fine new office
building on the court-house square. He is now erecting, in con-
nection with his office building, a shop for the manufacture of air
conditioners and automatic regulators. The whole building is
occupied by his main offices, drafting rooms, etc. He also has a
branch office in Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. Cramer is a member of the Graduates' Associations of
the United States Naval Academy and Columbia University;
of the United States Naval Institute and the American Institute
of Electrical Engineers ; of the Engineers' Club of New York
City; of the Southern Manufacturers' Club, of Charlotte, N. C. ;
of the National Association of Cotton Manufacturers and the
American Cotton Manufacturers' Association; of the National
Association of the Manufacturers of the United States; and of
a number of lesser societies, clubs, and so on. He is a director
in many cotton mills, banks and other institutions, and owns the
controlling interest in the Cramer Furniture Company at Thomas-
ville, N. C.
Judging merely from the foregoing statement of facts, one
would hardly wager that Mr. Cramer is in any degree given to
social pleasures or that his tastes would run to art and sports.
This, however, is true. He has a passionate love for music and
a highly cultivated discrimination in it. He has several times
been president of musical festivals in the Carolinas. In his resi-
dence he has installed the largest and most valuable pipe organ
in his home city, and he frequently delights his neighbors with
organ recitals and musicales. He also takes a deeply intelligent
pleasure in paintings and bric-a-brac, of which he possesses a well-
chosen and extensive collection. In sports, he is fond of dogs
and horses, but derives his chief pleasure from automobiling. To
gratify this taste he has kept for some years large gasoline tour-
ing cars and, for town use, an electric Stanhope.
To see Stuart W. Cramer on the street, young, well-knit, ac-
tive, very human, easy in laughter, and equal to any task, the
casual observer would advise that his biographer delay his work
for many years, for the reason that Mr. Cramer, by comparison
with what will probably be his whole achievement, has but made
a fair start upon his career. John Charles McNeill.
;H0MAS DIXON, Jr., of national fame as a
playwright and international fame as a novelist,
was born in Cleveland County, N. C, January
II, 1864. He belongs to one of the distin-
guished families of the State, his father and
two brothers being all well-known Baptist
preachers, and one of his sisters. Dr. Dixon-Carroll, of Raleigh,
being a member of the faculty of the Baptist University for
Women and an active and able practitioner of medicine.
Thomas Dixon, Jr., is the most interesting man the State has
ever mothered. Neither in childhood nor manhood has he been
able to fellowship with a dull time. In his playing of ordinary
dialogue roles, he thrilled his native village as a schoolboy. He
was the hero of his mates at Wake Forest College during his
residence there as a student, and a photograph of him now in one
of the society albums shows a row of medals across his breast
worthy of a Japanese general. Though he won high honors as a
student, it was his oratory that especially excited the pride and
wonder of his fellows ; indeed, many of them say he was a better
speaker in his boyhood than he is now. In 1883 he was graduated
as a master of arts. He studied history and politics at Johns
Hopkins University in 1883-1884.
In the fall of 1884 he went upon the hustings as a candidate for
the legislature, and defeated an old time politician in a campaign
which was the astonishment of the county and is still a favorite
topic with those who heard any of the stumping. Thus he was
chosen to represent his people before he was himself old enough
to vote. One of his speeches in the house, on a bill for the relief
of Confederate soldiers, gave him a state-wide reputation.
He took up the study of law in Greensboro, got his license in
1885, and located at Shelby, where, in the little stuffy village
show house, his professional sign still glares from the stage cur-
tain. He practiced a year or two, but the fruits of the legal pro-
fession seem to have ripened too slowly for his impatience.
Anyhow, he abandoned the law in 1886 (the same year in which
he married, on March 3d, Miss Harriet Bussey, of Georgia) and
was ordained into the Baptist ministry. In this high calling his
rise was surely fast enough to satisfy even his own eagerness.
He began his clerical career at Goldsboro, and went by short
stages from Goldsboro to Raleigh, from Raleigh to Boston, and
from Boston to New York. He was pastor of the Twenty-third
Street Baptist Church of New York when he was twenty-three
years old, and had been there but a short time when the audi-
torium of the church could no longer accommodate the crowds,
and it was necessary to engage a much larger one. Quite fre-
quently the metropolitan papers carried reports of his services,
together with snap-shot photographs of himself and sketches of
his pulpit attitudes. The papers had a particularly merry time
over him once when he ignorantly violated the game laws and
was arrested for killing a great many robins. During the first
McKinley campaign he preached political sermons, which aroused
such violent antagonisms that the municipal government thought
it necessary to have police officers attend worship. As Mr. Dixon
has confessed, his ability as a platform speaker kept him in a
seemingly successful ministry over twelve years, but he was of
little account as a pastor. He did not know personally one man
out of ten to whom he preached.
In 1899 he abandoned the ministry and put in his whole time
as a lecturer, in which capacity he had been for years winning a
great reputation and had come to be regarded as one of the chief
platform attractions in the country. His renouncement of the
ministry, however, does not seem to have been understood ; it was
thought to be merely a suspension; the papers and people con-
tinue to refer to him as Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., after his novels
had been selling into the hundred thousands and after he had
plainly identified himself with the stage. But the public certainly
comprehended him after his. publication of the following card in
the New York Herald, dated April 30, 1906 :
"May I ask the Herald to assist me in divesting my name of the title
of 'Rev.' in a recent issue under Theatrical Jottings? Judging by your
many kindnesses to me in the past, I feel sure you will do so. In 1899 I
resigned from the ministry for reasons of conscience, dissolved my inde-
pendent church, and severed all connections with the office of clergyman.
I have not since been a member of any church. My father and older
brother are actively engaged in preaching. For their office I hold the
profoundest respect, but for many reasons the designation applied to me
has become peculiarly painful."
When in 1902 he undertook to reach the ear of the world as
a novelist, he was already known throughout the country, for he
had been lecturing for a dozen years, and there could not have
been an American city of any considerable size where he had not
appeared. This fact must be kept in mind when one comes to
account for the immense popularity of ''The Leopard's Spots,"
which kept it high among the "six best sellers" for months. Its
American popularity readily accounts for its translation into
French and German a,nd its reproduction in the beautiful Tauch-
nitz series, published from Berlin. It was well advertised to be
a reply to "Uncle Tom's Cabin," and it treats of a subject of per-
ennial interest — the relation of the white and negro races after
the civil war. Mr. Dixon says of this novel and its companion,
"The Clansman" : "I have given voice in my books to the silent
South, which for forty years has been misrepresented and slan-
dered by writers of the North."
Between the publication of these two related novels, Mr. Dixon
issued in 1903 "The One Woman," which might be classed as a
study in fiction of modern socialistic tendencies. Say his pub-
lishers: "No book published in recent times has received such a
torrent of savage abuse from unknown critics and such enthusias-
tic praise from the leaders of thought. The reviews of 'The One
Woman' printed during the first month of its life would fill a
volume of 1000 closely printed pages." This novel, however, did
not meet with a popularity comparable to that which the other
two enjoyed, though it ran for a while among the "six best
In 1905 Mr. Dixon published "The Life Worth Living," a right
sorry piece of work in almost all respects. If interesting at all, it
is so only because the subject treated is interesting: it is autobio-
graphical. Some months since Mr. Dixon's publishers announced
the publication of "The Traitor," a novel which it is understood
completes the historic trilogy begun in "The Leopard's Spots"
and continued in "The Clansman." It shows the decay of the
Ku Klux Klan, what time the organization was taken over by
the scalawags and other irresponsibles, and was dragged into ill
repute in its own territory. This story was delayed for the ap-
parent reason that the author had his hands full in the drafting
and management of his plays. Perhaps he will abandon the
novel, as he did politics, the law, and the pulpit.
Be that as it may, his energies are now focused on play-writing
and play-producing. His play "The Clansman," founded upon
the two novels which deal with the race question, was launched
at Norfolk, Va., at the beginning of the season of 1905. From
its initial performance, throughout its tour of the South and its
subsequent production in the North, and, indeed, during the pres-
ent season, it has kept things lively. Madly hissed and madly ap-
plauded simultaneously, it has been played everywhere to packed
houses. Its cast as a whole comprised worse than mediocre play-
ers. Its effect was not the excitement that art engenders. Its
blunt appeal was to the race feeling, and the response has been
unparalleled. "The One Woman," a play supposed to be drama-
tized from the novel of that name, but varying widely from it,
was put on the road at Norfolk during the season 1906-7 and took
about the same trail as did "The Clansman." Though a better
drama both in construction and performance than its predecessor,
it has not raised any furor.
Such is a brief outline of the acts of the Hfe of Thomas Dixon,
Jr., up to his forty- fourth year : a man of consuming activity and
He is six feet and four inches high, very slender and leathery,
and possessed of a presence as distinguished as it should be. All
his life he has made a study of the crowd, and has mastered the
subject. Whether he could have brought any literary style to the
writing of his books, he did not bring any; they are examples of
the ordinary journalistic manner; but his judgment of the public
taste was confirmed by their sales. His close-hand study of the
crowd, however, has been as an orator. It has been his long en-
joyment to elicit an immediate response to his spirit, with his eye
on the object. There is no charm known to public speaking which
has failed of his consideration and, at least, partial acquirement.
His dark eyes seem really luminous; his high, thin nostrils are
sensitive to emotion ; his every motion on the platform is a defini-
tion of grace and vigor ; his articulation is marvelous for its dis-
tinctness and rapidity, and his voice preserves its southern sweet-
ness and carries like a bell. In speaking, he goes against the
theories of elocution so far as to fold his long arms over his chest
and to clasp his hands behind him; ofttimes he thrusts his hands
into his pockets. A favorite gesture is to strike his fingers
through his fine shock of black hair, or to toss it back when the
vigorous motions of his head shake it about his forehead. Before
the footlights he is as goodly a figure as heart could desire. It
matters little to his auditors what the philosophy of his discourse
may be; their only dread is that which Ben Jonson ascribed to
those who heard Lord Bacon, "lest he make an end." He has
had many imitators, but none successful, for his oratory is unique,
and as an orator he can claim most justly, what he has no right
to claim as a novelist, style. There is no doubt that his plays
would not have been so eagerly attended if it had not been known
that the author often accompanied the troupe and would respond
to a curtain call. Despite his success in other fields, it is a fact
that he is from heel to head only an orator. The more meri-
torious passages in his books are distinctly oratorical. He paints
with a broom; he seeks and induces quick and broad effects.
When he dies, his books, divorced from his personality, will wither
like severed boughs ; but whoever has heard him speak will never
forget the thrill of the man's presence.
So much for a man forty-four years old and in the best of
health. John Charles McNeill.
[OHN WILLIS ELLIS, the first of the three
successive governors of North Carolina during
the war between the states, was born in the
county of Rowan in July, 1820. His birthplace
became a part of Davidson County when David-
son was severed from Rowan in 1822. His
father was Anderson Ellis, and the maiden name of his mother
was Judith Bailey. Of the Ellis family, and of the father of Gov-
ernor Ellis in particular, Dr. Rumple, in his "History of Rowan
County," says : "The family of Ellises, for several generations,
lived in the famed Jersey settlement on the eastern banks of the
Yadkin, and several of them accumulated fortunes. Anderson
Ellis, Sr., gave to his children the advantages of a good education,
and most of them became prominent and useful citizens."
John Willis Ellis, the future governor, received his preparatory
education under Robert Allison at Beattie's Ford, and later en-
tered Randolph-Macon College in Virginia. After spending a
session at Randolph-Macon, he became a student at the Univer-
sity of North Carolina, graduating as a bachelor of arts in 1841.
He studied law under Judge Richmond M. Pearson (afterward
chief justice), and received his license to practice in 1842. His
first appearance in public life was as a member of the North Caro-
lina house of commons (representing Rowan County) in 1844.
At the two succeeding sessions — 1846 and 1848 — he was also a
member of the same body.
.£^. by s. ^,S'-f>'';^^^ ^. Br.j Anr
^'A^S /.iS', A^v/^t ^i^AsAg.r.
He was a Democrat, but was an advocate of internal improve-
ments; and in the Assembly of 1848 he had in charge the bill to
charter the railroad from Charlotte to Danville, which was advo-
cated by Governor Morehead, Rufus Barringer and others, but
was defeated when the North Carolina Railroad was chartered
at that session.
Upon being elected an associate justice of the Supreme Court
in 1848, Judge Pearson resigned from the Bench of the superior
court. He was succeeded by Mr. Ellis, who was elected by the
joint ballot of the General Assembly (defeating William H. Battle
by only two votes) on December 16, 1848. For ten years — from
1848 till 1858 — Judge Ellis remained on the superior court Bench,
yearly growing more and more firmly established in the respect
and admiration of the people, until at length, being elected gov-
ernor of the State, he resigned his judicial office.
On August 25, 1844, Ellis married his first wife, Mary White,
a daughter of the Hon. Philo White, United States minister
to Ecuador. This marriage was without issue. Judge Ellis
was married a second time to Mary McKinlay Daves, a daughter
of John Pugh Daves, of New Bern, and granddaughter of Major
John Daves, whose biography is elsewhere set forth in this work.
By this second marriage Judge Ellis had two daughters — Mary
Daves Ellis, who married William H. Knowles, of Pensacola, Fla.,
and Jane Graham Ellis, wife of William Trent Rossell, now a
lieutenant-colonel in the Corps of Engineers of the United States
army. Mrs. Ellis, after the death of her husband, married Mr.
In 1858 Judge Ellis became the nominee of the Democratic
party for governor, his opponent in the convention being W. W.
Holden, the editor of the Standard. The Standard in the cam-
paign gave him but an indifferent support, and Mr. Holden then
began to waver in his steadfast support of his party, and John
Spelman was awarded the public printing by the friends of Gov-
ernor Ellis. In the election of 1858, the Whig party having no
hope of success, put forward no nominee of their own, but brought
out Duncan K. MacRae, as an independent Democratic candidate.
on the platform of a distribution of the public lands among the
old thirteen states. Governor Ellis was successful by a majority
of 16,247. The aggregate vote polled in that election was 96,177.
His inauguration took place on January i, 1859. Two years
later, in August, i860, he was again the Democratic candidate,
and defeated John Pool, of Pasquotank, by a majority of 6,340.
The aggregate vote in this second election was 1 12,586. The par-
ticular issue at this time in state politics was ad valorem taxation,
taxing negroes and all property according to their value ; but Fed-
eral politics also entered largely into that campaign.
The time in which Mr. Ellis filled the office of governor was
from his first inauguration on January i, 1859, until his death on
July 7, 1 861. This was one of the most critical periods in the
history of North Carolina — indeed, one of the most critical in the
history of the Nation, for it was during that time that the war
between the states began.
In his message dated November 20, i860, six months before
North Carolina seceded from the Union, Governor Ellis referred
to the party which had recently come into power through the
national election, saying:
"They, who themselves have utterly refused to be bound by the Osnsti-
tution, now hold it up to us as a bond to secure us from defending our
property and lives against their oppressions. It is true Abraham Lincoln
is elected President according to the forms of the Constitution ; it is equally
true that George III was the rightful occupant of the British throne, yet
our fathers submitted not to his authority. They rebelled not against
the man because of any defect of his title to the Crown, but against the
more substantial fact — the tyranny of his ministers and parliament. That
power 'behind the throne,' and which in the name of the throne attempted
to deprive them of their liberties, is the one with which they grappled.
.So it is with us. It is not the man, Abraham Lincoln, that we regard, but
the power that elevated him to ofiSce and which will naturally maintain a
controlling influence in his administration. And can it reasonably be
expected that men who have totally disregarded their constitutional obliga-
tions and proved so dangerous in the administration of their State govern-
ments will learn moderation by this new gratification of their lust of power
and dominion?"
Realizing that coercive measures were likely to be adopted by
the authorities at Washington in the event of secession, Governor
ElHs recommended in this same message that the miHtia (then
composed of all able-bodied citizens not especially exempt) should
be reorganized by the enrollment of all men between the ages of
eighteen and forty-five. This, said the governor, would place
on the muster rolls about 110,000 men. He also recommended
that a corps of 10,000 volunteers, apart from the militia, should
be raised and equipped.
The legislature, to which the above recommendations were
made, began its deliberations on November 19, i860, and ad-
journed on February 25, 1861. During this session various reso-
lutions bearing upon the points at issue were introduced, and
memorials from mass-meetings of citizens of different sections
came in — some favoring secession, some hoping that, the South
could adjust the difficulties without going out of the Union. Some
resolutions, introduced by members, denounced the legislatures
of states at the north for having already nullified the provisions
of the Constitution ; others provided that any person favoring a
dissolution of the Union should not be qualified to hold any office
of honor and trust in North Carolina. There were many men
of many minds, until Lincoln's call for troops made secessionists
of all.
To the above legislature commissioners came in ambassadorial
capacities from other southern states to suggest that a general
conference be held and measures for cooperation and mutual
defense adopted. Several of the commissioners were native North
Carolinians. From Mississippi came Jacob Thompson, a former
member of President Buchanan's cabinet; from Alabama came
I. W. Garrott and Robert H. Smith; and from Georgia came
Samuel Hall. Possibly there were others also. Resolutions from
Texas, and from the three northern states of New York, Minne-
sota and Michigan, were also received by this Assembly.
Though the New York resolutions, like those from Texas, were
accorded a respectful reception, those passed by Minnesota and
Michigan were ordered to be returned to those states without
A resolution was passed by the legislature appointing two acts
of North Carolina commissioners. One set (consisting of Thomas
Ruffin, David S. Reid, Daniel M. Barringer, John M. Morehead
and George Davis) was elected to attend a Peace Convention
called by Virginia to meet in Washington on February 4, 1861.
This meeting (which later adjourned to February 27th) was
known as the "Peace Conference." None of the seceded states
were represented. Twenty-one states, however, sent delegates,
and some action was taken that might have resulted in saving the
Union, but the Republicans in Congress gave no heed to its recom-
mendations. They preferred war with all its horrors. The other
commissioners mentioned above (David L. Swain, Matthew W.
Ransom and John L. Bridgers) were directed to go to Montgom-
ery, Ala., ,to a conference of the southern states on the same
date — February 4, 1861 — and use all honorable means to effect
an amicable adjustment of the troubles. These gentlemen went
on their mission ; but before February 4th came, the seven states
of South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisi-
ana and Texas had all seceded, and the provisional government
of the Confederate States of America was formed on that very
day. The North Carolina commissioners were received with
marked courtesy, and they were invited to attend all meetings
of the Confederate Congress, including secret sessions. They
attended no secret sessions, but remained some days to advise with
the southern statesmen assembled at Montgomery.
In North Carolina, Forts Johnston and Caswell (unoccupied),
on the Cape Fear River, were seized without orders by the mili-
tary companies and citizens of the neighborhood on January 8,
1861. Governor Ellis, on hearing of this, had them immediately
restored to the United States authorities, at the same time serving
notice on President Buchanan that any attempt to garrison these
unoccupied forts with United States troops would be taken as a
hostile demonstration and resisted as such.
The legislature having submitted to popular vote the propo-
sition to call a state convention to consider what course North
Carolina should pursue, an election was held on February 28,
1861, and those adverse to a convention won by a vote of 47,323
against 46,672 — the majority against convention being 651.
About six weeks after the above election a requisition on Gov-
ernor Ellis came by wire, as follows:
"War Department,
"Washington, April 15, 1861.
"To Governor Ellis:
"Call made on you by to-night's mail for two regiments of military for
immediate service.
^ "Simon Cameron,
"Secretary of War."
This despatch came to a governor laboring for reconciliation:
the reply was signed by a secessionist on behalf of a State no
longer to be divided by factions. The answer read:
"Raleigh, N. C, April 15, 1861.
"Sir: Your despatch is received, and if genuine — which its extraordinary
character leads me to doubt — I have to say in reply that I regard the
levy of troops, made by the administration for the purpose of subjugating
the states of the South, as in violation of the Constitution, and a usurpa-
tion of power. I can be no party to this wicked violation of the laws of
the country, and to this war upon the liberties of a free people. You
can get no troops from North Carolina.
"I will reply more in detail when your call is received by mail.
"John W. Ellis,
"Governor of North Carolina."
On April 17, 1861, two days after the above correspondence,
Governor Ellis issued a proclamation calling an extra session of
the legislature, which accordingly assembled in Raleigh on the
first day of May. On the same date he sent to that body his
message, setting forth recent transactions, and (among other
things) saying:
"The outburst of indignation with which the proclamation of the Presi-
dent has been received by all the citizens of the State convinces me that
I did not mistake the people whose chief magistrate I am. The alacrity
with which they have sprung to arms— outstripping the slow forms of law,
and enabling me to assemble an army from the plow and the workshops
in less time than it has required to convene the General Assembly— is proof
that long years of peace and order have only made more dear to them
their rights and liberties, and have not in the least impaired their readiness
and thigir ability to defend them.
"Under the advice of the council of state, I have established at the seat
of government a camp of instruction, to which I have ordered such troops
as are ready for service and are not needed for the protection of the
"A usurper, who had already seized the sword without authority of
law and was using it against his own countrymen, could not with safety
to the State be allowed to establish himself in the strongholds and fortified
places within our limits. I therefore, in discharge of a plain obligation
devolving on me as governor of the State, and in virtue of the powers
vested in me as governor and captain-general and commander-in-chief of
the militia, lost no time in taking possession, in the name of the State,
of the forts, arsenals, and other property of the Federal Government within
the State, and they are now held, under my orders, by adequate garrisons."
On the first day of the above session a bill was passed calling
a state convention to meet in Raleigh on May 20th. The call
for a convention passed the house of commons unanimously,
and had only three negative votes in the senate. Much time at
this session was taken up in raising and equipping volunteers for
defense of the State, and armed assistance was also formally ten-
dered to Virginia and to the Confederate Government.
The body afterward known as the "Secession Convention" was
called to order in Raleigh at the time appointed by law — May
20, 1861 — and was presided over by the Hon. Weldon N. Ed-
wards. On the first day of its session an ordinance of secession
was introduced by the Hon. George E. Badger, giving reasons
for such action, and based on the right of revolution. This was
rejected, and a substitute offered by the Hon. Burton Craige was
adopted. Mr. Craige's substitute gave no reasons, as a sovereign
State's actions were deemed subject to no review. It simply re-
pealed the state ordinance of 1789 whereby the Constitution of
the United States was ratified; also repealed, abrogated and re-
scinded all acts of Assembly based on the same; dissolved the
union between North Carolina and the other states ; and declared
North Carolina in full possession and exercise of all the rights
of sovereignty which belong and appertain to a free and inde-
pendent State. The convention which passed this ordinance ad-
journed on June 28th, but later held three extra sessions — mak-
ing four sessions in all.
Governor Ellis did not long survive the outbreak of the war.
A mortal illness was wearing out his frame when hostilities
began, and the malady was aggravated by his arduous work in
behalf of the southern cause. Finally he was prevailed upon to
go to Red Sulphur Springs, in the present State of West Virginia,
then a part of Virginia, and there died on July 7, 1861. His re-
mains were borne through Virginia with miUtary honors, and
formally resigned to the escort from North Carolina, later being
laid in state at Raleigh. Here business was suspended and the
city was draped in mourning. With an escort, civil, military and
masonic, the body was then carried to Holtsburg, in Davidson
County, and there interred among his kindred. The Rev. Richard
S. Mason, rector of Christ Church, in Raleigh, and the Rev.
Alfred A. Watson, rector of Christ Church in New Bern (after-
ward bishop of East Carolina), conducted services at the grave,
and these were followed by masonic honors from Fulton Lodge,
No. 99, at Salisbury, of which the deceased was a member.
The first volunteer company raised in Raleigh at the beginning
of the war was called the Ellis Light Artillery, after the governor.
This company was commanded by Captain Stephen D. Ramseur,
afterward major-general, and mortally wounded at Cedar Creek,
Va. Later it was known as Manly's Battery.
A handsome marble bust of Governor Ellis is in the North
Carolina executive mansion, and a plaster cast of this is in the
reading room of the State Library at Raleigh.
Ellis was succeeded as governor by the Hon. Henry Toole
Clark, of Edgecombe County, who was the speaker of the senate.
A successor was elected at the regular election in August, 1862,
special provision having been made for the new term to begin on
September 7, 1862; on that day Governor Clark was succeeded
by Zebulon B. Vance, who remained in office throughout the
remainder of the war.
Marshall DeLancey Haywood.
JOSEPH J. ERWIN was born January 21, 181 1,
in Burke County, about three miles north of
Morganton, N. C. His father, James Erwin,
was son of Alexander Erwin and Sarah Robin-
son and grandson of Nathaniel Erwin and Leah
Julian. His mother was Margaret Phifer,
daughter of Colonel Martin Phifer, Jr., and Elizabeth Locke, and
granddaughter of Hon. Matthew Locke and Margaret Brandon.
Nathaniel Erwin came to this country from Ireland in 1740 and
lived for a time in Bucks County, Pa. From Pennsylvania he
removed to Mecklenburg County, N. C, and afterward settled
in York County, S. C. His five sons were soldiers in the Revolu-
tionary war, Alexander and William being colonels at its close.
Alexander and Arthur settled in Burke County, N. C, Alexander
was clerk of the court of Burke County for many years, and was
one of the committee of three who laid out the town of Morgan-
ton, in 1780. James Erwin, eldest son of Alexander Erwin, in-
herited and acquired large tracts of land in North Carolina and
Tennessee, and was tlfe owner of many slaves. He took an active
part in politics and public affairs, representing his county in the
legislature and succeeding his father in the office of clerk of
Burke County court. He was a man of fine presence and courtly
manners and possessed untiring energy and shrewd business
Qy^ q/^ cyi^^.-z^
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Colonel Joseph J. Erwin's early years were spent at his birth-
place, the home of his father, Bellevue, three miles north of Mor-
ganton, near the banks of Upper Creek, in Burke County. After
the usual training in the village academy at Morganton, he went
to "Washington College, now Washington and Lee University, at
Lexington, Va., where in 1829, at the age of eighteen, he grad-
uated with honor; he afterward studied law. He was aid-de-
camp, with rank of colonel, to Governor William A. Graham,
who was his lifelong friend and for whom he had the highest
esteem, honoring him as one of our purest statesmen. Like his
father and grandfather before him, he became clerk of the court
of Burke County. He afterward served several terms in the
state legislature. While there, in 1864, he was the able and
trusted adviser of Governor Vance, his friend and kinsman, who
says of him in this connection :
"He stood square up to me and rejected all weak-kneed prospositions
looking to North Carolina obtaining separate terms for herself, saying
again and again that we all ought to hang together and take a common
fate. He was the soul of integrity and moral courage and had as nice a
sense of honor as any Paladin of romance."
On June 9, 1847, he married Miss Elvira J. Holt, the daughter
of Dr. William R. and Mary Allen Holt, of Lexington, N. C. She
was a woman of great strength of mind and nobleness of char-
acter. The first years of their married life were spent in Ruther-
ford County, where Colonel Erwin was engaged in gold mining.
After the death of his father he acceded to the wish of his mother
and took possession of the old homestead, Bellevue, in 1853.
Here he spent the remaining years of his life, cultivating to a
high degree the many acres which comprised this splendid prop-
From his youth up till his death, November 20, 1879, little short
of three score years and ten, Joseph J. Erwin lived a life of spot-
less integrity. While holding many offices of public trust, he yet
preferred to do good in the quiet walks of life rather than in the
glare of publicity. Blessed with a superb body, slight and active,
a well-balanced mind, and a pure and childlike nature, he looked
life straight in the face, endured with courage its ills and reverses
and thankfully partook of its joys and blessings. Of singularly
modest deportment, that charity that never faileth was one of the
chief graces of his life. He never lost an opportunity of giving
a kindly word of sympathy or advice to those in need, while his
face and alms were never turned away from any poor man. His
methods of farming were exceptionally intelligent and scientific
and much in advance of those then used in that section of country.
His lands were kept constantly in the highest state of cultivation
and their yield was both bountiful and of more than usual quality.
He was preeminently a man of peace, loved the Union and the old
flag, and hoped to the last that the civil war might be averted,
believing that the enlightened nations of the Christian world
should not go to war, but arbitrate their differences. When his
State seceded, however, he went with the State and was a
staunch supporter of the Confederacy, though too old to bear
arms. While his soul wearied of the horrors of war, he
longed for peace and said, "I want peace, but only an honorable
I can hardly do better in this connection than quote an estimate
of Colonel Erwin's character, written at the time of his death, by
a friend and neighbor. Colonel W. S. Pearson, of Morganton :
"Colonel Erwin was a model of the old time southern planter as de-
veloped under the mild partriarchal form of slavery. Shall we ever see
successors more worthy of the bountiful esteem, less loving of self, more
loving of country, less afraid of what man could do unto them, more
humble in the worship of the living God ? Have we forgotten the example
of those to whom we owe the goodly heritage of residence and citizenship
in this blessed Old North State of ours ? They are entitled to the highest
praise for having organized soci'ety on the basis that made hospitality uni-
versal among people, honesty the pole star of the rulers and godliness the
test of the priest. Nothing written of Colonel Erwin would be complete
without reference to his Christian character, the key to the whole machin-
ery of the man. Though bred a Presb3rterian, he never connected himself
with any branch of the church till the summer visitation of Bishop Atkin-
son in 1858, when he was confirmed. To believe and act upon the belief,
that all things work together for good to those that love the Lord, to
bear afflictions and losses without complaint, to visit the widow and father-
less, to obey those in authority, all these were cardinal maxims often re-
peated and steadily adhered to. He remembered that the great apostle to
the Gentiles had enjoined the duty of hospitality. Who that has ever
enjoyed the delightful welcome of his roof can forget his old-time
courtesy, the merry twinkle of his fine dark eye when an apt word of
humor was thrown into the dialogue, his companionable freedom with the
younger members of his household, the charity of his criticism, his un-
speakable scorn for a mean act duly proven? His patriotism, his intelli-
gent approval or disapproval of public men or measures, his acquaintance
with crop statistics and the improved methods of farming, his wise con-
servatism in matters of church, his fondness for good roads and other
public improvements — these were the topics on which he could best be
persuaded to converse with freedom and friendly ease. He was the steady
and interested friend of all young men who wished to do something in the
world. With such he was companionable, frank, advisory, and sympathetic.
Not cynical nor given to the denunciation of the world and the world's
treatment of men, but hopeful and ever urging self-reliance as the key-
stone to the archway of success.
"For many years he was a faithful vestryman of Grace Protestant Epis-
copal Church. He was also one of the early members of the Catawba
Valley Lodge of F. & A. Masons.
"An ample purse, a noble country seat and the most cultured family
surroundings enabled him, until the general wreck of the State in 1865,
to dispense the old-fashioned southern hospitality. He had loved the Con-
federacy with a great, deep, heroic love and had hugged the hope of her
admittance among the nations, to the very last. Long past the age of
active service and having no son who had reached it, he spent his efforts in
relieving the cry of the widow and orphan for bread, in encouraging the
doubters, and in keeping up the tone of his country in general. When at
last the curtain fell on that scene of blood, Colonel Erwin felt that grum-
bling was the last business in which a true man could engage. Sadly hurt
in heart and purse, advanced in years and having on him the care and
education of a large family, he resolutely set to work with the spirit of an
eighteen year old. Proud of his farm and his skill in farming he made the
old acres to yield as they had never done before. Prudent management
was finally able to relieve him of heavy security obligations, and so while
the country was undergoing the greatest of her many political revolutions,
he shouldered his own heavy burden and bore it with a quiet, uncomplain-
ing spirit such as all who witnessed must have envied, till at last his shat-
tered frame and wearied limbs gave way and he fell back on a support
which he had long before provided for his time of trouble, and had per-
fect rest."
I quote again from another of Morganton's gifted sons, the late
Isaac Erwin Avery, the occasion being the death of Mrs. Joseph
J. Erwin :
"Bellevue, a magnificent property, situated on the banks of Upper Creek,
had been granted to Alexander Erwin in 1780, though the Erwins had
lived on the estate prior to that time. For a century Alexander, James,
and Joseph Erwin were prominent men highly esteemed in public and
private life. For fifty years they held consecutively the office of clerk of
the county court of Burke County, and they always worked for the practi-
cal betterment of the life around them. Joseph J. Erwin is still held up
as a model in Burke County, as a man who filled a long life so worthily
that when he died no man found sign of error in all the years nor any-
thing but good deeds and righteousness and gentleness and fearlessness
and lovableness. He died in 1879, and there survived him his wife and
ten children. The children are: Miss Mary Louise Erwin, Miss Lizzie
Matilda Erwin, Mrs. Lawrence S. Holt, Mrs. John Q. Gant, Mrs. Thomas
P. Moore, Mrs. E. K. Powe, Mr. William Allen Erwin, Mr. James Locke
Erwin, Mr. Jesse Harper Erwin and Mr. Joseph Ernest Erwin."
Just as their ancestors fought heroically for American independ-
ence and for so many generations lived honored and useful lives
in public and private station, so the sons of Colonel Erwin are
among the leaders in the industrial development of the State as
well as inheritors of the personal worth and integrity of character
that adorned the life of their father. Likewise, of the six daugh-
ters, two continue to live at Bellevue, four have married North
Carolina men, who, like the sons of Colonel Erwin, are successful
manufacturers of cotton and constructive in the State's progress,
and all, gentle as they are in birth and breeding, keep alive in
themselves the best traditions of southern womanhood.
It was in August, 1903, that this family of four sons and six
daughters met beside the death-bed of their good and honored
mother, who passed away at the age of seventy-nine. The old
estate of Bellevue still remains undivided, although it has been
more than twenty-seven years since Colonel Erwin's death. And
this fact typifies the abiding influence and good name of this
excellent man. /. H. Southgate.
[DWIN WILEY FULLER was born in Louis-
burg, Franklin County, N. C, November 30,
1847. His father, Jones Fuller, was the son of
Rev. Bartholomew Fuller and Sarah Cooke, a
sister of Captain Jones Cooke. His mother was
Anna Long Thomas, a daughter of Jordan
Thomas and Anna Long, and sister of Dr. William G. Thomas, of
Wilmington, N. C. His maternal grandmother was a daughter of
Gabriel Long and Sarah Richmond, and a granddaughter of Wil-
liam Richmond, who came from England early in the eighteenth
century with his brother-in-law. Sir Peyton Skipwith. William
Richmond settled in eastern North Carolina, and married Anne
Milleken, daughter of Colonel James Milleken. Their only daugh-
ter married Gabriel Long, as above stated, and he was a son of
Colonel Nicholas Long and Mary Reynolds. Colonel Long was
the founder of the Long family of Halifax, and his residence,
"Quankee," had more than a state reputation. When General
Washington visited the Carolinas he and his staff were the guests
of Colonel Long for several days.
Mr. Fuller's connections on both sides were among the most
prominent families in Virginia and North Carolina.
At a very early age, while then a student at the Louisburg Male
Academy, he developed a decided taste for literature. In 1864
he entered the University of North Carolina and was there until
April, 1865, when, with three other students, he obtained passes
through the Federal lines and walked home. While at Chapel
Hill he became a member of the Delta Psi Fraternity and in 1864
was chosen its anniversary orator. While a student there he fre-
quently expressed his thoughts in verse, but nothing written at
that time has ever been given to the public. His first literary pro-
duction was "The Village on the Tar" ; this was soon followed by
In 1867 he entered the University of Virginia, where he con-
tinued his literary pursuits. A prominent Tennesseean who was
there at that time writes of him thus :
"Those young men of east Tennessee, north Georgia, and southwestern
Virginia who were students of the University of Virginia during the term
of 1867-68 will readily recall a youth of fragile frame and somewhat
diminutive stature, who came among us at the opening of the term, whose
eagle eye attracted the attention, while his gentle, winsome manner soon
won our hearts. They will remember how soon we bowed before the
splendid intellect of him who seemed only a boy of tender years, and they
will readily concede him to have been the leading spirit of the band with
whom he was almost an idol. His versatility of talents, his modest, retir-
ing nature, his chivalric sense of honor, his calm, deliberate judgment, his
high-souled integrity of purpose, his boundless ambition, his devotion as a
friend, his exalted manhood, all these rise fresh before the minds of all
who knew him at the University, and even more vividly will they recall
the pure unsullied character he bore."
During his college life in Virginia "The Angel in the Cloud"
was written and published in the University Magazine. Dr.
Scheie DeVere, Dr. Gildersleeve and Professor Holmes all ex-
pressed decided opinions as to the real worth of this poem, and
it soon gained for the young author an enviable reputation. While
here, as at Chapel Hill, he gave a whole-hearted service to the
Delta Psi Fraternity.
In 1868, after receiving diplomas in the schools of English lit-
erature and moral philosophy, he returned to his home in Louis-
burg, N. C. For a while business cares and his father's failing
health compelled him to lay aside his literary pursuits, but as
soon as possible after his father's death he resumed his work, and
in 1871 "The Angel in the Cloud" was published in book form.
This poem attracted complimentary notices not only from the
press of his native State, but from the West and North as well.
The New York Times says :
"It is a matter of some surprise to meet with a hundred pages of blank
verse in these days of discouragement for poets, and that surprise is
changed to utter astonishment at finding any tolerable degree of merit in
the lines. Any one, however, who will take the trouble to read this poem
through will be forced to admit that it has merit, and will find the perusal
a pleasure rather than the tedious process he had a right to anticipate.
His subject does not appear an attractive one for poetry, but there is so
much thought displayed, such ingenious reasoning and skillful handling of
language that one finishes the book without feeling any of the anticipated
weariness. The versification is smooth and varied in cadence, and the
writer's command of language and of fine illustration is quite remarkable."
The St. Louis Advocate is responsible for the following :
"If he (Mr. Fuller) choose to devote himself to song he may take first
rank among our American poets. We do not remember that the first pro-
duction of any of them equaled this. It would be easy to point to blemishes
in Longfellow and Bryant, and there are blemishes in this volume —
blemishes of crudity, exhibitions of want of experience, but these are noth-
ing compared with the acuteness of perception, the nobility of thought, and
the richness of fancy everywhere displayed by Mr. Fuller."
In September, 1871, he married Mary E. Malone, daughter of
Dr. Ellis Malone and Martha Hill, and she was a lineal descendant
of Colonel Nicholas Long. In 1873 Mr. Fuller revised and re-
wrote "Seagift," a novel written by him when only about eighteen
years of age. This production was also kindly received. The
New York World, in its criticism, has this to say :
"It is not often that a southern novel comes up to us so free from rant
and cheap sentiment as this one. . . . The author introduces himself with
a model preface, and so shortly that it may safely be quoted : 'Reader, my
book is before you. If it has faults, you expect them; therefore, excuse.
If it has merit, you are surprised; therefore, applaud.' He will be an ex-
acting reader who does not find more cause for applause than excuse."
The two little poems "The Last Look" and "Out in the Rain"
were written in 1875, after the death of his only child, Ethel
Stuart. A second daughter, Edwin Sumner, was born just five
weeks before his death, which occurred April 22, 1876.
In recognition of his literary attainments he was invited to de-
deliver a poem at the reunion of the Delta Psi Fraternity to be
held in Philadelphia in June, 1876. Having ever felt a loyal devo-
tion to this order, it caused him bitter regret to refuse this honor,
but his delicate health forced upon him this necessity. He was
also invited to write an ode for the Ladies' Memorial Society of
Wilmington, N. C. This he composed, but his continual physical
suffering prevented his putting it on paper. Regretting, however,
to leave a promise unfulfilled, he attempted to dictate this poem
just a short while before he died, but only three of the stanzas
were written.
"Lines written after having a Hemorrhage from the Lungs"
are considered by many as the most beautiful of all his produc-
tions. These shorter poems were all published in the third edition
of his "Angel in the Cloud" in 1878. A fourth edition, with a
biographical sketch, was published in 1881, and a fifth edition,
without the biographical sketch, in 1907. A second edition of
"Sea Gift" appeared in 1883.
Mr. Fuller's wife survived him eight years, dying in the sum-
mer of 1884.
Frederick K. Cooke.
[HEN the Huguenots were persecuted in France,
one of the exiles from that country was Jean
Gaston, born about 1600, who fled to Scotland.
His son John was born in Scotland about 1645,
and emigrated to Ireland. William Gaston, son
of the latter, was born in Ireland in 1680, and
left five sons and four daughters. Nearly all of his children
came to America. One of his sons (the youngest) was Dr.
Alexander Gaston, the subject of this sketch, a martyr to the
cause of liberty in the war of the Revolution. Another son, the
Rev. Hugh Gaston, was a Presbyterian clergyman and theologi-
cal writer. From this family also sprang the late Governor Wil-
liam Gaston, of Massachusetts, who was a namesake as well as
a cousin of Judge William Gaston, of North Carolina, son of our
present subject.
Having decided upon the study of medicine, Alexander Gaston
entered the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland, and there per-
fected himself in that science. He later was commissioned a sur-
geon in the Royal navy, and served therein for some time, but
afterward resigned. Settling in New Bern, N. C, some years
prior to the Revolution, he there married, in 1775, Margaret
Sharpe. This lady, though of English birth, had been educated in
a French convent and was a devout Roman Catholic. Through
her, in the person of her son, the family of Gaston — whose non-
conformity to the Church of Rome had caused the expulsion of
its ancestor from France — gave birth to one of the most illus-
trious members whose name adorns the annals of that church
in America. The Gastons in Ireland had held to the Protestant
faith of their Huguenot ancestors. One of the brothers of Dr.
Alexander Gaston, as already stated, was a Presbyterian clergy-
man. Dr. Gaston himself was a member of the Church of
England, for we find his name signed to a petition, in 1765, ask-
ing that the academy in New Bern might be encouraged to pro-
mote the education of the young "and imprint on their tender
minds the principles of the Christian religion agreeable to the
establishment of the Church of England."
Dr. Gaston adhered to the cause of his adopted country from
the first outbreak of the war for Independence. The Provincial
Congress of North Carolina, which met at Hillsboro in August,
1775, elected him (on September 9th) a member of the Commit-
tee of Safety for the district of New Bern. On December 23,
1776, he had an additional honor conferred upon him by being
elected a justice of the court of pleas and quarter sessions for
the county of Craven. A few months later, on May 9, 1777, he
was elected a judge of the court of oyer and terminer for the dis-
trict of New Bern. During all the troublous times that he was
in the service of his State, Dr. Gaston also found opportunity to
engage actively in the practice of his profession. He was, it would
seem, somewhat of an apothecary also ; for in the North Carolina
Gazette of May 22, 1778, there appears a card from him stating
that he had just imported a number of drugs and medicines which
he had for sale.
Dr. Gaston's services were not altogether of a civil nature dur-
ing the Revolution. Together with Richard Cogdell, Abner Nash,
and other prominent patriots, he had been one of the band which
seized the six pieces of artillery in front of the governor's palace
in New Bern on June 23, 1775, immediately after the flight of
Josiah Martin, the last of the royal governors. He was later cap-
tain of a company of volunteers which operated against the forces
of Sir Henry Clinton when that officer was in possession of Wil-
mington. On August 20, 1781, the Tories made an attack on the
town of New Bern, capturing it after some resistance, and at once
sought to secure the principal Whigs there residing. Dr. Gaston
and Colonel John Green were dining together at the house of the
former when the alarm was given; and, obtaining a canoe, they
endeavored to escape across Trent River and thus elude th^ir
pursuers, but the Tories reached the river bank before they were
out of range, and fired upon them with results fatal to Dr. Gaston.
Green was also badly wounded, it was believed mortally, but after-
ward recovered. A surgeon of the North Carolina Continentals,
Dr. Thomas Haslin, who attended the wounded men, expressed
the opinion that Green's wounds were mortal, but that Gaston
would recover. An exactly opposite result ensued.
Though finally driven from the vicinity, the Tories did much
mischief while in and around New Bern. Among the Whigs who
then lost their homes by the torch were General William Bryan,
William Heritage, Longfield Coxe, and William Coxe. These
gentlemen, it would seem, had a somewhat literal conception of
the old adage "fighting the devil with fire," for General William
Caswell, in reporting the matter to Governor Burke, on August 27,
1781, says :
"General Bryan, Heritage, and the Coxes have raised a party and burned
up all the houses of the Tories near them. I am exceedingly sorry for the
event and dread the consequences ; have given them orders to stop, but
fear I cannot put an end to it."
Dr. Gaston's widow survived him many years, and died in
181 1. Speaking of this lady in the North Carolina University
Magazine of November, i860, Judge Matthias E. Manly (whose
first wife was her granddaughter) says :
"After her son's marriage she resided with him, and was to be found at
all hours with her Bible or her favorite book of devotion, 'The Following
of Christ,' by Thomas a Kempis. During the thirty-one years of her
widowhood she never laid aside the habiliments of mourning, nor, save to
the sick and poor, did she ever make a visit. A room in her house was
used as a place of Catholic worship whenever a Catholic priest would visit
New Bern."
Mrs. Gaston's life is one of those portrayed in the work entitled
"Women of the Revolution," by Mrs. Elizabeth F. EUet.
The marriage of Dr. Gaston and Margaret Sharpe was
blessed by the birth of three children — two boys and a girl. The
elder son died an infant. The younger was the great statesman
and jurist, Judge William Gaston, of whom a sketch has been
given in our second volume. Dr. Gaston's only daughter, Jane,
became the second wife of Hon. John Louis Taylor, chief justice
of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, for a sketch of whose
life see Volume V. of the present work.
Among the descendants of Dr. Gaston now living, none bear
his surname. His only son who reached years of maturity was
Judge William Gaston. Judge Gaston was thrice married. His
first wife was Susan Hay, who died childless. His second wife,
Hannah McClure (daughter of Surgeon's Mate William McClure,
of the Continental army), left an only son. General Alexander F.
Gaston, and two daughters. The third wife of Judge Gaston,
Eliza Ann Worthington, left two daughters.
General Alexander F. Gaston, only son of Judge Gaston, was a
representative of Hyde County in the State Constitutional Con-
vention of 1835, wherein his father so conspicuously figured, but
later removed to Burke County. He was commissioned a major-
general of North Carolina militia, on May 27, 1841, and com-
manded the fifth division of state troops. He was twice married
and left two sons, both of these being killed in battle. One of
them. Lieutenant William Gaston, of the United States Army, fell
in a fight with the Spokane Indians in Washington Territory on
May 7, 1858; the other. Captain Hugh Gaston, was adjutant of a
North Carolina regiment in the Confederate army, and was killed
in the battle now officially designated as Antietam, though the Con-
federates called it Sharpsburg. Each of these officers fell in his
first battle, and with their death the surname Gaston became ex-
tinct among the descendants of Dr. Alexander Gaston, of the
Revolution, whose life and services have been portrayed in this
sketch. Marshall De Lancey Haywood.
[S early as 1767 James Glasgow was a resident
of the county of Pitt. In that year his name
appears there on the roll of a masonic lodge
called "The First Lodge in Pitt County," which
had been chartered by the Grand Lodge of
Massachusetts in 1766 or prior thereto. At a
later date Mr. Glasgow removed to the country of Dobbs, which
was divided in 1791, a part of it forming Glasgow County (named
for himself), and in the last named he resided for a time also.
In 1799 the name of Glasgow County was changed to Greene
County, and Mr. Glasgow finally removed to Tennessee, where he
died at an advanced age about the beginning of the year 1820.
Prior to the Revolution James Glasgow was often thrown into
contact with the public men of that day through frequent attend-
ance at sessions of the colonial Assembly, of which body he was
for some time assistant secretary. When the Revolutionary war
came on, he sided with the colonies and was sent as a delegate
to the provincial convention which assembled at Hillsboro in
August, 1775. On September 9th of that year he was elected a
member of the Committee of Safety for the district of New Bern.
In the spring of 1776, another Provincial Congress assembled, and
that body, on April 22d, elected Mr. Glasgow a major of North
Carolina militia for the county of Dobbs. In the fall of 1776,
the Provincial Congress again met at Halifax. Of this Con-
gress Major Glasgow was elected assistant secretary. On De-
cember 20, 1776, after the state constitution had been adopted,
the Halifax Congress passed an ordinance electing state oiBcers ;
and, by virtue of this enactment, Major Glasgow became secre-
tary of state. Upon the transfer of Colonel Abraham Shepard, of
the Dobbs regiment of militia, to the colonelcy of the Tenth North
Carolina Continental regiment. Major Glasgow became a colonel
in the militia, as his successor.
For some years after the war Colonel Glasgow continued in the
office of secretary of state, and so steadily had his popularity
grown by 1791 that the General Assembly of that year, by chap-
ter 47 of its enactments, abolished the county of Dobbs and
created out of it two new counties, one of which was called Glas-
gow as a compliment to him. In 1790, when the first official cen-
sus of the United States was taken, Colonel Glasgow was a resi-
dent of Glasgow County, and was owner of more slaves (fifty
in number) than any other resident of the county except Ben-
jamin Shepard, who owned seventy-one.
It was in 1797 that suspicion was first aroused concerning the
official conduct of Colonel Glasgow. Governor Ashe called to-
gether the council of state, 'saying : "An angel has fallen." Before
the courts of law had convicted him, Glasgow was suspended
from membership in the Grand Lodge of Masons, and later ex-
pelled. He was deputy grand master at the time of his suspen-
sion, and was succeeded by a member of the fraternity who was
later to become his chief counsel. Judge John Haywood.
On December 18, 1797, Governor Samuel Ashe sent to the
house of commons a special message, in which he said :
"At the earliest moment I think it necessary to communicate to your
honorable body the information I have this morning received from the Hon.
Alexander Martin, Esq., respecting frauds committed upon our office in
the obtaining of military grants. The information is of such nature, and
the offense of so great magnitude, in my opinion, as to call for the immedi-
ate interposition of the legislature. From the continual buzzing of these
flies about the office, my suspicions have long been awake. I hope the
honorable house will adopt such measures as will prevent future frauds,
and bring to condign punishment the perpetrators of past."
Upon receipt of the above message, the house rquested William
Hinton, a justice of the peace in Wake County, to ussue a warrant
for the apprehension of William Tyrrell — or Terrell, as the name
is sometimes spelled in the records — one of those charged with
the frauds. It also appointed a committee of its members to
examine Tyrrell, and otherwise investigate the charges. This
committee consisted of John Skinner, Major Samuel Ashe, Jesse
Franklin, William H. Hill, Edward Graham, and Jonas Bedford.
To this committee the upper house iadded Senators Wallace
Alexander, James Holland, Henry Hill, John Hill, Joseph T.
Rhodes, William Person Little, Joseph Riddick and Matthew
Brooks. The above joint committee made its report on Decem-
ber 22d, among other things saying:
"Every hour's progress produces additional instances of the frauds com-
mitted in the obtaining of military land warrants; forged certificates and
forged assignments of warrants' are the means which have been generally
used to effect the frauds."
Concerning Colonel Glasgow the report said that the commit-
tee's investigation left it without doubt that the secretary of state
had, in many instances, been altogether unmindful of his duty
and regardless of the positive laws made for his government in
office — ^to which negligence were imputable many of the frauds
committed. The report continues:
"The committee are therefore of the opinion that the secretary has been
guilty of misdemeanors in office, but whether sufficient matter can be col-
lected to support completely articles of impeachment they do not undertake
to say."
The Committee further charged that:
"Stokely Donaldson, Redmond D. Barry, and John Medearis were also
materially concerned in the same; they also find that Sterling Brewer,
Allen Brewer, John Conroy, John Mann, William Lytle, Robert Young, and
Joseph Adams have been concerned in the forgeries and frauds, and appear
to have been the instruments of the said Tyrrell, Barry, and Donaldson."
For the arrest of those just named Justice Hinton was also re-
quested to issue warrants, and to summon Colonel William Polk
and Captain Gee Bradley as witnesses. Messrs. Basil Gaither,
Edward Graham, and Francis Locke were appointed commissioners
to take charge of the office of the secretary of state; and the joint
committee of the two houses recommended that the land office
in Tennessee should be closed, and the papers of Martin Arm-
strong, the entry-taker, brought to Raleigh. When North Caro-
lina ceded Tennessee to be set up as an independent State, she re-
served title in all the unoccupied public lands, and hence claimed
jurisdiction over the Tennessee Land Office. At the request of
Governor Ashe, Governor Sevier, of Tennessee, demanded of
Armstrong his papers, which were readily surrendered to North
Carolina's agent. Judge Howell Tatom (who was a resident of
Tennessee) ; but Tatom, under the advice of Governor Sevier, re-
fused to let these records be taken to North Carolina. With
grim sarcasm Governor Ashe dwelt upon this refusal, in his mes-
sage of November 21, 1798, saying to the General Assembly of
North Carolina:
"Upon the arrival of your commissioners the scene instantly changed;
the matter became serious and wore a threatening aspect; the craft ap-
peared to be in danger; an alarm was given and the bells rang backward;
opinions and measures were reversed; the agency of the judge, in behalf of
this State, immediately sank into oblivion, and he assumed a new character
— he became the guardian, the grand depository, of all the rights and privi-
leges of the people of Tennessee. The papers, too, changed their appear-
ance and consequence — so lately the common entries and memorandums of
Armstrong's office, in a moment they became the solemn records, the
Domesday Books of the people of Tennessee."
Negotiations with Tennessee were continued, and Governor
William Richardson Davie (Ashe's successor) in a message dated
September 10, 1799, said:
■'Basil Gaither and Samuel D. Purviance, Esquires, two of the commis-
sioners appointed for the purpose of completing the investigations of the
frauds suggested to have been committed in the secretary's ofSce and that
of the late John Armstrong, met on March 3d and entered on that part of
the business which related to the transactions in the last-mentioned office,
and on June 6th delivered the report to me.''
In a still later official message, also dated September 10, 1799,
Governor Davie further said, concerning the papers in Tennessee :
'"In pursuance of the resolution of the late General Assembly, I appointed
General John Willis and Francis Locke, Esquires, agents for the purpose
of procuring from the governor of the State of Tennessee the books of
Martm Armstrong's office, lately kept at Nashville. ... It appears that
Governor Sevier adhered to the resolution of retaining the original books,
upon which the agents proceeded to make exact copies of them, in the
manner detailed in their report. . . . The copies, which are now lodged
in the secretary's office, appear to have been taken with great care, are duly
certified by Martin Armstrong, and respectively sworn to as true copies by
the agents. The report has stated, in a clear point of view, the various
frauds committed in this office, and the books exhibit an entire dereliction
of duty and principle by Martin Armstrong and the persons to whom the
conduct of the public business in that office was committed."
In 1800 North Carolina obtained a judgment for £50,000
against the bondsmen of General John Armstrong, then de-
ceased, who had been entry-taker in Tennessee. In June, 1800,
a court for the trial of criminal cases met in Raleigh for
the purpose of disposing of various indictments, and before this
tribunal those convicted were : James Glasgow, John Bonds, and
Willoughby Williams. Glasgow was acquitted on some counts,
but fined iiooo each in two counts on which he was con-
victed. Bonds was fined £100, and Williams £500. Captain Gee
Bradley, while at first summoned as a witness, was later indicted ;
but as little or no evidence could be found against him, the court
ordered his discharge without a trial. Captain John Medearis was
discharged in like manner. John Gray Blount and Thomas
Blount (against whom charges had been brought) were also easily
acquitted, the jury rendering its verdict without leaving the court
room. Quite a number of those who had been placed under bond
forfeited the same by failing to appear, including Selby Harney
and William Tyrrell. One of these, Tyrrell, probably feared that
he would also have to stand trial as accessory in a capital felony,
for one of his slaves had already been hanged — Tyrrell having
sent said slave, one Phil, to burglarize the secretary's office and
thereby destroy evidence contained in it. So alarmed were some
of those under indictment that they even conspired to burn the
State House at Raleigh as a means of destroying evidence. In
one of his historical addresses, Governor Swain says concern-
ing this :
"It was, I think, in 1797, that a confidential messenger was sent by Judges
Tatom and McNairy from Nashville to the governor to warn him of a
conspiracy to burn the State House, in order to destroy the records, the
production of which upon the trial was indispensable to the conviction of
the offenders. A guard was armed and stationed around the Capitol for
the next two months. The communication from Nashville requested the
governor,, immediately on its receipt, to erase from the despatch the name
of the messenger who bore it, as any discovery of his connection with it
would lead to assassination. This was done so carefully as to elude every
effort on my part to restore and ascertain it, thirty years ago, and I have
not at the present moment the slightest suspicion of the agent who over-
heard the plot of the conspirators at Knoxville and was sent from Nashville
to Raleigh on this secret and dangerous mission. The earliest letter from
General Jackson I ever saw was in relation to this affair. With his in-
stinctive hatred of fraud, he tendered his service to the governor in any
effort that might be necessary to arrest the offenders, who were supposed
to have sought refuge in the then Spanish domains in the direction of
The judges who presided over the trials in 1800 were John
Louis Taylor, Samuel Johnston, and Spruce Macay. Another
judge who was to have been a member of this tribunal was John
Haywood ; but he resigned from the Bench in May, 1800, to be-
come counsel for the defense. This court afterward passed out
of existence, having been created chiefly for the purpose of try-
ing those charged with land frauds. While sitting it also acted
as a court of appeals. The present Supreme Court of North
Carolina did not begin its sittings till 1818, having been created
in the preceding year.
Newspaper accounts of the above trials will be found in the
Raleigh Register of June 17th and 24th, July 29th, and Au-
gust i2th, 1800; also in the case of State vs. Glasgow, reported
in the first volume of reprinted North Carolina Supreme Court
Reports. Messages of the governors and reports of committees,
in the Journals of the General Assembly, also throw much light
on the matter ; and many voluminous manuscript records, relative
thereto, are still preserved in the state archives.
As already noted, Glasgow's name was wiped from the map
of North Carolina, by changing the name of the county of Glas-
gow to that of Greene (as a compliment to General Nathanael
Greene), this change being wrought by chapter 39 of the laws
of 1799.
Though the wrong-doing of others of course does not palliate
the sins of Colonel Glasgow, it has already been shown that he
was only one out of a large number involved in the above irregu-
larities; yet somehow (possibly on account of his prominence)
history seems to hold him alone responsible for all the wrongs
done. The whole game had many players; and the chaotic state
of the records, both in North Carolina and Tennessee, made it
an easy game until the courts took a hand.
After the claims of the law against him had been satisfied by
the payment of his fines. Colonel Glasgow removed to Tennes-
see. Of his life there the writer is not informed. One fact, how-
ever, not generally known, is worthy of note concerning him, and
that is that the great admiral, who is known to fame as David
Glasgow Farragut, is shown by an entry in the handwriting of
his father. Major George Farragut (mentioned in our third vol-
ume), to have first borne the name James Glasgow Farragut.
Admiral Farragut was born in 1801 in Tennessee (after Glas-
gow's removal to that State), and went by the name of James
until he reached the age of seven and was living in New Orleans,
then taking the name David in consequence of having been
adopted by Captain David Porter (afterward commodore), a
noted officer of the United States navy.
Colonel Glasgow lived many years after his removal to Tennes-
see, and died in that State at an advanced age. The "last scene
of all that ends this strange, eventful history" is briefly given in
the Raleigh Register, of February 25, 1820, as follows :
"Died: In Tennessee, lately, Colonel James Glasgow, formerly secretary
of state of this State."
Marshall DeLancey Haywood.
George Alexander Gray and Mary Wallace, was
born in Mecklenburg County, N. C., on Septem-
ber 28, 185 1. His grandfather on his maternal
side was Robert Wallace, whose parents had
migrated from their native Ireland, a heritage
of worthy distinction. George Alexander Gray, Sr., was a son of
Ransom Gray, of Poplar Tent Presbyterian congregation, then in
Mecklenburg, but now in Cabarrus County, who was a soldier of
the Revolution. Ransom Gray lived in Mallard Creek section, and
married Narcissa, the youngest daughter of Colonel George Alex-
ander, a distinguished citizen of Poplar Tent, who had migrated to
that section from Pennsylvania some time prior to 1769. This
is known from the fact that his name is recorded on the Poplar
Tent session book of that year as voting for a call of Rev. Dr.
Balch, a signer of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence,
to the pastorate of that church. He is again recorded in 1801
and again in 18 14, during which year he died, leaving a large con-
nection of worthy descendants.
To the union of Ransom Gray and Narcissa Alexander were
born eight children, three daughters and five sons — Narcissa, Car-
oline and Mary Ann, and George, Charles, Nathaniel, Robert and
Baxter. Caroline and Narcissa married and moved west, prob-
ably to Missouri, and were lost sight of. Mary Ann married an
^ ."' ^--7//,:. IS .£3r^ r^fif
Orr, perhaps related to those of upper Mecklenburg, moved west
and reared a family, of which there now remains only one, Mrs.
Caroline Carleton, of Memphis, Tenn. Charles H. Gray, the sec-
ond son, moved west at an early age, reared a large and intelligent
family, and died in 1893, at the age of eighty years. Three chil-
dren survive him, two sons, Robert W. and Edward, of Proctor,
Tex., and one daughter, Narcissa, the wife of Mr. Samuel Y. T.
Knox, of Pine Bluff, Ark. Charles H. Gray married the daughter
of Nathaniel Alexander, a son of Colonel George Alexander. The
third son, Nathaniel D. Gray, likewise moved west at an early
age, and is now living in Mississippi. The fourth and fifth sons,
Robert and Baxter, while yet young men, went to the far west
and were lost to sight of other relatives.
The eldest son, George Alexander Gray, as before stated, mar-
ried Mary Wallace and settled in Mallard Creek section, Meck-
lenburg County. In the year 1836 he with his wife and two daugh-
ters moved to Tennessee and there resided until 1841, when they
returned to North Carolina and settled in Crab Orchard Town-
ship, Mecklenburg County, which was the home of the family for
the next twelve years, a family consisting of six daughters and
two sons, Robert W. and George Alexander, Jr., the youngest,
the subject of this sketch.
During 1853 the family moved to Rock Island factory and
there resided for a number of years. At some time prior to June
29, 1859, they moved to Stowesville factory, where, on the above-
mentioned date, the husband and father died suddenly of apo-
plexy, leaving George Alexander, Jr., a child of eight years. This
sad and sudden event imposed upon Mrs. Gray the responsibility
of a mother's oversight and control of a large family of children,
several of a tender age. George, the youngest, at once became
his mother's pet, the common fate of the youngest child. But
happily for this boy, as well as for the entire family, the mother
was both a sagacious and an intellectual woman in a high degree,
and hence she was easily adequate to the great responsibilities
which were now solely hers.
George was not slow in developing an active mind with a full
allowance of the live boy inspiration and adventure common to
promising youth. His strong attachment to, and tender regard
for, his mother brought him thoroughly under her influence. She
called him "Pluck" — ^because of his wonderful self-confidence —
and never stinted a mother's devotion in her attention to the
proper pleasing and influencing of her boy. This seems to have
won him to a marvelous obedience and respect for the mother's
every command and wish, which never waned nor abated to the
day of her death. This trait developed so early in life has been
one of the most striking characteristics of the man, for it is highly
worthy of George Gray to relate in this sketch his devotion to
his sisters from his earliest age of ability and usefulness to the
present, which, in connection with his fidelity to his mother's
commands, shows true greatness, worthy of a man whose success
in industrial life has been so marked.
In 1 86 1 war opened with all the horrors and privation that
war can bring, and George was forced by circumstances to go
into the cotton factory to work in order that he might aid in the
support of his mother's family. Thus it seemed that his oppor-
tunity for an education had passed, at least for some years to
come. But Mrs. Gray was exceedingly anxious that George
should be put to school, and so, by practicing the most rigid econ-
omy, arrangements were made for the schooling of the boy.
Having learned under the firm tutelage of his mother the im-
mense value of time and opportunity, George entered the school
with an eager zeal. From day to day and throughout the school
of ten months he worked incessantly at his books and other school
tasks, and, to use his own words, "I sought to master the 'Blue-
back' and my other books entirely within one year, for somehow
or other I felt that that year's schooling would be my last." True
to such a fear, that was his last year at school, for now the
war was on, the factory at Stowesville closed down, and Mrs.
Gray was forced to move her family to Lineberger's factory.
At Lineberger's George was put to work in earnest. He was
given the job of sweep-boy, which carried the pay of ten cents per
day of fourteen hours. That sweep job was the real beginning
of his rise in the industrial world. ■ Three considerations now took
possession of the boy : First, devotion to his mother and sisters ;
second, self-education; third, the mastery of the knowledge of
machinery. During his work hours he made it a rule never to
idle nor loiter, but rather to keep ahead of his work. Such spare
moments as he had from his regular work he employed in study-
ing the movements and action of the belt and pulley, wheel and
cogs, spindle and loom ; in a word, he sought daily to learn more
of the mechanism and action of machinery, from a traveler to
a steam engine. Thus it may be said that his education has been
acquired amid the wheels of powerful machinery ; such books as
he could get he read with intense interest. Within the mill his
promotion was rapid and continuous, and it is a fact that he never
sought a promotion, nor asked an advance in pay. His nine-
teenth birthday found him assistant superintendent of the Wood-
lawn Cotton Mills, in which position he was entrusted with the
superintendence of the mill. Thus by steady strokes and close
application to his work he steadily forged his way to the top.
The first opportunity that was afforded him for giving a tan-
gible evidence of the extent of his textile knowledge was in 1878,
when he was engaged by Messrs. Oates Bros. & Co., of Charlotte,
N. C, to equip and put into operation Charlotte's first cotton fac-
tory, the Charlotte Cotton Mills. He superintended the purchase
and erection of the machinery, started same in operation and ran
the mill until 1882. In that year he engaged his services to
Colonel R. Y. McAden, started the McAden Cotton Mills and
remained in that position for several years. He has ever been a
great admirer of Colonel McAden, whom he often refers to as
one of the ablest men he has ever known.
Having started in the cotton mill at the lowest round, and hav-
ing familiarized himself by work and study with every kind of
textile machinery, he was now resolved on a larger career.
Hence in 1888 he moved to Gastonia, and together with the late
Captain R. C. G. Love and the late Captain J. D. Moore organ-
ized and put into operation the Gastonia Cotton Manufacturing
Company, the first cotton mill in Gastonia, then a small village of
barely three hundred people. This was the beginning of what
is now one of the most progressive and prosperous towns in
North Carolina. The successful operation of this mill led the
way to the organization of a second ; for in 1893 George A. Gray,
together with George W. Ragan and the late T. C. Pegram, or-
ganized and erected the Trenton Cotton Mills. The growth of
the town was now both rapid and continuous, and in 1896 he,
together with John F. Love, organized and erected the Avon
Mills, capitalized at $200,000, designed to spin fine yarn and to
weave a ii-ie grade of sheeting. From the start the mill enjoyed
great prosperity. George A. Gray remained president of this
mill until 1905, when he sold his holdings and organized the Gray
Manufacturing Company. In 1899 the Ozark Mill was organ-
ized with a capital of $200,000, George A. Gray president, J. F.
Love vice-president, and R. P. Rankin secretary and treasurer.
At the head of this mill he remained for a number of years. In
1900 there was organized and erected what continues to be the
largest cotton factory, under one roof, in the State, the Loray
Mills, capitalized at $1,500,000. The leading spirits in this organ-
ization were George A. Gray, who was made president, and John
F. Love treasurer. The next mill built in Gastonia was the Gray
Manufacturing Company, of which George A. Gray is president
and treasurer and the principal stockholder. During the past
year he has been closely identified with the organization and erec-
tion of three more cotton factories, the Clara Manufacturing
Company, the Holland Manufacturing Company and the Flint
Manufacturing Company. Of the first named he is a director
and vice-president, and of the last two he occupies the office of
Thus it will be seen that the subject of this sketch has been
prominently connected with the organization of nine of the eleven
cotton mills of Gastonia. For a number of years he was the
president and the manager of four of the mills, the Gastonia, the
Avon, the Ozark and the Loray. At present he is the president
of the Gray, the Holland and the Flint. The cotton factories of
the town have made Gastonia famous; it now has a population
of eight thousand, is still growing at a rapid rate, and the early
prospects for a large city are bright.
In addition to his Gastonia enterprises, Mr. Gray has been
much sought after in other towns and states. During the past
five years he has assisted in the organization and erection of mills
in South Carolina and Georgia, principal among which have been
the Wylie Mills of Chester, S. C, the Scottdale of Atlanta, and
the Mandeville of Carrollton, Ga.
His chief interests have been confined to cotton factories,
though he is identiiied with many other interests, being a director
of the First National Bank, and president of the Gaston Metal
and Roofing Company, and a director of the Carolina and North-
western Railroad.
Notwithstanding the fact that Mr. Gray has been a very busy
man for all these years, he has nevertheless found time to devote
himself to the interests of the city government. For six years
he was a member of the board of aldermen, and during these
years he served as city treasurer. It was during his term of ser-
vice that Gastonia took her first great leap forward, floated an
issue of $105,000 in bonds, with which were established graded
schools and also electric lights, sewerage and water works, which
utilities are the property of the town and are operated in the in-
terest of her citizens.
In faith Mr. Gray is a Methodist, and he is of the staunch and
aggressive type. Never doing things by halves, since he reached
Gastonia he has been a moving spirit in all matters of loyalty,
devotion and financial support. He has ever been a most liberal
contributor to all the enterprises of his church. In 1900 a new
and commodious church building was deemed a necessity, and so
he, by reason of a large contribution, made possible the erection
of a very handsome structure.
As before stated, Mr. Gray began his industrial career at the
age of ten years, when he entered the mill at the meager wages
of ten cents per day, the working day at that time about fourteen
hours. At some time during his nineteenth year he was acting
superintendent at the wage of fifty cents per day — rather fair
pay for that day, but very low now, even for a child; but he
never became discouraged. He was all the while laying sure
the foundation for the successful career he confidently expected
to achieve.
By far the most interesting chapter in the life of Mr. Gray
has to do with his struggles in connection with the enlargement of
his first mill, the Gastonia Cotton Manufacturing Company. The
mill had been erected, the original outlay of machinery had been
installed, and the plant had been put into successful operation.
The success of the mill led to a determination to enlarge ; the plan
had been proposed by Mr. Gray and had been heartily accepted
by the other stockholders. But no sooner were the plans matured
and the machinery ordered than three of the largest stockholders
suddenly decided to place their stock upon the market, so that
George A. Gray and the late R. C. G. Love were forced to buy
or sell. As for Mr. Love, he could arrange for his part, but Mr.
Gray, already heavily involved in debt by reason of his heavy
subscription to the new issue of stock, was now brought face to
face with the greatest problem of his life. Now was the crisis
on, now was his future at stake ; either he must sell and acknowl-
edge defeat absolute, or he must raise, and that, too, immediately,
$20,000. Those on the inside watched to see the bubble burst.
Just twenty and four hours put him in touch with a friend — a
mere acquaintance, in fact — before whom the few plain, simple
facts were laid, and in less time than it takes to write the
funds were in hand, the deal was made and the day was saved.
As to this transaction, no questions were ever asked, no informa-
tion was ever given. These plain, cold facts have been given for
but one reason, viz., to show the crisis and how it was met. That
this incident both saved the d^ and made the man Mr. Gray has
not the slightest doubt.
From that day till now he has cut the word "defeat" from his
vocabulary. In all matters of forward movements, whether in
the realm of business, church or state, he decides upon the thing
to be done and then sets to the doing. His rise in the industrial
world has been almost phenomenal, for in ten years he rose from
the managing spirit of one mill, employing 200 operatives, to the
presidency of five factories, in whose employ were 2000 people.
There are three schools in which he has been an ardent, eager
student: the school of man, the school of machinery, and the
school of books, and in all of these he has become proficient.
Among books, his fondness lies in history, biography, literature —
chiefly poetry — and his favorite poets are Shakespeare, Burns and
Moore, and he might be said to know Burns by heart.
His fixed habits have been the chief features of his character.
From his childhood till now he has risen every morning at five
o'clock, and at six he is at his work, regardless of season or
weather. As to tobacco or intoxicants, he is a total abstainer;
and, though tolerant with respect to the views and likes of others,
he has no time for games of any sort. In forming judgment, he
is invariably quick. In matter of speech, he is quick and to the
point, making use of the fewest words possible. Though of a
nervous temperament, he easily sees all points of wit, and no one
enjoys a hearty laugh more thoroughly than he. He reads his
daily newspapers and magazines, and keenly keeps abreast with
the news, thought and life of the times.
His wife was Jennie C, the daughter of Jerry R. Withers, of
Gaston County, and to their union have been born ten children,
eight of whom survive, five girls and three boys. He is a man
exceedingly fond of his home, and no business exaction does he
allow to encroach upon the pleasures of his home life.
5". A. Ashe.
^HETHER laboring as a surgeon to alleviate
suffering in the American army during the war
of the Revolution, or striving as a good soldier
of Jesus Christ to advance the cause of religion
, after taking holy orders, Solomon Hailing so
dived as to leave this world better for his having
dwelt therein. Of the life of Dr. Hailing prior to the time of his
settlement in North Carolinaj we have little information. He
was of Danish descent, and probably a Dane by birth, though
some accounts say that he was a native of Pennsylvania. To
judge from his kinsman's letter, written from the Royal Library
at Copenhagen, and herein after quoted, the Hailing family was
one of high standing in Denmark.
Dr. Halling's services in the American Revolution were re-
warded some years after the return of peace by grants of land
in Ohio. A certificate dated March 14, i8g6, from the Commis-
sioner of Pensions says :
"From the records on file in this Bureau it appears that on June 2, 1803,
a land warrant for 450 acres was issued by the General Government to
Solomon Hailing, in satisfaction of his services as senior surgeon m the
general hospitals in the Middle and Southern Departments during the
Revolutionary war."
Dr. Hailing not only rendered hospital service as above, but
was also a surgeon in the regular army or the North Carolina
Continental Line, and remained on duty as such till the close of
hostilities. ("State records of North Carolina," vol. xxii, p. 1049.)
As early as 1789, if not before that time, Dr. Hailing was
engaged in the practice of medicine at New Bern. Soon, how-
ever, he determined to abandon that profession and enter the
sacred ministry. To the latter step he was probably impelled by
the deplorable condition in which the then recent war had left the
Church of England, he being a devout member of that communion.
Though many of America's greatest Revolutionary patriots —
including the commander-in-chief of her armies — had been adher-
ents of the Church of England prior to the war, and still held to
that faith, there was almost as much prejudice against the English
church as there was against the English nation when hostilities
ceased ; and this, too, despite the fact that among the clergy who
labored to gather together the scattered congregations in North
Carolina after the war were men not only of acknowledged purity
of life, but several Revolutionary veterans of proved patriotism.
There was Adam Boyd, who fought through part of the war as
a line officer, then entered the ministry and rose to the rank of
brigade-chaplain; Robert Johnston Miller, another of these
clergymen, had carried a musket in Washington's army before
taking holy orders; our present subject, Solomon Hailing, had
filled an important and useful station in the military hospitals,
as already mentioned; and there were doubtless others. So far
as the present writer can learn, no clergyman of the Church of
England in North Carolina ever took an active part against the
colonies, and only one — old Parson Micklejohn — was a professed
loyalist, and he soon disavowed his allegiance to King George and
became a citizen of the independent State. As for the laity, space
will not permit even a partial list of the numberless Revolutionary
patriots in North Carolina who were adherents of the Church of
England both before and after the war.
It was not long after his arrival in New Bern that Dr. Hailing
gave up the practive of medicine and became principal of the
academy in that town, all the while pursuing his theological
studies preparatory to entering the ministry. In 1792, he was
ordained by the Right Rev. James Madison, bishop of Virginia,
and soon thereafter he entered upon his duties as rector of Christ
Church at New Bern.
In June, 1790, two years prior to the ordination of Dr. Hailing,'
an effort was made at Tarborough to reorganize the church in
North Carolina, but only two clergymen and two lay delegates
appeared. This handful went to work in a business-like way
and drew up an address to the General Convention of the church,
saying in part: "The state of our church in this commonwealth
is truly deplorable from the paucity of its clergy and the multi-
plicity of opposing sectarians who are using every possible exer-
tion to seduce its members to their different communions." In
November, 1790, another effort was made at organization, with
scarcely greater success, and the several delegates adjourned to
meet in October, 1791, but there is no record that this latter prop-
osition was carried out. On November 21, 1793, there was held
in Tarborough a third meeting, with an attendance of six delegates
— three of the clergy and three of the laity. One of the clerical
delegates in this body was Dr. Hailing, he having been ordained
in the previous year. The matter of electing a bishop was brought
up in this meeting, but this action was not taken. Alluding to
this question, Dr. Hailing wrote : "The smallness of our number
would have subjected him to reproach, and our church also."
However, at the next meeting in Tarborough, May 28-31, 1794,
the election of a bishop was no longer delayed, and the Rev.
Charles Pettigrew was chosen for that high office; but, owing
to a variety of circumstances, he never presented himself for con-
secration. The certificate of the Rev. Mr. Pettigrew's election
was signed by Dr. Hailing, together with four other clergymen
and eight lay delegates. Dr. Hailing was also one of the com-
mittee (composed of six of the clergy and nine laymen) which
drew up a constitution for the government of the church in North
The meeting at Tarborough ended the earlier efforts to reor-
ganize the church in North Carolina. Of course it must be borne
in mind that a far greater number of individual church members
could have been gotten together than those enumerated above —
the few present being duly accredited delegates representing the
several parishes throughout the State. Of the Tarborough meet-
ings Bishop Cheshire remarks: "They did not represent the
birth of new energies, and the adaptation of the church to her
new surroundings; they were only the death struggle of the old
colonial system."
In all these efforts to reorganize the church in North Carolina,
Dr. Hailing took an active and leading part, laboring in season
and out of season. Alluding to printed calls for reorganization he
says : "I have preached and read these to one congregation . . .
and purpose to do the same in every part of the country where
I can collect the people together."
Alluding to the above early efforts for the revival of the church
in North Carolina, which met with failure. Bishop Cheshire says :
"Dr. Hailing was a most exemplary man, and the most zealous
clergyman of his time in the State. It was by his earnest assiduity
that the convention of 1794 was gotten together. If the other
ministers had had his enterprising and courageous spirit we should
have had another tale here to-day."
In a letter to Dr. Hailing, Bishop-elect Pettigrew wrote : "Your
zeal for the declining interests of religion I wish rather to emulate
than praise."
While Dr. Halling's efforts to have North Carolina erected
into a diocese did not meet with success during his lifetime, he
was not denied success in the work of his own parish at New
Bern, or in his later charge at Wilmington. It was in 1795 that
he resigned his post as rector of Christ Church at New Bern, and
accepted a call from the vestry of Saint James' Church in Wil-
A brief history of Saint James' Church at Wilmington was
published anonymously in 1874 by Colonel James G. Burr, who
stated in his preface that the work was based upon previous his-
torical notes by the Rev. Robert Brent Drane, D. D., former rector
of the parish, who fell a victim to the yellow fever epidemic in
Wilmington in 1862. Of Dr. Hailing this pamphlet says :
"In 179s, twenty years from the time when the last clergyman under
the colonial government left, the vestry having reorganized and repaired
the church so far as to render it fit for public worship, called to the rector-
ship, the Rev. Dr. Hailing, who for sometime previous had officiated in the
church at New Bern. . . . Dr. Hailing accepted the appointment of rector
of the parish, and in this relation he continued until May, 1809, when he
resigned his charge and removed to Georgetown, S. C, where, a few years
after, he closed his earthly ministry with his life, much regretted and much
beloved by all who knew him. Besides having charge of the parish. Dr.
Hailing was the first principal of the Wilmington Academy — an institution
of learning which owed its existence to Colonel James Innes, previously
mentioned — an enterprise which was carried to a successful completion by
the voluntary subscriptions of the citizens of Wilmington."
It would seem that at one time Dr. Hailing contemplated pub-
lishing a history of his family in Denmark, for, on September 18,
1809. Johannes Due Hailing, librarian of the Royal Library at
Copenhagen, wrote him a letter, of which the following is a trans-
lation :
"Your very great labor in search of the last remains of the Hailing
family deserves the greatest appreciation of such as may be so happy as
to belong to the same. How very happy would I be if I could have the
honor to meet you in person, as I then could perfectly show my gratitude
and that regard which your labor deserves. . . . After a long and tedious
search I discover that not one of our relations now exist in this Kingdom."
It is doubtful whether Dr. Hailing ever published the result
of his researches, as no work by him now appears in the cata-
logues of the several large American libraries which the present
writer has examined. Dr. Hailing also contemplated the publica-
tion of a work of some sort as late as the end of 1809, after his
removal to South Carolina, for, on December i ith in that year, he
writes : "Dr. Rush has advised me to print immediately, and
not wait for subscribers. I believe I have sufficient to pay the
expenses of the first book already." The only printed production
by Dr. Hailing which the writer of this sketch has ever seen is
contained in a masonic work entitled, "Ahiman Rezon," and pub-
lished at New Bern in 1805. In that work (part ii, p. 62) is an
oration delivered by him before Saint John's Lodge, No. 3, at
New Bern, on the Feast of Saint John the Evangelist, December
27, 1789. This was before Dr. Hailing had taken holy orders.
Dr. Hailing was a zealous and valued member of the masonic
fraternity, first belonging to Saint John's Lodge, No. 3, at New
Bern. He was also high priest of Concord Chapter, No. i, Royal
Arch Masons, at Wilmington. He was present in Saint John's
Lodge, at Wilmington, on June 6, 1804, and proposed plan for
laying the "angle-stone" (corner-stone) of the new masonic hall
on the I2th of the same month. This building was made of
brick and stood on Orange Street between Front and Second
streets. At the time of its erection it was the finest masonic
edifice in North Carolina, and one of the finest in the South.
The senior surgeon in the hospitals of the Middle and Southern
Departments, a practicing physician, a minister of the gospel, and
a teacher of youth, it is evident that Dr. Hailing was a man of
learning in many departments, and being a gentleman of high
character and social standing and an active citizen, zealous in good
works, he must have left a beneficial impress both at New Bern
and Wilmington. The influence that such men exert, while not blaz-
oned by remarkable achievements, lifts communities to a higher
level and brings light and sweetness into the homes of the people.
It is quite evident that Dr. Hailing did not believe in the celi-
bacy of the clergy, for he was three times married. His first
wife died on September 18, 1793, after his removal to New Bern,
for the North Carolina Gazette, on September 21st of that year,
contains this notice :
"Died. On Wednesday last, Mrs. Elizabeth Hailing, the lady of the
Rev. Dr. S. Hailing. This amiable woman having for some years lingered
under a variety of bodily afflictions, with an applauding conscience, calmly
resigned her soul into the hands of God who gave it; and with a truly
religious submission departed this life, deeply and deservedly lamented and
regretted by all her relatives and friends, to whom while living she was
endeared by many virtues."
The paper from which the above is quoted contained a more
cheerful notice on Saturday, February 8, 1794, less than five
months later :
"Married. On Thursday last, the Rev. Dr. Solomon Hailing to Mrs.
Eunice Kelly."
The third and last wife of Dr. Hailing was Mrs. Sarah Jones,
widow of Frederick Jones, Jr. Her maiden name was Moore,
she being the daughter of George Moore and his wife, Mary Ashe.
By his first wife. Dr. Hailing had two daughters: Francinia
Greenway Hailing, who was the second wife of James Usher;
and Ann Dorothea Hailing, who married Roger Moore. Mrs.
Usher left a son, Hailing, and a daughter, Francinia, both of
whom died unmarried, and also a daughter, Eliza Ann Usher,
who married William Augustus Berry, a surgeon in the United
States army. Mrs. Moore (whose husband was maternally a
nephew of Dr. Halling's third wife) left three sons and a daugh-
ter, one of her sons being the late Lieutenant-Colonel Roger
Moore, of the Forty-first North Carolina regiment (Third cav-
alry) in the Confederate army.
To William Berry McKoy, Esquire, now a member of the Wil-
mington Bar, who is a grandson of the above Mrs. William A.
Berry, and hence a descendant of Dr. Hailing, the present writer
is indebted for many of the facts on which this sketch is based;
while other information is drawn from the "Church History of
North Carolina" compiled by Bishop Cheshire.
Marshall DeLancey Haywood.
^/.a b^E i3'.M-U/ii,'^B d/Brn J-^r'
ChaS.L - 1^1 J'l'^si, Pai!isf-gr
fANIEL HARVEY HILL was born in York
' District, S. C, July 21, 1821, and died at Char-
I lotte, N. C, September 24, 1889. His grand-
father. Colonel William Hill, of Scotch-Irish
.descent, was a gallant officer in the war of the
j Revolution, and second in command of General
Sumter's legion. Left an orphan by the death of his father, Sol-
omon Hill, at four years of age, the subject of this sketch obtained
an appointment to the Military Academy at West Point in 1838,
and there laid the foundations for a distinguished military career
in line with the patriotic traditions of his family. He graduated
in 1842 in the same class with Longstreet, A. P. Stewart, R. H.
Anderson, and Van Dorn, afterward distinguished leaders in the
Confederate army, and Rosecrans, Pope, Sykes and Reynolds,
conspicuous in the Federal service.
The outbreak of the Mexican war found Hill a second lieu-
tenant. Brilliant and gallant service in almost every battle of
Taylor's and Scott's campaigns, especially at Contreras, Cheru-
busco, Chapultepec, was rewarded by promotion step by step to
the brevet rank of major — a- rare distinction shared only with
Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson, and perhaps four other officers
of the American army. General Joseph E. Johnston, one of the
most brilliant soldiers in that war, wrote, many years afterward,
that the young officers called D. H. Hill "the bravest man in the
army." His native State voted him a sword of honor.
The termination of active operations found Major Hill indis-
posed to the dull routine of the peace establishment — all the more
that he was soon to be married to Miss Isabella Morrison, of
North Carolina. Accordingly, he resigned his commission and
in the year 1849 became professor of mathematics in Washington
College, at Lexington, Va. There he had the sympathetic and
congenial association of his brave comrade. Major T. J. Jackson,
professor of natural philosophy at the Virginia Military Institute.
They had much in common — the same dauntless courage, the
same high and ardent military aspiration, the same religious faith
and devotion, and their record in Mexico had in point of distinc-
tion been exactly similar. Now they were bound by stronger ties,
Jackson having married the sister of Major Hill's wife.
As a teacher. Major Hill was conscientious and successful. He
came to have great control over the young men in his charge, who
soon learned that beneath his quiet manner and consideration for
every student, lay unbending resolution. He manifested his enthu-
siasm for mathematics by the preparation of an algebra which
met with much favor as a school manual. After five years of
service at Lexington, he filled the same chair at Davidson College,
N. C, with equal success, and then became superintendent of the
North Carolina Military Institute at Charlotte. During this
period. Major Hill became well known in North Carolina. His
ability as a man and as a teacher, his ready and graceful pen, his
high conceptions of social and civic duties impressed the thought-
ful men of the State. The religious and social atmosphere of the
communities with which he was associated was pervaded by the
virtues of the simple life, and these were entirely congenial with
his own deep feelings. Indeed his sentiments found expression
in two religious books then published by him, "A Consideration
of the Sermon on the Mount" (1858) and the "Crucifixion of
Christ" (i860).
His intercourse with Jackson was marked by warm regard and
perfect confidence, and from the beginning of the war of seces-
sion, Hill predicted for Jackson a great career, while Jackson him-
self felt a like assurance of Hill's high qualification as a soldier.
On the threat of hostilities, Major Hill was at once invited to
take charge of the camp of instruction at Raleigh, and on the
organization of the First North Carolina regiment, he was ap-
pointed colonel, and ordered to move it to Virginia. He was
stationed in front of Yorktown, the Federals at that time occupy-
ing Hampton and Fortress Monroe. On June 6th, Colonel
Hill, under orders from Colonel Magruder, proceeded with the
First North Carolina regiment and a Virginia battery with four
pieces of artillery under Major Randolph to Big Bethel Church,
near Hampton. There he threw up some light entrenchments,
and learning that a detachment of Federals was in the vicinity,
directed Lieutenant-Colonel Lee to drive them back, while Major
Lane was sent to drive off another marauding party. This display
of activity led General Butler, in command of the Federal army,
to organize a force of forty-four hundred to drive Hill away from
his vicinity. At nine o'clock on June loth, this Federal force
reached the immediate vicinity of Bethel, and the battle
began. It was the first battle of the war. In anticipation of the
conflict. Colonel Magruder had himself joined Hill, but did not
interfere with Hill's plans or movements. The Confederates were
brilliantly successful. The loss of the Federals as reported by
General Butler was eighteen killed, fifty-three wounded, and five
missing. On the Confederate side, the First North Carolina lost
one man killed, Henry Lawson Wyatt, and six wounded ; the
Randolph's Howitzers had three wounded. The Federals retired
foiled and defeated. This first battle of the war raised the enthu-
siasm of the South to the highest pitch, and brought great credit
to the soldiers engaged, and won great fame for Colonel Hill.
The North Carolina convention authorized the First regiment to
inscribe the word "Bethel" upon their banner, and with one
acclaim it was declared that the Bethel regiment and Colonel Hill
had "covered themselves with glory." Governor Ellis recom-
mended to the convention that Colonel Hill should be promoted
to the rank of brigadier and that a full brigade be formed and
placed under his command. When the North Carolina troops
were turned over to the Confederate Government on August
loth, Colonel Hill was the first officer of the State to be
appointed a brigadier -general. For a short period he was assigned
to the important duty of commanding the defenses of the North
Carolina coast ; but on November i6th he was ordered to report to
General Johnston, and a fortnight later was given command of the
left wing of Johnston's army with headquarters at Leesburg. On
March 26, 1862, he received his commission as major-general;
and in command at Yorktown, his activity in reconnoissance, his
vigilance and obstinacy in resisting the Federal advance, and his
absolute fearlessness, soon won the confidence of the entire army.
At Williamsburg, personally leading his first line and attacking
with the utmost vigor, he was conspicuous for his gallantry, and
gave McClellan a staggering and sanguinary check. Johnston's
confidence in him was unbounded ; and Longstreet reported :
"Major-General D. H. Hill, a hero of many battle-fields, was con-
spicuous for ability and courage in planning the left attack."
Now was opening the greatest conflict of arms of modern
times, and the promise of a great career, which Hill's fine conduct
in Mexico and in the preliminary engagements gave, was to be
fulfilled on many hard-fought battlefields. At Seven Pines, after
a great rainfall on the night of the 30th, rendering the roads and
fields almost impassable. Hill dashed forward with his division,
knee-deep in mud, in one of the most brilliant attacks of the war,
storming a formidable redoubt, forcing his way through the
abatis, expelling Casey's division, and turning the captured guns
on the broken enemy. In the seven days battles, under Stonewall
Jackson at Gaines' Mills, after a long day of obstinate conflict,
he turned and broke the enemy's principal line. As General Lee
said, "After a sanguinary struggle he captured several of the
enemy's batteries and drove them in confusion toward the Chicka-
hominy until darkness rendered further pursuit impossible." At
Malvern Hill he equally distinguished himself, breaking and driv-
ing back the enemy's first line ; but not being supported, he was
compelled to abandon a part of the ground he had gained, after
suffering severe loss and inflicting heavy damage upon the enemy.
When Lee retired from Frederick, Md., Hill commanded the
rear guard, and on September 14th saved the communica-
tions of the army and secured its concentration, after Jackson's
capture of Harper's Ferry, by an obstinate defemse of Boonsboro
Gap, one of the most famous engagements of the war. For five
hours, with a single division, he held the pass against a vastly
su^rior force of the Federal army.
It may be proper to mention the loss of a copy of General
Lee's order for the movement of his forces, addressed to General
Hill, and found by a Federal soldier. There is not the slightest
direct evidence connecting General Hill or any one at his head-
quarters with the loss of this paper. General Hill later declared
that he still had in his possession the only copy of this order
which he had ever received. His adjutant-general. Major J. W.
Ratchf ord, also made an afi&davit that no copy of the order sent by
General Lee was ever received at General Hill's headquarters.
At Sharpsburg General Hill greatly distinguished himself,
having three horses shot under him. Of his record in that san-
guinary battle General Longstreet says: "Generals D. H. Hill
and Hood were like gamecocks, fighting as long as they could
stand, engaging again as soon as strong enough to rise." In Feb-
ruary, 1863, he was assigned to the command of the defenses of
North Carolina, where his activity kept the enemy in constant
alarm and prevented either any incursions by them or their send-
ing any detachments to other fields. When Lee made his grand
march to Gettysburg, Hill was left to hold in check the Federal
column threatening Richmond from York River.
On July 13, 1863, he was appointed a lieutenant-general, and
as such commanded a corps in Bragg's army at Chattanooga. In
that battle Hill attacked the enemy's left vigorously, produc-
ing a great and controlling effect on the minds of the Federal
general-in-chief and his subordinates. The alarm which his attack
engendered led to such a hurried transfer of troops from the
Federal right to the left as vitally to sway the issue of the battle.
Longstreet profited by this disorder and was able to double up
the Federal right and drive Rosecrans from the field. The spoils
of the victorious Confederates were fifty-one pieces of artillery
and fifteen thousand muskets, while five thousand prisoners were
taken. For weeks after this great triumph Bragg remained in-
active; and his generals began to feel distrust of his efficiency,
and united in a temperate statement of the facts, and a recom-
mendation to President Davis that another general-in-chief should
be appointed. This incident unhappily led to General Hill's
removal from the western army and his enforced inactivity.
After the disastrous battle of Missionary Ridge, Mr. Davis
realized that he ought not to retain Bragg at the head of the
Army of Tennessee; and in his "Rise and Fall of the Confed-
erate Government" he made repeated references to General D.
H. Hill in praise of his ability, zeal and courage, and not one
disparaging allusion.
General Hill, always eager for active service, was persistent
in his application for investigation and redress, but without avail.
General Beauregard applied for his assignment to important
duty at Charleston ; but Hill insisted that it should be accompanied
by some expression of confidence that would relieve him from
the slur put upon him by Bragg's order relieving him from duty.
A letter of general condemnation written by General Cooper did
not satisfy General Hill's desire for reparation. The result was
that for many months in 1864 he served as volunteer aide-de-camp
with General Beauregard. In this capacity he rendered most
gallant service at the battle of Drewry's Bluff, and subsequently
in maintaining the lines at Petersburg.
At length, after Sherman's march to Savannah, unselfishly
waiving his claims for redress, he accepted the command of the
district of Georgia with headquarters at Augusta. His spirit is
illustrated in his letter to Hardee of January 23, 1865: "If I
can muster but twenty men, I expect to make fight." He was
given command of the fragmentary remains of the Army of
Tennessee, and with these shattered organizations he made such
obstacle as was possible to Sherman's march to Columbia.
At Bentonville, Johnston County, N. C, on March 19, 1865,
one of the last actions of the war east of the Mississippi occurred.
As Hill had struck the first blow at Bethel, so now he participated
with vigor and splendid resolution in this final contest. He
successfully attacked the Fourteenth corps of Sherman's army,
and drove the enemy from their temporary field works until
they met the support of the Twentieth corps. It was the last
effort of. the remnant of the glorious Army of Tennessee, heroes
of Shiloh, of Chickamauga and of Kenesaw. It is pathetic to
read in Hill's report that "our men fought with great enthusiasm
in this engagement."
In the years succeeding the war. General Hill devoted himself
with patriotic zeal to the moral and intellectual upbuilding of the
stricken South. His first labors were bestowed upon The Land
We Love, a magazine which he published at Charlotte, N. C,
and which commanded the respect and good will of the people
of the South; but circumstances were not propitious for the
financial success of such a literary enterprise at tlie South. It
merited a success that no literary magazine at the South has yet
In 1877, General Hill returned to his old service in the cause
of education, and became the efficient and beloved head of the
University of Arkansas, remaining there until 1884. In 1885, he
was called to preside over the Georgia Military and Agricultural
College, where in the faithful discharge of his duties he passed
the last years of his noble life.
In stature, General Hill was about the average height, and of
rather slight figure. His health was never robust, and only his
inflexible will, simple habits and his strict abstinence from stim-
ulating drinks could have carried him through the labors of his
campaign. His manner was reserved and did not lightly invite
to intimacy. Among friends he was a charming and original
talker, and in his home circle no man was ever more gentle or
more affectionate. His most striking characteristics were his
intense religious faith, his unflinching sense of duty, his dauntless
courage. With these were associated perfect purity of life, un-
yielding steadfastness of purpose, and a vigorous mind. It is to
be remarked, however, that along with a fund of genial humor
he had a sarcastic vein which sometimes was manifested both in
his speech and in his letters, one of his sayings becoming notable :
"You will never find a dead cavalryman with his spurs on" — per-
haps indicating the difference in obstinacy on the field between
the cavalry and infantry. Some of his utterances created a
certain dislike in some quarters, and this trait accounts for the
unfriendliness with which one writer at least on the Federal side
has treated him.
General Hill married Isabella Morrison, the oldest daughter of
Dr. Robert Hall Morrison, and granddaughter of General Joseph
Graham of the Revolution. He left five living children: Mrs.
Thomas J. Arnold, of West Virginia; Dr. Randolph W. Hill, of
Los Angeles, Cal. ; Miss Nannie L. Hill, of Deland, Fla. ; Pro-
fessor D. H. Hill, of Raleigh, N. C., and Chief Justice Joseph M.
Hill, of Little Rock, Ark.
In his personal life, which the world did not see, there was
sweetness, light and beauty, and the real tenderness of his nature
has left an unfailing memory in his family circle. Indeed it may
be said of him that no purer citizen, no more unselfish patriot, no
braver soldier ever trod the path of duty. S. A. Ashe.
■^.7 /■, _£-:_: y-'T/Aj'^s £-Bf-^ A^
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rOR eighteen years Professor Daniel Harvey Hill
has been prominently identified with the educa-
tional work of North Carolina. He was born at
Davidson College, N. C, on January 15, 1859.
, He is the second son of Lieutenant- General
Daniel Harvey Hill, a sketch of whom appears
in the present volume. He received his preparatory education
at Horner's school and the North Carolina Military Institute,
later entering Davidson College, where he was graduated in 1880
with the degree of bachelor of arts ; in 1886 his alma mater con-
ferred upon him the degree of master of arts, and in 1905 the
degree of doctor of literature.
Being studious and with a strong, acute intellect, he was natur-
ally drawn to the field of letters, and found a vocation as an
instructor in English. His first employment was as professor of
English in the Military and Agricultural College of Georgia, at
Milledgeville, which position he held for nine years. In 1889 he
was elected professor of English in the North Carolina College of
Agriculture and Mechanic Arts ; and his superior talents, capacity
and fitness have been so apparent that year by year he has grown
higher and higher in the estimation and admiration of those
controlling that institution. A man of versatile gifts and great
industry, strong in his convictions and earnest in the performance
of every duty, he has exerted a fine influence in the management
of the college, and while he has been forceful in maintaining dis-
cipline he enjoys in a marked degree the confidence and respect of
the student body as well as of his associates in the faculty. Coming
to the college when it was still in its infancy he has contributed
largely to its growth and has exerted an important influence upon
its constant development into the great institution which it has
become. In 1905, the board of trustees elected him vice-president
of the college.
His accomplishments and mental equipment united with his
admirable personal qualities have brought him into prominence
as an educator, and his labors in the cause of education have not
been limited to the college of whose faculty he is a member.
Industrious, energetic and always occupied in some matter of
literary interest. Professor Hill has done much work in the field
of letters. He is the author of the admirable narrative of "North
Carolina in the Civil War," it being one of the volumes of the
series entitled "Confederate Military History," twelve volumes,
published in Atlanta in 1899, under the direction of the United
Veterans' Association of the Confederate States. In this work Pro-
fessor Hill has brought out clearly the great deeds done by North
Carolinians during the war, and it is a monument to his industry,
intelligence and patriotism no less than to the heroic soldiers
whose fame he has perpetuated. In connection with his associates,
Professors C. W. Burkett and F. L. Stevens, he has also written
a text-book entitled "Agriculture for Beginners," a work of high
merit, published by Ginn & Co., of Boston, in 1903. With the
same colaborers he prepared the "Hill Readers," a series of five
books for the public schools. He is also the author of "Young
People's History of North Carolina," a book adopted by the state
board of education for the schools of this State.
Professor Hill has been an active member of the Southern
Educational Association and the North Carolina Teachers'
Assembly, and he has prepared papers of unusual interest which
were read before those bodies. Being imbued with an earnest
desire to rescue from oblivion the facts connected with the
history of this State and being desirous of promoting literary
culture among our people, he was active in forming the North
Carolina Literary and Historical Association, and he has served
with diligence as a member and as chairman of its executive com-
mittee. On account of his familiarity with literature and his well-
known interest in the advancement of the welfare of the State,
he was appointed a member of the advisory board to assist the
state librarian in the selection of books for the State Library ; and
through the efforts of himself and associates there has been
added to the library a large collection of books many of which are
by North Carolina authors. In 1907 Governor Glenn appointed
him a member of the re-organized State Historical Commission.
He and his associates on the commission are zealously laboring
to preserve the invaluable records of the State and will soon be-
gin the publication of many interesting documents.
Professor Hill has also had experience as a journalist in North
Carolina, having served as editor of The Southern Home, a
weekly paper which was founded by his distinguished father, and
which had a wide circulation and exerted a great influence.
The interest felt by Professor Hill in state history and in the
wars in which his ancestors have borne so distinguished a part
has led him to connect himself with several hereditary societies,
among which are the North Carolina Society of the Sons of the
Revolutiori, and United Sons of Confederate Veterans. He is a
communicant of the Presbyterian church at' Raleigh, and an elder
of that church, and his walk in life is consistent with his religious
profession. In politics he is affiliated with the Democratic party.
One of his brothers, Hon. Joseph M. Hill, is chief justice of the
Supreme Court of Arkansas ; another brother, Dr. Randolph W.
Hill, is a resident of California.
On July 22, 1885, Professor Hill married Miss Pauline White,
oi Milledgeville, Ga., a daughter of Dr. Samuel G. White, surgeon
in the United States navy, and their union has been blessed with
five children, all of whom are living.
Marshall DeL. Haywood.
born in Middletown, Conn., March 26, 1817.
He was the son of John and Harriet Johnston
1 Hinsdale, and was directly descended from
i Deacon Robert Hinsdale, the head of the family
J in America, who came from England and was a
proprietor of the town of Dedham, Mass., in 1637; he was one of
the founders of Dedham First Church, November 8, 1638.
He, with three of his sons, Samuel, Barnabas, and John, was
killed at Bloody Brook, near Deerfield, Mass., September 18, 1675,
in the dreadful massacre of whites by the Indians under King
The family of Hinsdale is of French and Dutch origin, being
settled in Brabant at the end of the twelfth century.
Harriet Johnston Hinsdale was a direct descendent of Captain
Giles Hamlin, who came to Middletown in 1654 and there passed
an honorable life, holding many important positions in civil life,
being also a mariner and shipowner. From him many distin-
guished men and women in all parts of this country claim descent.
The father of the subject of this sketch was a merchant and'
shipowner in Middletown, Conn. ; he possessed at one time great
wealth and always an honorable position. The firm of J. & D.
Hinsdale owned as many as twenty ships engaged in foreign and
coastwise commerce. The son was educated in Connecticut, was
graduated from the New York College of Pharmacy in 1837, and
was for three years a clerk in the largest drug house in the United
States, Rush & Aspinwall ; he then established a business of his
own at Bufifalo, N. Y. He was married September 2, 1841, in
Fayetteville, N. C, to Elizabeth Christophers, daughter of Ichabod
Wetmore, cashier of the Bank of the State of North Carolina,
and niece of Hon. George E. Badger. In 1843 he removed to
Fayetteville and opened a drug store, the first established in that
town; indeed up to that time there were few drug stores except
in the large cities, physicians generally, or their assistants, dis-
pensing their own prescriptions.
The principal part of the business section of Fayetteville was
destroyed by fire in 1845, and his drug store was consumed with
all its contents ; the morning after the fire, while the smoke still
rose from the ruins, Dr. Hinsdale, with that characteristic energy
with which his business was conducted, took the stage for New
York to purchase another stock of goods, and before the house
was rebuilt the goods were there to fill it.
From this time until his retirement from business in 1885, his
was the leading establishment of its kind in the State, and in it
several of the best pharmacists in the State were educated.
He was a prominent figure in the business, social and religious
life of the community. Ever mindful of the amenities of life, he
never permitted his business to so engross him as to make him
neglectful of those social courtesies which mark the true gentle-
Descended on both sides from the purest New England stock,
a Whig in politics, bound by ties of relationship to so many of the
best people in New England, his near twenty years' citizenship in
North Carolina made him absolutely true to the , State of his
adoption. Especially devoted to the preservation of the Union,
when the time came which demanded a choice, he was firm in his
support of the Confederacy, to which he gave valuable services
out of his means and skill in the preparation of chemical explo-
sives. He was a bountiful contributor to the support and comfort
of the soldiers and his only son came out of the University of
North Carolina, though much of his preparatory education was
obtained in the North, entered the Confederate army, in which he
was a distinguished officer, serving as adjutant-general to Briga-
dier-General Pettigrew, Major-General Pender and Lieutenant-
General Holmes, and reaching the rank of colonel of infantry.
After Dr. Hinsdale's retirement from active business, he was
engaged in experimental chemistry for his own amusement and
for the benefit of science. He fitted up an extensive laboratory,
in which he conducted his experiments and furnished it with a
well-selected library of chemical works ; he made discoveries and
inventions which he freely gave to the profession; he corresponded
with scientific men and savants and contributed valuable articles
to the chemical and pharmaceutical journals, and as long as he
lived kept up an active interest in the affairs and advancement
of his profession. He was at one time president of the Pharmaceu-
tical Association of North Carolina, and a member of the National
Association, whose meetings he attended.
Several times he was required as an expert to make analysis
and testify in the courts on the trial of cases of persons charged
with murder by poisoning ; on such occasions it was his custom to
prepare a careful statement of his investigations and their results
and to read it to the jury; so accurate was he in every detail that
there was little use for cross-examination.
He was an enthusiastic chess player and was ever ready to
lay aside his studies to play a game of chess, for which he was
invariably sought by every devotee of this scientific game who
considered himself an expert and generally with the same result,
for few could beat him.
Mrs. Hinsdale died in 1885 after a companionship with him for
forty-two years, in which she had participated in his early efforts,
been his helpmeet and friend, and enjoyed with him the fruits of
his success. A son and daughter survived him. Colonel John W.
Hinsdale, of Raleigh, and Mrs. Fannie Hinsdale MacRae, wife of
Judge James C. MacRae, of the University of North Carolina.
Mrs. Hinsdale was directly descended from the most distin-
guished of the Pilgrim fathers who came over in the Mayiower;
indeed Dr. and Mrs. Hinsdale trace back tiieir common ancestry
to Elder William Brewster and Governor William Bradford of
distinguished fame. She was a woman of great intelligence and a
most lovable disposition. They were both members of St.
John's Episcopal Church; they were prominent in all the good
work pertaining to the religious life and charity of the church,
she having been for a long time the president of the guild which
then bore the name of the Ladies' Benevolent Association, ante-
dating by many years any of the present organizations within the
church. And he was for thirty-six years a vestryman, and
for twenty-seven years senior warden of the parish, and his pastor
testifies that in all those years he was present at the meetings
of the vestry unless absent from the town or detained by illness
of himself or some member of his family.
In the days of her prosperity, when the membership of the
chwrch included men of large means, he cheerfully bore with them
the expense of her liberal support. But when the days darkened,
wealth departed and her circurnstances were straitened, he con-
tributed to her support in manifold proportion. He was a fre-
quent attendant upon her councils and served upon her standing
committee in the dioceses of North and of East Carolina.
He married in 1886 Mrs. Mary Bradfort, daughter of Colonel
Thomas Waddill, of Fayettville, who ministered with tender affec-
tion to him in his later years, herself a child of the church and
leader in all its good works and much beloved by those who are her
associates and friends. She with one son, Theodore, still survives
Dr. Hinsdale's pastor and most intimate friend. Rev. Dr. Joseph
C. Huske, who not long after followed him to rest, in a most
beautiful tribute to his memory, among other things said :
"And I need not tell any man in this town that our departed friend was
a man of spotless integrity, of careful business habits, of profound knowl-
edge and liberal culture in his profession, of an abounding charity to the
poor of all names, and of a generous and yet modest style of living — no
mean virtue in an age of sham. His was not only a good, but a gracious
life among his fellow-men."
In the private circle his virtues illustrated the beauty of a Chris-
tian life. His charities were of that quiet, unostentatious and dis-
criminating character which endeared him to the really necessitous
and made his departure to them a loss indeed. No poor man was
ever turned away hungry from his gates. He was "full of com-
passion and ready to do good to all men according to his ability
and opportunities." He visited the fatherless and the widow in
her afHiction, and in the purity of his own life he kept himself un-
spotted from the world. Within the precincts of his home he was
a loving husband, a kind father, a good friend. He used hospitality
and was not forgetful to entertain strangers.
When the evening began to close around him, he set his house
in order and arranged in their details the last rites to be performed
in all simplicity, and named the trusted friends who were to bear
him to his rest.
After much weariness and suffering, at last, on June 14, 1894,
the spirit of peace settled upon the room where he lay, surrounded
by the living ones whom he loved, ministering to his departing
moments in tenderest solicitude, and he seemed to see others there
invisible to mortal eye, and then he fell asleep "at peace with God
and in perfect charity with man-" James C. MacRae.
leading attorneys at law of the State, is a resi-
dent of Raleigh. His father was the late Dr.
Samuel J. Hinsdale, of whom a sketch is also
(Presented. On his mother's side Colonel Hins-
; dale is a descendant of Richard Cogdell, a lead-
ing patriot of New Bern in Revolutionary times. A man of
strong mind and resolute purpose, he was at the head of the Craven
Committee of Safety in 1774, and rendered notable service to the
cause of independence. It was from him, doubtless, that Senator
George E. Badger, generally considered the most intellectual man
ever produced in North Carolina, inherited his remarkable powers,
as Judge Badger, a great-uncle of Colonel Hinsdale, was a grand-
son of Colonel Cogdell. Colonel Hinsdale has also a distinguished
New England lineage. His mother was a descendant of Governor
William Bradford and of Elder William Brewster, both of whom
were pilgrims in Leyden, and came to the New World in the
Mayflower ; and while the former was the governor, the latter
was the spiritual head of the colony. She was also a descend-
ant of Thomas Wetmore, who emigrated from England in the
reign of James I, and along with his wife's father, John Hall,
was among the original settlers of Middletown, and represented
that town in the general court in 1654 and in 1655 ; she was also
descended from Richard Christophers of New London, who was
judge of the Supreme Court of the colony in 1701. Prominent in
those early days, her ancestors in a succeeding generation were
zealous in Revolutionary times. He also descends on his father's
side from General Comfort Sage, a colonel in the Continental
army and afterward a general of local troops, and from Jabez
Hamlin, also a distinguished colonel in the Continental army.
The Hinsdales sprang from a French family, Robert de Hin-
nesdal, having fled to England from France to escape' religious
persecution. One of his grandsons, Robert Hinsdale, emigrated
to America in 1638 and settled in Deer field, where he was killed
in the massacre by the Indians ; and from him Colonel Hinsdale
is a descendant in the ninth generation.
With such a lineage. Colonel Hinsdale is related to many of
the foremost families both in New England and in North Caro-
lina, and inherited not only high powers, but strength of character
and firm convictions.
He was born while his parents were still at Buffalo, N. Y.,
on February 4, 1843. A few months later his father moved to
Fayetteville, where his boyhood was passed, and he received
his preparatory training at the celebrated Donaldson Academy
on Haymount. He then became a pupil at Starr's Military Acad-
emy at Yonkers, N. Y., and eventually, in 1859, entered, the
University at Chapel Hill. He was always a fine student, and
took first distinction in all of his classes at the University. On
the breaking out of the war he abandoned his books, and
although but eighteen years of age, was commissioned a second
lieutenant in the Eighth North Carolina regiment, and was or-
dered to report to Brigadier-General T. H. Holmes, commanding
a brigade on the Potomac. He reached General Holmes on July
23, 1861, at Manassas, the day after the battle of Bull Run, was
assigned to duty as his aid-de-camp, and continued to serve in that
capacity while General Holmes was in command at Acquia Creek,
In February, 1862, J. Johnston Pettigrew was commis-
sioned brigadier-general; Lieutenant Hinsdale was assigned to
duty with him as adjutant-general; served with him at the battle
of Seven Pines, and in that baptism of blood acted with con-
spicuous gallantry and won his spurs, narrowly escaping death,
his horse being killed under him. General Pettigrew himself was
wounded, and fell into the hands of the enemy. General W. D.
Pender was then assigned to the command of the brigade and
Lieutenant Hinsdale continued to act as his adjutant-general. He
again distinguished himself during the seven days' battle around
Richmond, receiving merited compliments in the official report
of General Pender for his courage, intrepidity and gallant bearing
on the field. Shortly thereafter General Holmes, having been
created commander of the trans-Mississippi department, applied
for Captain Hinsdale, who accompanied him to Arkansas, and
served upon his staff as adjutant-general. At the battle of Helena,
Ark., Captain Hinsdale again distinguished himself for bravery
and courage, being the first mounted ofScer who entered the
Federal fort on Graveyard Hill, supposed to be the key of
Helena, where rained a tempest of shot and shell so deadly that
scarcely a bird could live. Later he served for a short time with
General Sterling Price as inspector-general. The esteem in
which he was held by the officers in the trans-Mississippi depart-
ment is well expressed in a recommendation made by General
Holmes for his promotion : "He is an officer of great merit both
in the field and in the office. In the field he is full of energy and
enterprise, with coolness and discretion. In the office, few men
are more capable."
When toward the close of April, 1864, Lieutenant-General
Holmes returned to the east and was assigned to the duty of
organizing the reserves of North Carolina, Captain Hinsdale con-
tinued to be his adjutant-general; and when the Third regiment
of Junior Reserves was organized ( Seventy-second North Carolina
troops) he was elected its colonel, and in general orders. General
Holmes directed him to join his regiment as colonel. The order
continued :
"The lieutenant-colonel commanding in taking leave of Colonel Hins-
dale, tenders his warm congratulations on his promotion and earnestly
hopes that the intelligence, zeal and gallantry which have characterized
his services as a staff officer may be matured by experience into greater
usefulness in his new and more extended sphere."
The Junior Reserves were lads of from seventeen to eighteen ■
years of age. Their duty was to serve in North CaroHna; yet
when necessity arose, they volunteered to a man to go to Virginia,
and went.
The battalions that were organized into the Seventy-second
regiment had been among the gallant defenders of Fort Fisher
in the first attack, when the enemy were driven off. When Colonel
Hinsdale took command, the regiment was at Goldsboro, and was
soon ordered to Kinston, where at South West Creek they
engaged the enemy, who on March 6th had come from New Bern.
They advanced to the attack as steady as veterans and drove the
enemy before them, unhappily suffering the loss of a number of
brave young officers and men. By a hasty march, they reached
Smithfield on March i6th, from Kinston, in time to face General
Sherman's army, which was approaching from Fayetteville. At
the battle of Bentonville, Colonel Hinsdale and his regiment, to-
gether with the other Junior Reserves, constituted the right of
Hoke's division, and were supported by a battery of Starr's bat-
talion of artillery. The enemy made a heavy charge on Hoke's
division and were driven back. The Confederate loss in that battle
was 2343, while that of the Federals was nearly twice that number.
Indeed it is said that the Confederates, although this was the
last battle of the war, never fought with greater spirit. Writing
concerning the conduct of the Junior Reserves on that occasion.
General Hoke said : "At Bentonville they held a very important
part of the battlefield in opposition to Sherman's old and tried
soldiers, and repulsed every charge that was made upon them,
with very meagre and rapidly thrown up breastworks. Their
conduct in camp, on the march, and on the battlefield was every-
thing that could be expected of them, and I am free to say was
equal to that of the old soldiers who passed through four years
of war." This well-deserved ecomium is measurably attributable
to the fine conduct of the young men, induced by the gallant bearing
of their officers, and of it Colonel Hinsdale is entitled to a large
share, for although the youngest colonel in the service, he had
had four years' experience, and was a very capable and efficient
disciplinarian. Under General Hoke he led his regiment through
Raleigh and Chapel Hill, and across Alamance Creek to Red
Cross, twenty miles south of Greensboro, reaching there on April
1 6th, where the regiment remained until April 26th, when General
Johnston and General Sherman made the first agreement for
surrender; and on May 2, 1865, Colonel Hinsdale and the rem-
nant of his regiment were paroled at Bush Hill, and sorrowfully
turned their faces homeward.
Immediately after the war had closed. Colonel Hinsdale, pro-
posing to become a lawyer, went to New York and entered the
Columbia College Law School, and in 1866 was admitted to the bar
in that State, and the same year began the practice in North Car-
olina. He soon established a reputation for zeal and efficiency
and indefatigability in the service of his clients. He was excel-
lently prepared and admirably equipped for the profession, and
met with great success from the very beginning of his career. In
1875 his reputation had become so extended and his practice
called him so frequently to remote courts, that he moved to
Raleigh, where he became the attorney for North Carolina of the
Seaboard Air Line system and otherwise largely increased his
practice. He is a member of the Bar of the United States
Supreme Court, and has conducted a number of important cases
in that court, among them Seymour v. The Western Railroad Com-
pany, arising from a railroad construction contract and involving
$250,000 ; an important will case, Hawkins v. Blake ; The Patapsco
Guano Company v. The North Carolina Board of Agriculture,
involving the constitutionality of the fertilizer tax laws of North
Carolina; and Wetzell v. The Minnesota Railway Transfer Com-
pany. This last case was a remarkable one. Wetzell, a soldier,
died during the Mexican war, leaving a widow and four infant
children, to whom was issued by the Government a land warrant
for 160 acres of government land for Mrs. Wetzell and her chil-
dren. She undertook to sell the warrant without obtaining from
the courts authority to dispose of the interest of her minor chil-
dren, so that their title did not pass. The purchaser located the
warrant where St. Paul is now built. In 1900 the children and
their descendants first came to know their rights, and imme-
diately began a suit to set up a trust in their favor. The case
was taken by appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States,
where Colonel Hinsdale was a leading counsel for the claimants.
Senator Davis of Minnesota represented the defendants. The
claimants' right to the land was clearly demonstrated, but the
Supreme Court decided against them on the ground that they had
been guilty of laches in not instituting their suit at an earlier day.
The case involved five million dollars worth of property. He
prominently represented the State in the litigation in the circuit
court of the United States between the Corporation Commission
of North Carolina and the Seaboard Air Line, the Southern, and
the Coast Line Railroad companies. The question involved nearly
half a million of dollars of taxes and was finally settled upon
terms perfectly satisfactory to the State.
Colonel Hinsdale has appeared in many of the most prominent
cases arising in the State, but perhaps the most notable of them all
was a criminal prosecution which, in 1895, he conducted to a
brilliant termination, against a band of graveyard insurance con-
spirators in Beaufort, N. C, for conspiracy to cheat and defraud ;
landing them in the state penitentiary and in the county jail. This
case attracted more attention throughout the United States than
any other insurance case that has ever been tried. Colonel
Hinsdale has devoted most of his attention to insurance law, and
is considered one of the first insurance lawyers in the State.
Colonel Hinsdale is not only one of the best-read lawyers in
the State, but he has an extensive library of more than five thou-
sand volumes, embracing the best and latest law publications.
He is the author of -the Nonsuit Act, which permits the defend-
ant to move for a non-suit after the plaintiff has offered his evi-
dence, with the liberty of introducing evidence if his motion is
disallowed, thus shortening trials and saving much time and ex-
pense. He is also the author of the Equity Reference Act, which
allows the reference of an equity cause and enables the Supreme
Court to review the facts in an equity cause as contemplated
and directed by the constitution of 1868. Both of these acts have
the approval of the Bar, and are highly beneficial in their results.
While Colonel Hinsdale has led such a busy life that he has
written but little outside of his profession, in 1875 he made a
contribution to the literature of the profession by publishing an
annotated edition of Winston's North Carolina Reports, which
bears evidence of much careful preparation and fine powers of
Although an indefatigable worker, the Colonel enjoys society
and is never happier than when surrounded by his friends at his
hospitable board. An ardent Democrat, he has never sought polit-
ical preferment, but having attained a great reputation in his
profession, he enjoys an enviable position among the strong men
of the State. In his life he has had no reverses, but has made
constant progress toward the highest social and professional
eminence. Being asked if he would offer any suggestion that
might be helpful to young people, he says, "Whatever of success
in life I have achieved, has been through assiduous and persis-
tent work. Sobriety, industry and perseverance, punctuality and
courtesy will command success and will contribute most to the
strengthening of sound ideals in our American life."
Colonel Hinsdale is a member of the Episcopal Church, and is
a member of the L. O'B. Branch Camp of Confederate Veterans.
He married, in 1869, Miss Ellen Devereux, a lovely daughter
of Major John Devereux, and one of the most elegant of her sex,
who, like her husband, takes a great interest in all matters that
pertain to the Confederate veterans. She was at one time presi-
dent of the chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, and
treasurer of the North Carolina division U. D. C, and a member
of the Colonial Dames and Daughters of the Crown, and is con-
nected with many patriotic, church, and charitable organizations,
being indeed one of the most active and zealous ladies engaged
in good works in North Carolina. Six children have blessed their
union, all of whom survive. S. A. Ashe.
[ROM the best information obtainable the Holt
family is of German extraction. Some forms of
the name are now found in many parts of Ger-
many and in contiguous provinces of adjoining
, nations. For several centuries, however, numer-
ous branches of the family have lived in Eng-
land, spelling the name as above. The Holts in America are
mainly, if not entirely, descended from English stock. There
are in North Carolina two distinct branches of the family, the
eastern branch and the Alamance branch. How soon the
eastern branch came into the State, we do not know. In the
district once composed of Beaufort and Hyde, as early as 1723,
Martin Holt is recorded as a freeholder; and in 1737 another of
the same name, perhaps the same man, entered a claim at Newton
(Wilmington) for 640 acres of land in New Hanover. ("Colonial
Records," vol. iv, p. 329.) From this source the Holts of New
Hanover, Johnston, and adjoining counties are probably
The Holts of Alamance are descended from Michael Holt,
who came to Orange County from Virginia about 1740, probably
along with the stream of Scotch-Irish immigration to the valley
of the Haw River. He obtained a grant from Earl Granville of
several hundred acres of land, lying between and probably cover-
ing the sites of the present thriving towns of Graham and Burling-
ton. The site of his home is still distinctly to be seen halfway
between these towns, on the north side of the macadam road,
opposite the county 'almshouse, on what is locally known as the
Whidbee place. Of his children, and he had several, we have no
account, except William, who was killed by the Tory, Colonel
O'Neill ; John and Nicholas, who became heads of families whose
descendants are yet to be found in Alamance and adjoining
counties; and Michael Holt, Jr., the subject of this sketch.
Michael Holt was a very prosperous man for his day; a good
farmer, an excellent machinist, wide-awake, and very progressive.
The old family burial plot is in the pine woods a few hundred
yards north of the almshouse, and here he and various members
of his family He buried (Letters of Mrs. Maria Holt Foust). He
died about 1765.
Among the Holts of Alamance there are a few who claim that
this pioneer came from Germany, through Pennsylvania, and that
the spelling of the name was Holz or Holtz or Houltz. Those who
claim he was German-born base their opinion on Smyth's "Tour in
the United States of America," published in 1784. In this book the
writer states that several years before that time, while traveling
through North Carolina, he spent the night with Michael Holt,
Jr.; that he was a "Dutchman," though "born in this country,
the son of German parents." As this book was written by a
casual traveler in a strange land, some twelve years after the
incidents narrated, we need not expect it to be a cyclopedia of
genealogical truth. Later still he states that Michael Holt, Jr.,
"fought with the British and Tories at Moore's Creek Bridge, and
was there taken prisoner," etc. The "Colonial Records'' show this
to be absolutely untrue. Hence the narrative in detail is to be
discredited. Those who claim that the name of Holt was ever
spelled any other way in Orange County, make an assertion un-
supported by a single record, by any inscription on a tomb, or
even by dim uncertain tradition.
The general traditions in the family are to the effect that the
Alamance Holts are English, that they belong to the Hazelhurst
family in that country, and that this pioneer was a grand-nephew
of Sir John Holt, Lord Chief Justice of Great Britain. To such
an extent is this relationship credited, that many branches of the
family from time immemorial have used the Redgrave Hall coat
of arms, with its three fleurs-de-lis, which point back to Alsace,
whence this branch of the family came to England. While the
writer has been unable to verify this tradition definitely in estab-
lishing line of descent, owing to the destruction of records, the
unanimity of traditions in widely separated branches of this family
may well be given enough credence to enable us to state that the
Holts of Alamance are intimately connected with this well-known
English branch of the Holt family.
Michael Holt, Jr., came with his father to North Carolina about
1740. He spent the first years of his life learning the blacksmith's
trade, and became a very skillful one. Every dollar that he earned
he put into land. He had the Midas touch, and by means of his
store and shop soon became a prominent landowner, his posses-
sions in the south extending as far as Staukin Quarter (Stinking
Quarter) Creek, and a long distance in the directions of Hillsboro
and Greensboro. In 1760 he took up from the agents of Earl
Granville 510 acres of land on the waters of Little Alamance
Creek, and built his home on the stage road leading from Hills-
boro to Salisbury, where he spent the rest of his life. This land
embraced the Dr. Pleasant Holt farm, and part of the Dr. Michael
W. Holt farm, now owned by Thomas C. Foust, one of his great-
grandsons, and the intervening land on the Little Alamance.
The original survey and deed are the property of Mr. Foust. The
home place proper, where he lived and where he lies buried, passed
by his will into the hands of his son William ; then to Dr. Pleasant
A. Holt ; then to Daniel Holt, a great-grandson of Michael Holt's
brother John ; then to Mr. Rauhut of Burlington, a son-in-law of
Daniel Holt. A new road was built in the last century from the
Dr. M. W. Holt place to Belmont Mills, and the road by the old
homestead has been discontinued.
Michael Holt, by virtue of his strong common sense, business
sagacity and sturdy character, was one of the leaders of men in
his part of Orange County, and was selected very naturally as
one of the king's representatives. He became magistrate by
royal appointment, in which capacity he served till the Revolution.
He was also appointed captain of militia, which office he held
during the troubles with the Regulators.
It is not the purpose of the writer to discuss the abuses which
led good citizens to assemble and petition for a redress of griev-
ances, as they had a right to do. But in company with all careful
students of history, we must deplore that mob violence as a blot
on the fair name of our State, which under the name of Regulators
took the law into its own hands, maltreated good citizens, upset
the existing stability of government ; and this could have but one
righteous end and merited rebuke, and that was Alamance. So
when on April 8, 1768, one hundred of these rioters rode boldly
into Hillsboro and took from the sheriff a horse which had been
levied on for taxes, bound the sheriff with ropes, and maltreated
other citizens, Lieutenant-Colonel John Gray of the Orange
County militia prepared to raise troops to protect officers of the
law and the town from future attacks. For this purpose he called
a council of the officers under him. Among them was Captain
Michael Holt, And while it was impossible to get together many
effective men as the result of this conference, Captain Francis
Nash, one of the council, said that all the officers behaved with the
"utmost loyalty and courage, and to a man could be relied upon to
venture their lives and fortunes for the suppression of this
lawlessness" (Col. Rec, vol. vii, pp. 710-712). The stand
Michael Holt took with reference to the regulators, living as he
did in their stronghold, is a tribute to his great love of law and
order, as well as to his personal courage. For it cost him dear.
The hard earnings of years were swept away by incendiarism
and pillage, but it did not move him from his firm base, nor dull
the edge of the sword with which he was ever ready to fight for
the restoration of civic order (Letter from Mrs. Maria Holt
Foust) .
Later still, September 21, 1770, the leaders of the Regulators
broke into the court room at Hillsboro, where Judge Richard
Henderson was holding court, did violence to his person, dragged
William Hooper violently through the street, whipped Alexander
Martin (later governor), Francis Nash (later general in the
Revolutionary army), and Captain Michael Holt, tore to pieces
houses of prominent citizens, and wound up with a mock court,
which showed not only their utter contempt for law, but also for
decency (Col. Rec, vol. vii, p. 67).
What Michael Holt's attitude was in the war of the Regulators,
which occurred a few months later, there can be no doubt ; all his
sympathies were on the side of Tryon. There is no proof that he
took an active part in the war or in the battle of Alamance; but
the battle was fought on land owned by him south of the Great
Alamance, and the camp, five miles from the battle ground, on the
Hillsboro road, was also on his land, near Belmont Mills ; and
after the battle his home, two miles from the camp, on the Hills-
boro road, was converted into a temporary hospital for the
wounded of Tryon's army. If circumstances kept him out of the
actual engagement, we may be sure it was not a lack of personal
courage, or fear of loss of property, or evidence of a reversion of
feeling against the lawless actions of an irresponsible mob. (It is
remarkable that to this day the battlefield, the camp, and the home
of Michael Holt are in the hands of his descendants and relatives.)
Most of Tryon's officers and sympathizers became ardent
patriots during the war of the Revolution, while some of the
Regulators were Tories. It is not strange, however, that a man
of Michael Holt's temperament, his strong conservatism, his
regard for the powers that were, in the interest of which he had
lost his property and risked his life, would permit him easily to cut
himself loose from his king, and ally himself with the American
cause. All strong honest characters make up their minds slowly,
the stronger, the more slowly. And so it seems to have taken
Michael Holt some little time to divorce himself from his alle-
giance to his oath and his king.
And thus it happened that when, on January 10, 1776, Governor
Josiah Martin called upon and commissioned twenty-six men,
and among them Michael Holt, of the counties of Cumberland,
Anson, Chatham, Guilford, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Surry, and
Bute, to set up the royal standard and raise troops "to the support
of the laws against the most horrid and unnatural rebellion that
threatens the subversion of his Majesty's government,"' and to
march to Brunswick on the lower Cape Fear, Michael Holt heeded
the call, set up the king's standard, raised the levy, and started
with his men via Cross Creek, where he expected to join McDon-
ald's army (Col. Rec, vol. x, pp. 441-442).
For some reason satisfactory to himself, before he reached
Cross Creek he called his men together, disbanded them, per-
suaded most of them to return home, and went back himself to
his fireside. What those reasons were may be surmised. It was
not on account of the lack of any or all the quaUties that go to
make up the soldier or leader of men. The light perhaps had
dawned upon him that loyalty to his own people outweighed his
allegiance to the king. Not the least contributory cause was the
number of his old enemies, the Regulators, who were flocking to
Brunswick at the governor's call, and whose education in the
school of lawlessness and violence was bearing fruit on this march
in pillage and high-handed robbery of the weak and defenseless.
For he is reported to have said in his speech to his men in dis-
banding them, "I cannot persuade myself to be so loyal to my
king as to consort with this crowd" (Letters of Isaac Holt).
In May he was arrested and at Halifax was adjudged guilty of
"leading forth to war a company of men" at the call of Governor
Martin; and in June thereafter was taken to Philadelphia and
imprisoned (Col. Rec, vol. x, p. 601). In September following,
the Council of Safety for the province of North Carolina held
its sessions in the town of Salisbury. This committee was com-
posed of Willie Jones, for the congress; James Coor and John
Simpson, for New Bern district ; Thomas Eaton and Joseph John
Williams, for Halifax district; Cornelius Harnett and Samuel
Ashe, for Wilmington district; Thomas Person and John Rand,
for Hillsboro district ; Hezekiah Alexander and William Sharpe,
for Salisbury district (Col. Rec, vol. x, pp. 581-582). On Sep-
tember 9, 1776, we find the following entry in the minutes of the
council (Col. Rec, vol. x, pp. 827-828) :
"Read the petition of Michael Holt, late of Orange County, at present
under confinement in the city of Philadelphia, praying release, etc.; also a
petition from the committee of said county setting forth that in their opin-
ion the releasement of the said Michael Holt would not in anywise injure
the cause of liberty in this State.
"This board, taking the said petition into consideration, and having col-
lected all the evidence for and against the said Holt with respect to his
march in order to join McDonald's army, find many circumstances in
his favor, inasmuch when he was fully acquainted with the intention of
the Tories he did actually return home, and was the means of inducing
a number of others to follow his example without a junction with the
Scotch army.
"Resolved, That he be recommended to the Continental Congress as an
object of compassion, and that the delegates for this State use their utmost
endeavor to get him discharged from his present imprisonment in order
that he may return home to his family, he first taking an oath to this
State, a copy of which is ordered to be enclosed to said delegates."
As soon as this petition got before the Continental Congress
Michael Holt was released, and returned to recuperate his broken
fortunes. That his opinions had undergone a change is evidenced
by the fact, that while he did not go actually into the field for the
American cause, in his sympathies he was with his home country.
He gave freely of his means to the impoverished coffers of the
colonies, and just before the battle of Guilford Court House, sent
a drove of fat cattle into the needy camp of General Greene
(Letters of Isaac Holt).
Michael Holt was married twice. His first wife was Margaret
O'Neill, the daughter of a well-to-do Irish family on an adjoining
plantation, and a sister of the well-known Tory of that name. By
her he had three children, one son and two daughters : Joseph,
who moved to Kentucky and became the progenitor of a prom-
inent family ; Elizabeth, who married Tobias Smith, family disap-
peared; and Margaret, who married a Mr. Powell, whose family
has also disappeared. Margaret O'Neill died about 1765. In 1767
he married Jean Lockhart, belonging to a prominent Scotch family
(descended from Sir Simon Lockhart) which had come into this
State from Virginia, and settled near Hillsboro. She is said to
have been a woman of rare beauty, as well as of strong common
sense. She survived her husband several years, dying in 1813.
By her Michael Holt had seven children, four sons and three
1. Sarah, born in 1769, married John Harden, and lived one-
half mile south of where Graham now stands. She had two sons
and four daughters: George, who married Miss McRae first,
then Miss Turrentine; John, who married Jeremiah Holt's
daughter; Sarah, who married James Wren; Elizabeth, who
married first Lewis Holt, then Captain William Holt; Mary,
who married John Procter; and Margaret, who married George
Hurdle. These have many descendants in North Carolina to-day.
2. Joshua, born in 1771, married Miss Burrow. To them were
born five sons and two daughters: Michael, who married Miss
Wilhough ; Jordan, who also married a Miss Wilhough ; Hiram,
who married Miss Greer ; Nimrod, who died young ; Herod, who
married Miss Greer; Nellie, who married Mr. Neece; Candace,
unmarried. Early in the nineteenth century Joshua Holt removed
to Tennessee, and became prominent in politics. His descendants
are still to be found there.
3. Isaac, born 1773, died in 1823. He married Lettie Scott,
daughter of John Scott, planter, and his wife, Betty Machen, who
owned the Ruffin place on Alamance Creek, three miles south of
Graham. She was a sister of Mrs. William Kirkland and Mrs.
Archibald D. Murphey. They had three sons and three daughters :
(a) Thomas Scott, first wife Sallie Foust; children: John,
who married Louisa Williams (J. A. and M. H. Holt) ; Isaac
(Miss Walker) ; Eliza (Mrs. Daniel Setliff) ; Lettie (Mrs.
Wright) ; Henry (Miss Setliff). Then he married Bettie Millo-
way ; children : Thomas, Sarah, and Edwin.
(b) Mariah married George Foust; children: Isaac married
Mary Holt; George; Monroe; Thomas C. married Miss Rob-
bins (Professors J. I. and T. R. Foust) ; Barbary (Mrs. Rogers) ;
Caroline (Mrs. Graves); Mary (Mrs. Graves); Lettie (Mrs.
John Whitsett) ; Mariah, unmarried.
(c) Eliza (Mrs. Thomas Roan) lived at Carthage; several
(d) Amelia (Mrs. Wray) moved to Illinois; left several chil-
{e) Isaac married Miss Puryear; children: Seymour, Edwin
(physician), James, Isaac (died young), Mariah (Mrs. George
White), Margaret (Mrs. Crutchfield).
(/) Archibald (physician) moved to Tennessee, where he
married, succeeded in life and left several children.
Isaac Holt's second wife was Polly Blair. She survived him,
and became the fourth wife of Seymour Puryear.
Isaac Holt was a prosperous and successful mechanic, farmer,
merchant, landowner, and slave-holder ; he lived on the Salisbury
and Hillsboro road, near the Alamance battle-ground. The house
he built in 1810 and lived in, and the storehouse he built and
used are still standing. His homestead has been in the hands of
the Graves family for seventy years. He and his first wife are
buried on this farm.
4. Mary (Polly), born 1775; married Anthony Thompson;
lived opposite Isaac Holt on the farm more recently owned by
Austin Isely. The old chimney-place is still pointed out — a few
feet in the rear of the brick residence now standing. Of
their children, Anderson married Miss Albright; William, Miss
Clendenin; Duke, Miss Cude; Anthony, Miss Cude; Jennie,
Mr. James; Nancy, Mr. Finley; Lettie and Polly did not
5. Katherine (Kitty), born 1776; married her uncle John
Holt's son, William, and moved to Tennessee, where they left a
large family.
6. Michael (third), born 1778, died 1842; he married Rachel
Rainey, daughter of Benjamin Rainey, a prominent minister of
the Christian Church, and granddaughter of William Rainey.
Their children were:
(o) William Rainey Holt (1798- 1868), a physician, of whom
a sketch follows.
(&) Jane Lockhart Holt (Mrs. John Holt) left three children.
{c) Polly (died young).
(<f) Alfred Augustus, died at age of twenty-one.
(e) Edwin Michael Holt (1807-1884), whose sketch also
(/) Nancy Holt married William A. Carrigan, May 17, 1827;
children, Alfred Holt (judge), William, Robert, and James.
Michael Holt (the third) was a man of much influence. As a
farmer he was progressive and successful. He introduced the,
cultivation of clover and blooded cattle into Alamance (letter from
his pastor. Dr. Hauer). He was a representative from Orange
in the lower house in 1804, and in the senate 1820 and 182 1. His
ideas as advanced before the people and in the halls of legislation
on education and internal improvements, judging by his speeches,
still extant, were fifty years in advance of his time. He lived on
the Salisbury and Hillsboro road, one mile east of Isaac Holt's
place, and on an adjoining farm, the place being now owned by
his grandson, L. Banks Holt.
(7) William, the youngest son of Michael Holt, Jr., and who
lived and died at the old homestead, married Sallie Steele. They
had a large family. Samuel was a physician and lived at Gra-
ham; Michael was also a physician. He married Miss Webb, and
lived one mile south of Graham ; they had three children, James,
Sallie (Mrs. James E. Boyd), and Annie (Mrs. William Foust) ;
Joseph married Miss Boon ; they had several children : John R.
(prominent minister of the Christian Church) married Miss Trol-
lenger (several children) ; Milton married Miss Mebane and lived
in Arkansas; Pleasant, noted physician, married Miss William-
son, died in Florida; Sarah married Peter Harden and lived in
Graham (several children) ; Mary married Isaac Foust, children:
Henry, Sallie, Charles, Edwin and Lena. William Holt repre-
sented his county in the General Assembly one term and was a
man of great force.
Michael Holt (second) was about five feet ten inches tall, and
weighed about two hundred and twenty-five pounds. He was
very dark, so much so that his German neighbors called him
"Black Michael." Many a jest 'was made at his expense on
account of his complexion. A neighbor wit, seeing him carry an
umbrella to keep off the sunshine, said, "Hello, Mike, carry-
ing an umbrella to protect the Devil's leather!" Sm)d;h, in his
"Tour in the United States of America," as full as it is of errors,
says that Mr. Michael Holt entertained him "with great hospital-
ity"; that he "possesses considerable property, and has a large
share of good sense and sound judgment," though lacking in the
polish of education and travel ; that in the conversation "he enter-
tained me and afforded me a good deal of satisfaction and infor-
mation by his sensible, blunt and shrewd remarks on every
Michael Holt's will is a model in the scrupulous care h§ took
to treat his children with absolute fairness. He was wise enough to
give them the largest portion of their patrimony while he was
living. But the remaining property he bequeathed with as much
exactness as if he had been distributing millions. To each of the
sons and daughters, "One negro man, one negro woman" (names
given), "one horse, one cow, one calf, one feather bed and furni-
Michael Holt was a faithful friend. His friendship once
obtained lasted through adverse conditions no less than under
auspicious skies. He stood ever ready to respond to the needs
of those he loved, with open purse as well as with open heart.
Fidelity to friends has always been a characteristic of a great
earnest, honest soul; and Michael Holt was no exception to the
rule. Many traditions are preserved in the family proving this
fidelity. Among his true and tried friends was Judge Richard
Henderson, a relative of Hon. John S. Henderson, of Salisbury.
He and Judge Henderson had together suffered at the hands of
the Regulators, and this had not tended to weaken their mutual
good will.
We know but little about his religious character. He and his
wife attended the Lutheran Church near by, although she was a
Presbyterian, and he perhaps an Episcopalian. Of his rugged
honesty and deep earnestness, there are many traditions; and
there are good reasons to suppose that he was not without
religious convictions of equal sincerity. Strict attention to his
business, which he conducted according to the golden rule, brought
him wealth, and at the same time surrounded him with a host of
He died in 1799, at the age of seventy-six, full of years and
honors, and was buried according to the customs of the day on
his home farm, in the family burial plot. On his left sleeps Mar-
garet O'Neill, and on the right, Jean Lockhart. At his head stands
a plain soapstone slab on which his name and dates of birth and
death are inscribed. Below that are these lines:
Remember, man, as you pass by.
As you are now so once was I.
As I am now so you must be,
Prepare for death and follow me.
Martin H. Holt.
' ILLI AM RAINEYHOLT, of Lexington, North
Carolina, physician, planter, promoter, and long
president of the North Carolina State Agricul-
tural Society, was born in Alamance County,
'October 30, 1798. He was the son of Michael
Holt and Rachel Rainey, grandson of Captain
Michael Holt and Jean Lockhart, and brother of Edwin Michael
Holt. The third Michael and his wife, Rachel, reared their house-
hold in the vicinity of their ancestral home, in Alamance, being
prosperous, esteemed and beloved by a large circle of relatives and
After a thorough preparatory schooling, the subjgct of this
sketch, at an early age, entered the University of North Carolina,
where he graduated in 181 7, before reaching his nineteenth birth-
day. Among his classmates were the distinguished and unfor-
tunate Hardy B. Croom and Governor John M. Morehead, his
life-long friend; and he was closely associated at the University
with Bishop Green, President Polk, Governor William D. Mose-
ley, Hamilton C. Jones, and others who attained eminence in
their several walks in life.
Preparatory to entering on a professional career, he attended the
Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, where he received his
degree of M.D., and returning to North Carolina began the prac-
tice of his chosen profession.
/V^n^. Hcr-^-h-
C'^-'l' L l^S., /^^p/^^n. ^^J/,^4s.^
While yet at the University, the young collegian imbibed an
unusual fondness for literature, which grew on him with passing
years ; he treasured his books as friends, always taking particular
care of them, and adding constantly to his library, which embraced
classical authors, and standard works in science and other domains
of intellectual endeavor. Indeed for high culture. Dr. Holt stood'
among the first of his contemporaries in North Carolina.
As a physician he zealously sought improvement. Yearly in
the earlier period of his practice, he found time to attend the
clinics in Philadelphia, keeping abreast with the newest thought
in scientific circles. Being very successful in his profession his
reputation grew with advancing years, and his advice was sought
by prominent physicians throughout the State. He was always
ready to attend any bedside, for, like "the good physician," he
sought to relieve suffering, indifferent to pecuniary compensation,
ministering to the poor equally with those who were able to
remunerate him for his services.
Being well established in his practice, on May 14th, 1822, he
was married to Mary Gizeal Allen, who lived ten years and bore
him five children : Elizabeth Allen, who married Dr. Dillon Lind-
say, but died childless ; Elvira Jane, who married Joseph Erwin,
of Morganton, and left a large family ; Louisa, who died young ;
Mary Gizeal, who married Colonel Ellis, a brother of Governor
Ellis; and John Allen Holt, of Salisbury. Mrs. Holt was a
descendant of William Allen (the granduncle of Governor Allen
of Ohio), who married Mary Parke, of the Parke-Custis family
of Virginia. Mrs. Holt dying. Dr. Holt married, two years later,
Louisa Allen Hogan, a daughter of Colonel William Hogan and
Elizabeth Allen. She was a granddaughter of William Allen and
Mary Parke, thus being a first cousin of the first Mrs. Holt.
Colonel Hogan was a son of John Hogan, a Revolutionary officer,
whose wife, Mary, was a daughter of General Thomas Lloyd.
In passing we should say that General Lloyd was one of the
accomplished gentlemen of his day in North Carolina, being men-
tioned by Mr. Hooper as "gifted with a fine imagination, and
adorned with classical learning." He was recommended by Gover-
nor Tryon to form one of his council, but being a practicing
physician, the demands of his profession led him to decline the
honor. Thus, for several generations, through the families of
Lloyd, Hogan, Allen, and Parke, the children of this marriage
inherited high characteristics. The fruits of the marriage were
nine children : Louisa died in 1862, at ten years of age ; Julia in
i860, unmarried, at the age of twenty-five; Franklin in 1858, at
the age of nineteen; James while a student at Chapel Hill;
William Michael Holt died in 1862 at Richmond, Va., an
officer in the Confederate army; and Eugene Randolph, having
been taken prisoner, died on Johnson's Island in 1865, when just
twenty-one years of age. Of the remaining children, Claudia E.
Holt married D. C. Pearson, Esq. ; Frances married Charles A.
Hunt, of Lexington; and Amelia Holt married her cousin, Wil-
liam Edwin Holt, to whom were born one son and five daughters.
In his early life Dr. Holt indulged his tastes for literature ; not
only of classic literature was he passionately fond, but he studied
carefully all works of a scientific nature that would help him in
his agricultural experiments. Though deeply occupied with his
medical practice, he purchased a plantation in the Jersey settlement
near the Yadkin River, adjoining the broad fields of both Gover-
nor Ellis and Mr. Anderson Ellis. This he named Linwood;
and here he spent much of his time, but made his home at Lexing-
ton. After his second marriage he became still more interested
in agriculture. His wife, Louisa Hogan, was a helpmate indeed,
and by her judgment and management gave him much assistance.
Dr. Holt gradually became more and more drawn to agri-
cultural pursuits. After a period of depression, between 1840 and
1850, the price of cotton revived, and he realized that a new era
of prosperity was dawning for the South. He believed that the
South would supply the world with cotton, and he entered with
zeal on the cultivation of his plantation. He added acres on acres
to Linwood, fertilizing his fields, using the most improved
methods, thorough ditching, deep plowing, turning under fields
of clover and of peas until neighboring farmers thought him some-
what demented, not comprehending the philosophy of his scien-
tific method. In his work, Dr. Holt had not only the advantage
of the newest publications which he closely studied, but of personal
friendship and intercourse with Mr. Edmund Ruffin and Professor
Edmunds, among the most thoughtful of scientific agriculturists.
He studied the latest improved implements and introduced them
into his community. It may be said that the best years of his
life were devoted to this work — the basic work of civilization, a
work too often left to the hewers of wood and drawers of
water ; too often the pastime of mere theorists, but in its very con-
ception carrying the priceless blessings of individual independence,
communion with Nature in her varying moods, and sturdy charac-
ter building. Dr. Holt's splendid success attested his skill and his
fine management. He set the pace in the State not merely of
superior cultivation, but in the development of improved herds of
cattle and sheep. Durham and Devon were his favorites in the
former, Southdowns in the latter, and his herds were not only a
source of pleasure but of profit.
Dr. Holt was careful of his labourers. He sought to improve
the intelligence of his negroes and selected the most skilled of
them for his foremen, and promoted pride among them by devolv-
ing responsibility in them, and showing confidence in their faith-
fulness. Their quarters were always made comfortable, and they
were provided with an abundance of warm clothing, his ditchers
having high rubber boots, and indeed on no farm in the State
were the negroes better fed, housed or cared for. Peace and
plenty reigned in their quarters. After seven years of unremitting
hard work. Dr. Holt's lowlands were reclaimed, his meadows
leveled and well drained, yielding fine crops of hay, clover and
grass, and the wheat and cotton fields phenomenal crops. .The
reputation of his fine farm spread far and near. "Not a stone
was to be found in the fields, nor a bramble nor a bush or weed,
scientific culture had eliminated everything in the way of a nui-
ance — every useless thing had given place to the useful." At a time
when generally farming was slovenly, when the chief resources
of the land were given to the production of cotton. Dr. Holt
presented to the traveling public, passing by Linwood, an object
lesson in practical farming rarely met with in that era. Agricul-
turists from Baltimore and Richmond visited his farm and urged
him to write his experiences for publication; even such men as
the historian Bancroft and others of eminence were attracted to
his hospitable home to witness his conquest of Nature and his art
of compelling her to yield up her resources for the benefit of man.
Although Dr. Holt had abandoned his medical practice, when,
in 1857 and 1858, an epidemic of typhoid fever swept over David-
son County, he again buckled on his armor to war with disease.
The extent of this scourge was frightful, sometimes many mem-
bers in a household succumbing to it. Dr. Holt entered actively
on the work, insisting on strict hygienic regulations, clean wells,
clean sheets, clean beds. He instituted a regular police surveil-
lance on his farm, had all houses whitewashed inside and out, and
squads were kept busy constantly cleaning. Thus he was spared
any loss at his farm, and where his orders could be enforced on
neighboring plantations, he was able to save others. But the
dread disease passed but few doorsills. His own household did not
escape, and several members of his family were attacked. He
saved all except Franklin, then a youth of nineteen years; he,
too, had recovered, but some exertions on a hot September day
resulted in a relapse, and he fell a victim. Later Dr. Holt
mourned the loss of his second son, James, of the same malady —
he died at Chapel Hill, in his second term at the University. In
i860 he likewise suffered a severe bereavement in the loss of his
eldest daughter, Julia. She was beautiful and accomplished and a
graduate of St. Mary's School, Raleigh. Particularly was she de-
voted to music, and she and her father led the music in the church
services. Of an amiable and sympathetic disposition, she visited
the sick and poor, often accompanying her father in his profes-
sional visits, and thus came to know the sterner side of life, never
hesitating to perform the duties which her Christian zeal seemed
to impose. Her loss touched the tenderest chords of her father's
heart and laid low many of his most cherished hopes.
A man so far-sighted and patriotic as Dr. Holt was interested
not merely in his own concerns, but in the promotion of agricul-
ture throughout the entire Commonwealth; thus he became an
early promoter of the North Carolina Agricultural Society, and
always attended the annual State Fair, which has been such a
marked feature of that society's work. Indeed Chief Justice
Ruffin, widely known as an excellent farmer, and the president of
the Agricultural Society, was succeeded in that position by Dr.
Holt, who continued to fill it until his death. Not only by ex-
ample, but by precept and constant endeavor, he contributed to
the development of the agricultural resources of the State. It is
hard now to realize how backward was the material condition of
North Carolina some sixty years ago. It was more than a taunt
— being in some respects true, that North Carolina was a strip of
land between two states. All the world knew that claims of
superiority were continually made by Virginia and South Caro-
lina, and were generally assented to. Our one popular state song,
Gaston's "Old North State," had for its burden an apology. Tour-
ists from the north or south, on business or pleasure, saw of the
State only the vast stretches of pine barrens which then lay be-
tween Weldon and Wilmington; there was no daily paper, no
rail connection between the east and west, nor were there any
great state charities. But all of this has been changed. That
North Carolina, after bearing the chief share of one side of a
great war, now stands in the very forefront of the southern
states, is largely due to the exertions and capacity of a few pro-
gressive men of former years, who aroused the State from
lethargy, reversed the policy that had obtained, infused into her
counsels their own daring, progressive spirit and laid the founda-
tion on which we have since built and are still building. The obli-
gations of posterity to this class of our forefathers are incal-
culable. Perhaps Governor Morehead stands first among them
all, but not the least by far was Dr. William Rainey Holt. They
were the men who, while not undervaluing the lawyers and jurists
who have adorned the annals of the State, saw the need of foster-
ing other talents before the Commonwealth could become really
Dr. Holt was, like Governor Morehead, thoroughly enlisted in
securing railroad advantages for the western part of the State.
On the charter of the North Carolina Railroad, formulated by Mr.
W. S. Ashe of Wilmington, together they worked with enthusiasm
to accomplish its construction. They had been schoolboys to-
gether, classmates at Chapel Hill, firm friends through all the
years, and now when this great enterprise of internal improve-
ments appealed to their patriotism, together they worked zealously
and enthusiastically to successfully accomplish it. It was the con-
summation of Dr. Caldwell's dream of a state road from the sea-
board to the mountains.
Similarly Dr. Holt's sympathies were enlisted in the manufac-
turing enterprises of his brother, Edwin M. Holt, of the elder
Fries and the other pioneers in that department of industry ; and
he contributed much to that quickened conscience which aroused
the State to discharge its duties toward its ignorant and afflicted
citizens, culminating in a hospital for the insane and in the
common school system which have since been developed into our
great state charities and admirable system of public instruction.
It was men like him, far ahead of their own generation, whose
constant striving put North Carolina in the forefront of the
present day — ^men whose good works entitle them to the grateful
remembrance of posterity.
In politics Dr. Holt affiliated with the Democratic party, and
when the sectional struggle became acute he was a pronounced
secessionist. But this did not disturb his associations with his
friends, or his close association with his brother, Edwin M. Holt,
Governor Morehead, and others who were decidedly conservative
in their views. It was somewhat strange : he a secessionist. Dem-
ocrat, high churchman, and his two intimate friends Whigs,
Presbyterians, and with a different attitude toward the exciting is-
sues of the day. After the war nothing could be more pathetic than
the intercourse between Dr. Holt and his life-long friend, Gover-
nor Morehead ; their hair whitened not merely by age but by the
deplorable calamities that had befallen them — their broken frames
bowed with their advancing years. One day a message came,
and Dr. Holt hastened to Greensboro to the home of his friend
to minister to him in his last illness. Dr. Holt advised a visit to
the Virginia Springs for a change and for treatment. The fare-
wells to the family were spoken, and Governor Morehead's face
lighted up with its last sparkle and affectionate smile. Dr.
Holt accompanied him and remained with him. A specialist had
been called in, but it was to his old friend the governor turned,
speaking to him his last words. Two weeks after the departure.
Governor Morehead died at Rock Bridge Alum Springs.
The home life of Dr. Holt was especially notable. There he
lived in a delightful atmosphere. His residence on the highway
from Salisbury to Greensboro was often visited by many of the
first men and most charming women of the Old South. One
recalls with kind recollections its gracious master, patriarchal in
appearance, moving with dignity, solicitous above all for the
comfort and pleasure of his guests. And this, too, after the war
had desolated his hearth and wasted his fields. He was of uncon-
querable will and intrepid in his dealings with men, but withal
kindly and courteous. Two of his sons returned not from the
war, and his family bereavements bore hard upon him. But he
met the new conditions after the storms of the war period with
resolution, held together the servants on his model farm of Lin-
wood, and without regard to weather continued to give personal
direction. Exposure brought on rheumatism, from which he
suffered until his death, October 3, 1868.
Mrs. Holt survived him. She had been a worthy companion
to so strong a character as her husband. One who had the
pleasure of knowing her well recalls her nice observance of all the
requirements of hospitality, her splendid command at home, her
interesting acquaintance with the people in books, her loyal alle-
giance to family ties, her unrufHed Christian faith and spirit which
thought no evil. Truly she was a fine type of the matron one
loves to picture as inseparably connected with the civilization of
the southern states in those years which have become known as
the golden period of southern life. Mrs. Holt survived her hus-
band many years, continuing her residence in the old home at
Lexington, Davidson County, endeared by so many associations.
Around that ancestral residence in what was then a quiet village
cluster tender recollections from the many guests who have shared
its princely hospitality. Beautiful pictures of the lovely old place
come back at memory's bidding : its fine elms and maples ; its slop-
ing lawn bordered with box; the large vegetable garden, the hot-
houses and the well-kept flower beds ; the variety of fruit-bearing
trees, including the orange and the lemon, which required such
zealous care and of which Mrs. Holt was justly proud; the dim,
cool parlors and the well-trained servants, who were raised on the
place and who loved it to the extent that many refused to leave it
at the close of the war — and she the presiding genius of the whole,
the lady of the house, whose smile charmed you in its welcome and
whose slight deafness gave an added interest to conversation as
she seemed to catch one's meaning from his manner. What a
type of all that is prized in womanhood! To return from the
matron to the man, it is to be said in conclusion that North Caro-
linians need look no higher for models in conduct and character
than are found in the lives of men of their own State — men like
William Rainey Holt and those of his stamp. Chivalrous, high-
toned gentlemen, patricians of the South and of the old* order of
things. "Intolerant at times, perhaps, of other people's opinions
he may have been, but this arose because of his own clear concep-
tion and convictions" — it is in these words that a kinsman de-
scribes Dr. Holt: intolerant, because clearly descerning the right
he could have no patience with any compromise of truth and
In person Dr. Holt would have been remarked in a multitude.
His height was full six feet; and well proportioned, his bearing
erect, his manner knightly and his presence impressive. In poli-
tics he was a Democrat of the Calhoun school. He was an ad-
herent of the Protestant Episcopal Church, of which for many
years he was a vestryman ; he found consolation for every adver-
sity of life in the noble beauty of its service, and he died in full
communion with its Head.
"And thus he bore without abuse
The grand old name of gentleman."
W. S. Pearson.
?DWIN MICHAEL HOLT was born January
14, 1807, in Orange, now Alamance County,
N. C. He was the grandson of Captain Michael
Holt (2d) of Little Alamance, a man of much
prominence during the years immediately pre-
ceding and following the Revolutionary war,
and the son of Michael Holt (3d), a prosperous farmer, mechanic
and merchant who lived one mile south of Great Alamance Creek,
on the Salisbury and Hillsboro road, where Edwin was born.
Some account has been given of Michael Holt (3d) in the sketch
of his father, Michael Holt (2d). Edwin's mother was Rachel
Rainey, a woman of queenly beauty coupled with strong common
sense, the daughter of a prominent minister of the Christian
Church, Benjamin Rainey and his wife Nancy, and the grand-
daughter of William and Mary Rainey.
Edwin worked on the farm in the summer and attended the
district schools during the winter. From the routine of farm
work and out-door life he developed robust health and the
ability to work steadily at tasks, no matter how difficult, until
they were finished. From the neighboring schools he obtained a
fair English education, the ability to write a good hand and to
keep books by the simple processes of that time. In addition
to his farm work he spent much time in his father's shops at-
tached to the farm, developing his naturally fine mechanical tal-
ent, which had been characteristic of the Holts for several
At the early age of twenty-one years, on Tuesday evening, Sep-
tember 30, 1828, Edwin M. Holt chose his consort for life in the
person of Emily Parish, the daughter of a prosperous farmer of
Chatham County, N. C. She was descended from the Parish and
Banks families of Virginia, members of which were distinguished
in the political and civic life of that Commonwealth. To his union
with this gentle, patient, energetic, discreet, and cultured woman,
Mr. Holt attributed much of his success in life. After his mar-
riage he began his business career by running a small farm and
store near his father's home, conducting this business successfully
in a moderate way until 1836.
But this kind of life did not fill the measure of Edwin M. Holt's
ambition. Nature had endowed him and training had fitted him
to win success and fortune in new and broader fields, to become
a pioneer captain of industry, to open a new field in his native
State for the investment of capital and for the conversion of our
raw material into manufactured products, and to pave the way
for a greater development of the State's material resources than
his fathers had ever dreamed. While he was engaged with his
store and farm he did not allow the happenings and movements
of the outer world to pass unnoticed. He was a deep thinker,
a clear and logical reasoner and was quick to see cause and effect
in political, sociological and economic conditions in this coun-
try. He became impressed with the fact that the cotton plant
brought wealth to whomsoever it touched, that the mill owner
of England and of New England, the merchant of London and
of New York had grown rich through trade in a staple which
was raised in abundance at his own door. To him it seemed
a geographical and economic inconsistency and perversity that
this staple should be carried thousands of miles from the place
of its growth to be made into cloth, much of which was to
be brought back and used to clothe the very people who
had produced it ; and that the southern planter should be content
with having to do with only the first or initial stage of the cotton
industry; while all the possibilities of manufacture and the in-
vasion with its products of the marts of trade throughout the
world lay unnoticed before him. He realized that if the raw
cotton could be manufactured into goods in the South, the south-
ern mill would have the immense advantages of freight, cheap
power from the streams of the uplands, raw material at its very
doors and abundant and reliable labor which, although unskilled,
needed only the opportunity to become as efficient as the New Eng-
lander. To sum up, he foresaw that not Manchester, not New
England, but the South was to control the cotton industry of the
world. Geography and climatic conditions had ordained it. The
writer feels that he cannot serve the purpose of biographical his-
tory in North Carolina better than by telling the story of the
beginning of his life work in the graphic words of Edwin M.
Holt's distinguished and lamented son. Governor Thomas M.
"About the year 1836 there was in Greensboro, N. C, a Mr. Henry
Humphries who was engaged in running a small cotton mill at that place
by steam. Following the natural inclination of his mind for mechanical
pursuits, my father made it convenient to visit Greensboro often, and as
often as he went there he always made it his business and pleasure to call
on Mr. Humphries. The two soon became good friends. The more my
father saw of the workings of Mr. Humphries' mill, the more convinced
he became that his own ideas were correct. Some time about the year
1836 he mentioned the matter to his father, Michael Holt, hoping that the
latter would approve of his plans, as at that time he owned a grist mill
on Great .A.Iamance Creek about one mile from his home, the water power
of the creek being suflficient to run both the grist mill and a small cotton
factory. He reasoned that if his father would join him in the enterprise
and erect the factory on his own site on the Alamance, success would be
assured. But his father, a very cautious and conservative man, bitterly
opposed the scheme and did all that he could to dissuade his son from
embarking in the enterprise. Not discouraged by this disappointment, he
next proposed to his brother-in-law, William A. Carrigan, to join him.
The latter considered the matter a long time, not being able to make up
his mind as to what he would do. Finally, without waiting for his brother-
in-law's answer, he went to Paterson, N. J., and gave the order for the
machinery, not then knowing where he would locate his mill. On his
return from Paterson he stopped at Philadelphia, where he met the
late Chief Justice Thomas Ruffin. Judge RufRn at that time owned a
water-power and grist mill on Haw River, the place now being known as
Swepsonville, and he asked my father where he expected to locate his mill.
My father replied that he wanted to put it at his father's mill site on
Alamance Creek, but that the old gentleman was so much opposed to it
that he might not allow it. Thereupon Judge Ruflfin said that he did not
wish to interfere in any way with any arrangements between him and his
father, but if the latter held out in his opposition, he would be glad to
have him locate his mill at his site on Haw River, that he would be glad
to form a partnership with him if he wished a partner, and that if he did
not wish a partner, but wanted to borrow money, he would lend him as
much as he wanted. When my father returned home and told his father
of the conversation with Judge Ruffin, a man in whom both had unbounded
confidence, and he saw that my father was determined to build a cotton
factory, he proposed to let him have his water power on Alamance Creek
and to become his partner in the enterprise. The latter part of the prop-
osition was declined on account of his having previously told his father
that he would not involve him for a cent. The conversation with Judge
Ruffin was then repeated to his brother-in-law, William A. Carrigan, who
consented to enter into the partnership and join in the undertaking. They
bought the water power on Great Alamance Creek from my grandfather at
a nominal price, put up the necessary buildings and started the factory
during the panic of 1837. The name of the firm was Holt & Carrigan, and
they continued to do business successfully from the start under this name
until 1851. About this time Mr. Carrigan's wife died, leaving five sons.
Two of them had just graduated from the University of North Carolina,
and concluding to go to the State of Arkansas, their father decided to go
with them; so he sold his interest in the business to my father. In the
year 1853 there came to the mill a Frenchman who was a dyer. He pro-
posed to teach father how to color cotton yarn for the sum of $100
and his board. Father accepted his proposition and immediately
set to work with such appliances as they could scrape up. There was an
eighty-gallon copper boiler which my grandfather had used to boil po-
tatoes and turnips for his hogs and a large cast-iron wash pot, which hap-
pened to be in the store on sale at that time. With these implements was
done the first dyeing south of the Potomac River for power looms. As
speedily as possible a dye house was built and the necessary utensils for
dyeing acquired. He then put in some four-box looms and commenced
the manufacture of the class of goods then and now known as 'Alamance
Plaids.' Up to that time there had never been a yard of plaid or colored
cotton goods woven on a power loom south of the Potomac River. When
Holt & Carrigan started their factory they began with 528 spindles. A
few years later sixteen looms were added. In 1861 such had been the
growth of the business that there were in operation 1200 spindles and 96
looms, and to run these and the grist mill and saw mill exhausted all the
power of the Great Alamance Creek on which they were located. My
father trained all of his sons in the manufacturing business, and as we
grew up we branched out for ourselves and built other mills; but the
plaid business of the Holt family and I might add of the South, had its
beginning at this little mill on the banks of the Alamance with its little
copper kettle and an ordinary wash pot. I am glad to be able to state
that my grandfather, Michael Holt, who was so bitterly opposed to the
inauguration of the enterprise and from whom my father never would
borrow a cent or permit the indorsement of paper, lived to see and re-
joice in the success of the enterprise. The mill ran twelve hours a day.
I was only six years old when the mill started, and well do I remember sit-
ting up with my mother waiting fot*my father to come home at night.
In the winter time the mill would stop at seven o'clock p.m. and thereafter
my father would remain in the building for half an hour to see that all
of the lamps were out and that the stoves were in such a condition that
there would be no danger from fire, and then he would ride one mile and
a quarter to his home. In the morning he would eat his breakfast by candle
light and be at the mill at six-thirty o'clock to start the machinery going.
He kept this habit up for many years.
"I attribute the success which has crowned the efforts of his sons in the
manufacturing of cotton goods to the early training and business methods
imparted to them in boyhood by their father, Edwin M. Holt."
Such is the story of the founding of the Holt cotton mill busi-
ness in North CaroHna. Under the general guidance and counsel
of Edwin M. Holt and with his financial aid, all of his sons built
cotton mills before his death, and it is a tribute to his prudent,
conservative, and sagacious training that not one of these enter-
prises has failed.
To show something of the growth of the cotton manufacturing
business among his sons and grandsons, from the little mill on
Alamance Creek with its 528 spindles and 16 four-box looms
have grown the mills of the Holt family in Alamance and else-
where in North Carolina, aggregating 161,218 spindles and 6,144
looms, all of which are making colored cotton goods. Truly "He
builded better than he knew." •
During the war between the States, while opposed at the be-
ginning to secession, he furnished three sons who fought gallantly
for the lost cause. In 1866 he retired from the active manage-
ment of the Alamance mill and gave it over to his sons, James H.,
William E., L. Banks, and his son-in-law, James N. Williamson,
reserving a one-fifth interest for his younger son, Lawrence S.,
until his majority.
While conducting his cotton mill he still found time to do many
other things for the progress and betterment of his county and
State. He never accepted any political office with the exception
of associate judge of the county court, which office he held for
many years, dispensing justice wisely and impartially to all who
came before him. He was an enthusiastic advocate of internal
improvements, and in the dark days after General Lee's surrender,
when the treasury of the State was without funds, contributed
generously of his means for the maintenance of the North Caro-
lina Railroad, on one occasion loaning this road $70,000 without
security to enable them to pay off their mechanics in the shops
and to meet other pressing obligations. Nor was this the only
time he came to their rescue financially. He was a director and
large stockholder in this road and had great faith and confidence
in its ultimate success. He established with his sons the Com-
mercial National Bank of Charlotte, N. C, and was largely inter-
ested in many other enterprises and institutions. It should be
said of him that his fortune, at his death probably the largest in
the State, was all acquired by means of honest and legitimate
effort and not through any manipulation or speculation.
Here might be mentioned his favorite mottoes, quoted often to
his sons, practised in his own life and that of his sons and grand-
sons after him, and one of the secrets of his remarkable success
and theirs. One was, "You will have your good years and your
bad years; stick to business." Another was, "Put your profits
into your business." Homely maxims, but how wise !
To Edwin M. Holt and Emily Parish Holt were born ten chil-
dren: Alfred Augustus, Thomas Michael, James Henry, Alex-
ander, Frances Ann (Mrs. John L. Williamson), William Edwin,
L)mn Banks, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. James N. Williamson), Emily
Virginia (Mrs. J. W. White), and Lawrence Shackleford. De-
votion to his wife and children nerved his arm for the tasks of a
long and arduous life. It was his love of his children and his
thought of them first and always, that made his life one long-
sustained sacrifice, that was the secret of his untiring zeal and
interest in his business enterprises. Under this stimulus toil
ceased to be a task, and labor became a sweet companion.
His ideas were patriarchal. He thought families should hold
together, build up mutual interests and be true to one another.
Nor was this a Utopian dream of Edwin M. Holt. It was a con-
viction born of his experience and observation of human life. It
was also an inheritance. It had been the idea of his father,
Michael Holt, it was the idea of his grandfather. Captain Michael
Holt. It was the idea of his maternal ancestry, the Raineys. If
he had not been strengthened by his own experience and observa-
tion, he would still haye probably listened to the teaching of his
fathers. He had seen members of families going out in divergent
directions from the old homestead, the title to estates disappear
and the ties of affection weaken, family pride lost and mutual aid
and influence impossible. He believed "In union there is
strength," hence it was his idea that his children should settle
around him, and that they should do so in honor and in charge of
successful business enterprises.
Great as Edwin M. Holt's life was as a pioneer in a branch of
our State's material development which is playing so important a
part in its growth and prosperity to-day, he was greater as a man.
Back of the power to plan and project successful enterprises, to
build up his own fortunes and to make his name a household word
in homes where fathers recount the great deeds of great men in
civic life, was Edwin M. Holt, the man. He was modest, unas-
suming, silent, ofttimes to a remarkable degree, seeking success
not for its own sake, but for his children's and for humanity's,
turning a deaf ear to appeals from admiring friends and neighbors
to allow his name to go before the people for public ofSce. But
there slumbered the irresistible power of resolute, moral manhood
behind his quiet face; and he would have been at ease, aye, and
welcome, in the society, not only of the world's greatest men in
business, but also in politics and religion. He was a life-long
friend of Governor John M. Morehead, Chief Justice Thomas
Ruffin, Frank and Henry Fries, the Camerons. and others of the
State's greatest men in the various callings of life, and was easily
the peer of any of them.
Edwin M. Holt was a truly unselfish man. A beautiful loyalty
and love for his older brother, William Rainey Holt, marked his
entire life. According to English customs, the family pride set-
tled in the eldest son. William was sent to Chapel Hill, where he
graduated with honor. Then to Philadelphia, where he took his
medical degree in the greatest school on the continent at that time.
On his return to the State and upon his marriage, he was given
some of the most choice and valuable property, belonging to the
estate. All this time Edwin was working on the farm faithfully,
contentedly, and feeling an exaltation of spirit in his brother Wil-
liam's success. This self-abnegation of spirit and loyalty to his
brother lasted throughout his whole life, altered neither by dis-
tance nor circumstance. They often saw things differently;
William was a great and brilliant talker ; Edwin was a greater lis-
tener. William was an ardent Democrat and secessionist ; Edwin
was equally as strong a Whig and a union man. But they never
quarreled. Edwin only listened and smiled or his face grew
grave, and the hand clasp that followed was that of loving
As he grew older benevolence and patience and tenderness for
children and love of humanity developed more and more in his
heart and life and was reflected from his quiet face. Fortune had
smiled on the struggles of his hand and head in his youth and man-
hood, and when age approached, he accepted its infirmities with
calm resignation. As illustrative of the highly honest and honor-
able principles that governed his relations with his fellows always,
the following conversation is reported from his deathbed. Calling
his sons to his side, he asked this question: "Do you remember
any instance in my life in which I ever took an unfair advantage of
any man or woman or child ? If so, tell me, for I want to make it
right." On being assured in the negative, he said, "Then I die
contented." And when the final summons came, he was ready,
and at its clear call he went :
"Like one who wraps the rich drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams."
He died at his home. Locust Grove, in Alamance County, on
May 14, 1884, at the age of seventy-seven years and four months.
In the words of Paul C. Cameron as he stood beside the casket of
his departed friend, "Thus ends a useful and well-spent life."
Martin H. Holt.
fHOMAS MICHAEL HOLT was the second
son of Edwin M. and Emily Parish Holt, and
was born July 15, 1831, in that part of Orange
County, N. C, which was afterward erected
into Alamance County. His birthplace was on
the immortal field of Alamance, where the Regu-
lators shed the first blood in behalf of American liberty. Michael
Holt, the third of the name, was Thomas Michael Holt's grand-
father. He was a colleague of James Mebane in the legislature
of North Carolina, in which body in 1820 and 1821 he took ad-
vanced ground in favor of internal improvement, advocating a
North Carolina system of highways that would be of benefit
to the State. It was meet that the grandson in after years
should be called upon to aid in completing a great public
highway which was in the line of the public work which
had been advocated by his grandfather. After being thoroughly
grounded in the elements of an English education at home, young
Holt was sent to Caldwell Institute, Hillsboro, then under the
care of Rev. Dr. Alexander Wilson, a man whose name is emi-
nent among the Presbyterian divines of his day for piety and
learning, and especially for his success as a teacher. Under Dr.
Wilson's able tuition, young Holt was prepared for the University
of North Carolina, and entered the sophomore class of that institu-
tion in June, 1849. Among his associates at the University were
'^'^ iyF&,KBrn.„d<C'VV
Zebulon B. Vance, Alfred M. Waddell, Thomas Settle, W. A.
Moore, W. C. Kerr, Thomas C. Fuller, and R. H. Battle. And
since "the boy is father to the man," it is certain that his associa-
tion with these rare spirits had much to do with the shaping of
his future life.
The will of his father, however, concurring with the son's pref-
erence for a business career, Mr. Holt remained at the University
only a year. In 1850 he went to Philadelphia and took a position
in a large dry goods 'store, in order to become proficient in busi-
ness. Here he speedily made himself master of every department,
becoming an accurate and expert bookkeeper and an accomplished
salesman, and acquiring that general knowledge of business rules
which enabled him to achieve success in every enterprise in which
he embarked in after life. Returning from Philadelphia in 1851,
he engaged with his father in conducting the business of the old
Alamance Cotton Mills, the first cotton mill built in Alamance
While in business at Alamance he was happily married to Miss
Louisa Moore, who, with two sons and three daughters, survived
to mourn his death.
In early life the conspicuous ability and transparent honesty of
"Tom Holt," as he was familiarly called, marked him as a man
eminently fitted to discharge public trust. As magistrate and as
county commissioner, he was for years a leading spirit in develop-
ing his native county. In 1876 he was elected state senator,
which office he held for two years. In 1882 he was elected to a
seat in the house of representatives, and was re-elected in 1884
and again in 1886. In 1884 he was elected speaker of the house,
and his presidency of that honorable body was characterized by
such ability, zeal, and impartiality as to win the commendation of
his fellow representatives without distinction of party, and to gain
for him an enviable reputation in the State at large.
In 1888 he was elected lieutenant-governor of North Carolina,
having the honor in this, as in every political contest in which he
was engaged, to receive the largest number of votes given any man
on the ticket. At the death of Governor Fowle, he became gov-
ernor of North Carolina, and fulfilled most ably the duties of that
office until the expiration of his term in 1893.
Before the expiration of his term as governor, the hand of in-
sidious and fatal disease had been laid upon him, and the severe
strain of official responsibility told upon his already impaired
vitality. The remaining years of his life were spent in attending,
as far as his failing strength permitted, to his large and varied
business interests. His disease baffled the skill of his physicians,
and gained such headway that in January, 1896, it was seen that
the end was near. At last acute pneumonia set in, and after a
few days of intense suffering, he passed away, April 11, 1896.
Governor Holt was a man of large mold; strong in brain, in
body, and in soul. The son of a wise father, he was trained
to believe in the dignity and necessity of labor.
In his early manhood he took a subordinate position in a store
to fit himself for the management of business enterprises. When
he became the owner of a cotton mill, he could say with honest
pride that he knew how to do every sort of work required in the
establishment, from the spinning and dyeing of the yarn to the
finishing and packing of the cloth. It is not to be wondered at
that such a man, beginning with a moderate competence, should
live to amass a large fortune. As his business grew, he retained
his grasp on every department, looked into every detail, and by
reason of his rare energy, practical foresight and prompt decision
made failure impossible. In all his career he was distinguished
for his unbending integrity. He scorned to earn a dishonest dol-
lar and loathed the low arts and the knavish cunning of the spec-
ulator and the stock gambler.
He was a model master. Inflexible in his requirements, com-
pelling industry and painstaking care on the part of servants and
employees, he was yet kind, sympathetic, and generous in his deal-
ings with all. He was ever ready to aid the well deserving, and
by every means sought to stimulate in them the virtues of self-re-
spect, thrift, honesty, industry, and self-reliance. When times of
business depression came, he felt himself bound, at whatever risk,
to provide employment for those who were looking to him for
their daily bread ; and while other mills were shut down, the Haw
River mills were running on full time, with the aid when necessary
of borrowed capital. And a strike was never so much as pro-
posed among the faithful people who served him.
In public life Thomas M. Holt was a tower of strength to his
party and to the State. From the time when he began to serve
the public as a county magistrate till he retired from the guberna-
torial chair, crowned with the reverence and admiration of the
truest and noblest men in our great commonwealth, he was a wise
and faithful officer. He loved his country and his people, and his
public policy was shaped with one controlling aim : to secure the
greatest good to the greatest number. During his long legislative
career as senator, as representative, as speaker of the house, and
as lieutenant-governor, he ranked among the choice and leading
spirits of our General Assembly, and made his influence felt for "
gflod in the decision of every question of importance that came
before that honorable body.
Among the important measures which he largely aided in secur-
ing may be mentioned the establishment in 1876 of the new sys-
tem of county government; the building of the Western North
Carolina and of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railroads ; the
establishment of the Department of Agriculture ; also the inaugu-
ration of a scheme which has resulted in the establishment of
three great industrial schools, of which our commonwealth is
justly proud — ^namely : the Agricultural and Mechanical College at
Raleigh, and the two state colleges at Greensboro. He gave his
influence to increase appropriations for the common schools of
the State, to the University, to the state hospitals at Morganton,
Raleigh and Goldsboro, and to the Orphans' Home at Oxford;
and he advocated the institution for the deaf mutes established at
But aside from his services in behalf of these great public in-
terests, perhaps the chief title of Governor Holt to the grateful
esteem of his fellow-citizens rests upon his valuable services ren-
dered in effecting the compromise of the state debt. A part of
that debt was secured by a lien on the State's interest in the North
Carolina Railroad and the State's interest was in the hands of
the Federal court. It seemed a certainty that the lien was to be
enforced, and this most valuable property of the State would be
sacrificed. Just at this juncture Colonel Holt, with a few in-
fluential friends, voluntarily undertook a journey north to see the
parties owning the bonds secured by the lien. After all negotia-
tions had apparently failed, these gentlemen, led by Colonel Holt,
succeeded, by reason of their influence in business circles, in com-
promising the debt, thus saving to the State property valued at
more than $5,000,000.
When in the maturity of his powers. Colonel Holt was called
upon to take the chair of state made vacant by the death of the
gifted and lamented Governor Fowle, and he brought to that high
office the capacity for mastering details, a painstaking patience,
a practical wisdom, a faultless devotion to principle and a wealth
of useful knowledge that made him eminently fit for the place.
Nor was it only in political life that Thomas M. Holt showed
himself a patriot. He desired to see the sons of North Carolina
educated to glory in the heroic memories of the past, and it is
worthy of mention that the noble monument to and statue of
Major Joseph Winston, which adorns the Guilford Battle Ground,
was his individual gift. Indeed, his whole life bore evidence to
the truth of the statement in the speech which he sent to be read
at the presentation of the statue to the Company, July 4, 1895 :
"If I know my heart, I desire no other earthly lot than to be able to add
my mite to the furtherance of the happiness of the whole people and the
glory of North Carolina."
Thomas M. Holt was a manly man. Self-reliance, decision of
character, independence of spirit, a virile courage that ever kept
him true to his convictions ; a transparent candor that led him to
speak whenever it was needful for him to raise his voice in de-
fense of the right or in denunciation of wrong ; a loyalty to friend-
ship and truth that never wavered; these were the qualities that
won him universal respect and bound his friends to him as with
hooks of steel. But while he was manly, he was no mere man of
iron or granite. He was indeed stern and unyielding when it be-
hooved him to show a stern front; but, at the same time alilce in
pubhc and private life he was genial, gentle, and sympathetic.
In the hallowed relations of home life, he was devoted and al-
together admirable. He was a Christian from conviction, and
early in his manhood identified himself with the Presbyterian
church at Graham, of which he was for many years a faithful
ruling elder. The sublime faith in which he was nurtured gave
him his strength in living and his comfort in his dying hour.
Unostentatious in his gifts for charitable purposes, he was able
to comfort himself in his afflictions by recalling, as did Job, his
efforts to do good. He could say : "I was a father to the poor" ;
and among the tributes to his virtues that were spoken by those
who knew him, none were more touching and significant than the
testimony uttered through their tears by the hundreds who were
his employees : "He was a father to us all." His was a practical
In the last days of his life he was often despondent. But it was
not for himself that he feared. His was rather the despondency
of the Christian patriot. Political conditions were unsettled, new
alignments were taking place, and dark portents loomed above
the political horizon. But amid all anxieties for the future of
his country, he found solace in his cherished faith that God rules
the world.
Honored in life, he was honored in his burial as few men in our
State have been honored. The presence of the governor of
the State with his staff, of representatives of the faculty
of the University of North Carolina ; of sixteen ministers of the
gospel, representing seven denominations ; of many distinguished
citizens from distant parts of the State ; of a vast throng gathered
from town and country, from far and wide, and representing
every class of citizenship — all this, together with the brooding
sadness, silent and tearful, of that great multitude, were indica-
tions of the esteem in which he was held by the people whom he
loved and for whom he labored. William P. McCorkle.
[AMES HENRY HOLT, the subject of this
sketch, was the third son of Edwin M. Holt, the
subject of a former sketch herein, and Emily
Parish Holt. He was born at the old E. M.
Holt home place in Alamance County on April
4, 1833, and died at his home in Burlington on
February 13, 1897. After attending local schools, he, in 1848,
entered Dr. Alexander Wilson's school, which sent out so
many of those who in after life brought honor and pros-
perity to their State and left legacies of stainless lives, more
precious than rubies and fine gold, to their children. In 1850, Mr.
Holt, then a young man, first entered the business world as a co-
partner of his oldest brother, Alfred Holt, in the mercantile busi-
ness. The house built and occupied by this firm still stands on
the northwest corner of the court house square in Graham, N. C.
Such was the business capacity and reliability of Mr. Holt, even at
this early time in his career, that in 1852 he was made cashier of
the Bank of Alamance, located in Graham. He continued in this
position till 1862, when he removed to Thomasville to take the
cashiership of the bank located at that place. He remained in
this position till the spring of 1864, when he resigned and volun-
teered for service in the Confederate army, and was assigned to
the Tenth North Carolina artillery and ordered to Fort Fisher in
eastern North Carolina. He remained there with his command
rn., j;,^/ Ti-ft,
till late in the year 1864, when he was commissioned captain by
Governor Z. B. Vance and ordered to report at Fayetteville, N. C,
and to take the position of commandant of the Military Academy
located at that place. In this position he remained till the close
of the war. Mr. Holt's career as a member of the Confederate
army was characteristic of his whole life. He did his whole
duty, regardless of his own personal preference in the matter.
When he was ordered to Fayetteville, his colonel — Lamb — spoke
of the fact that he was being taken from what promised soon to
to be scenes of excitement and sympathized with him. The reply
was characteristic of the man and worthy of a soldier : "Colonel,
I regret to leave, but you know I have always obeyed orders."
The colonel's reply was deserved : "That is true, Holt, you have
been one of the most dutiful and competent soldiers in my com-
After the war, Mr. Holt returned to Alamance County and,
with his brothers and under the guidance of his father, was active
in the management of the old Alamance Cotton Mills. Then, with
the desire to enlarge his field of operations and with that rare
business judgment characteristic of his family, Mr. Holt was in-
strumental in procuring the purchase, by himself and others of his
family, of the site known as the Carolina Cotton Mills. In 1867
the Carolina Mills were begun, when mill building was almost un-
known and everything had to be made by hand. Major J. W.
Wilson made the survey for the water power and Air. Holt gave
his entire time and attention to supervising its construction and
equipment. This was one of the most successful mills in the
South and one of the very foundation stones of the future Holt
family. This he managed successfully until his death, under the
firm name of J. H. & W. E. Holt & Co. This mill was operated
without any architectural change whatever until 1904, showing
that he not only "builded wisely but well."
In 1879 he bought the mill site just above the Carolina Mills,
and with his brother, W. E. Holt, built the Glencoe Mills. This
mill was also under his active and successful management and
control for years.
He had the wisdom to become, in a large measure, his own
executor by setting up his sons in business while he lived to give
them his aid and counsel — all of whom owned and conducted cot-
ton mills: Walter L. Holt, president of the Holt-Morgan,
Holt-Williamson, and Lakewood Mills ; E. C. Holt, of the Elmira
and Delgado Mills ; Samuel M. Holt, of the Lakeside Mills ; James
H. Holt, Jr., of the Windsor Mills ; Robert L. Holt, of the Glen-
coe Mills ; W. I. Holt, of the Lakeside Mills, and Ernest A. Holt,
of the Elmira Mills. The success attendant upon the operations
of these manufacturing plants attests the business acumen and
never-flagging industry of Mr. Holt.
Mr. Holt never forgot his early training and fondness for the
banking business and devoted his spare time in assisting in up-
building the Commercial National Bank of Charlotte, in which he
was a director and chairman of the examining board, and his
superior qualifications contributed largely to the wonderful suc-
cess of that institution.
Mr. Holt not only adopted honesty as a policy, but to him it was
a very basic principle, never to be swerved from even by so much
as a hair's breadth. His life and its success in the business world
is, as it should be, a sermon and an inspiration not only to his
sons, but to all young men, on honesty, clean living, and right
On January 15, 1856, Mr. Holt was married to Laura Cameron
Moore, of Caswell County. The married life of these two was
ideal and the home they built and the home life they led was
what a home and home life should truly be. As a result of this
union there were born the following children, who still survive:
Walter L. Holt, of Fayetteville ; Edwin C. Holt, of Wilmington;
Samuel M. Holt, of Blossom, Texas ; James H. Holt, Robert L.
Holt, and William I. Holt, of Burlington; Ernest A. Holt, of
Blossom, Texas, and Daisy L., now the wife of Walter G. Green,
of Charleston, S. C.
In this brief sketch it is impossible to speak in detail of the
many business institutions and enterprises with which Mr. Holt
was connected, but whatever was for the building up and develop-
ment of his State, section, and county, that he was interested in
and to that he lent his aid and gave counsel and support. He
prospered, and with his own he brought prosperity to others and
developed the resources of his section.
Early in life Mr. Holt connected himself with the Presbyterian
church in Graham, and while living there was made an elder
in that church and later became an elder and one of the most
active members of the Presbyterian church in Burlington.
In politics Mr. Holt was a Democrat and he was always one of
the most effective workers in his party, and many times he would
have been selected by his party for office if he would but have
consented. Mr. Holt had that charity which vaunteth not itself.
One who has lived here, as the writer has, for many years, among
the people with whom he worked, hears many times, from grateful
recipients, of the charity dispensed by this good man that would
never have been known save for this telling by those who received.
Mr. Holt himself never spoke of these acts, and so far as sign
from him was concerned, when they were done, they were for-
gotten and no obligations were incurred.
It would be wrong to close this sketch without speaking of Mr.
Holt's universal friendliness. It seemed that people, and par-
ticularly young men, instinctively saw in him a friend. He never
failed them, and in the hearts of those who knew him there will
be found only a spirit of approbation when it is said that there
could be truly carved on the stone that marks his last resting place
these words :
"An honest man here lies at rest,
As ere God with his Image blest,
The friend of man, the friend of truth,
The friend of age and guide of youth.
Few hearts like his with virtue warmed,
Few heads with knowledge were so informed.
If there is another world, he lives in bliss;
If there is none, he made the best of this."
E. S. Parker.
tILLIAM EDWIN HOLT was born in Ala-
mance County, N. C, November i, 1839, at his
father's home, Locust Grove. His father was
Edwin M. Holt, whose biography has been
printed elsewhere, and his mother Emily Parish
Holt. He took his preparatory course of study
under the celebrated Dr. Wilson, a teacher who left the impress of
his striking personality to a remarkable degree upon hun-
dreds of those who have contributed to the educational and
material awakening of North Carolina in the last half century.
In 1855 he entered the University of the State at Chapel Hill, re-
maining there two years, completing a special course of study, but
not graduating. While there he took a high stand as a student
and as a man, and left an impress which was an earnest of his
future success. On returning home from the University he be-
came general manager of the Alamance Cotton Mills, for which
his long training in boyhod under his father's painstaking in-
struction had peculiarly fitted him. In this capacity he soon
manifested such rare business sagacity and superior executive abil-
ity, that he became an important factor- in its growth and develop-
ment up to the time of the war.
In 1861, true to the patriotic instincts of his family, he entered
the Confederate service in the Sixth North Carolina regiment.
He was, however, not permitted to remain with his regiment, as
Governor Ellis thought he could serve his State better in another
capacity. So he ordered him to Alamance, to use his gifts of
training and experience in manufacturing cotton goods for the
Confederate army. He obeyed this summons, again took charge
of the Alamance Mills, worked there assiduously till the close of
the war, turning over one-half of all the goods manufactured to
the Confederate Government. The failure of the Southern Con-
federacy entailed a loss of many thousands of dollars to this mill,
as much of the product was sold on a credit, and under the
changed condition of things, could never be collected. Notwith-
standing the losses and general bankruptcy caused by the war,
young Holt, under the inspiration of the presence and directive
energy of a wise and far-seeing father, whose stock advice to his
boys was, "You will have your good years and your bad years;
stick to business," began life anew under the chaotic conditions
that followed the war, at the same mill, and was admitted as a
partner in it in 1867. In 1871 the Alamance Mills were destroyed
by fire. They were rebuilt the same year under the supervision
of Mr. Holt. During these years was the opportunity of the cot-
ton mill business, and Edwin Michael Holt and his sons saw it and
seized it. In 1868 the Holt brothers built the Carohna Mills at
Alamance, operating sixty looms and 3,000 spindles. In 1880 he
and his brother James built the Glencoe Mills, with 185 looms,
and 3,250 spindles. In 1886 he moved to Lexington and built the
Wennonah Mills, which operate now 460 looms and 12,000 spin-
dles. He is still sole proprietor of this mill, and it alone gives
employment to more than 300 operatives. For some years this
mill has been under the successful management of his son, Wil-
liam Edwin Holt, Jr., who reunites in himself the blood of Wil-
laim Rainey Holt and Edwin Michael Holt, brothers. In 1889
he moved to Charlotte and became interested in Highland Park
Mills No. I. He became president of these mills in 1895. At
that time they contained 460 looms. Of these mills he was presi-
dent until 1906, eleven years, during which time the one mill
grew to three ; 460 looms to 2,335, 3-"^ the number of the spindles
to 46,000, all engaged in the manufacture of ginghams. He is
now president of the Anchor Mills, Huntersville ; is connected
with the Henrietta Mills as a large stockholder ; and in the same
way is interested in the Nokomis Mills, Lexington ; Florence
Mills, Forest City, N. C; Asheville Mills; Spray Mills, near
Leaksville, N. C. ; and the Mineola Mills, Gibsonville, N. C. He
is also interested in building the Francis Mills, Biscoe, N. C,
with 10,000 spindles. Thus it will be seen that his experience
in the manufacture of cotton fabrics is second to that of
none in the State.
Nor has he confined his investments to cotton mills. He has
invested liberally in many enterprises. He was formerly presi-
dent and is now vice-president and a prominent stockholder in the
Commercial National Bank, and is a stockholder in the First Na-
tional Bank and the Merchants and Farmers' National Bank,
Charlotte, N. C. ; the Bank of Lexington; the Southern Stock
Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and the Underwriters' Fire In-
surance Company, Greensboro, N. C. He is a director of the
North Carolina Railroad. He owns a fine farm in Davidson
County, and an estate of several hundred acres in Alamance
County, near his ancestral home. And in the development
of his adopted city, although a very busy man necessarily, he has
never been too busy to lend a helping hand.
On April 25, 1871, Mr. Holt led to the altar Amelia Lloyd, the
beautiful and accomplished daughter of Dr. William Rainey Holt
and Louisa Allen Hogan Holt, of Lexington, N. C. Dr. Holt
was one of the brightest and most versatile men the State has pro-
duced, and his life is sketched elsewhere. Louisa Hogan, his
wife, was admirably suited to grace the home of such a man, and
Mrs. William E. Holt inherited the brilliancy and strong common
sense of her father, and the culture and graces of her mother and
distinguished maternal ancestry.
To this union have been born one son and seven daughters :
1. Qaudia (Mrs. Robert M. Oates, Jr.), children: William
Holt Oates, Annie Pegram Oates.
2. William Edwin Holt, Jr. He married Amanda Caldwell,
April s, 1905.
3. Ethel (Mrs. Robert Cuthbert Vivien), married June 4, 1904;
one child, Ethel Holt Vivien.
4 and 5. Lora Francis and Lura Eugene, twins, died in infancy.
6. Lois Amelia (Mrs. Robert L. Tate).
7. Maud Parish.
8. Emily Louise.
Mr. Holt has the traditional Holt physique. He is five feet ten
inches tall, weighs over two hundred pounds, erect, clear brown
eyes that look you through, genial and kindly in disposition, of few
words, as most men are who live in the realm of thought. He is
popular with young men, especially his many nephews, with whom
he is blessed.
William E. Holt is an earnest man, as all successful men must
be; and an honest man, as all truly noble men are of necessity.
This honest earnestness and earnest honesty leads him to see the
best side of humanity, and to appreciate the good in his race.
Mr. Holt, like his father, the late Edwin M. Holt, is a quiet
man. His words are few but to the point. The energies of his
intellect have found development in the ofifice rather than the
forum. The building of mills ; the change of raw material into
marketable fabrics ; the evolution of the modern splendid products
as compared with the products of fifty years ago ; the placing of
material products of thousands of spindles and looms upon the
most favorable markets; dealing with the complex problems of
labor and labor organizations ; village life with its ever-changing
and ever-increasing development as regards sanitation, education,
and religious training; these and a thousand other problems that
with ever-varying conditions confront captains of industry daily
for solution, cannot be solved in popular assemblies, or in marts
of trade. They are for the private office; and their successful
solution is a tribute to the clear brain that thinks them out. And
the man that can do this, and does do this, ranks alongside of the
statesman and the scholar in mental power, and is a public bene-
factor. Such a man is Mr. Holt. Such men constitute the State.
Martin H. Holt.
•BANKS HOLT, sixth son of the late Edwin M.
Holt and Emily Parish Holt, was born at the
old Holt homestead near Graham, Alamance
County, N. C, on June 28, 1842. The old
home of the Holts is located in the midst of a
cluster of giant native oaks, a short distance
from the spot where the guns of the Regulators first sounded
the demand for American independence. Here years before the
Revolution, Michael Holt, the founder of the family in North
Carolina, made the first clearings in the virgin forests and erected
a substantial and comfortable home for his family, which has
descended through the generations to his posterity. It was the
birthplace of the subject of this sketch, who now owns it and
esteems it as one of the proudest of his possessions. Indeed,
the young men of the Holt family seem to have imbibed in early
life, from the very breezes that fanned the plains of the Alamance
battlefield, lofty ideals of true manhood and a reverence for the
memory of the heroes whose blood dedicated the historic spot to
liberty and patriotism.
The early life of Mr. Holt was spent about the old home with-
out unusual event or incident. He attended the preparatory
school at Hawfields, of which the late Professor Alexander Wil-
son was the principal, one of the most celebrated schools of its
class in the State. Later, in 1859, when seventeen years of age.
£ ^ Pf^ffiaTUi 3Brs jV}-"
he entered the military academy near Hillsboro, conducted by that
accomplished teacher and admirable disciplinarian, Colonel C. C.
Tew. In the meantime spare afternoons and vacations were spent
working in his father's cotton mill. In this mill and under the
guidance of his careful father, he learned the lessons of industry,
frugality, and fidelity to duty, thus laying the cornerstone upon
which his fame and his fortune have been so firmly and substan-
tially built.
Before Mr. Holt had completed his course at the Hillsboro
Military Academy, there came a call to arms in defense of his
country and home. Animated by an ardent patriotism and well
trained as a soldier, he did not hesitate, but fell into the ranks as a
private in the Orange Guards, an old company which on the first
sound of war, the bombardment of Fort Sumter, rushed forward
to seize Fort Macon and hold it for the State. Because of his
proficiency in the drill, Mr. Holt was soon appointed drill master
of the Sixth regiment, commanded by Colonel Fisher, and accom-
panied that regiment to Virginia and remained with it until after
the battle of Manassas.
On October 20, 1861, Mr. Holt was appointed second lieutenant
and assigned to Company I of the Eighth regiment North Caro-
lina state troops, commanded by Colonel Shaw and attached to
Clingman's brigade ; and later he won his promotion to first lieu-
tenant of that company.
He was with his command in the battle of Roanoke Island, and
with it at Charleston in the spring and summer of 1863, and par-
ticipated in the defense of Battery Wagner. That experience,
holding Battery Wagner during its protracted siege, was one of
the most terrible ordeals to which any southern troops were sub-
jected during the war. While all of the North Carolina troops
did well, the Eighth North Carolina regiment particularly gained
laurels by its intrepidity and endurance in those trying days, and
Lieutenant Holt had his full share in the heroic work performed
by his regiment. He was with his regiment in the brilliant vic-
tory of the capture of Plymouth, where it suffered heavily ; and in
the battle of Drewry's Bluff, which saved Richmond, then threat-
ened by Butler; and, he was with Hoke at Cold Harbor when
Grant's army lost 10,000 men in a few moments; and that gen-
eral, utterly defeated in his plans, abandoned his boasted purpose
to take Richmond "on that line if it took all summer," and then
transferred his operations against Petersburg; but by a forced
march Hoke's division, to which Lieutenant Holt belonged,
reached Petersburg in time to hurl back the attacking columns and
prevent the capture of that city. At Petersburg, however, Lieu-
tenant Holt received a flesh wound in the face, and on his cheeks
to-day he bears the scars of wounds, emblems of undaunted cour-
age, and everlasting evidences that his face was toward the firing
line of the enemy when he was stricken in the midst of the battle.
After a short furlough, while his wound was being healed, he re-
joined his regiment and marched on September 29th in command
of his company to participate in the assault on Fort Harrison.
His brigade led the assault ; and at the given signal rushed to the
"As one man, the enemy flashed his defiance from a thousand guns;
the flank attack miscarried; the supports failed to come up; the
charging line melted away; the fort was reached but no farther. As
many as were able, in the darkness of the night got back to our lines.
The wounded and captured were taken to northern hospitals and
northern prisons. The brigade felt the losses sustained in this assault
the balance of the war. It could never afterward recruit up its de-
pleted ranks. About a third of those in the charge were either killed
or wounded. Among the wounded and captured were Captain William
H. S. Burgwyn and First Lieutenant L. Banks Holt, commanding
Company I, Eighth regiment. Lieutenant Holt was shot through the
thigh and the bone fractured, entailing a long and painful recovery.
He was confined at Point Lookout and Fort Delaware prisons until
released in June, 1865."
Such is the account that the historian of Clingman's brigade re-
cords of this lamentable affair. No encomium would be too high
in portraying the military conduct of Lieutenant Holt, who al-
ways displayed Spartan courage when shot and shell rained thick
and furious, and who never faltered at a duty or in discharging
any responsibility. He led his company in that terrific assault
with all the intrepidity of a brave and devoted spirit — a fine
example of southern heroism. History can record his resolu-
tion and bravery ; but who can portray the physical pain, the men-
tal anguish of this brave young soldier, sorely wounded, his life
hanging on a thread and he a captive among heartless enemies!
Having utterly passed from the view of his friends, his fate un-
known, he was mourned as one of the victims of his country's
cause. But fortunately his robust constitution enabled him to
survive his wounds, his sufferings, and his indescribable hardships.
The dreary winter passed and spring was gone, when at length,
two months after Johnston had surrendered, he was on June 16,
1865, released from Fort Delaware and allowed to turn his face
homeward. He was sent to Philadelphia by the Federal Govern-
ment with other released prisoners. From there he took the train
for home.
A valiant soldier, a steadfast defender of the homeland he so
dearly loved, now that the flag of his country had gone down in
disaster and was furled forever, like his immortal chieftain. Gen-
eral Lee, and his revered commander, Robert F. Hoke, he turned
his face to the future and addressed himself to the arts of peace.
He quickly joined with those who were gathering up the shattered
fragments of southern manhood to engage in the conflicts of a
new industrial career. Inspiration then came, not from the bat-
tle-scarred flag, but from broken hearts and ruined homes, and
a purpose to reunite the suffering Southland in the sisterhood of
constitutional states, and to assuage the distresses which for four
long years had been accumulating at the firesides of the southern
people. Such were the emotions and purposes of the survivors
of the great war; and notwithstanding the future seemed uncer-
tain, the struggle almost hopeless, and the clouds that hung like
a pall over the Southland were impenetrable, yet there was a rush
to the plow handles, a double-quick to the workshop, and an on-
ward march into field and factory by the brave spirits who had
followed Lee and Jackson. Into the Alamance Cotton Mills went
this intrepid soldier, who, leading his company on that eventful
night, had fallen at the very entrenchments of Fort Harrison.
The dinner pail now displaced the knapsack, the shuttle took the
place of the army musket, and overalls were donned instead of
Confederate gray. The venerable father was the new com-
mander-in-chief; bread-winning, the new battle-cry. Adequate
reward soon came as the result of incessant toil, competent man-
agement and honorable dealing. The story in detail would be a
long one — too long for this sketch, and yet it bristles with interest.
It quivers with individual efforts, and illustrates how rewards are
earned by thorough discharge of daily duties. If told, it would
reveal a current of strenuous work, a life of honorable dealing,
a career of wonderful success — efforts that brought into play
energy and activity which have created one of the richest fields of
the South's great prosperity.
The name and fame of L. Banks Holt and the intrinsic value
of the products of his mills and of his farms have gone beyond the
limits of the State and have entered into world commerce. Ex-
tending over a large area in piedmont North Carolina, many
thousands of humming spindles and busy looms, owned and
operated by this family of Holts, are singing the song of industrial
activity and advancing progress. In a dozen or more of these
mills the name of L. Banks Holt appears either as owner, director
or stockholder. He is the sole owner and proprietor of the
Oneida, at Graham, one of the largest individual cotton mills in
the South. He also owns the Bellemont Cotton Mills, at Gra-
ham, the Carolina Cotton Mills and the Alamance Cotton Mills ;
the latter being the real parent of all the great chain of successful
mills bearing the name of Holt.
He is also a stockholder and the president of the E. M. Holt
Plaid Mills, of Burlington; stockholder in the Asheville Cotton
Mills; the Mineola Cotton Mills at Gibsonville; the Leaksville
Cotton Mills, the Spray Cotton Mills, the Morehead Cotton Mills,
and the Spray Woollen Mills; the American Warehouse Com-
pany, the Carolina Steel Bridge Company, and the Burlington
Coffin Company; and he is interested in many other local enter-
prises. He has also turned his attention to banking, and is a
stockholder and director in the Commercial National Bank of
Charlotte ; a stockholder of the Merchants' and Farmers' Bank of
the same city, and a stockholder and director in the Bank of Ala-
mance, located in his home town. He is likewise a stockholder
of the North Carolina Railroad Company and a member of its
board of directors.
But as interested as Mr. Holt is in manufacturing and in finan-
cial institutions, he has never lost interest in agriculture, nor for-
gotten the pleasures of his boyhood days on the farm. He owns
and operates the famous Alamance and Oak Grove farms, situated
near the town of Graham. Indeed, he is regarded as the largest
landed proprietor in Alamance County, and under the magic touch
of his careful management, his broad and fertile fields ripen into
rich and abundant yields with the recurrence of every harvest
time. Particularly is he devoted to fine horses and other blooded
stock, and on his farms are to be found many handsome specimens
of the best strains of the various kinds of farm animals.
On October 26, 1865, Mr. Holt was happily married to Miss
Mary C. Mebane, the daughter of the Hon. Giles Mebane, of Cas-
well. To them eight children have been born, five of whom still
survive. During all these years their home life has been a lovely
dream of delightful accord, and in their hospitable and commo-
dious home at Graham are frequent gatherings of children and
grandchildren, each vying with each other in mutual and unselfish
reverence and love.
Mr. Holt is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and has for
years been a member of the board of elders of his church in Gra-
ham. A man of simple faith, sincere, and earnest in his walk in
life, his favorite book is that with which he has been familiar all
his life, the Bible; and in every way his walk in life exemplifies
its teachings. Generous by nature, considerate of others and kind
to his thousand employees, he is a liberal contributor to church, to
charity and to those public purposes that tend to the amelioration
of the condition of his community ; and in particular he has been
a substantial supporter of the cause of education, and much in-
terested in the public questions that tend to the upbuilding of the
State and the improvement of his fellow-men. In full sympathy
with the better element of his community, he is a Democrat and
follows without faltering the teachings and the destinies of his
party. Having no taste for public life, and being much engaged
in the management of his own large affairs, he has steadfastly
declined public positions, although but few men in the State are
so well qualified to discharge high public trust or to manage state
affairs. Those who know him best esteem him as a model citi-
zen, a man untiring in patriotic and progressive endeavor, a
gentleman of pure life and lofty character, firm as a mountain
peak, yet gentle as the summer breezes that blow about him — an
exemplification of all that is best and most desirable in high citi-
5". A. Ashe.
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[AWRENCE S. HOLT, the subject of this
sketch, was the youngest son of Edwin M. Holt,
who is the subject of a former sketch herein, and
Emily Farish Holt. He was born at the Edwin
M. Holt homestead. Locust Grove, in Alamance
County, N. C, on May 17, 1851. His early
training and education was received in those schools which
have given to North Carolina many of its foremost men.
He first went to the celebrated school conducted by Dr.
Alexander Wilson at Melville in Alamance County, next to the
Horner Military School at Oxford under Professor J. H. Horner,
and finished his schooldays with one year at Davidson College.
It was the wish of Mr. Holt's father that he stay at Davidson and
graduate, but in the boy the business instincts which have since
made him successful were so dominant that he did not wish to
longer put oflf entering the world of business, so in 1869 he left
Davidson and went to Charlotte, where he conducted successfully
a wholesale grocery business which belonged to his father.
Although Mr. Holt was young he had ideas of his own and the
courage and conviction to urge those ideas, and while in Charlotte
he recognized the need of that city and of the State for increased
banking facilities. In 1874, at his instance, with the assistance of
his father and brothers, was organized the Commercial National
Bank of Charlotte. The majority of its capital stock was at that
time, and is to the present, owned by members of the Holt family.
This bank is to-day first on the honor roll of national banks in
this State, having a capital stock of $500,000 and a surplus of over
$250,000. Mr. Holt was a director in this bank for many years,
but finding his other business interests too absorbing for him to
be an active director, he resigned, still retaining his large holdings
of the stock.
Returning to Alamance County in 1873, Mr. Holt took over
the one-fifth interest in the Alamance Cotton Mills and the Caro-
lina Cotton Mills which had been reserved for him by his father
until his majority, and with his older brothers he was active in the
management and operation of these mills until 1879, when, fore-
seeing the great future for the cotton manufacturing industry and
believing that the best and greatest results could be obtained by
individual and independent efforts, he left these mills, still re-
taining his interest therein, and together with his brother,
L. Banks Holt, built the Bellemont Cotton Mills at Bellemont, a
small water power on Alamance River about two miles south of
the old Alamance Cotton Mills. This mill was continuously and
successfully managed by him for five years. In 1897 Mr. Holt
desiring to as near as possible concentrate his business interests,
disposed of his half interest to his brother, L. Banks Holt. The
erection of this mill was Mr. Holt's first individual undertaking of
any great importance, and in it he displayed the greatest thought,
energy, and perseverance, being his own architect, engineer, and
contractor. It was a signal success from the start, and he re-
gards this starting out for himself as the most important and
decisive event in his business career.
In 1883 Mr. Holt organized and built the E. M. Holt Plaid
Mills at Burlington, N. C. He was the principal stockholder and
caused it to be named in honor of his father. He was president
of this company and had under him as active manager for many
years his brother-in-law, William A. Erwin, whose subsequent
success in the cotton manufacturing world attests the good train-
ing that he here received.
In 1884 Mr. Holt moved to Burlington, and during that year, in
connection with his brother, L. Banks Holt, and his brother-in-
law, John Q. Gant, purchased the Altamahaw Cotton Mills, lo-
cated on Haw River, about six miles north of Elon College, then
known as Mill Point. This was a small plant formerly owned by
B. Davidson and J. Q. Gant. The business was enlarged and has,
under the management of Mr. Gant, been most successful. At
present it is a well-equipped mill, containing 324 looms and 6500
In 1885 Mr. Holt purchased the Lafayette Cotton Mills at Bur-
lington, which was at that time in ^. bankrupt condition. He
changed the name to the Aurora Cotton Mills, and by unremitting
labor and attention placed this mill in the front rank of mills in
the State, and made it famous throughout the dry goods field
with its celebrated Aurora plaids. At present these mills contain
19,164 spindles and 750 looms and a large addition is being
In the late nineties Mr. Holt began to retire from the active
management and control of his cotton milling interests and to turn
them over to his sons, who had reached manhood, admitting to
partnership with him, on October i, 1896, his two eldest sons, Er-
win Allen and Eugene, and on October i, 1905, his youngest son,
Lawrence S. Holt, Jr. The firm Lawrence S. Holt &. Sons on
the latter date purchased the Hiawatha Cotton Mills, located at
Gibsonville, N. C. This mill had shortly before its purchase
passed through a receivership. The entire plant was overhauled,
additional machinery installed, and its name changed to Gem
Cotton Mills. It now has 5000 spindles and extensive additions
are to be made during the present year.
Mr. Holt is a stockholder in the North Carolina Railroad Com-
pany, in which he was for years a director and member of its
finance committee. He is one of the incorporators and a director
of the Durham and Southern Railway Company, and is a large
stockholder in the Erwin Cotton Mills of Durham, the Washing-
ton Mills of Fries, Va., the Mt. Airy Granite Company, and of
many other cotton mills and corporation? which have been and are
developing the resources of his State and section.
With his sons in the harness Mr. Holt has of late years shifted
the burden of active management and has given a great deal of
time to travel and the large responsibilities of his estate. He has
been all over his own and the other countries of North America
and has taken his family through Europe and the Orient several
He was the first person in the South to pay the wages of his
employees in cash. This system was inaugurated by him shortly
after he started the Bellemont Mills and was soon after adopted
by the other mills, which had up to that time paid off in barter and
store accounts. He was the first manufacturer in the South to
shorten the hours of labor from twelve to eleven hours a day, and
this schedule, inaugurated at the Aurora Mills on September 6,
1886, was soon after adopted by other mills. In 1902 the Aurora
Mills made a further reduction of from eleven to ten hours a day,
in which it was the first of the mills of the South. Thus it may be
said that Mr. Holt was twice first in reducing the hours of labor
of the thousands of cotton mill operatives in the South.
Lawrence S. Holt is a distinct personality. There is an im-
pression given to the observer of mental and physical vigor and
strength. He is a positive character, active, alert, and progres-
sive. His whole being is vibrant with dominant energy, sound
judgment, and splendid business acumen. He has a genius for
doing well and promptly all that he undertakes, is exact, syste-
matic, and farseeing. Every enterprise planned by him has with-
out exception been successful. Like his father, he has a keen
sense of humor and greatly enjoys a good anecdote. Painstaking
and unsparing of his strength and intellect, he expects from all
others the same unswerving attention and devotion to duty which
is present in him to such a great extent. While exacting, he is
not a hard taskmaster, because he never believes in doing anything
which is unnecessary. He has often said that "the groans of
creation are enough without adding to them." He has always
abhorred waste, destruction, idleness, and improvidence, and en-
couraged and commended thrift, economy, and good management.
He believes in keeping everything up to the highest possible degree
of efficiency and has accomplished this as much by his own
example as by his splendid management, for persons associated
with him who did not properly take advantage of their oppor-
tunities or realize their responsibilities were soon made to feel
ashamed by the example set before them in their head. He is an
ideally devoted husband and father, never sparing himself fatigue
or hardship that he might lavish on those he loves the best that
life can afford. As a loyal and generous son of the church, he
has given without ostentation or publicity freely and cheerfully
to the support of her various institutions. Any one really deserv-
ing could always rely upon him as a friend who would advise them
wisely and without prejudice, and the number of persons to whom
he has lent financial aid is legion. He has a profound reverence
and respect for both of his parents, to whom he refers as the most
wonderful couple he ever knew.
On April 2, 1872, Mr. Holt was happily married to Miss Mar-
garet Locke Erwin, daughter of Colonel Joseph J. and Elvira Holt
Erwin, of Bellevue, near Morganton, N. C. In her are combined
all the characteristics of gentleness, refinement, unselfishness, and
true goodness. She has always shared his confidence in all mat-
ters and her counsel has often been of great value to him. Mr.
Holt is frank to say that her devotion, sympathy, help, and good
example have been an inspiration to him at all times. They have
six children living, as follows: Erwin Allen, Eugene, Margaret
Erwin, Florence E., Lawrence S., Jr., and Bertha Harper. Their
eldest daughter, Emily Parish, died in 1882, at the age of five and
one-half years. Since his marriage he has been a communicant of
the Protestant Episcopal Church and was chiefly instrumental in
the' erection and subsequent maintenance of St. Athanasius Church
of Burlington, in which he was for years a vestryman.
E. S. Parker, Jr.
mance County, N. C, on June i, 1859, and is
now in the prime of life, having just completed
his forty-eighth year. He is the son of James
Henry and Laura Cameron Holt, who was be-
fore marriage Laura Cameron Moore, his father
being a prominent man of affairs, cotton manufacturer, and
banker, and his grandfather, Edwin M. Holt. After the prepara-
tory and academic training of childhood and youth, he passed
through the higher school and collegiate courses of Horner and
Graves at Oxford; N. C, and through the junior class at David-
son College, jBnishing his education at Eastman's Business Col-
lege, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Walter L. Holt entered upon that business and industrial career
which already, in the zenith of his manhood, has been so full of
usefulness and honor, so fruitful of beneficent results, at Carolina
Mills, under his father, James H. Holt, as bookkeeper and ship-
ping clerk. Subsequently he became bookkeeper and manager of
Glencoe Mills, on Haw River, Alamance County. In 1886 he
built the Elmira Mills at Burlington, Alamance County, with his
brother, E. C. Holt, as partner, under the firm name of W. L. &
E. C. Holt, of which mill he is now president. In 1892 he built
the Lakeside Mill at Burlington with his brothers, E. C. and Cap-
tain S. M. Holt, the latter now living in Lamar County, Texas, a
large landowner, planter, and merchant.
T't..--^ L f^^ Myp/P^'T, /^,/^Asf:Vf
In 1895 Mr. Holt removed to Fayetteville, N. C, and in that
year and the next built the Holt-Morgan Mills in the suburbs of
that city, of which he is now president, with his first cousin, Law-
rence A. Williamson, secretary and treasurer. He is president of
the Fayetteville Holt- Williamson Mills, which he built in 1898,
with Edwin H. Williamson, also a cousin, as secretary and treas-
urer. He is president and treasurer of the Fayetteville Lakeview
Mills, and is a director of the Tolar-Hart-Holt Mills, which he
built in the year 1900.
The above recapitulation of Walter L. Holt's standing and rela-
tion to the strenuous industrial life of North Carolina shows that
his days hold no sinecure for him. "Life is real, life is earnest,"
to such a man. He has the strong face, the stalwart build, and
other physical characteristics of his blood and breed; black hair
and swarthy complexion, a mouth and chin illustrative of de-
cision, and a bright penetrating eye, which looks out on the world
kindly, but "proves all things, and holds fast that which is good."
Mentally, the subject of this sketch makes his marked impress
on the world about him. The trite and often misused term, "the
courage of his convictions," is no misnomer here. He never
tampers with principle in either public or private life. He has
been throughout his manhood a Democrat, except in national poli-
tics, but is in no sense a partisan, and has never been an aspirant
for party honors or preferment.
On February 12, 1890, Walter Lawrence Holt married Miss
Mary De Rosset, of a prominent family of the lower Cape Fear
section, daughter of Colonel William L. De Rosset, of Wilming-
ton; a great-granddaughter of Chief Justice Nash, of Hillsboro,
and granddaughter of Hon. H. K. Nash, on the mother's side.
They have four children, two sons and two daughters : Elisabeth
Nash, Walter L., Jr., William De Rosset, and Mary De Rosset.
The subject of this brief biography has been sketched in the
treadmill, with his coat off ; to complete the picture, let us follow
him to his "own vine and fig tree." Walter Holt is an extensive
property owner, and on Haymount, the charming western suburb
of Fayetteville, his beautiful home — an elegant colonial residence.
with the furnishings and comforts of refinement and culture, sur-
rounded by ornamental grounds, grove, etc., kept in faultless taste
— is the abode of an ideal domestic life.
Mr. Holt, like many other men of his class, full of business
cares, delights in a country life, and is fond of farming, in which
he achieves no little success in an amateur way. Five or six miles
west of the city is his country place, "Bonnie Doon," as pretty as
its Scotch name, a cosy, comfortable cottage, commanding a lovely
sheet of water, set in a beautiful stretch of forest and hill. Here
the manufacturer, off duty, swings in his hammock on the ve-
randa, fancies he can hear his corn grow, listens to the melodious
whistle of the swamp-sparrow down by the millrace, and springs
up for his troll as a great speckled trout breaks on the shining
surface of the lake like a bolt of silver from the blue. A mile or
two distant Mr. Holt also owns "Lakewood" and its clubhouse,
situated on a generous sandhill stream, which has been long noted
for the fine fish which teem in its waters.
The system of cotton mills of which Walter L. Holt is presi-
den, director and stockholder, situated at Holt-Morgan village on
a commanding hill in the southern outskirts, and in the eastern
and southern parts of Fayetteville, ranks as one of the most
complete, solidly built, and excellently equipped systems in North
Carolina. The buildings are modern in construction, the ma-
chinery throughout of the best make and workmanship, and the
villages of the operatives neatly laid off, and with a careful super-
vision for health and comfort, have their unfailing supplies of
pure water, gardens, schools, churches, etc., while the amusements
and recreation of leisure hours are not forgotten, the mill people
counting a cornet band and baseball team among their assets.
Permeating this whole system is the strong impress of the Holt
family trait — ^the ability to plan and carry out great business en-
terprises and operations reinforced by thorough mastery of all
the details of milling in all its branches, from the engine in the
basement to the most delicate piece of mechanism in textile manu-
facture. /. H. Myrover.
JTn-, ii, r i; m7,a~,s £.Br::Ny
[DWIN CAMERON HOLT adds another name
to the roll of the Holt family, which has con-
tributed so much to the material development of
North Carolina and to the splendid citizenship
of this State. He is the second son of James
Henry Holt and his wife, Laura Cameron Holt,
and grandson of Edwin M. Holt. He was born in the town of
Graham on May ii, 1861, and was reared and resided there
and in the adjoining town of Burlington until he removed to
Wilmington to live in 1899. He was educated in the private
schools at Graham until fourteen years of age, when he was
sent to Findley High School at Lenoir, Caldwell County, where
he was prepared for college. He entered Davidson College in
1877, and remained until after the completion of his junior year,
when, owing to ill health, he went into business at Carolina
Cotton Mills, near Graham, with his father, choosing the
avocation that is now so intimately associated with the Holt
James Henry Holt,- the father of Edwin, always sought to im-
press upon his boys that all work was honorable, and in order to
teach Edwin habits of industry, he imposed upon him outdoor
tasks in the garden and at the mill, that he might thereby also ac-
quire a vigorous constitution.
Edwin early manifested in his character traits of sterling in-
tegrity, truthfulness and intensity of purpose, which are marked
characteristics in his life to-day.
In 1887, with his brother, Walter L. Holt, he built the Elmira
Cotton Mills at Burlington, which were successful from the out-
set, and mindful of the advice of his father, invested the profits
of the mills in their enlargement. In 1893, with his brother
Walter, he built the Lakeside Mills, near the Elmira Mills, both of
which are under the active management of these two brothers.
In 1895 he built, with his brother Walter, the Holt-Morgan
Mills at Fayetteville, the two brothers being close partners in
their various enterprises, the mills chiefly owned and controlled
by the two, having a working capital and surplus of $1,006,500.
In 1899, seeing in Wilmington great natural advantages in the
shape of facilities for acquiring cheap raw material and advan-
tageous freight rates, he removed to that city and there built the
Delgado Mills, which are splendidly equipped and bid fair, amidst
the difSculties of securing labor, of demonstrating the fact that
the South can manufacture as at Fall River.
It has been the aim of Edwin in life to be worthy of his father
in integrity and manliness, and he seeks always by force of exam-
ple and kindly consideration to upbuild the condition and char-
acter of all under his employment, or within the scope of his in-
He was married April 19, 1893, to Dolores Delgado Stevens,
the daughter of Bishop Peter Faysoux Stevens, of Charleston,
S. C, and a granddaughter of Bishop William Capers, of South
Carolina, and a more congenial and happy married life has seldom
blessed a family. They have an only child, a daughter, Dolores
Stevens Holt.
Notwithstanding his busy life, he takes a deep interest in what-
ever makes for the good of his community. He was captain of
the Burlington Light infantry for three years, is a Royal Arch
Mason and Knight Templar, and an active member of the Presby-
terian Church, holding the office of deacon. Mr. Holt is now
president of the Delgado Mills at Wilmington, president of Lake-
side Mills, vice-president and manager of Elmira Mills, vice-
president of Holt-Morgan Mills, Fayettesville, director in the
People's Savings Bank at Wilmington, director of the Commercial
National Bank at Charlotte, and after the death of his father was
made chairman of the examining board of said bank, which posi-
tion he still holds.
If we were asked what are the salient features of his character,
we would say truthfulness, sincerity, and fidelity to his friends.
The late Governor Thomas M. Holt on one occasion, while en-
gaged in the consideration of a serious and embarrassing business
problem, tried to find the truth of a certain situation. Some one
remarked that Ed Holt said that a certain fact was true ; the gov-
ernor remarked : "That settles the question ; if Ed Holt says it is
so, it is true."
John D. Bellamy.
OBERT LACY HOLT, the subject of this
sketch, is the fourth son of James Henry Holt,
the subject of a former sketch herein, and Laura
Cameron Holt. He was born at Thomasville
in Davidson County, N. C, January 7, 1867, and
at this time makes his home at Glencoe Cotton
Mills in Almance County, N. C.
Mr. Holt, after attending local schools in his home town of
Graham, was sent to Horner's School at Oxford, where he was
prepared to enter the University. He entered the University, but
so anxious was he to enter the business world that at the end of
two years he left school and started on his life work by staying
for a short time in the office of the Glencoe Cotton Mills, of which
his father was at that time the active manager. After a short
apprenticeship there, he became general manager of the Carolina
Cotton Mills, working under his father, and there, owing to his
own talents, energy, and business sagacity and particularly to the
training received from his father, Mr. Holt laid broad and deep
the foundation upon which he has built his subsequent great suc-
cess in the cotton manufacturing business. In 1890, together with
his brother, J. H. Holt, Jr., he built the Windsor Cotton Mills at
Burlington, which was for years successfully operated under the
firm name of R. L. & J. H. Holt, Jr. This mill was under the
active management of J. H. Holt, Jr., while the subject of this
sketch, still working under the guiding eye of his father, became
the active manager of the Glencoe Cotton Mills. He continued here,
and contributed in no small way to the success of this mill, while
learning himself every phase of cotton manufacturing and cotton
mill building till the death of his father in 1897, when he took
active charge and had the entire management of Glencoe, Ala-
mance, Carolina, and Elmira cotton mills. Under his vigorous
and energetic management all of these mills prospered and im-
proved till 1902, when, having acquired much the majority of the
stock in the Glencoe Mills, and desiring to devote all his time and
attention to the management and upbuilding of this property, he
retired from the active management of the other mills. Since
then Mr. Holt has devoted himself to the management of the
Glencoe Mills, and under his management this mill has about
dbubled in size and capacity. It is now one of the very best
equipped mills in this section, and further enlargement and im-
provements are soon to be undertaken.
Mr. Holt, while devoting most of his time to the management
of the Glencoe Mills, has also become interested in other enter-
prises. He is a director in the Alamance Loan and Trust Com-
pany, the largest bank in his county; in the Elmira and Lakeside
cotton mills, and is president of the Home Insurance Company of
Greensboro. He is also one of the directors of the Western Hos-
pital for the Insane, located at Morganton. Mr. Holt has fully
maintained the enviable reputation of his family for far-sighted
business sense and, like his father and grandfather before him,
' has been interested and active in those things which were for the
development of his State, section, and county. To such personal
prosperity should come and to Mr. Holt it has come.
In politics Mr. Holt has always taken an active interest. He
is a Democrat and has been a tower of strength to his party.
Though frequently urged to do so, he has always refused to take
a nomination for office at his party's hands, and the only time he
has permitted political preferment to be shown him was when he
allowed himself to be sent as a delegate from his congressional
district to the national convention in 1904.
In later years Mr. Holt has acquired lands until now he is one
of the largest real estate holders of Alamance County, and he is
one of those who makes farming pay. Near Glencoe Mills he
owns large tracts of land. These lands are in a high state of
cultivation and Mr. Holt has his place thoroughly stocked with
blooded hogs, sheep, and cattle. His herd of registered Devons
is perhaps unexcelled in the State. He has the same strain in
these cattle that was first introduced in this section by his kinsman,
Dr. William R. Holt. In the hunting season it is Mr. Holt's de-
light to have his friends with him, and they who have been so
fortunate as to know from experience, speak enthusiastically of
the good times that can be and are had at "Fort Snug," Mr. Holt's
country home.
Mr. Holt loves a fine horse and owns and drives some that
have made good on the race course. Mr. Holt, like his honored
father, is a man to whom others instinctively turn in a time of
trouble, certain that they will find in him a friend. He does
charity, but one must learn of it from the outspoken gratitude of
the recipients, beteause in this, again like his father, he is secret,
gaining his reward from his personal knowledge of good done.
Mr. Holt is a good exemplification of the maxim, "absolute, ac-
curate knowledge is power." He knows the cotton business,
not with an uncertain, wavering kind of knowledge, but abso-
lutely. He has made it a special study, and the writer has been
frequently struck when, hearing the figures as to cotton produc-
tion, acreage, and the like under discussion, to see the absolute
accuracy of Mr. Holt's knowledge. With this accurate informa-
tion, always at his command, and with the training that has come
from his years in the cotton business, it is no wonder he succeeds.
It would be the wonder were it otherwise.
In closing, the writer, quoting others who have known Mr.
Holt and who knew his father before him, and voicing his own
feelings, can pay him a great compliment: "He is a worthy son
of his father." This is high praise. E. S. Parker, Jr.
^ OHN ALLEN HOLT, son of John Foust Holt
and Louise Williams Holt, was born near Hills-
dale, Guilford County, N. C, December 22,
1852. He is a descendant of Michael Holt, of
Alamance County, who was prominent in his
county prior to and during the Revolution ; the
members of whose family have for more than one hundred and
fifty years been foremost in the development of the industrial re-
sources of this State. They were the pioneers in cotton manu-
facturing and have done more, perhaps, than any other family in
advancing the cause of this industry.
The father, John Foust Holt, was a farmer, and a man of
marked decision of character, and great firmness and integrity.
He was a stanch believer in the value of education, and made
many sacrifices that his children might have a scholastic
When Mr. Holt was five years old his father bought a farm at
Oak Ridge and moved thereto. Here his boyhood days were
spent working on the farm when he was not in school. He was
fond of reading and study, and so well did he apply himself that,
when sixteen years of age, he was able to take a school at what
is now the village of Stokesdale. The schoolhouse in which he
taught was primitive in character, but similar to the schoolhouses
throughout the piedmont section of North Carolina at that time.
It was built of logs, and was without windows, without desks, and
without seats, save the outsides of logs, through which holes had
been bored and pegs inserted for legs. To obtain light at the
"writing desk," a log or two had been cut from the wall, and this
opening filled with a wooden shutter that could be raised or low-
ered at will. This school is spoken of at this day as one of the
best ever taught in the district.
On his father's side Professor Holt was the grandnephew of
the late Judge A. D. Murphey, the well-known friend of educa-
tion, and from him, perhaps, were derived those traits which in-
clined him to an intellectual rather than to a commercial calling
in life. When Mr. Holt was about fifteen years old a consider-
able body of farm land, adjoining the farm of his father, was of-
fered for sale ; and his father's decision not to purchase it for his
boys was largely influenced by his son, who chose to spend his life
with books rather than on the farm. He was a delicate boy, nor
did he overcome this lack of robustness till his fifteenth year.
He possesses now, in his fifty-fifth year, a magnificent physique, is
more than six feet tall, and weighs about two hundred and twenty
pounds. His head is leonine, his eyes gray and serious except
when lighted with a spirit of humor, of which he possesses an
abundant fund.
After teaching two years he entered college at eighteen, paying
his own way. He attended Oak Ridge Institute, and afterward
Williams College, Mass., the Ohio Wesleyan University, and the
Ohio Business College, where he remained until his graduation
in 1875. Teaching had been his personal preference from youth,'
and in 1875, having qualified himself for teaching, became senior
member of Oak Ridge Institute, in Which he and his younger
brother. Professor Martin H. Holt, had received the rudiments
of their higher education, and of which, by purchase, they have
become joint proprietors and principals.
Oak Ridge Institute was established in 1852, and even prior to
i86r its course of study prepared for advanced classes at the
University, and its faculty were men of liberal education and
culture ; but when the war came on, its students, like the students
of many other southern schools, volunteered almost to a man
and marched away to fight in the southern army.
In 1866, the original school building was destroyed by fire and
the school was taught in the public schoolhouse until 1868, when a
smaller building was erected. In 1875, when Mr. Holt came
from the northern schools, he found Oak Ridge Institute no
more than a neighborhood school, and opened the first session
he taught with only seven students, and they from the neighbor-
hood. But he had faith in his State, its resources, its people, and
recognizing its educational needs, has done what he could to sup-
ply them by giving the best years of his life to schoolroom work.
Oak Ridge Institute is a monument to the joint effort and wisdom
of his brother and himself. The school, without endowment, has
grown until it now has splendid buildings and an enrollment of
nearly three hundred students from many States of the Union,
and from foreign countries.
The aim of the principals has been to make it not only a
monetary success, but a school entirely up-to-date, where pupils
may be qualified for any branch of commercial life, and a place
where parents may place their sons with entire confidence that
every safeguard will be thrown around them, and everything that
can conduce to their moral, mental, and physical welfare pro-
vided. Besides the usual collegiate instruction, including lan-
guage, science, and literature, a full commercial course has been
added. Inspired by lofty purposes himself, he has inspired his
students to right living and high ideals, and his native State has
been made richer in exalted citizenship and material wealth
through the boys whom he has taught.
Professor Holt has fine business judgment and is a director of
the City National Bank of Greensboro, N. C, and of the North
State Fire Insurance Company. He is a member of the Junior
Order of United American Mechanics, and of the Masonic Order,
and has been elected repeatedly delegate to the state and general
conferences of the Methodist Protestant Church, of which he is
a member. He is also a trustee of the University of North Caro-
lina. In 1901 he was president of the North Carolina Teachers'
Assembly, and for twenty-two years was chairman of the board
of education of Guilford County.
Although reared in a Republican home and under Republican
influences. Professor Holt is a lifelong Democrat, and from 1872,
when he cast his first ballot, he has voted for the Democratic
candidates. He was elected to the senate from Guilford County
in 1906, serving in the General Assembly of 1907, the honor com-
ing to him unsought. For more than half a century the senator
had been chosen from Greensboro, but the people of Guilford
County, recognizing Professor Holt's eminent fitness, laid aside
this time-honored custom and chose him as their representative
in the senate. He made a most valuable member, and as chair-
man of the committee on education, and as a member of the com-
mittees on railroads and finance, took a leading part in shaping
The News and Observer, speaking of Professor Holt's record
in the senate, says:
"Senator Holt has made a record of which his profession, his
county, and his State have cause to be proud. He showed that the
schoolteacher is practical, sensible, and as true as the needle to the
pole in representing the interest of all the people. He has killed the
old idea that the teacher is not practical. It would be a good thing
if North Carolina had more legislators like J. Allen Holt."
The legislation that he particularly championed was the reduc-
tion of railroad passenger and freight rates, better educational
facilities for the masses of the people, and the control of trusts.
He is a debater of rare force. While taking a great interest in
his school and his other financial interests, he finds time to in-
dulge his fancy for general literature, and for poetical works,
and to enjoy out-of-door exercise, and college athletics.
On December 29, 1881, he married Miss Sallie Knight, and
their marriage has been blessed with three children — namely, Pro-
fessor Earl P. Holt, now teaching at Oak Ridge Institute, Blanche
Holt, and Clyde Allen Holt.
T. E. Whitaker.
[ARTIN HICKS HOLT was born January 9,
1855. His native place was Hillsdale, in the
northern part of Guilford County, N. C, where
his father, John Foust Holt, was engaged in
farming. He is a great-great-grandson of
Michael Holt and brother of John Allen Holt.
His mother, Louisa Williams Holt, was a woman of unusual
vigor of mind and body, and of strong character.
When he was but two years old, his father bought a farm and
moved to Oak Ridge. This farm, after the death of his father,
passed out of the hands of the sons, as they have devoted them-
selves to other interests. He was a precocious boy, a hard
student, a great reader, reading all the books within his reach.
At that time there were not many books within reach of boys
on the farm, and the few they had in their own home, or could
borrow of their neighbors, were read and reread, and influenced
their lives more than less thoughtful and less thorough reading.
Two books that he fortunately had access to did much to influence
his life, "Tom Brown at Rugby" and "Plutarch's Lives." The
one filled him with admiration for heroic deeds, not only of the
ancient worthies, but for the noble deeds of men of all times, and
determined him to strive to emulate their illustrious example ; the
other enabled him to enter into the experiences of English school
life; and with the study of Froebel, in later life, served to give
him that insight into the minds of youth, so necessary in the work
of teaching. He grew rapidly, and at an early age was noted for
his physical strength. He took great interest in the sports of
youth, and was the champion wrestler of his neighborhood ; when
he had grown to manhood and was engaged in teaching, although
many of his pupils were large and strong, none were able to best
him in a wrestle. He is passionately fond of music and performs
well on the violin ; and his presence was a familiar one at the
country dances of thirty-five years ago. He was not only an in-
dustrious student, but took an active interest in farm work, and
throughout his life has retained his love of the soil. He has a
practical knowledge of horticulture, and his well-kept lawns,
fields, and orchards show the hand of a master.
As a boy he was a leader, and his control of boys as a teacher
has been remarkable, influencing them to their best endeavors, not
only in their school-room work, but in their social conduct. His
old students speak of him with love and reverence; and in their
schoolboy escapades he was the one who could always outrun
them, and discover their secrets and frustrate their plans of mis-
chief. He studied at Oak Ridge Institute and at Kernersville
High School, finishing his education under professors at the state
university, and holds the degree of master of arts from Western
Maryland College, a well-known high-grade institution of the
Methodist Protestant Church.
He began his career of teaching at Kernersville Public School
during the winter of 1872-73, when but seventeen years old.
He taught the Tabernacle High School during the fall of 1873
and spring of 1874. From there he went to Richmond, where he
remained during the fall of 1874, the year of 1875, and the spring
of 1876, as a salesman on the road for Powers, Blair & Co., large
wholesale grocers. In the fall of 1876 he returned to Tabernacle
High School, where he remained until Christmas of 1878; building
up a flourishing preparatory school. In January, 1879, at the ■
solicitation of the trustees of Oak Ridge Institute, he came to that
school to join his brother. Professor J. Allen Holt, in the conduct
of the school, who began teaching at Oak Ridge Institute in 1875.
From that time on the history of Oak Ridge Institute is the his-
tory of the lives of its co-principals, Professors Martin H. Holt
and J. Allen Holt. He says he "was called to be a teacher" while
studying law under Judge Settle, and in pursuance of this call he
laid down the law and began at once the vocation of teacher,
which he has followed faithfully and through so happy and
successful a career that he has never had occasion to doubt
the truth of his calling. Although attending earnestly to the
duties and business affairs of the school he has taken an active
part in the public business of his neighborhood and of his
He has made it a point to understand the humblest duties of the
citizen, and in that way his services have been of the greatest
importance to his own family and to his country. It may be said
of him that his life has been the happy combination of living
among relatives and friends, engaging primarily in the literary
work of his inclination, and yet not negligent of the duties and
avocations of the citizen.
In 1893 he served Guilford County in^the General Assembly as
a member of the house of representatives. This high honor
came to him unexpectedly, and was an expression of the appre-
ciation and good will of the people of his county.
He was one of the most influential members of the General
Assembly. He was chairman of the committee on education, and
a member of the committees on appropriation, finance, corpo-
rations, and counties, cities and towns. He was instrumental in
increasing the rate of taxation for public education from 15 to
162-3%. The General Assembly never creates public opinion;
great reforms never begin in a law-making body. They begin, if
at all, among the people, and find expression in the assembly of
law makers. At that time public opinion, especially in the eastern
part of the State, was in a large measure in opposition to public
education, and it was a great victory for the cause of public edu-
cation when he increased the rate of taxation for public education
I 2-3%. He advocated in caucus a 6% rate of interest, which
afterward became a law in North Carolina. He was also instru-
mental in increasing the appropriations for the public institutions,
educational and charitable, of his State.
His great-uncle, Archibald D. Murphey, had made the same
fight in the house three-quarters of a century before. Next to
Oak Ridge Institute, the Deaf and Dumb School at Morganton,
is Professor Holt's greatest achievement in life. He was one of
its initial directors, and the only member of the board of directors
to serve continuously from the time of its inauguration to the
present. This school is the pride of North Carolina and ranks
with the two other leading schools for the deaf and dumb in the
United States, being a combined school, using both oral and
manual methods of instruction. Professor Holt selected the
beautiful hill on which the great buildings stand, bringing light
and comfort to the hundreds of unfortunate deaf and dumb chil-
dren of North Carolina. He has never been too busy with his
own affairs to give of his time and means to make this school the
success it is.
From 1893 to 1897, Professor Holt was a member of the board
of trustees of the University of North Carolina. In 1887, he was
a representative in the General Conference of the Methodist
Protestant Church. He is a speaker and a debater of' more than
ordinary ability, is of poetical temperament, and delights in study
of the classics. In the intervals between the duties of his busy
life, he is preparing a work for publication, and in collecting the
materials for it he spends many of his hours of recreation.
He is tall and straight and carries himself with martial
bearing; his eye is clear and piercing and his presence attracts
attention in any company. He is more than, six feet tall and
weighs more than two hundred and twenty-five pounds.
In 1878, Professor Holt was married to Miss Mary A. Lam-
beth, and the union has been blessed with three children, Myrtle
May Holt, who married Professor J. T. Bennett, Loftin Martin
Holt, who died in infancy, and John Harvey Holt, who is living
at Oak Ridge. T. E. Whitaker.
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(OT so massive as Johnston, nor so thorough as
(Iredell, nor such a master of aifairs as Hewes,
^yet William Hooper, by his talents, superior edu-
cation, and sympathies deserves to take rank
I with those eminent characters. And he excelled
them all in oratory. John Adams, in his de-
lineation of the members of the Continental Congress, said : "Lee,
Patrick Henry, and Hooper are the orators" ; and certainly Adams
was a competent judge.
William Hooper was the eldest son of Rev. William Hooper,
the pastor of Trinity Church, Boston, who was pronounced by
Dr. Lloyd, of Boston, "the most accomplished gentleman he had
ever known."
Born on June 17, 1742, the subject of this sketch was at the
age of seven years, placed at a grammar school in Boston under
John Lovel, who was celebrated as a teacher. At the age of fif-
teen he was admitted into the sophomore class at Harvard and
took rank with the most distinguished of the students, signalizing
himself as an orator. He received his degree of A.B. in 1760,
'and three years later that of A.M. was conferred on him by his
alma mater. His decided talents attracted attention to him. In
some respects it was thought that he excelled his father. In their
oratory they were of different classes : the father recalling Demos-
thenes; the son, Cicero.
Having graduated, young Hooper studied law under James
Otis, who, in February, 1 761, by his wonderful speech against the
abominable tyranny of writs of assistance, had taken front rank
among the patriots of America. Taught by Otis, Hooper broke
loose from the traditions of his family and himself became deeply
imbued with a spirit resolute to maintain the rights of the colonists
and their traditional liberties.
In 1764 Mr. Hooper embarked for Wilmington, N. C, with the
view of casting his fortunes in this province. He was well re-
ceived, and in 1766 was elected recorder of the borough of Wil-
mington, and entered on the discharge of his duties. In the fall
of the next year he married, at Boston, Miss Ann Clark, a
daughter of Thomas Clark, one of the early settlers of Wilming-
ton, by his wife, Barbara Murray; and thus became the brother-
in-law of Colonel Thomas Clark, afterward colonel of the North
Carolina Continental Line.
On the Cape Fear the Boston scholar found agreeable and con-
genial associates. William Hill, the elder, himself a scholar, was
from Boston; and there were Eustace, Harnett, Lloyd, Penning-
ton, who figured in the Stamp Act troubles and was later master
of ceremonies at Bath ; Maclaine, whose "Notes on Shakespeare"
entitled him to fame ; Boyd, Moore, Howe, and others, each par-
ticularly distinguished for versatility, wit, humor, or attainments.
These were his companions, and in their society the young lawyer
found occasion for the exercise of his highest powers. As re-
corder of Wilmington, he naturally participated in public affairs,
and in 1771 he is said to have served, along with his brother-in-
law and the other gentlemen of the east, in the suppression of the
Regulators at Alamance ; and Tryon and Martin and Howard, the
chief justice, distinguished him by their regard and manifested a
desire to conciliate his friendship.
The assemblies prior to 1771 had sought to relieve the Regulators
from the grievances of which they complained ; and the first As-
sembly convened by Governor Martin in December, after the bat-
tle, proposed still further to relieve the people by repealing the
poll tax of one shilling, which had years before been imposed to
create a sinking fund. This step precipitated a sharp colHsion
between the governor and the Assembly, which was immediately
dissolved. A new Assembly was elected and met in January,
1773, and Mr. Hooper now for the first time made his appearance
in that body, being chosen to represent the borough of Camp-
bellton. There was an irreconcilable disagreement between the
Assembly and the governor at that time over the court bill, and
Mr. Hooper at once became prominent as an ardent supporter of
the rights of the province. Continental matters were now so por-
tentous that Josiah Quincy, of Boston, visited the South to pre-
pare for the plan of continental correspondence which had been
suggested by Virginia and Massachusetts. In his "Diary" he
made the following entries :
"March 29, 1773. Dined at Dr. Thomas Cobham's in company with
Harnett, Hooper, and others.
March 30. Dined with about twenty at Mr. William Hooper's. Find
him apparently in the Whig interest; has taken their side in the House
• — is caressed by the Whigs, and is now passing his election through
the influence of that party."
Hooper was in full sympathy with Quincy's mission, and at that
new election he was chosen along with John Ashe to represent
New Hanover County in the house. Ashe being the leader of
the Whig party. Hooper's association with him clearly fixes his
relations to the measures then agitating the public mind. The As-
sembly then chosen, on December 8, 1773, appointed a "standing
Committee of Correspondence," consisting of nine of the
most influential gentlemen of the province, among them being
William Hooper, whose importance was now thoroughly ap-
Toward the end of March, 1774, the governor prorogued the
Assembly, and a few days later Colonel Harvey, the speaker, re-
ceived information that the governor did not propose to convene
another as long as the public mind was in a state of agitation.
Immediately Colonel Harvey conceived the idea that the people
would elect deputies and an assembly or convention might be held
without the governor's sanction; and on April 4th he conferred
with Sam Johnston and Colonel Buncombe, having the day before
mentioned the idea to Willie Jones. Colonel Harvey declared
that he himself would issue handbills calling on the people to take
this action. The next day Johnston wrote to Hooper and men-
tioned the subject, detailing what Harvey had said and done, and
asking Hooper's advice and that he "should confer with Harnett
and Colonel Ashe and other such men" about it. It is thus ap-
parent that Hooper had already attained a high position in the
confidence and esteem of the Whig leaders. The necessity for
such action did not, however, appear to be immediate, but within
three months the occasion arose. News was received that the
port of Boston had been closed. Hooper was greatly interested.
On June 21st he wrote to Iredell :
"I am absorbed in the distress of my native country. The inhuman-
ity of Britain can be equaled by nothing but its mistaken policy. In-
fatuated people! Do they imagine that we will make a tame surrender
of all that an honest man ought to hold dear, without a struggle to pre-
There was at once set on foot measures for a general meeting
of the inhabitants of the district of Wilmington, which was held
at the town of Wilmington, July 21, 1774. Of that meeting Wil-
liam Hooper was chairman. A committee consisting of Colonel
James Moore, Francis Clayton, and six others was appointed to
address a circular letter calling for "the election of deputies to
attend a general meeting at Johnston Court House on the 20th
of August to adopt and prosecute such measures as will effec-
ually tend to avert the miseries which threaten us." There was
also a resolution, "that we consider the cause of the town of Bos-
ton as the common cause of British America, and as suffering in
defense of the rights of the colonies in general ; and that therefore
we have sent a supply of provisions for the indigent inhabitants of
that place, etc."
It would seem that Hooper was the chief actor in these pro-
ceedings. His noble distress at the sufferings of Boston impelled
him to assume the role of leadership ; but he was zealously and
steadfastly sustained by his patriotic associa/es. Colonel James
Moore, Francis Clayton, and others of the committee at once is-
sued a circular letter to the various counties calling for the elec-
tion of deputies to a provincial convention. It was the first appeal
to the sovereignty of the people — the first recognition that the
people were the source of power and of government. Hooper
and John Ashe again represented the people of New Hanover,
while Francis Clayton was chosen for the borough, as members
of this first revolutionary body. There was no thought then of
making a struggle for separation, but the idea that sooner or later
the colonies would become independent was well lodged in the
mind of Mr. Hooper. On April 26, 1774, he had written to
Iredell : "The colonies are striding fast to independence, and ere-
long will build an empire upon the ruins of Great Britain." The
beginning made by the meeting of which he was the moving spirit
was in the line of that thought. One of the purposes of the con-
gress was to appoint delegates to represent the province in a Con-
tinental Congress that was called to meet at Philadelphia on
September 20, 1774.
Mr. Hooper was distinguished for his oratory and was doubtless
the most scholarly and best educated man in public life in the
province. He had a pleasing personality, while his superiority as
a man of letters was generally admitted, Iredell and Johnston
especially having an unbounded admiration for him. His leader-
ship in the Wilmington movement that took the necessary steps to
convene the convention, and the furor of his patriotic ardor gave
him additional prominence ; so that he was named the first of the
three delegates chosen to represent the province in the Continental
Congress. On September 14th, the day he appeared in the con-
gress, he and his colleague, Hewes, were added to the committee
that had already been appointed "to state the rights of the colo-
nies," and he was also added to the committee to report the
statutes which aflfect the trade of the colonies. That first Con-
tinental Congress adopted an association and recommended the
establishment of committees of safety. On November 23d, the
Wilmington Committee of Safety was formed, William Hooper
being present and being chosen one of the committee.
Mr. Hooper was a member both of the Assembly and of the
convention that met April 4, 1775, at New Bern, and he was again
chosen a delegate to the Continental Congress. The royal gov-
ernor was still at his post. There was still hope that Parliament
and the king might heed the remonstrances of America. The
clash of arms had not then come, and although Ashe in New
Hanover and Howe in Brunswick a month earlier had organized
independent companies, the convention declined to authorize the
organization of such companies and no steps were taken to pre-
pare for a conflict. But the convention had hardly adjourned be-
fore the battle of Lexington occurred on the 19th of April, and
by the 6th of May the intelligence reached New Bern. Now the
scene was all changed ; the war spirit was thoroughly aroused and
independent military companies were forming in every county.
These changes occurring after the departure of the delegates for
Philadelphia, who found the war furor intense to the northward,
they were fearful that North Carolina would be tardy, especially
as the British Government had sought to detach her from the com-
mon cause by exempting her from the unfriendly legislation,
doubtless because her naval stores were so important to Great
Britain. Fearful of supineness at home. Hooper at once wrote to
Harnett so strongly that the Wilmington committee on the 31st of
May urged Sam Johnston, who, on the death of Harvey, had
become moderator, to call immediately another provincial con-
gress ; and in June he and the other delegates addressed a general
letter to the committees of safety, urging the necessity of arming
and equipping military companies and providing for defense-
This letter, which Governor Martin attributed to Hooper, was
declared by the royal governor to have been most effective in
arousing the people. Nor did Hooper stop there. He knew that
Martin relied on the powerful aid of the Highlanders and disaf-
fected Regulators and the Loyalists of the interior, who were nu-
merous, so he sought, through the aid of the Presbyterian minis-
ters of Philadelphia, to set those people right in North Carolina.
These efforts were neither unnecessary nor ineffectual. In con-
sequence of them a great change was made in popular sentiment
in the interior, and Governor Martin's expectations were only par-
tially realized.
The third Provincial Congress met at Hillsboro in August, and
Mr. Hooper was a member of that body. The congress organ-
ized two continental regiments and six battalions of minute men,
and so numerous were the independent companies that the con-
gress dissolved them all until the regulars and minute men should
be organized, allowing their formation then with the consent of
the local committees.
On that meeting of this congress, a committee of which Mr.
Hooper was chairman was raised to prepare a test to be signed
by the members of congress. The test framed by them, which
was signed by every member of the body, professed allegiance to
the king, but declared that the people of the province were bound
by the acts and resolutions of the Continental Congress, as well
as the provincial congresses. On the 23d of August the congress
accepted the association entered into by the general congress on
October 20, 1774. The next day Mr. Hooper presented for the
consideration of the body articles of confederacy, whereby it was
proposed that the united colonies should bind themselves and their
posterity into a league for their general welfare; and the con-
federacy was to be perpetual until Great Britain should do certain
things therein stipulated, making reparation for the injury done to
Boston and for the expenses of the war, and until all the British
troops should be withdrawn from America. Substantially, the
proposed constitution therefore formed a union and general gov-
ernment similar to that subsequently adopted; but the congress,
after considering it fully, came to the conclusion that it would be
best to continue for the present under the original articles of asso-
ciation. Mr. Hooper and his colleagues were formally thanked by
the congress for their manly, spirited, and patriotic discharge of
their duty as delegates. In their reply to the address of the presi-
dent, they said : "With hearts warm with a zealous love of liberty
and desirous of a reconciliation with the parent state upon terms
just and constitutional, etc., etc.," and immediately afterward the
same delegates were elected to the Continental Congress for an-
other year. It is evident that a purpose to separate from Great
Britain was not generally avowed at that period.
But Governor Martin having fled toward the end of May from
his palace, having been driven in July from North Carolina soil,
and the assemblies having ceased to meet, the Provincial Congress
now became the only government, and to conduct affairs when it
was not in session, a Provincial Council of thirteen was formed
and district committees of safety.
At the next session of the Continental Congress, Mr. Hooper
and Mr. Jefferson appear to have been uniformly assigned to the
same special committees. At that session the marine committee
was established, of which Mr. Hewes became the head and so he
virtually became the first secretary of the navy, and Mr. Hooper
was likewise a member of that committee. He and Dr. Franklin
were also on the committee of secret intelligence, perhaps the most
important working committee instituted by the congress. They
were authorized to conceal important information from the con-
gress itself, to keep secret agents abroad, and to make secret
agreements, pledging the faith of congress and of the people.
Events were now hastening rapidly toward a conflict at home ;
while throughout all the colonies the purpose to maintain the liber-
ties of the people as British subjects was giving place to a resolu-
tion to strike for independence. In January Tom Paine's
pamphlet, "Common Sense," was published in Philadelphia, and
gave a great impetus in this direction. On February 6th Hooper
wrote to Johnston : "My first wish is to be free, my second, to be
reconciled to Great Britain." A week later Penn, who had suc-
ceeded Caswell as a delegate, expressed the same sentiment in a
letter to Tom Person. Contemporaneously with this progress of
the spirit of independence came the development of Governor
Martin's plan to subjugate North Carolina. Early in February,
the royal standard was erected in the interior, and the Highlanders
and some of the Regulators, having embodied, began their march
to join the British forces on the lower Cape Fear. The battle of
Moore's Creek ensued, and the victory of February 27th fixed the
people in their determination to fight for their liberties and free-
dom, not as British subjects, but as citzens of a free and inde-
pendent State. Within a week the fourth Provincial Congress
met at Halifax, and on April 5th Sam Johnston, the moderator,
having mingled with the delegates, wrote to Iredell: "All here
are for independence."
A week later, April 12th, a resolution was unanimously pro-
posed, instructing the delegates to concur in declaring independence.
On April isth Hooper and Penn, both of whom were dele-
gates, arrived from Philadelphia and took their seats. Mr. Hooper
was the same day appointed chairman of the committee to take
measures to supply the province with arms and ammunition and
appointed on the committee to prepare a temporary form of gov-
ernment. He was also appointed chairman of a committee to take
measures for the defense of the sea-coast, and he was added to the
committee of secrecy, war, and intelligence. He was also chair-
man of the committee to consider and report the business neces-
sary to be carried into execution by the congress.
It thus appears that the talents of Mr. Hooper were regarded
by his associates as no less practical than they were dazzling ; and
he was employed as one of the foremost and most useful instru-
ments of the congress in a contest, the character of which had
been changed by the resolution of April 12th, directing the dele-
gates to concur in declaring independence.
The British army was now occupying the lower Cape Fear, and
the province was threatened with subjugation. The peril was
great, and Mr. Hooper remained at home at the post of danger
and was not present in the Continental Congress when the ques-
tion of declaring independence was being discussed ; but Hewes'
action there, in conformity with his instructions, is said by John
Adams to have been decisive in determining the great question.
On August 2, 1776, Hooper and the other delegates in congress
affixed their names to the immortal Declaration, and he had his
share in the birth of the new nation that was to become the marvel
of the world and the best hope of humanity.
Mr. Hooper was not a member of the Provincial Congress that
framed the state constitution, being then in attendance on the
Continental Congress. On February 4, 1777, he obtained leave
to return home and was in attendance on the Assembly that met
in April, 1777; on April 29, 1777, he resigned his seat in the Con-
tinental Congress ; and on May 4th the Legislature appointed Dr.
Burke, Penn, and Cornelius Harnett as the delegates. Mr.
Hooper continued in the house of commons as a representative
of the borough of Wilmington until 1784, when he removed to
Orange County, and was elected a representative from Orange in
that year.
Mr. Hooper's residence was at Masonboro Sound, near Wil-
mington; and when the British occupied Wilmington at the end
of January, 1781, he preferred that his family should be within
the protecting influence of the commanding British officer to be-
ing subjected to the vengeance of Tories and marauding parties,
and so he sent Mrs. Hooper into Wilmington, while he himself
withdrew into the interior, spending a part of the time at Edenton.
The British were animated by a spirit of particular malevolence
in regard "to him, and burnt a house of his some three rriiles below
Wilmington, and before their withdrawal treated Mrs. Hooper
cruelly, requiring her to leave the town in an open boat almost
without protection, she making the best of her way to Mrs.
Swann's residence on Rocky Point, on the northeast branch of
Cape Fear. General Rutherford being in the vicinity, however,
provided Mrs. Hooper with wagons to move to Hillsboro.
Mr. Hooper's expenses while attending the Continental Con-
gress were largely in excess of the compensation, and on his re-
tirement from that employment, as soon as the courts were open
again, he returned to the practice of the law, which, however,
was not in those years very remunerative. But he remained a
powerful factor in public matters. Closely associated with Gen-
eral Clark, Archibald Maclaine, Henry Watters, Sam Johnston,
and particularly with James Iredell, who rode the circuit with
him and with whom he maintained a close correspondence, he
was one of those who exerted the most conservative influence in
that formative period of our institutions. Unhappily there were
considerable differences developed among our public men. Par-
ties divided somewhat on the basis of popular rights, and the
more conservative statesmen were always fearful that the people
were taking too extrem'e action. There was also trouble between
the lawyers and the judges. The court was not efHcient, and the
lawyers were often not helpful. The attitude of Iredell and
Hooper toward the court was, however, very different from that
of Hay and Maclaine ; vvhile the latter were generally obstreper-
ous, the former were always respectful. When the treaty of
peace was made, it contained some provisions relative to the
restoration of the property of Tories that had been confiscated.
The Assembly refused to assent to those provisions, and the
judges showed little favor to those Tories who had engaged in
partisan warfare and in marauding bands had devastated their
own neighborhoods and murdered their fellow-citizens. Such
characters the court held were not within the terms of the treaty.
The lawyers generally had Tory clients whom they were inter-
ested in protecting both because of pecuniary considerations and
personal attachments. This situation led to warfare between the
Bar and the Bench; and at length at the session of December,
1786, articles of impeachment were presented against the judges,
and their conduct was investigated. Mr. Hooper, writing to
Iredell, says : "This ridiculous pursuit of Hay's ended as we ex-
pected. It was conceived in spleen and conducted with such
headstrong passion, that after the charges were made, evidence
was wanting to support them." Mr. Hooper being a member of
the Assembly, however, would not agree that the judges were to
be thanked for all of their conduct, and filed a protest against the
action of the Assembly. Mr. Hooper then represented Orange
County in the house of commons, but it was his last session. In
1788, being much interested in the ratification of the Federal
Constitution, he was brought forward as a candidate for a seat
in the convention, but was defeated; and although he continued
to practice and exerted a personal influence, he did not appear
again in public life. He had the satisfaction, however, of realiz-
ing that the people who, in previotis years, has swung away from
what he regarded as the conservative and safer course, had re-
turned and were more in accord with his views. In 1787 Sam
Johnston, the leader of the conservatives, was elected governor
of the State, and again in 1788, and upon the organization of the
convention of 1789, he presided over that body and was elected
the first senator in congress, while Willie Jones, General Ruther-
ford and other Democratic leaders were rejected by the people.
As grateful as this change in the public mind must have been to
Mr. Hooper, he did not long live to enjoy it.
In May, 1790, his health was very bad, and Iredell wrote:
"Without some extraordinary change, poor fellow! I fear a few
months will finish him." On October 14, 1790, after a protracted
illness, he passed away in his forty-eighth year. Mr. Hooper left
three children. His son William also left three children. But
his descendants are now confined to the descendants of his grand-
son. Rev. William Hooper.
S. A. Ashe.
£--.,, "^Sj-jT^. J<-fVK..-j ^Brc AOf^
RUDITE scholar, profound theologian, brilliant
essayist, incomparable wit, William Hooper en-
joyed the rare distinction of having his pre-
eminence in his chosen field of endeavor uni-
formly admitted by the people of his native
State. His versatile genius, his restless spirit,
and his changing point of view illustrate admirably the power of
heredity to overcome the strong influence of environment.
His great-grandfather, William Hooper, was a Scotchman, was
graduated from the University of Edinburgh, and became pastor
of a Congregational church in Boston, Mass., in 1737. Suddenly,
in 1747, he became ar. Episcopalian, and went to England to re-
ceive orders in the Church of England. Returning to Boston, he
became rector of Trinity Church, which post he held until his
death in 1767. His wife, Mary Dennie, always remained a Con-
gregationalist. The Rev. William Hooper was a stanch loyalist,
as were all but one of his children, his son William alone em-
bracing the patriot cause.
William Hooper, son of this Scotch rector of Trinity Church,
was born in Boston in 1742, was graduated from Harvard College
in 1760, and the story of his" life is told in the preceding pages of
this volume. He had, in 1767, married in Boston his old sweet-
heart, Ann Clark, whose brother, Thomas Clark, was a colonel
and brevet-brigadier general in the Revolutionary army.
William, the oldest child of the signer, was born probably at
Masonboro Sound, near Wilmington, in 1768. He married, June
26, 1791, Helen Hogg, daughter of James Hogg, of Hillsboro,
and died in Brunswick County, July 15, 1804, leaving three sons:
William (the subject of this sketch), Thomas, and James. Of
his life we know but little ; but his son, the Rev. William Hooper,
attributed many of his mental characteristics to the father, whom
a contemporary newspaper, the Philadelphia Daily Times, de-
scribes as "a wealthy planter in North Carolina, whose life was
as unruffled as the current of a gentle brook." He died when his
oldest son was but twelve years old. In 1809, his widow married
Dr. Joseph Caldwell, a graduate of Princeton, president of the
University of North Carolina.
The Rev. William Hooper was born, as he himself tells us in
an autobiography written for his grandson Henry, at Hillsboro,
August 31, 1792. His mother moved to Chapel Hill upon the
death of her husband, when William was but twelve years old,
that she might the better attend to the education of her sons, buy-
ing and building on the lot now occupied by the home of the
president of the University. Here William became the pupil of
Dr. Joseph Caldwell, Presbyterian preacher and college professor.
He was soon prepared for college, and was graduated from the
University of North Carolina in 1809, at the age of seventeen.
At this time he was strongly Calvinistic and Presbyterian in his
views, and proceeded to Princeton for the study of theology. In
1812 he received the degree of master of arts from the Univer-
sity of North Carolina. In 1818 he was confirmed in the
Episcopal Church and soon thereafter decided to enter the min-
istry. He was licensed as lay reader in St. Mary's Parish,
Orange County, by the convention of 1819; received deacon's
orders in 1820; was ordained to the priesthood on Wednesday,
April 24, 1822, and assumed the pastoral charge of St. John's
Church, Fayetteville.
Mr. Hooper had already married, in 1814, Frances P. Jones,
daughter of Edward Jones, solicitor general of North Carolina;
and he had been professor of ancient languages in the University
of North Carolina since 181 7, which position he reHnquished to
enter the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church. He re-
tained the charge of his parish at Fayetteville for only three
years and returned to the University in 1825 as professor of logic
and rhetoric, though he resumed his old chair of ancient lan-
guages in 1827. He gave up the ofiRce of priest because he had
been cursed by a precocious two-year-old to whom he was admin-
istering the sacrament of baptism. This led to thoughtful study
of his position, and the result was that Mr. Hooper, in 1831,
united with a Baptist church. I deem it just to state in his own
words his reason for the change :
"The writer was led to adopt his present sentiments on the subject
of baptism in spite of all his previous prejudices and religious connec-
tions and apparent worldly interests by comparing the plain, full
information given us in the New Testament with the accounts left us
by the Christian Fathers who lived next after the apostles. His mind
first became disquieted on the subject while he was a minister of the
Episcopal Church, by the language of the baptismal service of that
church, in which, immediately after the application of the water, a
solemn thanksgiving is returned to God, 'that he hath regenerated
with water and the Holy Spirit' every person, child or adult, that is
baptized. When, on account of his conscientious objections to this
and some other things in that church, he felt himself obliged to with-
draw from it, he was led to examine the subject of baptism more faith-
fully than he had ever done before; and afraid of precipitation, and
having strong attachments drawing him in another direction, it was
seven years before he connected himself with the Baptists. During
this time he read most of the books of reputation on this controversy,
and among others he took up with high expectation Wall's 'History
of Infant Baptism,' a book which had the renown of proving so clearly
the apostolic origin of that practice, that the author received for his
performance the thanks of the British Parliament. So far from being
made a convert to that doctrine by Wall's copious collection of pas-
sages from the ancient authors, the inquirer's mind was rather estab-
lished in the opposite belief, and he was furnished with a satisfactory
solution for the origin and practice in the early prevalence of the per-
suasion that unbaptized persons, whether infants or adults, could not
enter heaven."
There was no Baptist church in the village of Chapel Hill at
this time, and Mr. Hooper went to a country church nearby,
Mount Carmel, and received baptism at the hands of Rev. Patrick
W. Dowd. He took an active interest in the work of the Bap-
tist churches in North CaroHna, especially in their educational
enterprises. He at once began writing and speaking in the in-
terest of general education, and a lecture that he delivered at
Chapel Hill, June 20, 1832, on "The Imperfections of our Pri-
mary Schools, and the Best Methods of Correcting Them," was
widely circulated in the public prints, where it received much
commendation, and was the same year printed and circulated in
pamphlet form. On August 4th of the same year, William
Hooper, William R. Hinton, and Grey Huckaby presented to
the Baptist State Convention a report recommending "the estab-
lishment of a Baptist literary institution in this State." This
was the beginning of Wake Forest College, and the author of
this report was William Hooper, at the time professor of ancient
languages in the University of North Carolina.
In June, 1833, the University conferred on Mr. Hooper the de-
gree of doctor of laws. In 1838 Dr. Hooper removed to South
Carolina, and for two years taught theology in Furman Univer-
sity at Greenville. His valedictory address at Chapel Hill was
published by the students of the University, and his inaugural
discourse at Greenville was published by the trustees of Furman.
In 1840 he became professor of Roman literature in South Caro-
lina College, at Columbia, where he remained until called to the
presidency of Wake Forest College, N. C, in 1846. Wake For-
est was financially embarrassed, and Dr. Hooper soon discovered
that he was not the man to get the institution out of trouble. He
wisely resigned in 1848, and with his son Thomas and his son-
in-law opened a select school near Littleton, N. C. In 1852 he
became pastor of the Baptist church at New Bern, from which
position he was called to the presidency of Chowan Baptist Fe-
male Institute. Here he remained, doing excellent and congenial
work for seven years. He disapproved of secession, and at the
beginning of the civil war had refused permission to the girls to
hoist the Confederate flag over the institute building. This finally
led to his resignation. He afterward taught in Fayetteville, and
in 1867 became co-principal with his son Thomas and his son-in-
law, Professor J. De Berniere Hooper, in a school for young
women at Wilson. His sermons and addresses during all this
time are marked by a clear and vigorous style combined with an
easy grace, sparkling wit, and genial humor. One of his ser-
mons, preached at Chapel Hill, on "The Force of Habit," has
been reprinted five times, and as long as Governor Swain presided
over the University, the last time he met each senior class before
graduation, he would read to it that discourse. In 1857 the
University of North Carolina conferred upon him the degree of
doctor of divinity.
The early death of Dr. Hooper's father saddened the boy, and
the accidental killing of a young lady, his cousin, by the discharge
of a neglected gun in the home of his uncle, while playing with
some children, tinged his whole life with melancholy. Dr. Hooper
did nqf share the strict communion views of most American Bap-
tists, but took the position of Robert Hall that baptism was not a
prerequisite to the communion. While he did not conceal the
fact that he was personally an open communionist, he neverthe-
less, for the sake of peace, held his views in abeyance, and did not
practice open communion.
Dr. Hooper died at Chapel Hill, where so much of his life had
been spent, August 19, 1876, and is buried on the campus by the
side of Dr. Joseph Caldwell, his honored stepfather, president of
the University, and his mother, who was Mrs. Caldwell.
Dr. Hooper's sons were William, Edward, Joseph (still living
at Jacksonville, Fla.), Thomas, and DuPonceau. He had two
daughters : one, Elizabeth Watters, the younger, unmarried ; the
other, Mary Elizabeth, was married to her cousin, John De
Berniere Hooper, professor in the University of North Carolina.
All of the descendants of William Hooper, the signer, now liv-
ing are descendants of the Rev. William Hooper, professor in
the University of North Carolina.
The writer of this article knew Dr. Hooper from his own
earliest infancy to the great man's death, and promised in his
boyhood to write this sketch. It has been prepared from data
furnished by Dr. Hooper himself, by his daughter, Mrs. John
De Berniere Hooper, and by his granddaughter, Mrs. Spier Whit-
aker, as well as by the minutes of the Convention of the Protest-
ant Episcopal Church in North Carolina, and the minutes of the
Baptist State Convention. Recourse has also been had to the
records of the University of North Carolina, and to the scrap-
books of Dr. Hooper, Mrs. De Berniere Hooper, Mrs. Spier
Whitaker, Rev. Needham B. Cobb, and the writer. Dr. Hooper's
manuscript autobiography, written for his grandson, has also
been of service to me.
Collier Cobb.
S^i- iu£.£? V'/.:^*^ ^■Bro//!:'
. lUn . 'I'Sw^'?. /^it^As ■inr
?S a scholar, whose fine and penetrating intellect
took great delight in thoroughness and accuracy
of detail; as a teacher, whose deep insight into
the needs of his pupils, thorough understanding
of and practical sympathy with their aims and
• purposes have never been surpassed, if indeed
they have been equalled except in rare instances; as a man of
lowly and ardent piety, of lofty character and devotion to duty,
John Be Berniere Hooper stands not one whit second to his dis-
tinguished kinsman, the Rev. William Hooper, D.D., LL.D.
Mr. Hooper's grandfather, George Hooper, was brother to
William Hooper, the signer of the Declaration of Independence,
and came from Boston to Wilmington, N. C, where his older
brother, William, and his younger brother, » Thomas, also settled.
At Wilmington he married Katharine Maclaine, daughter of
Archibald Maclaine, a man prominent in Wilmington at that day
among our Revolutionary patriots, and one of the first trustees
of the University of North Carolina. George Hooper had a
singular career during the Revolutionary war. Notwithstanding
the fact that he was son-in-law and brother of eminent patriots,
and that he was appointed by Richard Caswell in 1778 clerk of
the superior court for the Wilmington district, he remained a
stanch Loyalist throughout the war period. "Though some cool-
ness and estrangement naturally arose between him and his
brother, and his patriot friends, Iredell and Johnston, he seems to
have retained their love and confidence as a man of sincerity, up-
rightness and courage of conviction. There was even genuine
aifection between him and his irascible father-in-law, Archibald
To George Hooper and his wife, Katharine Maclaine Hooper,
one son was born, Archibald Maclaine Hooper, who was the
father of John De Berniere Hooper, the subject of this sketch, a
man of fine literary taste and ability, well known as a writer on
historical subjects and a valued contributor to the journals of
his time. Archibald Maclaine Hooper married Charlotte, daugh-
ter of Lieutenant-Colonel John De Berniere, an English gentleman
of noble French-Huguenot descent, who came to America in the
latter part of the eighteenth century.
Colonel De Berniere, a commissioned ofHcer in the British
army, had married near Belfast, Ireland, Miss Ann Jones, daugh-
ter of Conway Jones, of Rosstrevor, and sister of Edward Jones,
who afterward became solicitor general of North Carolina. This
Jones family is directly descended from the celebrated English
bishop Jeremy Taylor, and among its members are many who
now occupy positions of trust and honor in England.
When Edward Jones had decided to come to America, his
brother-in-law and charming sister were easily influenced to fol-
low him. There is a tradition in the family that the day that
Colonel De Berniere threw up his position in the army, and be-
fore his resignation was received at headquarters, he was ap-
pointed by the British Government governor of Canada, his
desire to remove to America having been known. As his
resignation had been made, he thought it would be dishonor-
able to accept the proffered appointment, which he accordingly
Jones and the De Bernieres came first to Philadelphia, where
they achieved a brilliant success in business and in society, Ed-
ward Jones receiving the soubriquet of "the elegant young Irish-
man," and making many friends among distinguished men who
adhered to him through life. But the brilliant young Irishman
soon ran through all his money, besides making love to a beautiful
girl, whose father forbade the match, the lady dying of a broken
Edward Jones and his brother-in-law then removed to Wil-
mington, N. C, and finally settled in Chatham County. Jones
studied law and soon became prominent in his profession, leading
the Bar of the State and becoming its solicitor. He married
Mary, oldest daughter of Peter Mallett, of Fayetteville, and set-
tled at Rockrest, in Chatham County. Here he reared a large
family and took charge of a number of orphans, children of his
friends, bringing them up as his own. Among the number thus
befriended was Captain Johnston Blakley, commander of the
Wasp, who was lost at sea with his ship in 1814.
The De Bernieres settled on Deep River not far from Rock-
rest, and the family tradition is that Mrs. De Berniere pined
away iii her new home, unable to bear up under the prolonged
homesickness for Rosstrevbr, in Ireland, where she had been
brought up. Their house was burned down, and with it were lost
all the family furniture, relics, and valuables brought over with
them. After this they all moved to Charleston, S. C, where
Colonel De Berniere died in 1812, and Mrs. De Berniere in 1821.
The sons died early; the daughters married and remained in
South Carolina, except Charlotte, who married, in 1806, Archi-
bald Maclaine Hooper, of Wilmington, N. C, the father of John
De Berniere Hooper, the subject of this sketch. Such are Mr.
Hooper's forbears.
John De Berniere Hooper was born at Smithville, now South-
port, N. C, September 6, 181 1. He received his early training in
the schools of his native city, where he gave proofs of talent and
industry. His kinswoman, Elizabeth Hooper, childless widow of
Henry Watters, of Hillsboro, insisted on defraying the expenses
of her talented young kinsman at the University of North Caro-
lina, where he was graduated in 1831 with the Latin salutatory.
He chose teaching as his profession, and made his degree of mas-
ter of arts in 1834. His first experience in teaching was as tutor
in the University from 1831 to 1833. He then taught at Trinity
School, established near Raleigh by the Episcopal Diocese of
North Carolina.
On December 20, 1837, Mr. Hooper married his lovely young
kinswoman, Mary Elizabeth Hooper, daughter of Rev. Dr.
William Hooper, then professor of ancient languages in the Uni-
versity. "Forty-eight years of wedded happiness were theirs,
secured by constant love, and by devotion to duty, and enhanced
by all the charms that sympathetic tastes and principles in culture
and religion can give to life."
In 1838 Mr. Hooper became professor of Latin and French in
the University of North Carolina. He remained at the Univer-
sity until 1848, when he resigned his professorship and removed
to Warren County, where he opened a private school for boys.
In i860 he, with his brother-in-law, Thomas C. Hooper, took
charge of the Fayetteville Female Academy. In 1866 he became
associate principal with the same of the Wilson Female Institute,
and remained there for nine years. On the reorganization of the
University in 1875, Professor Hooper was elected to the chair of
the Greek and French languages, and returned to Chapel Hill
after an absence of twenty-seven years, "rejoicing to assist in the
rehabilitation of his alma mater, devoting the last years of his
life to her service with all the generous enthusiasm of his early
One who knew him throughout his entire life has written of
"In all these changes Professor Hooper's record will be fotjnd un-
changing, except as he advanced with the times in the knowledge of
his profession, and as his studies still further enlarged and refined his
"Among the young ladies of his school he was jegarded with en-
thusiastic admiration and devotion. Always and everywhere the
perfect gentleman in his address, it was once said of him that he had
probably never had a thought even that he needed to be ashamed of.
His gentle and generous manliness, his chivalrous courtesy, and his
delicate consideration for others rendered him peculiarly fit to be the
guardian of young girls."
Among men, his colleagues in the University, and the young
men whom he taught, he was held in reverent affection, as one
who walked visibly in the footsteps of the Great Teacher.
"But with all his courtesy and mildness, he was an excellent dis-
ciplinarian, always firm and perfectly fearless in the discharge of duty.
He was eminently a man to be relied upon. The delicacy and ele-
gance of his personal appearance would have misled any man who pre-
sumed to infer anything of effeminacy or weakness in him. A fiash of
satiric wit, keen as a rapier, would occasionally show how strongly his
high spirit and discernment of folly were kept in check by his charity.
His sense of humor imparted a fine relish to his conversation."
Professor Hooper was for many years a devout worshiper in
the Protestant Episcopal Church, where his usefulness and liber-
ality were very great, and where his punctual attendance and de-
light in her services were an example. Few appeals for either
public or private benefactions were disregarded, for his liberality
was bounded only by his means. He was a man of marked filial
piety, and his aged parents made their home with him for many
years. The devoted wife and sharer of his joys and labors en-
tered into rest June 23, 1894. Four children of their union now
survive : Helen, widow of the late James Wills ; Fanny, who mar-
ried Judge Spier Whitaker, now deceased; Henry De Berniere,
who married Miss Jessie Wright, and Julia, wife of the late Pro-
fessor Ralph H. Graves, of the University of North Carolina.
Professor Hooper died at Chapel Hill, January 23, 1886, loved
and regretted by all who knew him.
Collier Cobb.
! HOUGH the untimely death of Lieutenant
Charles Hoskins at the battle of Monterey in
Mexico cut short his military career before he
had attained high command in the army, his
name deserves to rank on history's page among
the bravest and best of North Carolina's gifts
to the Nation.
Lieutenant Hoskins was bom in the year 1818 at Edenton, in the
county of Chowan. His paternal ancestors came originally from
Wales, but records of the old colonial precinct of Chowan show
that members of the family were settled in North Carolina for
some years prior to 1700. One of this name (and doubtless of
the same family) was a member of the Virginia house of bur-
gesses as early as 1649, representing Lower Norfolk County,
which bordered on the colonial county of Albemarle in North
Carolina, before that section was divided into the several counties
which now lie in the territory it formerly occupied.
The Hoskins family of Edenton was one of prominence and
approved patriotism in colonial and Revolutionary times. Its
members were adherents of the Church of England ; and one of
these, Richard Hoskins, was a member of the vestry of St. Paul's
Church at Edenton when that body patriotically seconded the
action of the North Carolina Provincial Congress in its efforts
for independence. The wife of Richard Hoskins also deserves to
be held in remembrance as a member of the company of ladies
who held the famous "Edenton Tea Party."
The father of Lieutenant Hoskins was James Hoskins, and his
mother was Miss Alexander prior to her marriage. James was
the son of Thomas Hoskins and his wife, Mary Roberts.
Lieutenant Hoskins was one of a large family of children, but
nearly all of his brothers and sisters died comparatively young,
though several were married.
Charles Hoskins, our present subject, received his early educa-
tion at the Edenton Academy, and one of his schoolmates at that
institution. Colonel Richard Benbury Creecy, still survives, being
considerably upward of ninety years old. While editing the
Economist, a newspaper at Elizabeth City, in 1902, Colonel Creecy
published in his issues of July i8th and August 22d some reminis-
cences of his old schoolmate and his characteristics, saying:
" 'Charlie' was as bright as a new gold dollar, a master of ridicule
and tease, and full of fight and fun. Hoskins' passion for humor
was a trait that ran through his life."
On receiving from the Hon. William Biddle Shepard, member
of Congress from the Edenton district, an appointment as cadet
in the United States Military Academy at West Point, young
Hoskins entered that institution and graduated in the class of
1836. The dates of his several commissions in the army are as
follows: brevet second lieutenant Fourth infantry, July i, 1836;
second lieutenant in same, September 13, 1836; first lieutenant
December 30, 1838; regimental adjutant from September 10,
1845, until his death on September 21, 1846.
During the ten years of his army life, Lieutenant Hoskins saw
much active service even before the war with Mexico. He took
part in operations against Indians, and was quartermaster un-
der Generals Scott and Wool when the Cherokee Nation was
removed to the Indian Territory.
At St. Louis, in March, 1845, while stationed at Jefferson Bar-
racks near that city. Lieutenant Hoskins was united in marriage
with Miss Jennie Deane, daughter of Major John Deane, of New
Rochelle, N. Y., then temporarily residing in St. Louis. This lady
returned to New Rochelle after her husband's death. She sur-
vived him many years, dying on January 6, 1899. The married
hf e of Lieutenant Hoskins covered a period of less than two years.
He left an only son, John Deane Charles Hoskins, who served
during his early youth in the New York Volunteers during the
was between the states, later being appointed a cadet at West
Point and graduating in the class of 1868. He afterward entered
the regular army and is now a colonel of artillery.
While at Jefferson Barracks, Lieutenant Hoskins formed a
warm friendship with Ulysses S. Grant, then a young lieutenant.
In his work entitled "From Manassas to Appomatox," General
Longstreet (who was also then at Jefferson Barracks) alludes to
the lady who afterward became Mrs. Grant, saying : "Miss Dent
was a frequent visitor at the garrison balls and hops, where Lieu-
tenant Hoskins, who was something of a tease, would inquire of
her if she could tell where he might find 'the small lieutenant with
the large epaulettes.' "
During the war with Mexico, Adjutant Hoskins served in the
Army of Occupation under General Taylor. He fought with dis-
tinguished bravery at Resaca de la Palma, Palo Alto, and else-
where, and was killed (being shot through the heart) at Monterey
on September 21, 1846. A description of the death of Lieutenant
Hoskins is given by General Grant in his "Personal Memoirs,"
where he describes the assault on Monterey, saying :
"I was, I believe, the only person in the Fourth infantry in the
charge who was on horseback. When we got to a place of safety the
regiment halted and drew itself together — what was left of it. The
adjutant of the regiment, Lieutenant Hoskins, who was not in robust
health, found himself very much fatigued from running on foot in the
charge and retreat, and, seeing me on horseback, expressed a wish that
he could be mounted also. I offered him my horse and he accepted
the offer. A few minutes later I saw a soldier, a quartermaster's man,
mounted not far away. I ran to him, took his horse, and was back
with the regiment in a few minutes. In a short time we were off
again; and the next place of safety from the shots of the enemy, that
I recollect of being in, was a field of cane or corn to the northeast of
the lower batteries. The adjutant to whom I had loaned my horse
was killed, and I was designated to act in his place."
The death of Lieutenant Hoskins caused deep regret, not only
in his native State, but throughout the Nation. The National In-
telligencer, of Washington City, contained a tribute of him which
was republished in the Raleigh Register on November 3, 1846, as
follows :
"Lieutenant Hoskins possessed a quick and sagacious intellect; he
cherished a high and nice sense of honor, and was remarkable for the
generosity and chivalry of his character, and for those winning traits
which ever secured the regard and respect of those with whom he
In the Laws of North Carolina for 1846-47, p. 242, will be
found a series of resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of
the State on January 2, 1847, relative to North Carolinians in
general who fought at Monterey, and it refers in particular to
Lieutenant Hoskins, as follows:
"Resolved further, That this General Assembly have heard with un-
feigned sorrow of the death of Lieutenant Charles Hoskins, a native
of this State, who was killed at the siege of Monterey, in Mexico, while
gallantly fighting the battles of his country; and that this General As-
sembly hereby tenders to the bereaved family of Lieutenant Hoskins
its deepest sympathy and condolence on this afflictive event;
"Resolved further. That a copy of this resolution be transmitted by
His Excellency the Governor to the family of the late Lieutenant Hos-
The death of Lieutenant Hoskins occurred at the early age of
twenty-eight. His remains were carried back to Jefferson Bar-
racks, Missouri, and there interred in the burial ground which has
since been converted into a National Cemetery. A marble slab
has been placed over his resting-place, and this memorial is still
Marshall DeLancey Haywood.
guished in public and in private life, and one of
the most influential citizens of western North
Carolina, was born at Waynesville on April i,
1840. He inherited strong charactertistics
from his parents. The Johnstons were of
Scotch extraction, having moved from Scotland to County Down,
Ireland, in 1641. Nearly two centuries later Robert Johnston
emigrated with his family and located in Pickens County, S. C,
bringing with him his son William, born in Ireland in 1807, and
then but eleven years of age. Soon after reaching maturity, Wil-
liam, in 1830, married Lucinda, a daughter of James Gudger, one
of the most prominent men of Buncombe County, N. C, and set-
tled at Waynesville, the county seat and business center of Hay-
wood County.
By his marriage he became allied with the first families of
western North Carolina. His wife's mother was Annie Bell
Love, a daughter of Robert Love and Mary Ann Love, nee Mary
Ann Dillard, the father of Miss Dillard being Thomas Dillard, of
Pittsylvania County, Va., a colonel in the Revolutionary war, and
one of the pioneer settlers of Tennessee ; and it was from this
distinguished ancestor, whose memory has ever been treasured in
the family, that the subject of this sketch derived his name. Rob-
ert Love, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was
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a son of Samuel Love, of Staunton, Va., and his wife, Dorcas
Bell, a daughter of one of the colonial governors of that common-
wealth, and whose family was known and distinguished for intel-
ligence and high moral character. Samuel Love himself was a
patriot officer during the Revolution and was esteemed by his as-
sociates for his sterling worth and fine personal qualities. Rob-
ert, the father of Mrs. Gudger, was reared in the same family in
which the blind preacher, James Waddell, famous for his elo-
quence and revered for his godliness, received his training, and he
enjoyed advantages that developed alike his mental powers and
social characteristics. Both daughter and granddaughter per-
petuated those agreeable qualities that have always made the
Loves charming in the family and social circle.
Sprung from such stock and reared amid such influences,
Thomas D. Johnston began his life under most favorable condi-
tions. When a boy, he attended the common schools of his native
county until 1853, when he was placed in the school of Colonel
Stephen Lee, near Asheville, for preparation for college. After
remaining with Colonel Lee for four years he entered the State
University and was admitted to the sophomore class, but on ac-
count of failing health he was compelled to discontinue his col-
legiate course and leave the University before the end of the ses-
sion. When the dark days of civil war came upon the country
young Johnston was among the first to volunteer in the defense of
his native State. He entered the army in May, 1861, in the Four-
teenth North Carolina regiment, in the company of which the
Hon. Z. B. Vance was captain. On a reorganization of the com-
pany he was elected lieutenant, and afterward was detailed by
Colonel P. W. Roberts as adjutant of the regiment. At the battle
of Malvern Hill, while on the staff of Colonel Roberts, he re-
ceived three severe wounds, which long confined him to his bed,
and from which he came near losing his life. While disabled
from those wounds for field service, he was detailed as captain
quartermaster, and while serving in this capacity in the Valley of
Virginia he again lost his health and had to be sent home to re-
After the war he studied law under Judge Bailey and his son,
W. H. Bailey, at Black Mountain, N. C, and was admitted to the
Bar in 1867. In 1868, he was nominated by the Democratic
party for solicitor of his district, but was counted out by General
Canby, who, under the reconstruction laws, then held the reins of
government in North Carolina. In 1869 he was elected mayor of
Asheville, and was the first Democratic mayor of the town after
the war. In 1870 he was brought forward as the Democratic
nominee for representative of the county of Buncombe in the
legislature, and by an unusually brilliant and aggressive cam-
paign redeemed the county for the Democracy by a majority of
nearly five hundred votes over the same Republican candidate
who was elected in 1868 by a Republican majority of nearly three
hundred. This, perhaps, was the turning point in his life.
That Assembly was one of the njost important in the history
of the State. It followed swiftly the evil day of Republican mis-
rule during the period of Reconstruction. In that era of corrup-
tion, the treasury had been pillaged and the credit of the State
destroyed, the railroad companies had been bankrupted and rail-
road construction had ceased, the courts had fallen into disrepute,
the University and the public schools were closed, and throughout
the central portion of the State the echoes of the Holden-Kirk
war were still resounding, exciting popular clamor and hot indig-
The questions to be dealt with were novel, and of the highest
consequence to the people of the State. The old leaders, the
trained statesmen of the past, had been retired, and the Assembly
was largely composed of young men, junior officers under Jackson
and Lee, whose natural courage had been strengthened and height-
ened by their association with their heroic companions in arms.
But few had had any legislative experience. But what was lack-
ing in experience was supplied by their earnest, sober spirit and
their lofty patriotism.
Mr. Johnston at once commanded the respect of his fellow-
members. His earnestness, no less than his zeal and talents, im-
pressed the entire body. He was equaled by few in attention to
details. Essentially he was a man of business. With a liberal
mind and broad views, he was attentive to the interest of the
whole State, but in particular was he zealous in devising and pro-
moting measures beneficial to western North Carolina. The
mountains never gave birth to a truer son than Thomas D. John-
ston. His legal ability and comprehensive grasp of public mat-
ters found recognition in his appointment to the chairmanship of
the house branch of the committee on constitutional reform, while
he was assigned, also, to the third place in both the judiciary and
finance committees. On both of these he rendered essential ser-
vice, but few members equaling him in indefatigable labor, in
careful analysis, and in thoughtful work. He joined in r exporting
to the house the resolutions impeaching Governor Holden, and
he received the honorable distinction of being one of the seven
members chosen by a vote of the house to conduct the manage-
ment of that great state case. At that time the sessions ran from
November to April of each year ; and during these two long ses-
sions, Mr. Johnston, ever alive to the interests of the people,
transacted a vast amount of public business. Particularly should
it be recalled that the finance committee, of which he was a pains-
taking and laborious member, after reforming the tax laws and
re-establishing the good name of the State, prepared a bill that
passed the house, for the settlement of the state debt, similar to
the act under which the debt was eventually settled; but the
horse bill failed to pass the senate.
Mr. Johnston's service in that notable assembly was so con-
spicuous as to gain him great applause, and at the next election
he was again chosen to the legislature by an increased majority
over Major Marcus Erwin, one of the most popular and brilliant
men, not only within the Republican party, but within the borders
of North Carolina. In 1874 he was again nominated by the
Democracy for the legislature, but private business called him
from politics and he was forced to decline the nomination. In
1876, when a special gloom hung over the railroad interests in the
West and it seemed as if the transmontane section of the State
was forever cut off from commercial intercourse with the outside
world, Johnston was again brought forward and nominated for
senator from the counties of Buncombe and Madison, as the
champion of a policy for the early completion of the Western
North Carolina Railroad; and, as formerly, he made a vigorous
and brilliant campaign for the party and in the interest of the
completion of the Western North Carolina Railroad, insisting that
the State should make appropriations of convicts and of money
for the building of the road, and on that platform was trium-
phantly elected by far the largest majority the district has ever
given to any candidate.
While in the senate he drafted, introduced, and advocated to
its passage the bill which gave to the Western North Carolina
Railroad that aid and impetus which led to its completion, and the
phenomenal development of the entire transmontane section of
the State. In 1882 his law business becoming extensive, he
formed a partnership with the writer of this sketch which re-
sulted in ties of the closest and warmest friendship, ripening as
the years passed into the highest mutual regard and affection, and
continuing until the day of his death.
Having served so well in the Assembly, his friends now desired
to transfer Mr. Johnston to Congress, and in 1884 he was nomi-
nated for Congress by the largest and one of the most intelligent
and representative Democratic conventions that ever assembled
in the district. His campaign was one of the most vigorous and
aggressive ever made in this State, and his election over his oppo-
nent, Hon. Hamilton G. Ewart, was triumphant. His election
was a decisive and important victory for the Democracy, as the
Republican party concentrated all its resource against him to se-
cure his defeat.
Two years later he was renominated by acclamation by a large
and enthusiastic convention, and was again elected over his oppo-
nent, Major W. H. Malone, by an increased majority. In 1888,
he was again renominated by acclamation. But conditions now
were entirely different. Hamilton G. Ewart, who differed in
some particulars of importance with the Republican leaders, was
again a candidate, and circumstances conspired to render him a
very formidable opponent. Besides, the session of Congress was
prolonged far into the fall, and Mr. Johnston, being detained at
Washington, was unable to participate in the work of the cam-
paign. On his return home in October, he saw that the battle
was already lost, and that victory could be obtained only in one
way — ^the expenditure of money among the floating voters of the
district. But not to avert disaster would he consent that a single
dollar should be used to purchase a vote. He preferred the mor-
tification of going down in defeat to sacrificing his moral prin-
ciples in a political contest. His spotless life was unstained by
any moral delinquency. As he foresaw, the election went against
him, although his vote was the "largest he had ever received, and
was several hundred in excess of that given for the popular candi-
date for the presidency, Grover Cleveland.
The congressional career of Mr. Johnston was a most honorable
one. He was faithful to all his duties, able and earnest in advo-
cating the interests of his constituents, irrespective of party in-
fluences; just, impartial, and intelligent, but as a member of the
Democratic party, true to his allegiance to its lofty principles, and
fearless and faithful in his antagonism to what he conceived to
be the detrimental and sectional policy of the opposition. No
man ever had the interests of those whom he represented more
closely to heart, and no man ever pressed to consideration with
more urgent zeal and industry claims or measures entrusted to his
advocacy. The Republican as well as the Democratic suitor for
justice or relief was equally sure of impartial, sympathetic, zealous
labor in his behalf. The pension claimant, the applicant for en-
larged mail facilities, equally with the sufferer under the oppres-
sion of the internal revenue laws, always found in Mr. Johnston
a ready and efficient friend; and to his persistent energy
the people of Asheville and of western North Carolina owe the
legislation which secured to this section a Federal public
Captain Johnston's public career ceased at the expiration of his
congressional term. He subsequently appeared before the public
only on one occasion. Because of some alleged technicality, it
was proposed to repudiate the bonds issued by Buncombe County
in aid of the construction of the Spartansburg and Asheville Rail-
road. He would have profited largely as a taxpayer by extin-
guishing that county obligation; but he scorned the meanness of
such a transaction. He resolutely and vigorously opposed the
breach of faith and urged a strict and honorable discharge of the
But although no longer a candidate for the applause and suf-
frages of the people, his daily life touched the public interests at
many points. In the discharge of his civic and private duties he
gave to the world an example of uprightness, integrity, justice,
and fidelity to duty worthy of the emulation of all men. A man
of business sagacity and inheriting an ample estate, he managed
his affairs with skill and ability, and by judicious investments
greatly increased and multiplied his inheritance. His wealth was
not idle capital, but an instrument for the improvement of his
beloved city, and a number of the most substantial business blocks
of Asheville to-day stand as monuments of his enterprise, taste,
and judgment. A man of large business views, and of restless
energy he became the exponent of the charactertistic enterprise
of his city, which so quickly emerged from the obscurity of a
mountain village into the fame of a metropolis. He rose with
its fortunes, and with its success his name must ever be in-
separably associated.
In 1879 he married Miss Leila Bobo, a daughter of Mr. Simp-
son Bobo, a prominent lawyer of Spartanburg, S. C. There was
never a happier marriage. Throughout their lives they remained
lovers, while the excellence and worth of Mrs. Johnston endeared
her to all who knew her. A key to her life may be found in an
expression she once made use of, "Religion is the simplest thing
in the world." With her it was — ^and she enjoyed without inter-
ruption that "peace that passeth understanding." For some
years before his death Mr. Johnston fell into ill health and was
a great sufferer ; and the unceasing and devoted ministrations of
his faithful wife led to the impairment of her own health. In
March, 1902, she passed away, and on June 22d following, Mr.
Johnston joined her beyond the grave. Both were mourned by a
large circle of devoted kinspeople and friends.
In an address before the Bar of Asheville, Mr. John P. Arthur
after dwelling on his public career, remarked of Mr. Johnston,
that he was ever a loyal friend, and "was a most companionable
man, a good neighbor, a kind and considerate host and a public-
spirited, law-abiding citizen." He was a modest man, and in his
own way he was a charitable man, but he did "not his alms be-
fore men to be seen of them." "He educated more young men
than any other man of whom I have knowledge." "While he was
in Congress he had no less than four young men in college at his
expense, and not a whisper of it was allowed to escape to the
public." "He was a great favorite in that small social circle
which was so delightful in Asheville before Asheville took on the
proportions of a city, and was always the life of any gathering
in which he happened to be. His wit and humor were bright and
sparkling, and many of his bonmots are still remembered and
repeated by those who knew him best. He was the soul of honor
and his word was even better than his bond, which every one
knows was as good as gold." Mr. Johnston left but two chil-
dren : Leila Maie and Sarah Eugenia.
George A. Shuford.
guished as soldier, lawyer, and patriotic citizen
in an eventful period of the State's history, was
born at Como, the residence of his father, near
Salisbury, on November 3, 1837. His parents
were highly cultivated and intellectual. His
father, Hamilton C. Jones, was born in Greenville, Va., in
1798, but was educated at the University of North Carolina,
graduating in 1818 with Bishop Green, Robert Donaldson, Robert
H. Morrison, James K. Polk, and other men of prominence.
Having read law with Judge Gaston, he settled at Salisbury and
entered public life in 1827 as a member from Rowan County, and
served occasionally in the legislature. On the formation of the
Whig party he adhered to the fortunes of Henry Clay, and was
elected solicitor of the Salisbury district in 1840 and re-elected
in 1844. For many years he was reporter of the Supreme
Court decisions and was esteemed as one of the most competent
lawyers of his day. He was likewise a brilliant wit and en-
joyed an unsurpassed reputation as a writer and raconteur.
His story, "Cousin Sallie Dillard," made him famous, while
"McAlpine's Trip to Charleston" and other stories enhanced
his fame.
The mother of Colonel Jones was Eliza Henderson, a daughter
of Major Pleasant Henderson, of Revolutionary fame, and a
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niece of Richard Henderson, who was provincial judge before the
Revolution and the leader in settling Kentucky.
Inheriting from both sides of his family unusual mental en-
dowments, the subject of this sketch had a natural aptitude for
his studies, and was well prepared for college by Professor Ben-
jamin Sumner, near Salisbury. He entered the University in
1854 and graduated in 1858, having studied law while at Chapel
Hill under Judge Battle. Admitted to practice in 1859, he
located at Salisbury, naturally allying himself with his father's
friends, who were opposed to the Democratic party and still called
themselves Whigs.
Bright, well educated, forceful and with manly characteristics,
he at once entered politics and was nominated by his party friends
for the house of commons, but was defeated. In the presiden-
tial election of i860, he warmly advocated the election of Bell and
Everett, making strong appeals for the Union and ardently op-
posing the election of the Democratic candidate, Breckenridge.
But when the crisis of April, 1861, arose, like the other Whigs
of the State, he did not hesitate to take up arms against the North.
He organized a company at Salisbury called the Rowan Rifles,
which was speedily ordered to form a part of the garrison of
Fort Caswell, which had been seized by the Wilmington com-
panies. Upon the organization of the state troops the Rowan
Rifles became Company K of the Fifth regiment, his commission
as captain dating May 16, 1861. The Fifth regiment, under its
brave and brilliant colonel, Duncan K. MacRae, was in the ad-
vance in pursuing the Federal forces from the battlefield of First
Manassas, and upon the advance of McClellan was among the
first to join General Magruder near Yorktown. It participated
in the battle of Williamsburg, where Captain Jones was severely
On the formation of the Fifty-seventh regiment, so high was the
reputation he had won by his early service, that he was Appointed
its lieutenant-colonel, and his subsequent military career was in
connection with that organization. It became attached to Law's
brigade of Hood's division, and its charge at the battle of Freder-
icksburg on the Federal troops who had effected a lodgment in
the railroad cut at Hazel Run is historic. The struggle, which
lasted about twenty-five minutes, was so murderous that 250 of
the Fifty-seventh regiment lay stretched upon the plain, while the
loss of the New Jersey troops, whom it assailed, was much
greater. The Fifty-seventh fought under the eye of General Lee,
and he repaid them with a flattering notice in an order issued the
next day. Engaged in many battles subsequent to this first en-
counter on a field of carnage, the regiment had no greater trial
than befell it upon this threshold of its experience. On Novem-
ber 7, 1863, at Rappahannock River, where the Orange and Alex-
andria Railroad crosses it. General Hoke's brigade, to which the
Fifty-seventh had been transferred, was entirely cut off and a
struggle lasting all day resulted in the capture of nearly all the
brigade. On that occasion Colonel Jones shared the fate of his
comrades, and was imprisoned in the Old Capitol Prison and sub-
sequently, on Johnson's Island in Lake Erie. It was here that
the officers, who were taken prisoners, were, for the most part,
confined. Colonel Jones was exchanged in February, 1865, and
then took command of his regiment as colonel. He found it in
command of Captain Philip Carpenter and very much reduced in
strength. On the morning of March 2Sth, Colonel Jones was
summoned to General Walker's headquarters and was directed to
take two regiments and make an attack on Fort Stedman. He
chose his own regiment and the gallant Sixth, then under the
command of Colonel Samuel McDowell Tate. Fort Stedman
was protected by heavy abatis, but Colonel Jones' force captured
it after a sharp assault; but it could not be held. Colonel Jones
was wounded on this occasion, and was not able to rejoin his
regiment during the remainder of the war.
When peace came, he resumed the practice of the law at Salis-
bury, but in 1867 moved to Charlotte, where he formed a law
partnership with General Robert D. Johnston, which continued
for nearly twenty years. He took a lively interest in whatever
related to the public concerns of his community, and for a short
time he and General Johnston edited a daily newspaper called the
Charlotte News. He was an ardent Democrat, and during the
reconstruction period was very active as a politician. Upon the
death of Judge Osborne in the fall of 1869, he was elected to fill
out his unexpired term as a Democratic senator from Mecklen-
burg County, and he was again elected to the state senate in 1870.
At that election the Democrats obtained possession of both houses
of the legislature, and those sessions were very important in
their results. Colonel Jones found in the Assembly many men
who had served with him in the army, and he at once took a prom-
inent and influential part in the legislative proceedings. That
was one of the most interesting periods in the history of the
State, and Colonel Jones was a wise and resolute actor, leaving
his impress on public affairs and exerting an influence that re-
sulted in great benefits to the people. He was long chairman of
the Democratic executive committee of Mecklenburg County, and
by his conservative management established his party securely in
power in that county. In 1885 Mr. Cleveland appointed him
United States district attorney for the Western district, and for
four years he filled that office with remarkable ability and great
acceptability. In 1873 he married Miss Sophia Convere Myers,
daughter of Colonel William R. Myers, of Charlotte, N. C, and
their union was blessed with six children.
Early in life Colonel Jones had become a communicant of the
Protestant Episcopal Church and held many positions of respon-
sibility in that denomination, being for many years one of the
wardens in the church at Charlotte.
His faculties were of a high order and his reasoning powers
were almost unsurpassed. His literary attainments were excep-
tional and his familiarity with history and with the classics, es-
pecially the more celebrated Latin authors, excited the wonder
and admiration of those who enjoyed the privilege of intimate
association with him. In his home, wrote Mr. Wade Harris, of
the Charlotte Chronicle:
"He was husband, father, counsellor, comrade, and playmate. The
stress and toil of his professional life never marred the acts and asso-
ciations of home. A wonderful gentleness stamped every home
thought and was breathed out in every utterance in the midst of his
loved ones and friends."
Colonel Jones was not merely a fine lawyer and a man of fine
characteristics, but he was exceptional both in his profession and
in social life. It is to be regretted that the circumstances which
have surrounded southern men have debarred so many from
adorning places of high trust and responsibility in the affairs of
their country. Had it been otherwise, Colonel Jones could have
filled high positions with advantage to the people of every section
of the United States.
In August, 1887, Colonel Jones formed a law partnership with
Charles W. Tillett, Esq., which lasted until his death, August 23,
1904. The year before his death the Bar Association of North
Carolina elected him the president of that body, a compliment
richly merited, for he had always been an honor to the profession
and was generally esteemed in those last days of his life as the
best loved lawyer of the State.
No truer nor more beautiful tribute has ever been paid the
memory of Colonel Jones than that of his friend. Judge James C.
MacRae, when, as editor of the North Carolina Journal of Law,
he writes :
"This distinguished lawyer, who, through all his manhood, illus-
trated the virtues of one bred to the profession which, above all
others, makes men for the occasion. iWas deep learning in the law,
was devotion to his client and faith in his cause and ability and cour-
age needed, he was sought and found. Was it in the halls of legisla-
tion, when cool heads and sound judgment and unflinching courage
were called for, he was in his place. And further, was it when human
liberty was in danger, or constitutional rights involved, he was first
among the foremost. We were privileged to witness his absolute
courage in the face of death on the battlefield.
"Again we have seen him an actor in the most important impeach-
ment trial ever had in North Carolina, at a time when high moral
courage was as much required as in the face of the enemy. And we
have been greatly aided by him in the trial of many a cause, as the
wise counsellor and courageous advocate, for it was our experience in
the courts where he practiced law, he was engaged in every important
"In the church of which he was a member and officer, he was hum-
ble and lowly and reverent. In the social circle, among his brethren
and friends, he was without a superior in gentleness and wit and
humor. Everywhere he was a knightly gentleman, full of courtesy
and grace.
"We have emphasized the word courage through it all, because in
all places and at all times it was his; not bravado nor recklessness,
but high-born courage born of a sublime sense of duty."
Charles W. Tillett.
^ MONG the patriots who bore an honorable part
in shaping our State's policy in halls of legis-
lation, and by fighting for her independence on
the field of battle during the war of the Revolu-
tion, was Gideon Lamb, colonel of the Sixth
regiment of North Carolina troops in the Con-
tinental Line, and a citizen of the county of Currituck. This
gentleman was of New England nativity and ancestry, and was
born on February 20, 1740.
The first one of Colonel Lamb's ancestors who settled in
America was Thomas Lamb, who was born in England, came to
New England with the colonists of Governor Winthrop in 1630,
took the oath as a freeman of the colony of Massachusetts Bay
on May 18, 1631, was one of the founders of Roxbury, and died
on January 28, 1646. He was accompanied on his voyage to
America by his first wife, Elizabeth, and his two sons, Thomas
and John. After his arrival another son, Samuel, was born by
his first wife. This first wife having died, he was married on
July 16, 1640 to Dorothy Harbittle. This lady had four children,
and left numerous descendants. Her children were Caleb, Joshua,
Mary, and Abiel Lamb. John Lamb, a son as above mentioned,
of Thomas Lamb's first marriage, was a citizen of Massachusetts,
and died on September 28, 1690, leaving a son, Samuel, born Sep-
tember 28, 1663. One of Samuel's sons was Thomas Lamb,
born on January 31, 1702, who married Sarah Beckwith. He
lived near Springfield, Mass. Selling his land there about the
year 1734 he removed to the vicinity of Salisbury, Conn., where
his sons were born. He later came to Currituck County, N. C.
His sons were Luke, born January 17, 1734; Abner, born 1736;
Isaac, born February, 1738, and Gideon (subject of this sketch),
who, as already stated, was born February 20, 1740. Thomas
La.mb also left several daughters. One of these married General
Isaac Gregory, and another became the wife of Colonel Peter
Dauge. Both General Gregory and Colonel Dauge were officers
in the Revolution.
When the Provincial Convention of North Carolina assembled
in Hillsboro in August, 1775, Gideon Lamb was one of its mem-
bers, representing the county of Currituck. This body, which
continued its session into the following month, elected him a
member of the Committee of Safety for the Edenton district on
September 9th. In the Provincial Congress at Halifax in
April, 1776, he was again a delegate. On April 15th this Hali-
fax congress proceeded to raise additional regiments for the
Continental service. The field officers of the Sixth regiment be-
ing chosen as follows: Alexander Lillington, colonel; William
Taylor, lieutenant-colonel; and Gideon Lamb, major. On De-
cember 31, 1776, Colonel Lillington resigned from the Conti-
nental Line, later becoming brigadier-general of militia, and
Major Lamb became lieutenant-colonel of the Sixth continentals
in March, ITJ^. Shortly thereafter he was promoted to the full
rank of colonel, and as such commanded the Sixth regiment. The
regiments organized in May, 1776 were brigaded at Wilmington
in the summer of that year, and first assigned to the command of
General James Moore and later to that of General Francis Nash.
The brigade remained about Wilmington until November, 1776,
when being ordered to join Washington, it marched to Halifax,
where, however, orders were received to reenforce the troops de-
fending Georgia. On reaching Charleston Colonel Lamb was sta-
tioned at Haddrell's Point, where the brigade remained until
March, 1777, when it was again ordered to the North. Washing-
ton's army was on the Jersey side of Delaware River at Middle-
brook when the North Carolinians joined it. And they were given
"a salutation of thirteen cannons, each fired thirteen times."
Early in July the North Carolinians together with some other
troops were employed in completing the fortifications on the Dela-
ware River.
Colonel Lamb was in nearly all of the battles of that period,
and was one of the North Carolina officers who, on August 14,
1777, signed a protest at Trenton, N. J., against a Pennsylvanian
(Colonel Edward Hand) being promoted to the rank of brigadier-
general and assigned to the command of North Carolina troops
to supply the vacancy by the loss of General James Moore, who
had died April 15, 1777.
In the spring of 1779 Colonel Lamb was at Charlotte on re-
cruiting duty, and rendered valuable services in organizing the
men of General John Butler's brigade of North Carolina militia.
In the following summer he was in eastern North Carolina at
Kingston (now Kinston) endeavoring to procure proper equip-
ment for the troops which had been enlisted.
As the North Carolina Continental troops had been terribly
reduced by battle and disease, and as the greater part of their
number were captives in Charleston, the Continental regiments of
the state were rearranged in January, 1781, and quite a number
of officers, including Colonel Lamb, were placed on waiting orders
on half pay. The officers so mustered out, however, did not re-
main idle, but made use of their military experience by training
the state troops and militia as far as permitted to do so. About
this time Colonel Lamb's health began to break down, but he
determined to remain in the field as long as able. On May 28,
1781, he wrote from Edenton to General Sumner : "This is the
first time I have been able to ride any distance, having come here
this morning." On the 22d of the following July he wrote Sum-
ner from the home of Colonel Philemon Hawkins in Warren
County, saying:
"I have with much diiBculty and no small expense come on this far
tolerably well equipped in order to take the field, expecting to have the
command of a regiment. I should think it certainly kind of you to inform
me by a line as soon as convenient the nature of my present station, re-
specting the army, in consequence of my being reduced by the arrangement
of last January, and whether I am liable to be called on duty at any time
shortly or not, for it is not only expensive and very disagreeable, but a
great disadvantage, to me to remain under my present situation. It seems
to be neither in the service nor out of it, and puts it quite out of my power
to attend to public or private business." In deep perplexity. Colonel Lamb
adds : "Pray, let me know who, what, and where I am."
Shortly after the above letter was written an attack of fever
proved too much for the war-worn frame of Colonel Lamb, and
he died on November 8, 1781. The maiden name of his wife
was Mary Burgess. His son, Lieutenant Abner Lamb (also a
Continental officer), wrote General Sumner an account of this
event on December 15th, saying:
"As my father is just dead, it is with greatest regret imaginable I have
to inform your Honor that if my wound would permit (which I am afraid
it will not for some time) 'twill not be in my power to join you perhaps
for eight or ten months. Having been appointed by my father's will an
executor of his estate, which is in some confusion, that may detain me
longer than I expect. He was confined to his room five months by bilious
fever, which carried him off this unhappy stage of life, on November 8th
last, to (I hope) some of those celestial and blessed abodes filled with
all those pleasing and delightful scenes that tend to immortal happiness,
prepared for the reception of true patriots."
Lieutenant Abner Lamb was a young boy when the war was in
its early stages, Colonel Gideon Lamb then referring to him as
"my little son." But the youthful patriot soon found his way into
the Continental army. In the spring of 1781 his father wrote
from Edenton: "Abner Lamb is here on duty as a cadet in the
Second regiment, and is the eldest cadet in the line of the State."
On June i, 1781, Abner Lamb was commissioned lieutenant in
the First North Carolina Continental regiment. A few months
later (September 8th) he fought with distinguished bravery at the
battle of Eutaw Springs, and was badly wounded in that action.
He died unmarried.
Marshall DeLancey Haywood.
of. the Seventeenth North Carolina regi-
ment in the Confederate army, who fell fighting
for southern independence in the war be-
tween the states, was born in Camden County,
N. C, December 21, 1836. He was of the same
family as Colonel Gideon Lamb, of the Sixth North Carolina
Continental regiment, whose history is set forth in the preceding
sketch. Luke Lamb, eldest brother of Colonel Gideon Lamb of
the Revolution, had a son also named Gideon, who married his
cousin, Mary Lamb, and was a state senator in 1810, repre-
senting the district which embraced the counties of Camden and
Currituck. A son of the last named was Wilson G. Lamb, who
married Eliza Williams, and among whose children were our
present subject and Wilson G. Lamb, the younger, elsewhere
mentioned in this work.
John C. Lamb was educated at the academy in Elizabeth City.
Upon attaining manhood he settled at the town of Williamston,
in Martin County, and there engaged in merchandising and the
West India trade, exporting shingles, staves, and tar, and import-
ing sugar, molasses and salt. Several of his vessels were cap-
tured by the Federals during the earlier part of the war.
Mr. Lamb stood loyally by his State when North Carolina se-
ceded in 1861 ; and on May 10, 1861, ten days before the ordi-
nance of secession was passed at Raleigh, he was commissioned
captain of the first company raised in Martin County, this later
becoming Company A, Seventeenth North Carolina regiment. On
May 20th (the same day on which the State seceded) he em-
barked at Williamston for Hatteras Inlet, where his company was
assigned to Fort Clark. The artillery at Fort Clark and Fort
Hatteras was so inferior that, when attacked by Commodore
Stringham's fleet, the besieged were at the mercy of the Federals,
and both forts surrendered. Thus becoming a prisoner of war
on August 28, 1 86 1, Captain Lamb was sent to Fort Warren in
Boston Harbor, and there was held for some months. In a
letter from that place, dated December 23, 1861, and addressed
to the Hon. W. N. H. Smith, of the Confederate Congress, Lieu-
tenant-Colonel Henry A. Gilliam wrote :
"Our men have suffered greatly from disease. They have encountered
measles, typhoid pneumonia, bilious fever, mumps, and finally smallpox, of
which latter plague twenty have been the victims. The sick, old, and in-
firm have, however, been sent home. We now have near four hundred
men. The fall has been unusually mild and not much uncomfortable until
within a few days. It is now snowing and sleeting, and promises to settle
with us for past favors."
Later on in the above letter to Congressman Smith, Colonel
Gilliam mentions Captain Lamb as one of his fellow-prisoners,
saying: "Your very ardent friend. Captain Lamb, of Martin,
sends his special regards."
After his exchange, the Seventeenth regiment was reorganized,
and Captain Lamb became lieutenant-colonel on May 16, 1862.
He commanded the force which made the first attack on Plym-
outh, and captured the town, on December 10, 1862, without
the loss of a single Confederate, though several were wounded.
In an official report of this exploit, written two days later. General
Samuel G. French said:
"Plymouth, N. C, was attacked by our forces under Lieutenant-Colonel
John C. Lamb, of the Seventeenth North Carolina regiment, and captured
on the loth inst. at S a.m. The enemy's loss severe ; twenty-five prisoners
and seventy-five negroes taken. Town reduced to ashes. We had one
captain and six men wounded; none killed. The gunboat protecting the
town was driven away disabled."
Lieutenant-Colonel Lamb commanded the Seventeenth regi-
ment in the brilliant victory at Newport Barracks, near More-
head, where his regiment turned the enemy's flank and captured
all the artillery and forts, driving them across Newport River to
Morehead, in February, 1864. The regiment was then ordered
to Virginia, being part of Martin's brigade. After several days
of severe fighting, an assault was ordered by General Beauregard
on Butler's entrenched line near Drewry's Bluff. It was there
that Colonel Lamb lost his life. In an account published
in Clark's "North Carolina Regiments, 1861-65," Captain Charles
G. Elliott says:
"Lieutenant- Colonel John C. Lamb, of Williamston, N. C, Seventeenth
North Carolina, sprang on the breastworks, cheering his men, and fell
mortally wounded, a most gallant, able, and efficient officer, cut off in the
flower of his youth. He fell with the shouts of victory from his beloved
men resounding in his ears."
In the above work, vol. ii, page i, will be found a war-time
portrait of Colonel Lamb.
The death of Colonel Lamb occurred on May 27, 1864. He
was never married. In religion he was an Episcopalian, and was
a vestryman of the Church of the Advent at Williamston. He
regularly attended the diocesan conventions of the church in
North Carolina as a delegate from his parish. He was a gallant
soldier, good citizen, and zealous churchman. Had his life been
spared he would doubtless have attained an even more dis-
tinguished place in the military annals of the Confederacy.
Marshall DeLancey Haywood.
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jILSON GRAY LAMB, of Williamston, in the
county of Martin, was born on November 17,
1842, at Elizabeth City, in Pasquotank County,
and belongs to a family which has been seated
in North Carolina since the days of royal rule,
though New England was its first abiding place
in America. A former sketch in this work has been devoted to
the distinguished Revolutionary career of Colonel Gideon Lamb,
of the Sixth North Carolina Continental regiment, with incidental
mention of his ancestry and the record of his no less patriotic son,
Lieutenant Abner Lamb, another soldier in the war for indepen-
dence. The eldest brother of Colonel Gideon Lamb was Luke
Lamb, who was the father of another Gideon Lamb, a planter.
The latter represented Camden County in the state senate of 1810.
This Gideon Lamb, the younger, married his cousin, Mary Lamb,
a daughter of William Lamb, and granddaughter of Colonel
Gideon Lamb, and through this female line our present subject,
Wilson G. Lamb, is lineajly descended from Colonel Gideon
Lamb aside from his collateral relationship with him paternally.
Wilson G. Lamb, Senior, father of our present subject, lived
both in Pasquotank and Martin counties, and for many years held
the office of register of deeds of Pasquotank. He married Eliza
Williams, and (in addition to five daughters) left four sons :
John Calhoun Lamb, lieutenant-colonel in the Confederate
army, who was killed at Drewry's Bluif ; Wilson Gray Lamb,
also a Confederate officer, to whom this sketch will more par-
ticularly relate; Gideon Lamb, and G. Charles Lamb.
The earlier days of our present subject, Wilson G. Lamb, the
younger, were spent in Elizabeth City, where he attended a
school conducted by the Rev. Edward M. Forbes, rector of the
village church and an educator of some note. At that time the
congressman from the First North Carolina district was Hon.
W. N. H. Smith (afterward Confederate congressman and still
later chief justice), and this gentleman tendered young Lamb the
appointment as cadet in the United States Naval Academy at
Annapolis. This appointment was accepted, and the youthful as-
pirant for naval honors successfully passed his entrance exami-
nation, but was not enrolled; for about this time hostilities be-
tween the sections were beginning and he was summoned home
by his father, who, like all of his family, was a loyal South-
erner. On March 21, 1862, Wilson G. Lamb enlisted as a private
in Company A, Seventeenth North Carolina regiment, this com-
pany having for its captain his brother, John C. Lamb (noticed
elsewhere in this work). The Seventeenth regiment was at first
designated the Seventh volunteers. The greater part of this com-
mand was captured at Hatteras Inlet in August, 1861, but Mr.
Lamb did not enlist until the spring of 1862, when it was reorgan-
ized and became the Seventeenth North Carolina regiment. Later
he became sergeant-major, and was promoted to the rank of
second lieutenant in 1863. During a great part of the war he also
acted as regimental adjutant, though he was never commissioned
to that post. He bore a share in the achievements of the Seven-
teenth regiment (which was a part of the Martin-Kir kland
brigade) and his personal bravery won special commendation on
more than one occasion. He commanded the skirmish line of his
brigade in the early battles around Petersburg in 1864, when Gen-
eral Beauregard, with only fifteen thousand men, defended that
city against Grant's army of seventy thousand for four days,
from June 15th to June i8th, inclusive, and until General Lee
brought up reenforcements. On the date last mentioned (June 18,
1864), Lieutenant Lamb was wounded; and, as a consequence,
was absent from his regiment for a short while, but returned to
the front before he had fully recovered. Shortly after his re-
turn to the army he was made division provost-marshal and per-
formed the duties of that post for several months. In December,
1864, when his division was ordered to Wilmington, N. C, he
had so far recovered his strength as to resume his duties as adju-
tant of the Seventeenth regiment. He participated in the engage-
ments around Wilmington, which ended with the evacuation of
that city on February 22, 1865, after the fall of Fort Fisher.
Under the command of Captain Charles G. Elliott he served in
the forces which repulsed the Federals on North East River. Al-
luding to this occasion in Clark's "Histories of the North Caro-
lina Regiments, 1861-65," Vol. IV, page 543, Captain Elliott
says I
•'I remember Lieutenant Wilson G. Lamb, with one of the companies of
the Seventeenth, as displaying coolness and conspicuous bravery."
The above manoeuvers around Wilmington were soon after
Fort Fisher, in that vicinity, had been captured; and the Con-
federates, being unable longer to defend the town, were ordered
to proceed toward New Bern by way of Goldsboro and Kinston.
At Kinston some sharp fighting occurred with the Federal forces
of General Jacob D. Cox (in later years governor of Ohio and a
member of the President's cabinet), who then commanded at
New Bern. Speaking of the affair at Kinston, Captain Elliott, in
the above quoted work (page 545), says :
"The brigade made a charge through the woods, which were very thick,
with great spirit, and drove the skirmishers before them. We encountered
a brisk fire of musketry and artillery. As I heard a battery to our right
and rear, I changed the direction of the Seventeenth and told them if they
would push on they could turn and capture that battery. They sprang
forward with a cheer. I was riding on the extreme left, and remember
Captain Daniel and Lieutenant Wilson G. Lamb waving their swords and
urging on the men."
After the battle of Bentonville, in which Lieutenant Lamb and
his regiment participated, he was in Johnston's army on the re-
treat before Sherman, and surrendered at Center Church In
Randolph County. Be'ing determined to save the flag of his regi-
ment from capture, Lieutenant Lamb placed it in the custody of
private Abel Thomas, who concealed it by using it as a saddle-
blanket. Thus Thomas rode through Sherman's forces at Chapel
Hill while returning with Lieutenant Lamb to Martin County af-
ter the surrender of his regiment. This sacred relic is still in
the possession of Mr. Lamb, who has had it placed for protection
in a handsome frame ; and it now occupies a conspicuous place in
the hallway of his home in Williamston. Needless to say, it
is valued by him above price.
A war-time picture of Lieutenant Lamb will be found in the
above quoted "Histories of the North Carolina Regiments," vol.
ii, page i.
Shortly after the war, Mr. Lamb engaged in business as a mer-
chant, and was also interested in the lumber industry. Later he
became connectted with the wholesale establishment of Daniel
Miller & Company, of Baltimore, and has been the chief North
Carolina representative of this mercantile corporation for many
years, meeting with marked success in a business way.
It is doubtful if any man has ever lived in North Carolina who
has been more active and influential in politics without seeking or
accepting office. Numerous appointments he has declined, prefer-
ring to devote his time to the business pursuits in which he has
engaged. He has never, however, refused his counsel and aid
to the Democratic party, and has been one of its most trusted
leaders in many campaigns. Three times he has represented
North Carolina in Democratic national conventions, and for many
years has been a member of the State Democratic Executive Com-
mittee, also serving on the Central Committee in the latter body.
For some years past he has been chairman of the State Board of
Elections. In the latter capacity his absolute and undeviating
fairness to both parties has been a marked characteristic. He
has been officially thanked by two successive chairmen of the
Republican State Executive Committee for the justice which has
characterized his dealings with his political opponents on the
Board and for his open recognition of the rights of those who
diifer with him in governmental policies.
Mr. Lamb is an Episcopalian in religion, a vestryman, and
senior warden of the Church of the Advent at Williamston. He
has not only represented his parish in many diocesan conventions,
but has been a delegate from the diocese of East Carolina in
several general conventions of the church. He is also a mason,
and past master of Skewarkey Lodge No. 90, at Williamston.
He is -a member of John C. Lamb Camp, No. 845, United Con-
federate Veterans, this camp being named in honor of his
brother who was killed at Drewry's Bluif. On one occasion in
recent years he was one of three Confederate veterans from
North Carolina who went to Boston as guests of honor of the
Grand Army of the Republic, composed of their former oppo-
nents on the field of battle; and while there was the recipient of
that hospitality for which New England's metropolis is noted.
An account of Mr. Lamb's life would be far from complete
without some mention of the splendid manner with which he has
administered the affairs of the North Carolina Society of the Cin-
cinnati, having been president of this organization ever since its
revival in 1896. The Order of the Cincinnati, as is well known,
was first organized by veteran officers of the Revolution at New-
burgh-on-the-Hudson, with George Washington as president of
the general society. Shortly thereafter separate branches were
formed in all of the thirteen states, the North Carolina society
being organized at Hillsborough on October 23, 1783. Colonel
Gideon Lamb was not one of the organizers of the society, hav-
ing died a few years previously during the progress of the war ;
but his son. Lieutenant Abner Lamb, who had also fought for in-
dependence as an officer of the Continental Line, was one of those
who aided in forming the organization in North Carolina. After
an existence of about fifteen years, the North Carolina Society
became dormant — this being largely due to two causes : the diffi-
culty of travel in that day, when some members had to ride more
than a hundred miles on horseback to attend meetings, and the
further fact that many Continental officers had moved across the
Blue Ridge and settled on western lands which had been granted
them for their services in the war. During the dormancy of the
order in North Carolina, several gentlemen who held the right
to membership in that society were admitted into other state
societies, among these being Professor Edward Graham Daves,
of Maryland. This gentleman, and his brother. Major Graham
Daves (afterward an honorary member of the North Carolina
society), were the first to make investigations into the old records
of the society with a view to its revival, but Professor Daves
died in 1894. The first meeting for the purpose of reorganizing
the North Carolina branch of the organization took place at Ral-
eigh April 4, 1896, when there were present, in person or by
proxy, the following representatives of original members of the
society: John Gray Blount, John Myers Blount, John Collins
Daves, Richard Bradley Hill, Wilson Gray Lamb, James Iredell
McRee, William Law Murfree, William Polk, William Johnson
Saunders, and Lee Haywood Yarborough. The General As-
sembly of North Carolina on February 16, 1899, by chapter 70
of the private laws of that year, constituted the society a cor-
porate body, with the above-named gentlemen as incorporators,
excepting Mr. Polk, who had died shortly theretofore. When
the reorganization of the North Carolina Society was authorized
by the General Society, it was stipulated that members of the
body when first revived should be representatives of original
members of the Society. For this reason Mr. Lamb (being the
primogenitive representative of both) had to base his eligibility
on the services of Lieutenant Abner Lamb instead of Colonel
Gideon Lamb. At a later period, the state society authorized him
to assume the right of Colonel Gideon Lamb, who had died in
the service ; and Laurence Lamb, of Tennessee, was then elected
through the right of Lieutenant Abner Lamb.
As already stated, Wilson G. Lamb has been president of the
North Carolina society of the Cincinnati ever since it was first
reorganized, in 1896, and a more admirable presiding officer could
not have been chosen. Tactful always, possessing executive abil-
ity of a very high order and a thorough knowledge of parliamen-
tary law, his services have been of the highest value not only in
the affairs of the state society, but as one of the delegates from
North Carolina to the conventions of the general society.
On June 7, 1870, Mr. Lamb was happily united in marriage
with Miss Virginia Louisa Gotten, daughter of Arthur Staton
Gotten. To this union have been born three sons and five daugh-
ters, as follows : John Gotten Lamb, who married Frances Mac-
Rae, a daughter of Judge James G. MacRae ; Wilson Gray Lamb,
Jr. ; Luke Lamb ; Virginia Gotten Lamb, who married Frederick
F. Bullock; Delia Lamb, now deceased, who married Howard
Herrick; Louise Mayo Lamb; Eliza Williams Lamb, who mar-
ried Dr. Gharles H. G. Mills; and Annie Staton Lamb.
Happily for his family and friends, and fortunately for the
many good works which still characterize his life, Mr. Lamb's
maturer years have been blessed with the same measure of
health which he enjoyed in his more youthful days, this no doubt
being largely due to his temperate habits and absolute freedom
from excesses of any kind.
Having known Mr. Lamb for some years — having been inti-
mately associated with him at times, and knowing the estimate
placed upon him by those whose acquaintance has extended
throughout a lifetime — ^the present writer could not, without of-
fense to that gentleman's modesty, endeavor to tell in full of the
good influence in all things which he has exerted, of his never-
tiring interest in the welfare of others, and that boundless char-
ity for the faults and frailties of mankind which his own blame-
less life will never have cause to invoke in its own behalf.
Marshall DeLancey Haywood.
[HE subject of this sketch. Rev. Alexander D.
McClure, was born in Lewisburg, Marshall
County, Tenn., July 9, 1850, his parents being
Robert G. McClure, M.D., and Mary Elizabeth
Ewing, his father during the war between the
States being lieutenant-colonel of the Forty-first
Tennessee regiment, C. S. A., and subsequently the clerk and
commissioner of the chancery court of Marshall County. His
father was directly descended from the Scottish clan of McLeod,
sept MacClure, and his mother came in lineage from the Ewings,
who settled in Rockbridge County, Va., in 1740, and from the
family of Leeper.
For four years, between the ages of eleven and fifteen. Dr.
McClure's educational advantages were restricted, because of the
presence of war, and for several years after the close of hostilities
his intellectual advancement was greatly retarded by the limited
individual resources of the reconstruction period.
Alternating between farm labor and school attendance, he pre-
pared himself for an academic course at Princeton College,
whence he was graduated, receiving the degree of A.M. in 1874,
and then entered the theological department, where he remained
until 1879.
He is endowed by nature with a tender and sympathetic heart,
which was expanded by pious parental guidance and concentrated
upon the meaning of the cross of Jesus Christ by consecrated
devotion, with nothing of the pious demagogue about him, but
singularly accessible by sweetness and frankness of demeanor,
equipped for his holy mission in the splendid curriculum of
Princeton, "seeking not his own" but the welfare of all for whom
•Christ died, who were within the reach of his godly intelligence
and loving ministration.
He entered first upon his Master's work at Oxford, Miss.,
where he built a new church and was abundantly blessed in his
ministrations to the students of the university of that State. From
thence he was called to the church in Bardstown, Ky., but follow-
ing his missionary impulses he left that pleasant charge to move
to Louisville, Ky. There he laid the foundation of the Highland
Church, which he organized with a membership of twenty-two.
Under his pastoral guidance and mstruction that church grew most
marvelously upon the sure foundation which he laid. It now has
a communicant list of nearly 700 with two missions and Sunday-
school of 350 scholars. The Maryland Avenue Church, of Balti-
more, wanting a pastor who would make sure their attempt to
become permanent and self-supporting, and assured of the qualifi-
cations of Dr. McClure's building upon no foundation but "Jesus
Christ and Him crucified," summoned him to be their spiritual
guide ; and here he effected the organization of the agencies which
have enabled his successor to develop, under God, a largely in-
creased congregation and to remodel the church. In the spring
of 1891, upon the recommendation of a committee who had si-
lently gone to Baltimore, heard him preach, and quietly informed
themselves of his godly influence and ability, the congregation of
St. Andrew's Church (formerly the Second Presbyterian Church)
of Wilmington, N. C, unanimously called him to be their pastor.
He accepted this call and entered upon his duties in July of that
The fifteen years which have elapsed since that date have been
marked by a most extraordinary growth in the membership of St.
Andrew's Church, evidenced not only by numerical increase, but
by the development of a spiritual life which has found its real ex-
pression through all those channels of dominating impulse, char-
itable performance, spiritual unity and earnestness, and broad
Christian influence, which uniformly characterize a spiritualized
leadership. A peculiar adaptation of Dr. McClure's temperament
and purity of consecration to the needs of the young, who require
singular encouragement and direction, has realized its fruit in.
the extremely large increase in this class of communicants to his
Universal in his attentions, loving in his ministrations. Christ-
like in his teachings, the poor hail his presence with joy, the sor-
rowing with comfort, the wavering with assurance, and the un-
believing with a more than simulated confidence, all of which are
the living testimonies to his worth, his sincerity, and his self-de-
nial. His name in Wilmington is synonymous with everything
that is helpful to the individual and conducive to the cause of
genuine Christian living. His influence is recognized by all of
every creed and color, pointing always to the simple and benign
and forgiving impulse of the Cross ; firm in his own convictions,
faithful to his denominational allegiance, and true to his godly
instincts of what a minister of Jesus Christ ought to be, he stands
to-day in the community of Wilmington as an excellent example
of the winsomeness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and of the
beauty of an unaffected discipleship.
All along his ministerial career the Presbyterian Church has
recognized his ability and usefulness, attested by his appointment
in 1884 as delegate to the Pan-Presbyterian Alliance at Belfast,
Ireland ; by being made a member of the General Assembly's com-
mittee to prepare the church hymn book ; by prominent places in
the general assemblies of 1887, 1893, and 1903, and as moderator
of the synod of 1896.
In state presbyterial connection he has made his mark on the
board of foreign missions, in important judicial cases, as asso-
ciate editor of the North Carolina Presbyterian for four years,
in connection with the educational branches of his presbytery, and
in other important places.
Locally his services are most abundant : as an influential mem-
ber of various secret charitable orders; as chaplain of the Sea-
man's Bethel ; as leader of the Bible class of the Y. M. C. A. ; as
chaplain of the Second regiment, N. C. S. G., and as the most
prominent and regular ministrant in the James Walker Memorial
Hospital ; as president of the Associated Charities, and as identi-
fied effectually with every movement in Wilmington in the better-
ment of the socialistic conditions and the advancement of true
religion. He is the author of a most helpful little book entitled
"Another Comforter."
As preacher he is most impressive, instructive, and convinc-
ing; as a pastor, incomparable. In 1901 Davidson College be-
stowed upon him the degree of D.D. Recently Dr. McClure was
called to the church at Shelbyville, Tenn., which call, after prayer-
ful consideration, he declined in view of the earnest appeal of all
classes in the community. At a recent annual congregational meet-
ing of St. Andrew's Church, the folowing minute was unani-
mously agreed to :
"The elders of this church desire to place on record a cordial ex-
pression of their high appreciation of the faithfulness of our efficient
and devoted pastor, Rev. A. D. McClure, D.D. His unswerving fidelity
to the cause of Christ and His Church, his clear and forcible presenta-
tion of the truth, his constant watchfulness and solicitude for the sick
and suffering, his tender and loving sympathy with the bereaved and
sorrowing, his impartial and unprejudiced intercourse with all classes
of our people, his patience and forbearance under all circumstances,
and his tender care of the flock committed to his charge, have won for
him the love and sympathy and cooperation of our entire congrega-
" 'Whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, what-
soever things are of good report,' these have been exemplified in his
life and character, and in his walk and conversation among us. He has
watched for souls as they who must give an account, and our church
has been signally blessed of God under his ministrations."
James Carmichael.
FLORA McDonald
[r is with eminent propriety that Flora McDon-
ald may claim a place in work devoted to the
history of North Carolina. Four or five years
1 of her life, so rich in strange scenes and moving
incidents, were passed within the boundaries of
the State, 1774-79, at Fayetteville, and not far
away from the ancient town, at Cameron's Hill, in the Barbecue
district of Cumberland County.
The subject of our sketch was born in 1722, and was the daugh-
ter of Angus Ronald McDonald, a farmer, whose home was at
Milton, in South Uist, one of the Hebrides. Her mother was
Marion McDonald, daughter of the Rev. Angus McDonald, a
minister of the Scottish church. Our heroine lost her father in in-
fancy, and at the early age of six her mother was abducted and
married by Hugh McDonald. Flora was left to the care of her
brother until she attained her thirteenth year, and was then taken
into the home of the Clanrandals, to whom she was related, to be
taught by the family governess. Her musical gifts were rare, and
were cultivated in accordance with the purest standards that pre-
vailed in the Scotland of that era. She excelled as a performer on
the spinet, and in her rendering of the soul-stirring airs which were
the inspiration of the Highlanders. In 1739 Flora was invited to
Monkstadt in Skye by Margaret, wife of Sir Alexander Mc-
Donald, of the Isles. Soon after she went with the family to
FLORA McDonald 293
Edinburgh to complete her education, and at the end of her school
course, remained with them in the metropolis until 1745, returning
to Skye for the summer of that year.
During a visit of Flora's to her relatives in South Uist, one of
the Hebrides, Charles Edward, the "Bonnie Prince" and younger
pretender, reached the island after his disastrous rout at the battle
of Culloden, April 16, 1746. He had been hunted from point to
point and a liberal reward was offered for his capture. In this
desperate exigency, when escape seemed hopeless, it was suggested
that the prince be disguised in apparel and leave the island with
Flora in the capacity of a waiting-maid. Despite the unrelenting
vigilance of the prince's pursuers, who guarded every point, the
perilous scheme was carried out to a successful issue, and the heir
of the house of Stuart, after many thrilling experiences, made his
way to France, and thence to Italy, where he died near Rome in
1788. A woman's tact and cleverness had vanquished all ob-
stacles and baffled the resources of a victorious government.
Flora's own stepfather, Captain Hugh McDonald, one of the
ofificers engaged in the pursuit, issued the passports which made
the escape of her party from the island possible of accomplish-
ment. It is supposed by some biographers that he connived at, if
he did not even sympathize with. Flora's astute and ingenious de-
vice. The government was naturally incensed at the escape of the
prince from its very hands. Flora was taken into custody and
sent with other so-called conspirators to London. Her imprison-
ment seems to have been for the most part nominal — no evidence
against her was produced and she was released in accordance with
the Act of Indemnity in 1747. That her personal sympathies
were strongly enlisted in favor of the house of Stuart, admits of
no reasonable doubt. When she was asked by Frederick, Prince
of Wales, "How dare you succor the enemy of my crown and king-
dom?" her reply was, "I did only what I would do for your High-
ness in the same condition — relieved distress." Upon her return
to Scotland she was received with every demonstration of honor
and respect. Four years after her return to her own land she
married Allan McDonald, son of the Laird of Kingsburgh, who
inherited his father's estate as well as his title. In this way she
became the mistress of the same historic house in which Prince
Charlie passed his first night in the Isle of Skye, June 29, 1746,
after his escape from Uist.
In 1773 Dr. Samuel Johnson made his tour of the Hebrides, im-
mortalized in Boswell's incomparable biography. The doctor and
his historian were the guests of Flora McDonald, and were es-
pecially gratified at being put to sleep in the same bed which had
been occupied by the prince during the memorable night that he
passed upon the island. This time Flora and her husband were
contemplating a removal to North Carolina. The distracted con-
dition of their own country, financial exigency, and encouraging
reports of prosperity received from friends who had established
themselves upon the Cape Fear River, all induced their removal.
Early in the year 1771 Alexander McDonald, of Skye, and as-
sociates petitioned the king to grant them 40,000 acres of land
in North Carolina, to be settled by Protestants. Their petition a
year later was rejected because it was thought that the government
ought to discourage the removal of any more persons from Great
Britain to America. (Colonial Records, vol. ix., p. 304.) Never-
theless, the McDonalds came to Carolina, sailing from Scotland
on the ship Baliol in 1774. When they arrived at Wilmington, a
ball was given there in honor of Flora, and at Cross Creek she re-
ceived a Highland welcome, being greeted with the strains of the
pibroch and martial music. For a year or so she resided at Cam-
eron Hill, in Cumberland, and at Cross Creek. The stone founda-
tion of the house which she occupied at Fayetteville is still in
existence. It rises "from the creek which formerly gave its name
to the town, by Eccles Bridge, one of the ancient landmarks of
Fayetteville. The change to North Carolina opened up a new
chapter of disasters in the history of the McDonalds. It oc-
curred upon the eve of the revolutionary struggle, and the High-
landers, who had resolutely adhered to the ill-starred house of
Stuart until its extinction at Culloden (1746) had transferred
their allegiance to the cause of England, now linked with the for-
tunes of the dominant house of Hanover.
FLORA Mcdonald 295
Early in January, 1776, her husband purchased a tract of land,
then in Anson County, now on the borders of Richmond and
Montgomery, called "Killiegray," and removed there. Her hus-
band, Allan, received a commission in January, 1776, to raise the
Highland Loyalists, and Flora was so zealous and enthusiastic in
that cause, that she accompanied her husband on horseback, arous-
ing the Highlanders to the king's standard. Her daughter mar-
ried Colonel Alexander McLeod, also engaged in embodying the
Flora's husband, Kingsburgh McDonald, was captured at the
battle of Moore's Creek, February 27, 1776, which proved another
CuUoden for the cause of the Highlanders, and was imprisoned
in Halifax jail. In accordance with his advice. Flora returned to
Scotland in 1779, making her home with her brother until re-
joined by her husband. A notable incident of the voyage was an
encounter with a French ship of war. During the progress of the
engagement Flora displayed her characteristic fearlessness and in-
spired the crowd by heroic example. The attack was repulsed,
but Flora received a severe injury from an accident which resulted
in a broken arm. It was this experience which elicited her com-
ment, "I have hazarded my life for the house of Stuart and the
house of Hanover, and I do not see that I am a great gainer by
Flora died at Kingsburgh, March 5, 1790, and was followed to
her grave in Bilmuir Cemetery by an immense concourse of loyal
and loving countr3Tnen. The sheets which the prince had lain on
the memorable night of June 29, 1746 formed her shroud. The
marble slab which covered her grave was chipped to pieces by relic
hunters, but at a later time an obelisk was erected to mark the
place of her rest.
The best known portrait of Flora McDonald is by Sir Allen
Ramsay, and is in the galleries of the Bodleian Library in Oxford.
It is noteworthy that she invariably signs herself, "Flory Mac-
Our heroine was the mother of a large family. Three of her
sons devoted themselves to the military and naval service. Two
of her children are said to have died in infancy during her resi-
dence in North Carolina.
Many of the distinctive features of the typical southern woman
are foreshadowed in the life and character of Flora McDonald —
grace of manner, comeliness, softness and gentleness of voice,
serenity in the hour of supreme peril, resourcefulness that failed
not in any extremity of fortune, sweetness and light that never
vanished into gloom, or faded even into momentary eclipse.
Henry E. Shepherd.
EPHRAiM McDowell
fPHRAIM McDowell was the founder of the
, McDowell family of Virginia, North Carolina,
I and Kentucky. He was descended from Som-
i eril, Lord of the Isles, through his son Dougal,
who founded the clan of McDougal, one of the
oldest of the fifty-two Highland clans proper.
In the coat-of-arms of the McDougals and McDowells is quar-
tered the lymphiad or ancient four-oared galley found in the
armorial bearings of the clans of the western coast of Scotland.
Ephraim, like his ancestors, was a brave soldier, and fought
when a lad of sixteen in the celebrated siege of Londonderry
(1689). He married his cousin, Margaret Irvine, also of direct
Scotch descent. (See letter from Dr. Hervey McDowell, of Ken-
Ephraim when sixty-two years of age emigrated to .America,
settling first in Pennsylvania; in 1737 he came up the Valley of
Virginia to Rockbridge County. He had four children: John,
James, Mary, and Margaret.
John, though a young man, was the leading citizen of Rock-
bridge County, was chosen captain of a company of border militia,
and was the first citizen of that county to fall in a fight with the
Indians. He left four children. His daughter, Margaret Mc-
Dowell, married George Moffitt, later a distinguished colonel in
the war for independence, and whose two beautiful and accom-
plished daughters, Margaret and Mary, after independence was
gained, married their cousins. Colonel Joseph McDowell (after
the war brigadier-general of militia), of Quaker Meadows, and
Captain Joseph McDowell, of Pleasant Garden. Captain Joseph
McDowell, St., the founder of the Quaker Meadows home, was the
son of John McDowell, and a grandson of Captain John Mc-
Dowell, who was killed by the Indians. He died in 1775 in his
sixtieth year, having been born in 171 5. The record upon the
slab erected to his memory still bears his name and age, though a
part of the inscription on it is indistinct. Colonel Wheeler was
mistaken in the statement that the first settler at Quaker Meadows
was John McDowell, and led the writer into error when writing
the chapter on Burke County in "Western North Carolina."
(These facts are gathered from Foote's "Sketches of Virginia,"
and from a letter from the late Dr. Hervey McDowell, of Cyn-
thiana, Ky., who presided over the first Scotch-Irish convention,
and who, before his death, accumulated more information about
the McDowell family than any other person of the name has ever
No one seems to know the maiden name of the wife of this
Captain Joseph McDowell, and there seems to be no record of
the names of their children. The writer has evidence that one
of his daughters, probably the oldest, whose name he does not
know, married William McPeters, who was the first owner
of the old Rutherford home at Bridgewater, and whose daughter
married Shadrach Inman. When McDowell and Shelby were be-
ing hotly pursued, after the fight at Musgrove's Mill, he suggested
the stratagem adopted by them of constructing hurried log breast-
works, of sending Inman to skirmish with the advance of the
enemy, and then suddenly to flee in apparent confusion, in the
vicinity of the breastworks. The stratagem succeeded, the enemy
pursuing in disorderly fashion, and running almost upon the
breastworks, when they received a heavy fire from Shelby's and
McDowell's men from which they never rallied. This Captain
Inman gave the name of Shadrach to a little creek which empties
into the Catawba River near the Burke and McDowell County line.
EPHRAiM McDowell 299
He was one of three brothers whose given names were Shadrach,
Meshech, and Abednego. They were the progenitors of John H.
Inman and Samuel Inman, well-known millionaires, and of other
prominent people in Tennessee, Georgia, and the Southwest.
The oldest son of Joseph McDowell was Hugh McDowell, who
settled on a farm on Canoe Creek, adjoining the Quaker Meadows
farm, later known as the Murphy or Collett place. ' His only
child, Margaret, married James Murphy, and their only child,
John Murphy, married Margaret Stringfellow Avery and died,
leaving four children: one son, John H. Murphy, who married
Clara Patton, of Buncombe ; and three daughters : Eliza, who mar-
ried T. George Walton ; Loretta, who married first Alexander F.
Gaston, son of Judge Gaston, and subsequently W. C. Erwin ; and
Harriet, who married William M. Walton. After the death of
John Murphy, his widow, Margaret Avery Murphy, married Mr.
John Collett, and had one son, the late Dr. Waightstill A. Collett,
of Morganton. James Murphy distinguished himself at Cowpens,
Ramseur's Mills, and King's Mountain as a soldier from Burke
County, and prior to that time had distinguished himself in the
regular colonial line as a soldier. The biographical sketch of
Colonel or General Charles McDowell will follow after tracing the
Pleasant Garden branch of the family down to the Revolutionary
A. C. Avery.
I HE inscription upon his tombstone, at Grave-
yard Hill, near Quaker Meadows, records the
fact that Charles McDowell, of Quaker Mea-
dows, died on "March 31, 1815, aged about
^ seventy years." He must have been about
eighty years of age, because Colonel Shelby
wrote of him at the time of the battle of King's Mountain as a
brave and patriotic man, but "too far advanced in life, and too
inactive for the command of such an enterprise as we were then
engaged in." He must have been then at least forty-five years
In the summer of 1780, when Colonel Isaac Shelby returned
to the Watauga settlement from Kentucky, where he had located
his future home, he found a letter from Colonel Charles Mc-
Dowell asking him to furnish all the aid in his power to check the
enemy who had overrun two southern states and were on the
borders of North Carolina. It was this request from Charles
McDowell that led to the cooperation of the heroes of that settle-
ment with those of Burke and Wilkes counties in checking Fer-
guson's attempt to devastate the piedmont section of the State.
After the arrival near Cherokee Ford, on Broad River, of
Colonel Shelby and Lieutenant-Colonels Sevier and Clark, they
were detached with 600 men and surprised a post of the enerhy
on the waters of the Pacolet River. It was a strong fort sur-
CHARLES Mcdowell 301
rounded by abatis, built in the Cherokee war and commanded by
that distinguished loyalist, Captain Patrick Moore. On the
second summons, after the Americans had surrounded the post
within musket shot, he surrendered the garrison with one British
sergeant-major, 93 loyalists, and 250 stands of arms,
loaded with ball and buckshot, and so arranged at the portholes
as to have repulsed double the number of Americans. ("North
Carolina in 1780-81," by Schenck.)
Ferguson soon after invaded North Carolina with an over-
whelming force, and on August ist his advance troops, about six
or seven hundred strong, overtook the American force under Mc-
Dowell and Shelby at a place called Cedar Springs. A sharp
conflict ensued, in which the Americans inflicted great damage
Upon their pursuers, and when Ferguson approached with his
whole force, they retreated carrying off the field fifty prisoners.
General McDowell having received information that five or six
hundred Tories were encamped at Musgrove's Mill, on the south
side of the Enoree, about forty miles distant, detached Colonels
Shelby, Williams, and Clark with about seven hundred horsemen
to surprise and disperse them. The detachment moved from
Smith's Ford on Broad River just before sundown on the evening
of August 18, 1780, going through the woods in order to pass
around Ferguson, whose force occupied a position almost imme-
diately on the route. They met and skirmished with a strong
patrol party, and receiving information that the enemy at Mus-
grove's Mill had been heavily reinforced, began to fall back. It
was at this juncture! that the log breastworks were built, and that
Captain Inman, as already mentioned, began to skirmish with the
enemy as soon as they crossed the Enoree River, and led them
into the ambush prepared for them.
After this affair the Americans mounted their horses and were
about to make a forced march to Ninety-six, where they hoped to
capture a British garrison, when a letter from Governor Caswell
was received by McDowell apprising him of the defeat of the
Americans under General Gates, on the i6th, near Camden,
and advising him to get out of the way, as the enemy would no
doubt endeavor to improve their victory to the greatest advantage
by destroying all the small corps of the American army.
(Schenck's "North Carolina in 1780-81.")
Accordingly the troops under McDowell were dispersed, some
going to the west and some to the south.
On August 29th Cornwallis wrote to Sir Henry Clinton that
Ferguson was to move into Tryon, now Lincoln County, with what
the latter thought was a reliable body of militia. Ferguson ac-
cordingly advanced to Gilbert-town, three miles north of the pres-
ent village of Rutherfordton, where he issued a proclamation to
the citzens to renew their allegiance and join the king's army.
Learning that McDowell had retired, and that the Watauga
leaders had crossed the mountains to their homes, Ferguson be-
gan to send out parties of foragers to ravage the county of Burke.
This aroused Colonel Charles McDowell, and learning that he
was again mustering his men, Ferguson sent out a detachment in
search of him. But he again failed to surprise McDowell, who
was lying in ambuscade for him at Bedford Hill, three miles
southwest of Brindletown and near Cowan's Ford of Cane Creek.
On the approach of Ferguson's men McDowell's men fired upon
them, killing many of the Tories and wounding Major Dunlap,
the trusted lieutenant of Ferguson. Ferguson was forced to re-
tire hastily to Gilbert-town.
Unable to resist the large reserve force of Ferguson, McDowell
retired across the Blue Ridge to the Watauga settlement, and de-
scribing the desolation that marked the advance of Ferguson, he
urged Sevier and Shelby to call out their men and join in another
effort to drive back the invaders. McDowell proposed to return
while the Watauga clans were gathering to the east of the moun-
tains, and send messages to Cleveland and Herndon, of Wilkes,
and Winston, of Surry County, and meantime convey constant ,■
intelligence to the over-mountain men of Ferguson's movements,
and to preserve as far as possible the beeves of the Whigs in the
upper Catawba.
While McDowell was outlining the plan for making Quaker
Meadows, his own home in Burke County, the place of rendezvous
CHARLES Mcdowell 303
for his regiment and those of Sevier, Shelby, Winston, Cleveland,
and Campbell, a prisoner released by Ferguson to bear a message
to the trans-mountain leaders arrived and told them that he was
instructed by Ferguson to say he would soon cross the mountain,
hang the leaders, and lay waste the county with fire and sword.
The commands met at the appointed time, and while the sol-
diers were camped upon the broad bottoms of the Quaker Mea-
dows farm, the leaders met to consult under the historic "Council
Oak" which, until a few years ago, overhung a spring on that
farm. Here Charles McDowell explained the position of Fer-
guson's command and outlined his plan of advancing upon and
capturing Fergugon. He was the ranking officer and moved the
whole command without delay in the direction of Gilbert-town, and
followed Ferguson when he fell back to what he considered an
impregnable stronghold at King's Mountain. Owing to some
dissension. Colonel Charles McDowell was induced to forego the
right to command, which seniority of rank gave him. This was
explained in an extract from an account of the battle of King's
Mountain by Governor Shelby, published in 1823, which is as
follows :
"Colonel McDowell was the commanding ofScer of the district we
were in, and had commanded the militia assembled in that quarter all
the summer before against the same enemy. He was a brave and pa-
triotic man, but we considered him too far advanced in life and too
inactive to command such an enterprise as we were then engaged in.
Colonel McDowell, who had the good of his country at heart more
than any title to command, submitted to what was done, but observed
that as he could not be permitted to command, he would be the mes-
senger to go to headquarters for the general officer. He accordingly
started immediately, leaving his men under his brother. Major Joseph
Colonel Charles McDowell married Grace Greenlee Bowman,
the widow of Captain Bowman, of Burke, who was mortally
wounded and died at Ramseur's Mill, and the daughter of James
Greenlee and Mary McDowell Greenlee, who lie buried beside her
at the Quaker Meadows burial ground. A daughter born of the
first marriage with Captain Bowman, who lived at Hickory
Grove, afterward married William Tate. He left three children :
a son, who was the father of Captain J. C. Tate, and two daugh-
ters, one of whom was the first wife of Governor Z. B. Vance.
Mrs. Grace Greenlee McDowell is one of the "Women of the
Revolution" of whom Mrs. Ellet left sketches. She rode on
horseback to Ramseur's Mill to nurse Captain Bowman. She
burned charcoal in a cave while Colonel McDowell was preparing
saltpetre to make the powder which was used at King's Mountain.
Colonel Charles McDowell left two daughters and two sons.
The oldest daughter married John Paxton, the brother of Judge
Paxton, of Burke, and settled in Rutherford, now Henderson
County. She was the grandmother of Chief Justice Merrimon
and Judge James H. Merrimon. The other daughter married
William Dickson, of Mulberry, now in Caldwell County, a leading
citizen, who reared a large and influential family. One of the
sons, Athan McDowell, was for many years sheriff of Burke
County, and left a son, Charles, who lived in Henderson County,
and a daughter, who married Hon. James Harper, of Caldwell
County, and is still living. She is the mother of Mrs. Judge
Cilley, of Hickory.
The other son, Charles McDowell, born 1785, and died 1859,
married the only daughter of Major Joseph McDowell, Jr., of
Pleasant Gardens, and left four daughters and one son. The old-
est daughter, Mary, married an able and distinguished lawyer,
John Gray Bynum, Sr., and was the mother of the late Judge
John Gray Bynum, of Morganton, and later of Greensboro. The
second daughter, Eliza, married Hon. N. W. Woodfin, one of the
ablest men and most learned lawyers who has been reared in
western North Carolina. The third daughter married Major
John Woodfin, who fell in command of a battalion at Warm (now
Hot) Springs, in Madison County. The other daughter, Mar-
garet, married the late W. F. McKesson and was the mother of
C. F. McKesson and Mrs. Annie Busbee, first wife of Fabius
H. Busbee, and the mother of Mrs. Margaret Busbee Shipp, of
The only son of Captain Charles McDowell, Jr., was Colonel
CHARLES Mcdowell , 305
James C. S. McDowell. He was born February 6, 1831, and
married Julia Manly, a daughter of Governor Charles Manly.
He was a man of commanding form, unusually handsome face,
of pleasing address and genial disposition. He had chosen farm-
ing as his calling, but took a lifelong interest in public affairs.
He was well posted upon political questions, and on occasion
presented his views clearly and forcibly. He was selected as the
most available Whig candidate for the house of commons in i860.
If any man could have triumphed over John H. Pearson, the
popular standard-bearer of the Democrats, James McDowell's
sensible speeches, winning address, and popularity with the boys
would have carried him through.
He was chosen second lieutenant of C. M. Avery's company in
the Bethel regiment, and when mustered out at the end of six
months' service, he raised a company and afterward became
colonel of the Fifty-fourth North Carolina regiment. He at-
tracted attention by his gallantry in the engagement at Bethel,
In the first fight in which he commanded his regiment — the first
battle of Fredericksburg — he led it in a gallant charge, at his own
request, made late in the afternoon, in which the enemy were
driven off the railroad and over the top of the hill beyond. The
Fifty-fourth and Fifty-seventh were ordered to drive the enemy
from the railroad, but pursued to the top of. the hill and had to be
brought back to the line which they were ordered to capture.
This advance was made December 14, 1862, just before the army
went into winter quarters. On May 3d following, at the opening
of the spring campaign of 1863, Colonel J. C. S. McDowell fell,
mortally wounded, in front of his regiment at Marye's Heights,
near Fredericksburg. He died May 8, 1863, leaving four chil-
dren: Samuel, Manly, Annie, and Cora. Manly is at present the
popular sheriff of Burke County. His sister, Annie, married
Thomas Walton and was the mother of Lieutenant William M.
Walton, who won promotion in the regular army by gallant con-
duct and upon examination, but he died recently of tuberculosis
contracted in the Philippines.
A. C. Avery.
JOSEPH McDowell, Sr.
•ELL, of Quaker Meadows, was born at Win-
I Chester, Va., in 1756 and died in 1801. (Bio-
I graphical Congressional Directory.) He was
• buried in the family graveyard near Quaker
^ Meadows, where his grave is marked only by a
large "J" carved on a white oak tree at its head. Judge Schenck
(in "North Carolina, 1780-81") says: "To the brothers Charles
and Joseph McDowell, and to their no less gallant cousin, Joseph
McDowell, of Pleasant Gardens, Burke County, are due more
credit and honor for the victory of King's Mountain than to any
other leaders who participated in that great and decisive battle.
Yet the name of McDowell does not appear on the granite shaft
raised by patriot hands on those memorable heights — a reproach
to the men who wrote the inscription and an indignity to
North Carolina, which contributed so largely to construct the
monument. It was Colonel Charles McDowell and Major
Joseph, his brother, who originated the idea of organizing a
force to capture Ferguson, and in conjunction with their cousin
they were the most prominent in executing the plan which they
had conceived."
As already appears from a statement quoted from Shelby'g
account of the battle of King's Mountain, Joseph McDowell, Sr.
(his brother) was left in command of Charles McDowell's regi-
JOSEPH McDowell, Sr. 307
ment when he was sent to bring a general officer to assume com-
mand. Though some of the descendants of Joseph McDowell,
of Pleasant Gardens, have expressed some doubt as to which was
the senior officer, both Draper and Schenck adduce other evidence
in addition to the statement of Colonel Shelby, and both award
the seniority to "Quaker Meadows Joe," who, after the Revolu-
tion, was made a general of militia. Applications for pensions
made after the war so designated their commander at King's
Mountain, and in addition, the writer has before him a Bio-
graphical Congressional Directory which contains a sketch of
Joseph McDowell and of Joseph J. McDowell, who were mem-
bers of Congress. The material for such sketches has been gen-
erally furnished by the senator or member himself, and in one of
these sketches Joseph McDowell, the congressman, is represented
as commander of the Burke regiment. A sketch of Joseph J.
McDowell, who was a member of the twenty-eighth and twenty-
ninth congresses from Ohio as a Democrat, states that he was a
son of Joseph McDowell, and that he was born in Burke County,
N. C, November 13, 1800 (this being the year before Joseph
McDowell, of Quaker Meadows, died on Johns River in that
county) .
After the battle of King's Mountain, Joseph McDowell, Sr.,
remained in service and with him the younger Joseph, of Pleas-
ant Gardens; and both distinguished themselves in the battle
of Cowpens, as they had earlier at Ramseur's Mill. The advance
upon Ramseur's Mill was led by three companies commanded
respectively by Captains McDowell, Falls, and Brandon, and offi-
cers and men won lasting honor by boldly advancing upon the
Tory line and putting it to flight.
Joseph McDowell, Sr., led a portion of the front line of Mor-
gan to victory at Cowpens. His command consisted of 190 rifle-
men, mounted, from Burke County. These men were hardy
mountaineers who had fought at Musgrove's Mill and King's
Mountain, armed with Deckard rifles, and were accurate marks-
men. The first front line which made the first dash upon the
enemy was commanded by Major McCall, of Georgia, because he
ranked Major McDowell, but McCall had only 30 men while
McDowell had 190 engaged.
Mrs. Margaret McDowell Moffitt left Burke County in 1801
after the death of her husband, and moved first to Virginia and
then to Kentucky. We have seen that the boy, who was a baby
when she left this State, afterward represented an Ohio district
in Congress. Dr. Hervey McDowell stated that others of her
descendants had been prominent leaders in almost every walk of
A. C. Avery.
JOHN McDowell
Gardens, was the cousin of Colonel Charles Mc-
)Dowell, and the son of James McDowell, a
grandson of Captain John McDowell, of Lex-
ington, Va., already mentioned as a son of
Ephraim McDowell and his wife, Margaret
He first intended to settle on a tract of land at Swan Ponds,
adjoining that of his first cousin, Hugh McDowell, but he subse-
quently located on the old Pleasant Gardens farm on the Catawba
River, now in McDowell County. He died about the year 1775
and was buried at the family burial ground at Pleasant Gardens,
where his son. Captain Joseph, was afterward interred, but no
stone marks the burial place of either of them. Both he and his
cousin Joseph, when they left the Valley of Virginia, settled tem-
porarily in upper South Carolina, and first entered lands on the
Pacolet and Broad rivers, in Tryon (now Rutherford) County,
N. C. After the end of the French and Indian war, the ven-
turesome "Hunting John" explored the whole valley of the Ca-
tawba and he and his cousin selected what they thought richest
and best.
His daughter Anna married a Mr. Whitson, and their daughter
married General Alney Burgin and was the mother of Captain
Joseph McDowell Burgin, of Old Fort, and the grandmother of
Mrs. Locke Craig, of Asheville. Another daughter, Rachel Mc-
Dowell, was the first wife of Colonel John Carson, of Pleasant
Gardens, and the mother of his older children, the oldest of whom
was Joseph McDowell Carson, of Rutherford County, the grand-
father of Captain Joseph C. Mills, of Burke, and of Mrs. Frank
Coxe, of Asheville.
"Hunting John" had but three children — the two daughters
mentioned above, and one son.
This son. Captain or Major Joseph McDowell, Jr., of Pleasant
Gardens, was born at Winchester, Va., February 26, 1758, and.
died in 1795 at the age of thirty-seven. The late Silas McDowell,
of Macon County, who lived to a ripe old age, was a contemporary
and was intimately acquainted with all of the prominent men liv-
ing in the mountain section of the State in the early part of the
nineteenth century. He states in a reminiscent letter which the
writer has that Joseph McDowell, of Pleasant Gardens, was the
most brilliant and the most prominent man who lived west of
Lincoln County prior to the day of D. L. Swain, Samuel P. Car-
son, and Dr. Robert B. Vance. Silas McDowell says that his
"light went out when he was in his noonday prime, and in the
last decade of the eighteenth century." He was but nineteen
years of age when he went with Rutherford's command in 1777,
in his invasion and conquest of the Cherokee country ; he was but
twenty-two years of age when he fought at King's Mountain.
Draper says : " 'Pleasant Gardens Joe' was a physician, and is
regarded as having had the brightest intellect of any of the con-
nection." This is in accord with the tradition handed down from
Silas McDowell, of Macon County, one of the most prominent
mountain men of the last century. Whether Joseph McDowell,
of Pleasant Gardens, represented the mountain district in the
third congress from 1793 to 1795, when he died, and then, after
an interval of one term, Joseph McDowell, Sr., of Quaker Mea-
dows, was elected in 1797 a member of the fifth congress, is a
question which it seems difficult to settle with absolute certainty.
The greater weight of evidence, however, seems to be in favor of
the view that the younger Joseph was never a representative in
JOHN Mcdowell 311
Congress. . Joseph McDowell, Jr., was a member of the house of
commons from Burke in the years 1787, 1788, 1791, and 1792, but
not after 1792.
Joseph McDowell married his cousin, Mary Moffitt, a daughter
of Colonel George Moffitt, of Virginia, as has already been stated.
Three children survived him: Ann, who was the wife of her
cousin, Charles McDowell, and whose descendants have already
been mentioned ; James, who lived at Pleasant Gardens and mar-
ried Margaret Erwin and was the father of Dr. Joseph, Dr. John,
and Colonel William McDowell and of Mrs. Kate Patton, wife
of Montreville Patton, and Margaret, wife of Marcus Erwin ; and
Colonel John McDowell, of Rutherford County, who was the
father of Colonel John, of the Confederate army, and of the first
wife of Colonel C. T. N. Davis, who fell at the head of the Six-
teenth North Carolina regiment at Seven Pines in 1862, and of
Mrs. Dr. Michael, Mrs. Genevieve Gamewell, and Miss Sarah
McDowell, and of Joseph and Thomas McDowell, who migrated
to Texas.
Colonel John Carson (after the death of his first wife) mar-
ried Mary Moffitt McDowell, widow of Joseph McDowell. One
of their sons was the distinguished Samuel P. Carson who repre-
sented the mountain district in Congress for three terms and
afterward migrated to the republic of Texas, and before he died
had been made treasurer and a member of the cabinet of Samuel
Houston, the president of Texas. Another son was William,
who was a member of the legislature from Burke, and was the
grandfather of W. C. Erwin, of Morganton, and of Mrs. James
Morris and Mrs. J. L. Byrd, of Marion. A third son, Logan Car-
son, was the father of Mrs.- P. J. Sinclair and Mrs. W. McD.
Bur gin.
A. C. Avery.
'PRING HILL is the name of a community in the
heart of the original Scotch settlement of North
Carolina, and generations of that substantial
stock have come and gone without loss of the
blood or the spirit which is everywhere their
In this community John Charles McNeill, the poet, was born,
July 26, 1874, and there he was reared.
Of the contribution of locality, of blood and of moral and intel-
lectual atmosphere to genius, we can make no proper measure.
But I regard it important to the purpose of this sketch that the
reader first obtain a conception of the Spring Hill region and
The land lies low, and the far horizon makes its moving appeal
wherever the eye may fall. The fields present vistas of corn and
cotton and grass, with the woods of cypress and pine and gum in
the background. The houses are the headquarters of wide-
sweeping and well-kept farms, and the vine and fig tree flourish
near by. Throughout the settlement winds the Lumber River,
wine-colored, steady, deep, and swift or slow, according to the
season; a darksome stream, where the red-throat, the pickerel,
and the large-mouth bass find homes all to their liking, save for
the fisher-boy who overtakes them with bob or bait. To spend a
sunset hour beneath the cypress gloom hard by ; to catch the note
Otc^^^JLsL^ hy''%ujji
.'7^'^^ L. I'&n A&/7^^. Jii.A
of the far-circling fields in the stilly hour ; to respond to the color
of land and heaven and horizon and the sombre quiet all around —
is to realize that this is the poet's clime.
"The poet in a poet's clime was born."
The center of this community is an ancient church, school, and
temperance hall, the three being within speaking distance of one
another. Of the civilization of this settlement I need say no
more : these are their witnesses. The church was presided over
throughout these generations by two really great ministers —
Daniel White, the patron saint — if the Scotch will tolerate that
term — and John Monroe, the patriarch of the people. It is im-
possible to measure the impress of these men ; they ministered ac-
cording to the best traditions of their callings. They were the
wisest, the most eloquent, and the best men their people had ever
known; their chosen leaders, their spiritual fathers and daily ex-
amples. Not only did they dominate the church, the school, and
the lodge ; their lives prevailed over all, and do prevail to this day,
though they have long been gathered to their fathers.
The temperance lodge was no insignificant member of this
trinity of social, intellectual, moral, and spiritual springs. Here
the young people were accustomed to assemble to exercise their
gifts in entertainments and debates. That there was sufficient
interest to sustain the institution speaks abundantly of the moral
fiber of the community, and I could produce an array of facts
that would convince every other community in North Carolina
that such an institution is worthy of all that it may require. I
could name leaders now serving North Carolina who received
their strongest impressions and found play for their best gifts
here. So much for the locality.
John Charles McNeill is a lineal descendant of Daniel White
and John Monroe; his grandfathers, John McNeill and Charles
Livingston, emigrated from Argyleshire, Scotland, about the be-
ginning of the nineteenth century. His grandmothers were born
in America. His father, Duncan McNeill, now enjoying a hale
old age, and his mother, Euphemia Livingston, who has lived to
read the poet's exquisite lines to her, are most excellent people.
Their home is the typical home of a Scotch farmer and leader —
leading man — full of light, rich in books and periodicals and
music, given to hospitality and generous of comfort, a fireside of
sweet living and high thinking. Captain McNeill is himself a
stalwart citizen, fond of public speaking, in which he is accom-
plished ; devoted to the young, one time an editor and lecturer, a
writer of verse, an earnest supporter of his church and party, an
insatiable reader, and, personally, a most delightful companion.
His wife is likewise a woman of gifts and graces worthy of her
line ; gentle, all-womanly, her face a delight of sweetness and her
ways the ways of a mother-heart. Their godly lives adorn their
confession of Jesus Christ.
John Charles, born of such parents and reared in such a com-
munity, spent his youth in the occupations of the farmer's boy.
His chief task was to "mind the cows," and he knew also the
plow and the hoe ; but I have heard it said that he lost many a
furrow because he would read and plow at the same time. To
bring the cows home at evening ; to do the chores of the household ;
to attend school in the hours ; to fish and hunt and roam the woods
and swim the river and explore the swamps whenever he could —
these were the other elements of his making. He is to this day a
woodsman of parts, the trees and flowers and birds and beasts,
their habits and wants, are known to him as by second nature, and
likewise, the homely features of farm life, the negro songs and
customs, the local ne'er-do-wells, the original characters — one
would infer upon a brief acquaintance with him that they no less
than the more innocent children of nature were his peculiar
He entered school in early youth and proved an apt student.
His preparation being completed in the Spring Hill and White-
ville academies, he entered Wake Forest College, graduating
therefrom in 1898 at the head of his class, in recognition of which
honor he was awarded the privilege of making the valedictory ad-
dress. His poetic gifts were manifested early in his college
career, and Professor B. F. Sledd was prompt and diligent to en-
courage and direct him. In the college magazine his verses often
appeared, and they were from the first of an order to command
attention. In fact, while his poetry has gained in range, finish,
and abundance in the years since, the strain of his first produc-
tions may yet be traced in all his verse.
He was chosen to assist Professor Sledd as tutor iji the depart-
ment of English while he was taking his bachelor's degree, and he
improved the opportunity that was thus afforded to remain an-
other year and win from Wake Forest the master's degree — the
highest that the college awards — in 1899.
In igoo he was elected assistant professor of English in Mercer
University, of Georgia; but after a year he relinquished this post
for the practice of law, having prepared for that profession at
Wake Forest in 1896-97, and received from the Supreme Court of
North Carolina license to practice in 1897. He opened an office
in Laurinburg — within a few miles of Spring Hill. It was my
fortune to spend a day with him during this period. We were
together in his office; there were clients, but their causes were
obviously foreign to the genius of Mr. McNeill. The while he
would be discussing some poem or reading at my request one of
his own, in would come some troubled spirit seeking his assistance
in getting back a mule that had been swapped in a none too sober
Nevertheless this was a fruitful period in Mr. McNeill's career
— ^both as a poet and a lawyer. The Century Magazine readily
accepted his verses, printed them with illustrations, and encour-
aged him to send others. On the other hand, clients increased,
and, moreover, Mr. McNeill's fellow-citizens sent him to the
General Assembly of North Carolina — a member of the house.
In this relation he acquitted himself well, bringing to his tasks a
homely knowledge of his people and a sound common sense.
But there was no suppressing the higher call. With that fine
appreciation which has made the Charlotte Observer notable for
its young men — as well as its "old man" — Editor J. P. Caldwell
offered Mr. McNeill a place on his staff, with the freedom of the
paper and the world. I have the editorial announcement to sup-
port me in the statement that Mr. McNeill was assigned to no
especial post nor required to perform any particular work. His
task was to write whatsoever he might be pleased to write.
We owe it to the Charlotte Observer that Mr. McNeill has had
such freedom to exercise his gifts. His poems have come in
perilous abundance ; and at the same time he has done work as a
reporter of public occasions that alone would have commanded
for him a place on his paper. He has also produced no little
prose of original character and great worth — paragraphs portray-
ing life, humorous incidents, observations; and now and then a
series of excellent fables as native to the soil and as apropos as
those of ^sop.
Mr. McNeill's column of verses promptly commanded the en-
thusiastic praise of readers throughout the State and of the press
in other states. He was hailed as a poet indeed, and at the first
year's end he was unanimously awarded the Patterson Cup, in
recognition of the fact that he had made the best contribution to
literature in North Carolina. This cup was presented to Mr.
McNeill by President Roosevelt. Within the year following Mr.
McNeill published his one volume entitled "Songs Merry and
Sad," and the first edition was promptly exhausted. .
Mr. McNeill's poetic gift bears these marks: it is lyric; it is
genuine ; it is of the sun rather than the lamp ; it is close to nature
— the earth, the seasons, man and beast, home, and the daily round
of experiences. It is suggestive rather than descriptive, and
spontaneous rather than labored. There is pathos and humor;
but above either the strain of tenderness is dominant, tenderness
of phrase and of feeling. One feels that he has yet to strike the
greater chords, and at the same time he is convinced as he reads
that he has all but done that, so nearly having attained it, that at
any moment the larger gift may be ours.
Such songs as "Oh, Ask Me Not," "A Christmas Hymn,"
"When I Go Home," "Harvest," and "Vision," are tokens of a
rich vein of the genuine gold ; while the poems '"October," "Sun-
down," "If I Could Glimpse Him," "Alcestis," "The Bride,"
"Oblivion," "The Caged Mockingbird," "Dawn," "Paul Jones,"
as I have intimated, though they have not yet elevated Mr. Mc-
Neill above the ranks of the minor poets, they carry a charm, they
work upon the imagination with a power, they afford a subtle
joy that bespeaks the noblest promise.
Since writing the foregoing sketch, the South Atlantic Quar-
terly has appeared containing a critical appreciation of the poems
of Mr. McNeill, by Edward K. Graham, professor of English
literature. He declares that Mr. McNeill is the first "North
Carolina poet to win the ear of the whole State" ; and speaks of
his volume as "the most poetic collection by a North Carolinian
that has yet appeared." He adds, "At a time when poetry has
lost the appeal of passion, it is peculiarly grateful to come into
the warm confidence of emotion always gentle, intimate, and
manly, and in its best moments, infinitely tender." Professor
Graham's conclusion, on the whole, is implied in his final sentence :
"Conviction of great poetic power we seldom feel in reading the
volume, but the presence of the divine gift of poetry we are al-
ways sensible of — the gift to minister to some need of the spirit —
as when a simple heart-song speaks the heart of all mankind."
Thus the scholar's critical insight confirms the public taste
which had already chosen Mr. McNeill as the favorite writer of
all this region.
losiah William Bailey.
While the copy of this sketch was still in the hands of the
printer the death of Mr. McNeill occurred after a lingering illness
at his home near Riverton, Scotland County, N. C, October 17,
1907. Of the many tributes evoked by the sad event, perhaps
none is more just than that of Dr. Archibald Henderson, of the
University of North Carolina:
"The loss to the State of North Carolina in the recent death of John
Charles McNeill is incalculable. Had I never met or known McNeill I
should say the same thing. The South will feel his loss more keenly as
time goes on. I believe that the verse of John Charles McNeill, aside from
its notable merits as genuine poetry, has been unrivaled as an inspiring
influence in the remarkable resurgence of literature which promises to give
North Carolina in the near future a prominence of national moment. It
would be incorrect to speak of the present era as the renaissance of litera-
ture in North Carolina. It is not a rebirth, but more properly a new, a
virgin birth. Young men and women, informed with the spirit of scholar-
ship, touched with the passion for the beautiful, endowed with the divine
fire itself, have risen up in our midst. The extent and value of their
achieving is not yet either told or foretold. Almost at the same time
throughout the State, many voices have found utterance. The younger
generation is beginning to feel the magic pulse of the Zeitgeist, to shake
off the stifling incubus of materialism, and to give voice at last to the senti-
ment and passion that is in their hearts.
"Were I to symbolize North Carolina in a piece of splendid sculpture, I
should image no Rip Van Winkle, musty with tradition, and prejudices of
the past, awaking from an ante-bellum dream. It should be represented by
no man of middle age, fatigued with the heat and labor of the day, strug-
gling up a steep acclivity to the precarious pinnacle of materialistic suc-
cess. It should be symbolized as a youth, just stretching his limbs in readi-
ness for the part he is so soon to play in the spiritual life of the Nation.
The head should not be hung in shame for imputed backwardness or re-
belliousness in the past, but held high; the eyes uplifted, the face trans-
figured by the light of the ideal, and wearing an expression which gladly
says Yea to all the Universe. And the face of this statue should be the
face of John Charles McNeill.
"I could not, even though my heart bade, nor would I wholly, even though
language might not fail me, express all that I feel and have felt over the
death of John Charles McNeill. Liking, friendship, love are all so strange^
so unique, so different from one another that the world has fallen into
the slovenly habit of confusing the terms. I cannot say that I 'liked' Mc-
Neill or that he had my 'friendship ;' the world is already too full of people
who never get beyond mere 'liking,' and who never mention 'friends' save
to boast of their number and importance in the world. But I can say that
McNeill had my love, and that I was drawn toward him as to few men
of my own age that I have ever known. There was about him the sim-
plicity and the charm, if not of innocence, certainly of native gentleness.
He had something of the primal, I might almost say the primeval, joy of
life in his make-up. Here was a genius without the Weltschmerz, a poet
lacking that devitalizating note of poignant melancholy which sounds
throughout the poetry of the modern era, from Burns to Maeterlinck, from
Heine to George Meredith. There was no tear engraved upon his armorial
bearings. His was not that bafiiing and artificial simplicity, which in our
day is the last refuge of complexity. He loved simple things — ^the pine-
rosin which a tiny girl gathered and sent him all the way to Charlotte to
chew, a homely and human story about some old darkey, a superstition
about planting something or other in the dark of the moon, a folk-lore lost
to the tumultuous world of street-cars, but still very vital in the life of
people who live close to the heart of nature. McNeill, in all he said and
did, was racy of the soil. The modern world had not robbed him of his
primitive glamour, and his native wood-notes wild poured forth in a stream
of wonderful richness, in total disregard of the noise and blatant clamor of
modern populations.
"The old tag 'Human nature is the same the world over' expresses one
of the greatest errors ever compressed in a phrase. Human nature is
different everywhere, by reason of the mere inequality of its distribution.
Our phrase 'He's just like folks' is a high compliment; it means that the
subject has a great deal of human nature in his composition. McNeill was
charged to overflowing with human nature. His humor was unfailing.
The things that stuck in his mind were not clever epigrams or brilliant bits
of repartee. He loved to reinember stories of large and genial humor, ex-
hibiting some comical betrayal of human nature, illuminating some fine
phase of human feeling. His spirit was sweet and gentle — ^beyond words.
Harshness or bitterness seemed never to have touched him. Incidents
that might well have grated harshly upon the sensibilities of any man
left him unmarked and unprejudiced. He turned unpleasantness away
with an easy and genial smile.
"The conceit of men of talent and of genius — artists, musicians, littera-
teurs— is proverbial. I have observed traces of it even in the greatest
men of genius I have ever met. McNeill was utterly lacking, as much as
I can conceive it possible for any one to be, in all conceit or false pride.
Coventry Patmore has said that true genius is never aware of itself. Mc-
Neill discussed his own poetry with perfect detachment. If there was any
quality which he utterly lacked, it was self-consciousness. He discussed
his own poetry as though it were the work of some one else. 'Here's
a little thing of mine,' he would say, 'that was copied from Maine to
Florida. There's absolutely nothing in it. Why any one should have
thought it funny is simply more than I can understand.' And with equal
lack of the faintest trace of embarrassment, vanity or mauvaise honte he
could say, 'Here's another little poem of mine I am very fond of. I think
it is one of the best I have done.' And with a note of genuine pride, he
would say, 'Let me read you this one. The old man likes it,' and then,
in that rich, mellow voice, he would give music and color to the beauty of
his lines. I shall never forget the pleasure he once gave a New England
woman — a person of fine sensibilities and herself a writer of verse. She
was rapturously enthusiastic over his recital of his simple dialect poems
'Wire Grass,' 'Po' Baby,' and 'Spring.'
"As a lover of nature, McNeill was without an equal in sincerity and
faith. As a student of nature, he was in no sense remarkable in the aca-
demic signfication. He neither knew nor cared to know the sesquipedalian
Latin name of some favorite little flower ; he did not pretend to the chemi-
cal secrets of the soil survey; technical obfuscations of any sort were not
for him. He knew nature not as a botanist but as a poet, not as a scien-
tific naturalist but as a nature lover. Like Walt Whitman, rather than
like John Burroughs, he was skilled, through close acquaintance and inter-
ested observation, in many curious and half-forgotten secrets of Nature
and her creatures which do not find their way into the text-book. I never
saw him without thinking of Whitman's poem about the student in as-
tronomy who fled from the lecturer out into the night, there to lie down
and look up at the stars in worshipful wonder and adoration.
"I shall never forget a reading McNeill once gave us here at Chapel Hill
— a running fire of dialect verse, humorous commentary, negro anecdotes,
and folk-lore tales. It was, without exception, the most successful so-
called 'reading' — story-telling in prose and poetry were a fitter term of
description — ^that I have ever known. With curious interest, I glanced
around for a moment to observe the utter absorption in McNeill's per-
sonality and its expression. There was not one person in that audience not
wholly oblivious of surroundings, of self, of all else save McNeill whose
fine face lit up with a humorous glow and mellow, resonant voice with its
subtle note of appeal, held them bound as by some mystic spell of sorcery.
And McNeill often told me afterward that the audience that night, for
inspiration and perfect sympathy, was. without a parallel in his experience.
"I have never been able to rid myself of the feeling that John Charles
McNeill has not been accurately or discriminatingly praised for some certain
things he did supremely well. 'Songs, Merry and Sad' threatened to sup-
press the fact that McNeill was pre-eminently a poet of the common life,
a singer of the farm, the field, the home. Many things which I believed to
be fundamentally characteristic of McNeill as poet found no place in this
collection. Things which I had loved to love and to expect from him
— the negro and Scotch dialect poems, certain fancies about spring, half-
remembered, even poetically divined sketches of early home and beloved
countryside — of these there were only traces. Indeed, in spite of the versa-
tility displayed and wide range covered, I could not but feel the minimiza-
tion, if not actual suppression, of that phase of McNeill's art which most
appealed to me. Those who know McNeill's poetry only as revealed in
'Songs, Merry and Sad' may be betrayed into ranging him alongside
Mifflin, Moody, Arthur Stringer, John Vance Cheney, and Charles Hanson
Towne, for comparison. Wider acquaintance with his poetry, I am inclined
to think, would reveal that he is far more akin to Maurice Thompson,
Frank L. Stanton, and James Whitcomb Riley. Dozens of poems not in-
cluded in 'Songs, Merry and Sad' — and, of those included, 'When I go
Home,' 'Barefooted' and 'Before Bedtime' — at once call to mind the specific
features of Riley as revealed in such poems as 'Thinkin' Back' and 'Wet
Weather Talk.' There is the same large sense of lazy, rural ease, the
chuckling air of boyish freedom, the vivid pictures of the simple pleasures,
occupations, and discussions of farm life. I have often felt, in reading
many of McNeill's fugitive lines in the Charlotte Observer, that he had a
humorous, quaint, backwoods sense of homely values not unlike the same
qualities in the short poems of Frank L. Stanton. I do not mean that the
mode of expression was necessarily the same; the feelings played upon,
the sentiments evoked, were identical. There was at times, in McNeill's
verse, the careless or carefree instinct of truantry as we find it on occasion
in the prose of writers so diverse as Robert Louis Stevenson, Owen
Wister, and Harry Stillwell Edwards. McNeill expressed for me the in-
dividual and significant note of the rural South, much as Joel Chandler
Harris may be said to express it in his own fashion. The natural feeling,
the simple ideals of McNeill — frankness, loyalty, love, honor, courage —
were irresistibly appealing in their mere numerical limitation. Lacking any
trace of the sectional, McNeill had a fine sense for local color and the
genius of place. And yet there was no hint in his poetry of that strained
and artificial idealism which mars much that has been written in the South.
"In his brief and homely realism, his fancy so quaint and simple, McNeill
was a master. Though it is not, I feel, the most apt illustration that might
be found, the little poem 'Before Bedtime' suits my purpose for the mo-
ment in expressing that fine fidelity to fact, that pedestrian realism which
is given only to spirits nursed on reality to achieve.
" 'The cat sleeps in a' chimney jam
With ashes in her fur,
An' Tige, from on the yuther side,
He keeps his eye on her.
" 'The jar o' curds is on the hearth,
An' I'm the one to turn it.
I'll crawl in bed an' go to sleep
When maw begins to churn it.
" 'Paw bends to read his almanax
An' study out the weather,
An' bud has got a gound o' grease
To ile his harness leather.
" 'Sis looks an' looks into the fire,
Half-squintin' through her lashes.
An' I jis watch my tater where
It shoots smoke through the ashes.'
"For imaginative power of evocation of a familiar scene utterly simple
and without any glamour of interest save that of fond association, this
poem is illustrative of one of the things McNeill could do supremely well.
"In his poems of nature, McNeill carries me back, less to Burns with his
spirit's cry of poignant pain, than to Wordsworth with his brooding quiet.
There is even a faint note of asstheticism now and then, notably in the
Carmanesque 'Protest;' like a true modern poet, McNeill is fired to revolt
against this materialistic age, this twilight of the gods of poetry. McNeill's
admiration for the 'Marpessa' of Stephen Phillips was immense; and I
have felt at times that he would have liked to owe something to Swinburne.
The philosophic didacticism of Bryant, the almost scientific moodiness of
Poe, find no answering note in the poetry of McNeill. Indeed, he is con-
tent to observe with rare accuracy, letting Nature speak its message to you
in its own most potent of tongues. McNeill was essentially an observer,
not an interpreter of Nature's moods. Instead of explaining, he re-created
Nature, and was strong enough to hold his tongue and let Nature speak
for herself. What need for words, either of interpretation, inspiration or
regret, in face of the mute eloquence of such a picture.
" 'A soaking sedge,
A faded field, a leafless hill and hedge,
" 'Low clouds and rain.
And loneliness and languor worse than pain.
" 'Mottled with moss.
Each gravestone holds to heaven a patient Cross.
" 'Shrill streaks of light
Two sycamores' clean-limbed, funereal white,
" 'And low between.
The sombre cedar and the ivy green.
" 'Upon the stone
Of each in turn who called this land his own
" 'The gray rain beats
And wraps the wet world in its flying sheets,
" 'And at my eaves
A slow wind, ghostlike, comes and grieves and grieves.'
"And how worshipful in its submissive calm and adorative contempla-
tion is that brief poem 'Sundown,' which always calls up for me the most
exquisite aesthetic moment of my life — a post-sunset creation of God in sky.
crescent moon, earth and mountain I once saw, or rather lived, in the
Appalachians — a recollection that moves me profoundly even as I write :
" 'Hills, wrapped in gray, standing along the west ;
Clouds, dimly lighted, gathering slowly;
The star of peace at watch above the crest —
Oh, holy, holy, holy!
" 'We know, O Lord, so little what is best ;
Wingless, we move so lowly;
But in Thy calm all-knowledge let us rest —
Oh, holy, holy, holy !'
"If McNeill had lived, and had regained his health, I arrt convinced that
his poetry would have shown a finish, a dexterity of workmanship, a refine-
ment of poetic craftsmanship of which he was fully capable on occasion.
How often he delighted with a happy line, a transient imaging of a fanciful
concept, or a crystallization in one fine phrase of the spiritual content of
his thought ! He has told me many times that his future aim was toward
greater perfection of phrase, clearer delineation of motive. In introducing
him before our Modern Literature Club, I pronounced him the most au-
thentic poet North Carolina has yet produced. It is my definite conviction
that McNeill is not fully known through 'Songs, Merry and Sad' for those
traits which are most signally characteristic of his temperament, for those
qualities in which he was most .individual. But by this I do not mean the
faintest detraction from the many and varied merits of 'Songs, Merry and
Sad.' In fact, I was glad to learn from McNeill himself that the poem
in this volume which I rated highest was also his own preference, the one
in which he felt his purpose and art best expressed. This poem, judged
by Richard Watson Gilder to be worthy of Bryon himself, is 'Oh, Ask Me
Not.' We feel ourselves in the presence of the abandon of youth, the
genuine heart's cry of 'The world well lost for love.'
" 'Love, should I set my heart upon a crown,
Squander my years, and gain it.
What recompense of pleasure could I own?
For youth's red drops would stain it.
" 'Much have I thought on what our lives may mean.
And what their best endeavor.
Seeing we may not come again to glean,
But, losing, lose forever.
" 'Seeing how zealots, making choice of pain,
From home and country parted.
Have thought it life to leave their fellows slain.
Their women broken-hearted.
"How teasing truth a thousand faces claims
As in a broken mirror.
And what a father died for in the flames
His own son scorns as error;
" 'How even they whose hearts were sweet with song
Must quaff oblivion's potion,
And, soon or late, their sails be lost along
The all-surrounding ocean.
" 'Oh, ask me not the haven of our ships.
Nor what flag floats above you!
I hold you close, I kiss your sweet, sweet lips,
And love you, love you, love you !'
"McNeill once told me that while he regarded the central situation of
'The Bride' the most potently significant, the most fraught with meaning
that can be conceived, he always felt that he had not fully measured up
to the opportunity and the situation. Perhaps it may be true that our
reserves are often more eloquent than our confidences. The office of poetry
is not to exhaust possibilities. The selection of that moment of inexpres-
sible meaning in life was in itself a stroke of genius.
' " 'The little white bride is left alone
With him, her lord; the guests have gone;
The festal hall is dim.
No jesting now, nor answering mirth.
The hush of sleep falls on the earth
And leaves her here with him.
" 'Why should there be, O little white bride,
When the world has left you by his side,
A tear to brim your eyes?
Some old love-face that comes again.
Some old love-moment sweet with pain
Of passionate memories?
" 'Does your heart yearn back with last regret
For the maiden meads of mignonette
And the fairy-haunted wood.
That you had not withheld from love,
A little while, the freedom of
Your happy maidenhood?
" 'Or is it but a nameless fear,
A wordless joy, that calls the tear
In dumb appeal to rise,
When, looking on him where he stands,
You yield up all into his hands,
Pleading into his eyes?
" 'For days that laugh or nights that weep
You two strike oars across the deep
With life's tide at the brim;
And all time's beauty, all love's grace
Beams, little bride, upon your face
Here, looking up at him.'
"If there is any one poem which best expresses the real sweetness, the
high seriousness, of McNeill's character, and the finer nature of his poetic
muse, I should say that it was 'To Melvin Gardner : Suicide.' It is instinct
with the quintessential traits of McNeill both as poet and man. To
dilate the imagination and to move the heart is ample raison d'etre for
any poem.
" 'A flight of doves, with wanton wings.
Flash white against the sky.
In the leafy copse an oriole sings,
And a robin sings hard by.
Sun and shadow are out on the hills;
The- swallow has followed the daffodils ;
In leaf and blade, life throbs and thrills
Through the wild, warm heart of May.
" 'To have seen the sun come back, to have seen
Children again at play,
To have heard the thrush where the woods are green.
Welcome the new-born day.
To have felt the soft grass cool to the feet,
To have smelt earth's incense, heavenly sweet,
To have shared the laughter along the street.
And, then, to have died in May !
" 'A thousand roses will blossom red,
A thousand hearts be gay,
For the summer lingers just ahead
And June is on her way;
The bee must bestir him to fill his cells,
The moon and the stars will weave new spells
Of love and the music of marriage bells —
And, oh, to be dead in May!'
"In Avery and McNeill the State has sustained losses not to be filled
perhaps in a generation. Avery's hold upon the public was truly astound-
ing; his audience was almost incredibly large; and I have often wondered
how many people there were in the world who always turned first of all to
the column marked 'Idle Comments' in the Charlotte Observer. Avery ex-
pressed in prose of simple pathos and universal sentiment the piquancy,
poetry, and romance of everyday life, the humor and the glamour of tous
les jours. He dwelt lovingly upon the little touching incidents daily en-
tering into the life of the man-in-the-street. His vein of quiet and delicate
humor finds its analogue in Owen Wister. Avery always impressed me
as an American Charles Lamb of journalism, with a tremendous infusion
of sentiment. His appeal to the popular heart seemed to arise from his
power of expressing those sentiments of tender and romantic content
which this garish twentieth century has not yet quite succeeded in de-
stroying here in the South.
"In his own way, individual, unique, McNeill likewise expressed sentiment
— strong, manly, sincere. His instrument was the finer of the two, and his
triumph lay in his reserve. Strength and sweetness are the most funda-
mental notes in the symphony of his art. His heart was genuine and true.
His mood was never distorted by hopeless regret, futile despair, or catch-
penny pessimism. His sentiment rang out clear and true — free from all
taint of modern morbidity. Sentimentality had no place in his make-up.
Gentleness and not softness, real feeling and not imaginative emotional-
ism, informed his verse. And his ideal of art was fine and noble. Such a
phrase as 'his widowed sea' in 'Paul Jones' is worth a dozen poems of the
minor singers of to-day, and left the impression of potential greatness.
I earnestly hope that the manuscript of the volume of poems McNeill read
to me last spring will soon find its way to publication. Then we shall have
even more convincing evidence that there has passed from our midst —
and left us profoundly sorrowing, yet not before we have learned to ad-
mire and to love him, a fine and gentle spirit who was not only a talent
in esse but a genius in futuro — ^John Charles McNeill.
(HE Mebane family of Orange County, N. C,
which has gone out from this home into the
adjoining counties of Caswell, Alamance and
Guilford, in North Carolina, and into the states
of Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Indiana,
Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and elsewhere,
came originally from the north of Ireland, and we may confidently
assume that they belonged to that masterful people, the Scotch-
Irish — a people Scotch in blood, but modified by long residence on
Irish soil.
Besides the official documents to be found in the Colonial and
State Records the history of the family has come down to us in
a sketch, all too brief, written by James Mebane, about 1850, for
Caruthers' "Revolutionary Incidents in the Old North State."
As he was a man of education, intelligence, and experience and a
grandson of the North Carolina immigrant, we may assume that
his sketch, which has been copied almost verbatim in Wheeler's
"Reminiscences," and is here much condensed and reinforced by
references from the. Records, is substantially correct.
According to this account, the founder of the American family
is Alexander Mebane, who first settled in Pennsylvania; from
that colony he came south between 1744 and 1751 and settled at
the Hawfields in Orange County. We are told that he was in-
dustrious, upright, thrifty, and that he acquired considerable
property. We find that on April i, 1751, Alexander "Maybeen"
was commissioned a J. P. for Bladen County (Col. Rec, iv,
p. 1243). Now Orange was formed in 1752 from Granville,
Johnston and Bladen and we may safely assume that this J. P.
was the immigrant. He was also appointed by the act creating
the county the first sheriff of Orange and was made a vestryman
of St. Matthew's parish (State Rec, xxii, p. 384). In 1754 he
was a commissioner to fix the location of the county court of
Orange and in 1757 was again made a J. P. Col. Rec, v, p. 813;
S. R., XXV, p. 272). In 1755 as "major of militia in the county
of Orange" and in absence of the commanding colonel he lays
before Governor Dobbs "the defenseless state of said county"
and makes certain recommendations in the premises (v, p. 365) ;
in April of that year he was recommended for lieutenant-colonel
(xxii, 366). He is again mentioned in connection with the
Regulation troubles, for in 1768 he, or his son of the same name,
was nominated as a juror in Orange (vii, p. 842) and on April r3th
of that year Edmund Fanning orders "Captain Mebane" and
others to raise militia to check the Regulators (vii, p. 707).
These troops were to rendezvous at "Colonel Mebane's," but they
refused to muster and "Captain Mebane" and others were then
appointed a committee to treat with "the most reasonable of the
rioters" (vii, p. 710). The sketch by James Mebane quoted
above says that he was "commissioned colonel" under the royal
government. If such was the case I have found no further con-
firmation than the above incidental references. He was made a
J. P. by the Provincial Congress in December, 1776, and seems
to have held the office till 1789, when he resigned (xxiii, p. 995 ;
xxi, pp. 243, 249, 60s).
Alexander Mebane, the immigrant, had six sons and six daugh-
ters, all of whom but one married, while ipost of them reared
families in Orange. The sons were: (i) William; (2) Robert;
(3) Alexander; (4) John; (5) James; (6) David. As we
have seen, in the Regulation troubles he and his sons were sup-
porters of the government. When the Revolutionary struggle
began they became strong Whigs and active defenders of Ameri-
can liberty. The father had many Tory neighbors and suffered
much from their depredations. The Tories burnt his barns and
fences; plundered his dwelling and took away everything they
could carry. The sons all saw service in one form or another in
behalf of independence.
I shall now give a brief sketch of each of these sons. The
oldest was William. He was a captain in the militia, probably the
"Captain Mebane" already mentioned in connection with the
Regulators. He signed the protest against the Hillsboro riots
drawn up by the Loyal Regulators' Association in 1770 (vii,
pp. 273, 274) and perhaps was the one of that name who signed
the petition for the pardon of Hunter, the Regulator leader
(ix, pp. 86, 87), but we have no particular record of his military
service. He was in the Assembly from Orange in 1782; was
also a member of the convention which met in Hillsboro in
July, 1788, and like his better known brother was a consistent
opponent of the Federal Constitution. He was twice married,
first to Miss Abercrombie, second to Miss Rainey (Wheeler
reverses this order), but left no children by either marriage.
Robert Mebane played a more important military role than
any of his brothers and his career is fairly well preserved in the
State Records. His first service was with Rutherford in his
expedition against the Over hill Cherokees in 1776, when the
Indians were defeated and their towns and crops destroyed. He
was commissioned as lieutenant-colonel of the Seventh regiment
(called also battalion). North Carolina Continental Line, Novem-
ber 24, 1776, being next in authority to Colonel James Hogun;
during the summer of 1777 he was stationed in Halifax, was
transferred to the First North Carolina battalion June i, 1778,
in place of Lieutenant-Colonel William Davis (xv, p. 476) and
saw service in the north that summer (xii, pp. 497, 504, 514, 530,
etc.) When Hogun was made a brigadier-general Mebane was
promoted to a colonelcy, his commission being dated February 9,
1779. In April, 1779, he was in command of the Third regi-
ment (xiv, p. 70) and was ordered to North Carolina to recruit
(xiv, p. 292; XV, pp. 724, 725, 749). He was again in Halifax
during that summer, but his health was then so bad that his retire-
ment from the army seemed inevitable; he recovered, however,
for he proceeded under orders with Hogun to Charleston and was
captured at its fall in May, 1780 (xiv, pp. xi, 293, 817). We
find him again in Granville in 1781, when he was seeking cloth-
ing for troops, and from this time was engaged in partisan war-
fare to his death in October, 1781, which may be told in the words
of the original narrative:
"Colonel Robert Mebane was a man of undoubted courage and
activity. . . . He was in many battles and skirmishes with the
British and Tories. At the battle of Cane Creek [against Fanning
in September, 1781, on his retreat from Hillsboro after capturing
Governor Burke. See S. R. xxii, p. 207] he displayed great prowess
and valor and fought hero-like. General Butler having ordered a
retreat Colonel Mebane rushed before the retreating army and, by
violent efforts, got a part of them stopped, and gained a victory.
Toward the close of the battle, ammunition becoming scarce, he
passed along the line carrying powder in his hat and distributing it
among the soldiers, encouraging and animating them to persevere
in the bloody strife. He was afterward with his regiment on the
waters of the Cape Fear [still following Fanning], contending with
the Tories; but being notified that his services were needed in the
northern part of the State, he set out accompanied only by his
servant. On the way, he came upon a noted Tory and horse thief,
by the name of Henry Hightower, who was armed with a British
musket. Knowing him, and perhaps too fearless and regardless of
the consequences, he pursued him and when within striking dis-
tance with his arm uplifted, Hightower wheeled and shot him. . . .
In person he was large, strong, active and of commanding appear-
To this account Caruthers adds other facts gathered from
Nathaniel Slade, who had been on more than one expedition with
Robert Mebane. He says that after Mebane had by his efforts
changed the Cane Creek skirmish from a defeat into a drawn
battle he went to General Butler, the commanding officer, told
him that he had disobeyed orders and offered him his sword,
which Butler declined to take. He then continues:
"Immediately after the battle of Cane Creek, General Butler col-
lected as many men as possible, . . . and pursued the Tories. Slade
and Mebane were both on this expedition, . . . but they did not over-
take the Tories and could not rescue the governor. At a place called
the Brown Marsh they met a party of British and Tories, and a
skirmish ensued. Slade told me that Butler, under the impression
that the enemy had field pieces, ordered a retreat after the first fire
and set the example himself; but Mebane did just as he had done on
Cane Creek, disobeyed orders, rallied as many men as he could, and
continued to fight till they were overpowered by numbers, or by Brit-
ish discipline, and were obliged to retreat. Slade said that he was
not far from Mebane, and heard him giving his orders in a bold,
strong voice. 'Now give it to them, boys, — fire.' . . It was on his
return from this expedition that he was killed, . . . and his death was
iriuch regretted by the Whig party."
Colonel Robert Mebane left no descendants.
The most distinguished member of the family in the second
generation, however, was Alexander Mebane, 2d, who was born
in Pennsylvania, November 26, 1744. It is probable that his
father came to North Carolina soon after the birth of this son,
for as we have seen he became a justice of the peace in April,
1 75 1. It is certain that the son grew to manhood in Orange
County. He was perhaps a wagoner in the Regulation campaign
and is there styled "captain" (xxii, p. 475). The first certain
reference to him in the Colonial Records is as a member of the
last Provincial Congress of North Carolina, but as he had been
chosen at a special election and did not take his seat till December
16, 1776, he had little opportunity to show his capacity. He was
appointed by this Congress a J. P. and in July, 1777, became
sheriff of Orange. In 1780-81 he was commissioner of specific
supplies for Orange and in September, 1780, we find the Board of
War ordering him to gather supplies for the defeated army of
Gates (xiv, pp. 386, 387, 433, 639, 640). His most important
work seems to have been as a member of the General Assembly.
He represented Orange in the lower house in 1783 and 1784 and
in 1787 to 1792, inclusive, where he served on important com-
mittees and in 1788 was chairman of the whole. He was a com-
missioner to repair the public buildings in Hillsboro in 1782 and
auditor of Hillsboro district in 1783 and 1784; was elected col-
onel of cavalry for Hillsboro district in 1788 and brigadier-gen-
eral in 1789, although against his desire (xxi, pp. 330, 666).
He was a member of the Hillsboro Convention of 1788 from
Orange County, and of the Fayetteville Convention of 1789 and
was one of those prescient radicals who, like his neighbors David
Caldwell and Thomas Person, voted uniformly against the
adoption of the Federal Constitution. He was a member of the
first board of trustees of the University of North Carolina and
was elected a representative in the Third Congress, 1793-95. He
was elected to the Fourth Congress, but died in Orange County,
N. C, July 5, 1795. He was distinguished for his sound practical
sense, his unblemished integrity and unflinching firmness. He
married in February, 1767, Miss Mary Armstrong, of Orange
County, and by her had twelve children, four sons and eight
daughters ; all of the sons and seven of the daughters married and
had families. One of his sons was James Mebane, who represented
Orange County in the lower house in 1818, 1820-24, was speaker
in 1821 and was in the senate in 1828. He had been one of the
earliest students in the University of North Carolina and a
founder of the Dialectic Society. His wife was Elizabeth, the
only child of William Kinchen, and one of their sons was the late
Giles Mebane of Caswell County. William, another son of
General Alexander Mebane, lived at Mason Hall, Orange County,
while another, Dr. John Alexander Mebane, resided in Greens-
boro; their sister, Frances, married Rev. William D. Paisley,
while another, Elizabeth, married William H. Goodloe, of Madi-
son County, Miss. Wheeler states that General Alexander Me-
bane married as his second wife Miss Claypole, of Philadelphia.
John Mebane, the fourth brother, also saw service in the Revo-
lution. I have found one reference to John Mebane as "private
and captain" (xxii, p. 76), but I know of nothing to identify
him with the family of whom I am writing. In the absence of
documentary materials we must again have access to the Narra-
tive of James Mebane. He says :
"Colonel John Mebane, late of Chatham County, entered as cap-
tain in the service of his country in the time of the Revolution.
When Hillsboro was taken by the British and Tories, the Tories
commanded by the notorious David Fanning, he was captured and
with Thomas Burke, governor of the State, and William Kinchen and
others, was marched under the Tory Colonel McDugal, who,
although there was an attempt made by the Whigs to rescue them at
Lindley's Mill [Cane Creek], succeeded in taking them to Wilming-
ton, N. C, when they were put on board a prison ship and from
there taken to Charleston, S. C, where they were still confined on
board the ship for a long time, suffering extremely by the privations,
heat, filth and vermin and the diseases common on board prison
ships. As John Mebane and William Kinchen after their release
were on their way home, Kinchen was taken sick and died. . . .
Colonel John Mebane, late of Chatham County, was elected for that
county, and served in the house of commons of the General As-
sembly in 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793 [also 1795], 1798 to 1803 [also 1807],
1808, 1809, 1811. About the close of the war [of the Revolution] he
married Mrs. Sarah Kinchin, widow of William Kinchin, who died
on his way home from the prison ship at Charleston, S. C, by whom
he had one son, John Briggs Mebane, who represented the county
in the house of commons in 1813, and one daughter, who married
Thomas Hill, of Rockingham County."
John Mebane's will is dated May 31, 1834.
James Mebane, the fifth son, was also in the public service.
He is probably the same as the James Mebane, sheriff of Orange
County, who on May 21, 1784, was allowed iyo for executing
fourteen criminals (xix, pp. 555, 558, 629, 637). In the same
year he was a commissioner to repair the public buildings in
Hillsboro and Salisbury. In December, 1789, he was nomina'ted
as commissioner of confiscated property for Hillsboro district,
and in 1790 was settling his accounts with the State. Mr. James
Mebane's Narrative says:
"Captain James Mebane was also actively employed during the
Revolutionary war. He married Margaret Allen, of the Hawfields,
by whom he had a large family of children. He died some years
before his wife."
David Mebane, the youngest son of Alexander Mebane, Sr.,
does not appear in the Colonial and State Records, but he served
two terms in the militia and his campaigns were probably tours
of duty to put down Tory marauders. He represented Orange
County in the house of commons in 1808, 1809 and 1810. He
married Miss Ann Allen of the Hawfields and had a large family
of children, one of whom was George A. Mebane, of Mason
Hall, merchant and postmaster, who was the father of Cornelius
Mebane and grandfather of Robert S. Mebane, now secretary
and treasurer of the Alamance Cotton Mills at Graham, N. C.
After the death of his first wife David Mebane married Mrs.
Elizabeth Yancey, of Caswell County, by whom he had a daugh-
ter, Martha Holt, of Arkansas. He died several years before
his last wife.
From this brief record it will be seen that few families in
North Carolina contributed more to the founding of the com-
monwealth than did that of Alexander Mebane, of Orange
Stephen B. Weeks.
r-^ fe-^^- A^//'^"!-" S£rcAr,f-
/_ y,,, t r !^-, A/'-pct-"- P" ^-
'ILES MEBANE was born January 25, 1809,
in that part of Orange County which was after-
ward included in the county of Alamance at its
erection, and died at Graham, N. C, within a
few miles of his birthplace, June 3, 1899. His
ancestry was such as to inspire within him all
noble and patriotic impulses. The history of the family has been
traced in the previous sketch. James Mebane, Giles Mebane's
father, was a son of Alexander Mebane and one of the first stu-
dents of the University of North Carolina. He was one of the
founders and the first president of the Dialectic Society, in whose
hall his portrait may be seen to this day. He represented Orange
County in the house of commons for some years, and his last
public services were rendered in 1824.
Giles Mebane was prepared for the University by Rev. William
Bingham, whose assistant he became for a time. Entering the
University, he graduated with distinction in 1831, in a class of
fourteen, all of whom he survived, though, as he was often heard
to say, he was "the sick man of his class," never being of robust
health. For some years after his graduation his services were
retained by the University as a tutor. Finding, however, that
the profession of teaching was one which tried his naturally
delicate constitution, he read law under Chief Justice Ruffin, was
soon admitted to the Bar, and continued in successful practice
until the close of the civil war, when he removed to Caswell
County, where he resided until in extreme age he was induced
to give up farmnig and make his home in Graham, where he
and his wife could enjoy the daily ministrations of a devoted
In 1837 he was married to Miss Mary Catherine Yancey,
daughter of Bartlett Yancey, of Caswell County. Of Bartlett
Yancey it is said that, although he died in the prime of life, he
had attained greater distinction than any other North Carolinian
had ever attained at his age. The wedded life of Mr. and Mrs.
Mebane was one of ideal happiness. For more than sixty-two
years they were permitted to dwell together without so much as
a shadow of discord or mutual mistrust upon their hearthstone.
Several children were born to them, four of whom — Mrs. L.
Banks Holt, of Graham, N. C. ; Mrs. E. C. Mebane, of Greens-
boro, N. C. ; Mrs. Fannie Smith, of Charlotte County, Va., and
D. Y. Mebane, Esq., of Caswell County, N. C. — survive to
bless the widowhood of their aged and revered mother. Of the
others, Bettie, the eldest daughter, married C. P. Mebane, and
died, leaving three children; Virginia, the fourth daughter,
married Mr. John E. Robertson, of Caswell County, and at her
death left one child; and the youngest daughter, Susan, died in
young womanhood, unmarried. At the time of his death, the
number of Mr. Mebane's children, grandchildren and great-
grandchildren aggregated forty-four.
His first appearance in public life was in 1844, when he repre-
sented Orange County in the house of commons, to which
position he was reelected in 1846, and again in 1848. In the first
year of his legislative career he commanded such confidence
among the leaders of the Whig party that he was invited to par-
ticipate in the conference of the Whig leaders held in Raleigh in
that year, while Henry Clay was canvassing the South as their
candidate for the presidency. He was cognizant of the writing
of the famous letter sent out from Raleigh by Mr. Clay, and
which is said to have cost him his election. In the legislature
of 1848-49 he introduced the bill to erect the county of Alamance.
The name of the county was suggested by Mrs. Mebane, in
memory of the battle of Alamance. The town of Graham was
named by Mr. Mebane himself in honor of Governor Graham.
At the same session of the legislature, Mr. Mebane used his
influence successfully to secure a charter for the North Carolina
Railroad, and to prevent the forfeiture of the charter by lack of
subscriptions, he subscribed for an amount of stock in excess of
his own fortune, and paid his subscription by taking a contract
and building six miles of the road. In 1854 we find him repre-
senting the new county of Alamance in the house of commons,
and again in the "trying times" of i860 On December 10, i860,
as a member of the committee on federal relations, he signed the
minority report protesting against voting on the question of call-
ing a convention on February 7, 1861. The four years following
he was state senator from Alamance and Randolph, and president
of the senate. In 1865 he was a member of the Constitutional
Convention. After his removal to Caswell he was, in 1878,
elected to the senate by the twentieth senatorial district, em-
bracing the counties of Orange, Caswell and Person ; and it was
he who introduced the bill to compromise and settle the state
debt, a measure which reestablished the credit of North Carolina
on a sound basis.
In politics Mr. Mebane was, as I have already intimated,
a Whig before the civil war, ardently opposing secession until
South Carolina and Virginia seceded. When it seemed for a
time that North Carolina would be the battle-ground of the
"irrepressible conflict," he espoused the cause of the Confederacy,
and gave it his steadfast, unfailing support to the last. When
the war ended, he allied himself with the Democratic party.
Giles Mebane was a "just man who eschewed evil." Pure in
heart and speech, and blameless in his daily walk, he was from
early manhood a consistent member of the Presbyterian church,
and was for many years an efficient and influential ruling elder.
He was a gentleman of the old school, uniformly considerate and
courteous; frank without being rude or brusque; firm in his
convictions, and courageous in maintaining them, yet so tolerant
in spirit and charitable in speech, that he never irritated his
opponents, making friends among men of all shades of political
and religious belief. And his generous spirit toward others
was rewarded by public confidence such as few men enjoy. It
was no small compliment that he was when advanced in life
elected to the senate as a Democrat in a district which had been
till then overwhelmingly Republican.
As a lawyer, he was ready and accurate in his knowledge of
the law ; frank, sincere and wise in his counsel ; and preeminently
successful, not only in protecting the interests of his clients, but
in warding off unnecessary and harmful litigation. He gave his
advice rather for the good of others than with a view to filling
his own pockets, quite unlike the shysters by whom the legal
profession is so often disgraced. In public speech he was earnest,
direct, logical, convincing, often eloquent, and always courteous.
In social life he was a delightful companion. Rarely gifted in
mind and memory, his talk was wise, instructive and cheerful.
He lived in the present and in the future. Instead of brooding
over disagreeable experiences, his thoughts dwelt upon the pleas-
ant and amusing things of life; and his memory was like "a
basket of summer fruit."
Living far beyond the three-score-and-ten which the Psalmist
counted the ordinary limit of human life, Mr. Mebane was re-
markably free from many of the common infirmities of old age.
His hearing became defective, but eyesight and memory were
excellent. To the last he continued to be a diligent student of
public affairs, and his views of public men and current events
were always original, interesting and just.
He died as he had lived — an humble, sincere and cheerful
Christian. When his last illness came, he felt a premonition of
his departure, and let it be known that he was ready. Always
uncomplaining, he exhibited a patience that was saintly and
beautiful as his days of weariness and pain wore by. "God has
been good to me all my life," he said; "I must now take my
bitter with my sweet."
William P. McCorkle.
' N. C, was born at the old Mebane homestead,
I Orange County, on September 12, 1868. He
I is a descendant of Alexander Mebane, the
.patriarch, through David Mebane, his youngest
,son, then George Allen Mebane and Cornelius
Mebane, and the complete history of the above-named ancestors
appears in this volume under the sketch of Alexander Mebane, Sr.
The father of the subject of this sketch, Cornelius Mebane,
was a manufacturer, being engaged in the manufacture of cotton.
He was distinguished for his energy and for a soundness of
judgment that brought him gratifying success in his business
career. Although richly endowed with fine intellectual capacity,
and gifted with a remarkably bright mind, he never sought
poliiical preferment, but rather avoided public life and devoted
himself to his private affairs and found enjoyment in the
amenities of social intercourse with his friends. He married
Julia Paisley Sloan, who was a daughter of Hon. Robert M.
Sloan, of Greensboro, N. C, and a granddaughter of Rev. Wil-
liam D. Paisley, first pastor of the Greensboro Presbyterian
church, and a man of great prominence in both religious and
political affairs from 1794 to 1857, and whose career is
closely identified with the history of that period in North
Reared under the influence of his excellent mother, healthy
and robust in his early years, Robert Sloan Mebane was well
trained at home and the finer shades of moral and spiritual life
were brought out in his character, while his intellectual faculties
were being developed. He was fond of reading and had an
ambition to acquire knowledge, and was attentive to his studies
when at school, and there began to read medicine; but when
eighteen years of age began active life as a druggist at
Greensboro, N. C. One year he then spent at Washington City
as a druggist, studying all the while at a college of pharmacy
and then graduated in pharmacy. He then obtained a position as
a salesman in the wholesale drug business with the Winklemann-
Brown Drug Co., of Baltimore, and for five years traveled for
them throughout the southern states. After this he went into
the dye and aniline business with A. Klipstein & Co., of New
York, visiting all the cotton mills throughout' the South and
having the entire management of the southern business of this
firm. His acquaintance with the mill trade led him in 1902 to
seek an interest in that department of business activity, and he
acquired an interest in the Carolina Cotton Mills and in the
Alamance Cotton Mills at Graham, N. C, with his father-in-law,
Mr. L. Banks Holt, and was at once elected secretary and treas-
urer of each of these mills; and from that time he has devoted
himself exclusively to the cotton mill business.
On October 25, 1899, Mr. Mebane was united in marriage to
Miss Cora A. Holt, a daughter of L. Banks Holt, Elsq. ; but
after five years of happy married life, Mrs. Mebane was called
away, leaving one son to comfort her bereaved husband. His
marriage led him to closer relations with the honored father of
Mrs. Mebane, and their intercourse strengthened the mutual
esteem that subsisted between them.
When on January i, 1906, Mr. Holt retired from the activi-
ties of business, he vested the executive management of the
Oneida and Bellemont Mills, representing more than a million
of dollars invested capital, in the hands of Mr. Mebane, who
is successfully carrying on the operations of those great prop-
erties, in addition to the Alamance Cotton Mills and the Carolina
Cotton Mills.
Although Mr. Mebane's life has been such a busy and active
one, he has recognized his duty as a patriotic son of North Caro-
lina to bear arms under the flag of his State; and in 1889 he
became a member of the Guilford Grays and was elected lieuten-
ant of that company, which was then Company B, of the Third
regiment of State Guards.
In his religious associations, Mr. Mebane has adhered to the
faith of his fathers, and is affiliated with the Presbyterian church
as a deacon. In political matters he has always been a Demo-
crat, and while never seeking party honors or preferment, he has
taken a zealous interest in all movements that tended to the
progress of the State and the advantage of his community.
His reading has been general, but unusually thorough, embrac-
ing the best books by the best authors ; yet he has been more par-
ticularly interested in science and biography, and has applied
himself to the study of such works as have a bearing upon his
business life. Indeed, from boyhood he has cherished an ambi-
tion to excel, and he has sought to achieve success in life and to
maintain the high standing of citizenship which came to him as
an inheritance from his parents.
There have been various influences that strengthened him in
these purposes, but the sweet companionship and confidence and
influence of his noble Christian mother in his younger days was
the most potent factor in molding his character aright, and her
love and never-wavering faith in him have been his abiding com-
fort and greatest incentive to the achievement of nobler things.
He realizes the advantages that accrued from early association
with right-thinking people, and he also attributes much to his
own private study, observation and reflection, while he recognizes
the benefits he has received from contact with able and honorable
men in business life. Particularly he places a high estimate on
the value of the influence which has been exerted upon him by
his association with Mr. Holt. Not only has this intercourse
fostered fine business training, but it has strengthened those high
ideals of life which are naturally inherent in Mr. Mebane's char-
acter and are such a distinguishing feature in the career of Mr.
L. Banks Holt.
While Mr. Mebane has achieved gratifying success in the af-
fairs he has undertaken, and has won a fine reputation as a
cotton manufacturer and manager, he has at times encountered
obstacles that require the exercise of care, prudence and per-
sistent perseverance to overcome. He has found that there is no
easy road to successful achievement, and that things worth striv-
ing for can only be accomplished by strenuous exertion ; yet it is
gratifying to note that according to his observation, perseverance
united with capacity will generally be rewarded with success if
the object sought is a worthy one and should be attained.
As evidence of the reward that usually attends "perseverance,
united with capacity," it is well to mention that Mr. Mebane has
been made general manager of Oneida and Bellemont Cotton
Mills, secretary and treasurer of Carolina and Alamance Cotton
Mills, in both of which he is part owner as well.
He is president and a director in the Bank of Alamance and
stockholder and director in several other banks and insurance
In looking after the many interests that demand his attention,
it may be well imagined that his life is one of energy and
During his years of traveling throughout the Union, Mr. Me-
bane became well acquainted with the leading features and pre-
dominating characteristics of American life, and he would
recommend as the basis for the formation of character, honesty,
energy, and sobriety ; a true spirit of Christianity ; these he thinks,
united with good health and hard, persistent work, directed to
the attainment of some desirable purpose, will result in promoting
true success in life and in improving the standard of human ex-
5". A. Ashe.
IS a
^EW institutions in the South have done more
intelligent and successful work than has Shaw
I University, of Raleigh, for the education of the
I negro race. It has had from its infancy an
i increasingly useful career ; giving besides intel-
1 lectual training, practical industrial instruction,
and turning out each year in its graduates law-abiding and self-
supporting citizens.
Its president for ten years past has been Charles Francis Me-
serve, under whose direction the University has greatly increased
its efficiency and has become thoroughly respected by all classes
throughout the State.
Charles Francis Meserve is a native of Abington, Plymouth
County, Mass., where he was born July 15, 1850. His father
was Charles Meserve, a shoemaker and farmer; his mother was
Susan Smith Blanchard.
The family of Mr. Meserve came from the Isle of Jersey,
English Channel, their earliest ancestor in America being Clement
Meserve, whom we find in Portsmouth, N. H., in 1673. Dr.
Albion K. P. Meserve, of Portland, Me., has prepared the pedi-
gree of the family and says of them :
"Agriculture and the mechanic arts seemed to have occupied the
time of most of the members of the Meserve family, although it has
had its share of professional men, lawyers, clergymen, and doctors,
while the name figures but small in the court records, either as de-
fendants or prosecutors, showing honesty, integrity, and uprightness
in the race. Christianity also seems to have been an attribute, as the
name is often found in the church records."
The most distinguished Hving member of the family in Great
Britain is Judge Alfred Meserve, "Brabant," Trinity, Jersey,
but probably the most distinguished member of the American
branch of the family was Colonel Nathaniel Meserve, of New
Hampshire, who died in 1758. In Samuel Adams Drake's "Tak-
ing of Louisburg," one of the volumes of his "Decisive Events
of American History," we learn that he bore a prominent part in
the capture of Louisburg, one of the strongest fortresses of the
world :
"Every gun and every pound of provisions and ammunition had to
be dragged two miles through marshes and over rocks to the allotted
stations. This transit being impractical for wheel-carriages, sledges
were constructed by Lieutenant-Colonel Meserve, of the New Hamp-
shire regiment, to which relays of men harnessed themselves in turn
as they do in arctic journeys; and in this way the cannon, mortars, and
stores were slowly dragged through the spongy turf, where the mud
was frequently knee deep, to the trenches before Louisburg. None
but the rugged yeomen of New England, men inured to all sorts of
out-of-door labor in woods and fields, could have successfully accom-
plished such a Herculean task."
It was this action of Colonel Meserve, together with the simul-
taneous attack by sea, that reduced the fortress and made English
supremacy of the American continent possible.
Charles Francis Meserve's early life was passed in his native
village. He tells us of it :
"I was sent to school when five years of age and was fond of
school, but perhaps no more so than the average child. I was es-
pecially fond of roaming the fields and woods with my father on
holidays and other days when work was slack, in quest of wild berries,
and on these trips my father frequently impressed upon me the love
and wisdom of God in preparing the universe for His children."
When fourteen years of age he began to work in the shoe
shop with his father. At times, during the autumn, winter, and
spring, when work in the shop was slack, he worked out of doors,
helping to gather the crops, to cut wood in winter, and assisted
in planting and haying in the spring and summer, and notwith-
standing this work, he attended the day school forty weeks in the
year. Mr. Charles Meserve, his father, was a man of rugged
character and a hater of shams and pretences, of great purity
and simplicity of life, ever a friend to the poor and oppressed,
and his strong character exerted a powerful influence for good
over the son, whose home life was the real foundation of his
successful career.
While the parents had received only a common school educa-
tion, they sympathized with their son in his desire for more in-
struction, but he is indebted more probably for the inspiration to
obtain an education to his elder brother, Alonzo, who has been
for many years the master of the Bowdoin School in Boston, and
probably his choice of teaching as a profession unconsciously
turned the attention of his younger brother to educational work.
There had been, a few years before the birth of Charles Francis
Meserve, a great educational awakening in Massachusetts through
the splendid career of Horace Mann, and he came upon the
stage of action when there was great enthusiasm for that subject,
and a great interest on the part of the people in improving the
public school system. The spirit of the times, with the wise
example of his brother, doubtless gave to Charles Francis his
earliest impulses.
In the autumn of his nineteenth year, Mr. Meserve left home
and began to teach school. He had at this time nearly completed
the course of study in the high school, but in order to have this
privilege, he had been obliged to work from early in the morning
until school time, and from the close of school until nine o'clock
at night. It was under such circumstances that he acquired the
training sufficient to teach school. He taught two terms in the
town of Avon, Mass., then in Rockland, Mass., giving up this
school in 1872 to pursue his studies further.
^ In pursuance of this end, in March, 1872, he €ntered the Clas-
sical Institute at Waterville, Me., was graduated therefrom at
the close of the school year, and in 1877 was graduated with the
degree of A.B. from Colby University, now Colby College, in
Waterville, Me. In 1880 the honorary degree of master of arts
and some years later that of doctor of laws were conferred upon
him by the same University. Since this time, while he has taken
no post-graduate course of study, he has done special work in
manual training and has availed himself of courses of lectures
on professional subjects from time to time, fitting himself still
further for his profession by thorough study of the classics, his-
tory, general literature, pedagogy and ethnology.
He accepted the principalship of the high school in Rockland,
Mass., in 1877, which he resigned eight years later to take charge
of the Oak Street School in Springfield, Mass.; and in 1889 he
accepted the superintendency of Haskell Institute at Lawrence,
Kan., at that time the largest United States Indian Industrial
Training School in the West.
He has from that time identified himself with the cause of the
American Indian, has traveled quite extensively among them and
has written and spoken upon his travels and observations. Per-
haps the most important service rendered was in visiting the
five civilized tribes of the Indian Territory, and investigating the
work of the Dawes Commission for these tribes. There was
considerable criticism of the Dawes Commission, and having
looked into their work very carefully, Mr. Meserve subsequently
made an extended and favorable report, which was generally
circulated throughout the country. A few years afterward Sena-
tor Dawes said that this investigation and subsequent report had
made possible the future success of this commission.
In 1894, at the earnest solicitation of General T. J. Morgan,
secretary of the American Baptist Home Mission Society of
New York City, Mr. Meserve resigned the superintendency of
Haskell Institute to accept the presidency of Shaw University,
Raleigh, N. C, and took up this new work without interim or
vacation on March 17th of that year.
Mr. Meserve was married on December 19, 1878, to Miss Abbie
Mary Whittier, of Bangor, Me., who died in Brookline, Mass.,
October 6, 1898, leaving one child, Alice Whittier Meserve. He
was married a second time. May 10, 1900, to Miss Fanny J.
Philbrick at Waterville, Me. In religion, Mr. Meserve is a
Baptist and was licensed to preach by the First Baptist church,
of Raleigh, but has never been ordained. In politics he has affil-
iated in national and state affairs with the Republican party, but
in local matters he acts independently, voting always for the
men who will represent best the interests of the people ; especially
does he desire to keep his educational work free from political
The superintendency of Haskell Institute had been, previous
to his incumbency, a political position, but he accepted it solely
on condition that it should be divested of politics and be run
like any other educational institution, regardless of the party in
power. He put the institution upon an honest civil service
»basis some time before any position in the Indian School Service
was placed in the classified list. When the Hon. Theodore
Roosevelt was chairman of the United States Civil Service Com-
mission he spent a day or two with Superintendent Meserve in-
specting Haskell Institute, and expressed himself as pleased with
his management and the utter absence of political considerations
in the selection of co-workers. After serving two years on
the board of trustees of the state School for the Deaf and Dumb
and Blind at Raleigh, he resigned the office because he was un-
willing for the governor of the State to dictate the selection of
the employees of the institution.
Mr. Meserve has been for many years a participator in the
annual Mohonk Indian Conferences, and is a member of the
National Educational Association, as well as the American Acad-
emy of Political and Social Science. He is also one of the small
number that were instrumental in establishing the Capon Springs
Conference at Capon Springs, W. Va., in 1898, which has grown
to be an important organization, now known as the Conference
on Education for the South.
Besides other works, he has prepared a history of the towns of
Abington, Rockland, and Whitman, Mass., and has given fre-
quent lectures upon the Indian and negro problems. Mr. Me-
serve came to Raleigh to take a position of grave responsibility,
where any false move might have brought hostility to himself and
opposition to his work, but he has shown himself equal in every
way to the situation, and- has won from all classes respect and
confidence. The experience gained by him in the Indian school
has rendered him efficient aid in teaching the negro, and he ap-
plies himself with zeal and singleness of purpose to the uplifting
of these people. Shaw University, under his management, has
increased her industrial department and improved her entire
curriculum, and her pupils are everywhere self-respecting and
Mr. Meserve believes that the hard work and habits of regu-
larity acquired in his New England home have been of inestimable
value in enabling him to accomplish his aims in life, and that the
future successful men in America will be those who, by hard
experience and privation in youth, have developed a fiber of mind
and vigor of intellect necessary to the winning of any great ob-
S. A. Ashe.
?DWIN MIMS, one of the most useful citizens
of North Carolina and the South, was born at
Richmond, Little River County, Ark., on
I May 27, 1872. His father, Andrew Jackson
Mims, was a merchant of that place, known and
respected by his fellow-townsmen for his
generosity, hospitality, and sterling integrity of character. His
mother, Cornelia Williamson Mims, is a woman who, by her
teaching as well as by her gentle Christian life, has exerted a
deep influence upon the moral and spiritual development of her
gifted son. In childhood, the boy Edwin showed great aptitude
for his school work and an eager delight in literature. One of
the noteworthy events of his boyhood days was a gift of money
from his father for the purchase of books. In 1885, in his four-
teenth year, young Mims was sent to the Webb School, Ten-
nessee, where he soon proved himself to be the possessor of one
of the finest minds in the school. Finishing his college prepara-
tory course in 1888, in the fall of that year he entered Vanderbilt
University. Here he made his mark in the department of Eng-
lish, being especially influenced by the late Professor Baskervill.
Besides being one of the leaders of his class in scholarship, he
did not fail to give attention to the development of the social
side of his nature, being a prominent member of the Delta Kappa
Epsilon fraternity. The Phi Beta Kappa society was not char-
tered at Vanderbilt until several years after Mims' graduation,
but the impression his scholarship had made in the University
was shown by his prompt election to honorary membership in the
society. He was graduated at Vanderbilt in 1892, and for two
years thereafter remained at that institution as a graduate student
and as assistant in English. In 1894 he was called to be pro-
fessor of English literature in Trinity College, at Durham, N. C.
This chair he has held continuously to the present date, being
on leave of absence, however, in 1896-1897 to study at Cornell
University as fellow in English literature and assistant to Pro-
fessor Hiram Corson. From Cornell he has received the degree
of doctor of philosophy. Besides his collegiate work of instruc-
tion. Dr. Mims served as president of the Southern Association
of Colleges and Preparatory Schools in 1901-1902, as president of
the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly in 1902, and as a member
of the Joint Hymn Book Commission of the northern and south-
ern Methodist churches in 1904. In the spring of 1907, he was
one of the leading speakers before the conference for education
in the South at Pinehurst, N. C.
On June 29, 1898, the young professor was united in marriage
to Miss Clara Puryear, of Paducah, Ky., a lady who in character,
culture, and the advantages derived from collegiate training and
travel was well fitted to be his helpmeet. The happy union has
been blessed with three children, a son, Edwin, Jr., a daughter,
Catherine Puryear, and a second son, Thomas Puryear.
These are the bare facts in a career which has thus far been
eminently useful and which gives brilliant promise for the future.
As a teacher Dr. Mims has a rare power of inspiring his students
with enthusiasm for the great masters of English literature.
From the fires of the teacher's enthusiasm over Shakespeare,
Tennyson, Browning, Wordsworth, and Carlyle, many a spark
has beer^, kindled in the receptive minds of his students. They
have gone out to be, in their turn, able and inspiring teachers.
Dr. Mims has been able to impart to those who have worked
under him the vital quality of the classics. Frequently lecturing
throughout his State, he has brought the beauties and the truths
of great literature to a far larger audience than that of the col-
lege classroom. He has been much in demand as a speaker at
college and school commencements, and has delivered summer
courses of lectures at the Colorado Chautauqua at Boulder, Col.,
and at the Monteagle, Tenn., Assembly. And everywhere that
he has taught and read and lectured, he has been a great influence
for open-mindedness and moral vigor. In his students he has
constantly sought to develop the open mind, the ability to see
and properly value all sides of a question. No teacher could be
more secure in the loyalty and respect of those who have been
privileged to be under his instruction.
In his political action as a citizen. Dr. Mims would naturally
be affiliated with the Democratic party. But he has always been
ready to urge and to take independent action, when he was con-
vinced that the occasion demanded it. An instance of this is
seen in his inability to keep in the Democratic ranks when that
party committed itself to the advocacy of the free coinage of sil-
ver at the ratio of 16 to i. At such times he has expressed him-
self forcibly and convincingly in speech and in the newspaper
press in pointing out that the duty of the citizen to State and
country is above that to party. His conscience has always con-
trolled his vote, and he has done his full share to stir the con-
sciences of his fellow-citizens when any moral issue has been at
stake. He has represented the highest type of citzenship in the
great work of combating any narrow sectionalism or provincial-
ism of views among his fellow-citizens. He has always been a
national southerner. Though offers have come to him to enter
attractive work in other sections of the country, he has steadily
preferred to devote his whole powers to his native South.
In the work and counsels of the Methodist church and of his
local congregation. Trinity Church, Durham, Dr. Mims has con-
stantly been an important and energetic factor. The same fresh
enthusiasm which has characterized his work with college classes
he has carried info the work of the Sunday-school, instructing a
large class in the great truths of the Scriptures in a way that has
removed his classes far from the dull routine of unpreparedness
sometimes found in this field. Frequently he has occupied the
pulpit of his own and other churches, and always with great
spiritual helpfulness to those who have gathered to hear the ser-
mons of the lay preacher. In the larger work of the whole
Methodist denomination of the country, his fine poetic taste was
of the greatest value as a member of the commission which pre-
pared the new hymnal which is now being used by the Metho-
dist Church, North and South.
Notwithstanding all of these activities and his full participation
in the routine committee work of Trinity College and his im-
portant part in the constructive work of building up collegiate
standards in the South, Dr. Mims has found time to make a really
surprising contribution to current and to permanent literature.
He has written articles for the Outlook, Nation, Dial, Atlantic
Monthly, Methodist Review, Congregationalist, South Atlantic
Quarterly, World's Work, Chicago Record-Herald, Charlotte
Observer, Christian Advocate, and other journals. Since the
founding of the South Atlantic Quarterly in January, 1902, he
has contributed numerous articles and book reviews to it and has
discharged editorial duties with signal ability since April, 1905.
Dr. Mims wrote the chapter on Thomas Nelson Page in the vol-
ume on "Southern Writers," issued by the Methodist Publishing
House at Nashville, Tenn., in 1903. For the American Book
Company he edited Carlyle's "Essay on Burns" in 1903. In 1904
he edited a volume of selections from the writings of Henry van
Dyke which was published by the Scribners. His most important
work thus far published is a "Life of Sidney Lanier," in the
American Men of Letters Series, published by Houghton, Mif-
flin & Co., in November, 1905.
The "Life of Sidney Lanier" is a work of permanent value
which will always link its author's name with that of one of the
two great Southern poets. Of its kind, it is certainly one of the
best books ever written in the South, and, indeed, so competent
a critic as Hamilton Wright Mabie has declared it to be one of
the best biographies written in America. Frorn the point of view
of scholarship, it is painstaking, accurate, and discriminating.
One feels that its pages present with thorough understanding and
excellent judgment the carefully weighed results of diligent study.
But beyond this, there pervades the book an inner sympathy and
affection of the biographer for his hero which wins and holds the
reader. By temperament and training and intellectual viewpoint,
Dr. Mims was the man for this particular piece of work. And
if Mims is fortunate in his subject, Lanier is fortunate in his
biographer. This "Life" will serve the poet's name and fame by
establishing upon a sure basis his claim to an important place in
the literary and aesthetic life of the nation. Nor can one fail to
feel the significance and value to the South of the chapters in
which Dr. Mims gives his enlightening account of the forces
which, in the last generation, have been spiritually rehabilitating
and regenerating his native section. The biographer will himself
exert no mean influence in that great and good work. He has
^ven Lanier his fitting place as a musician, a literary critic and
a poet, and, more than this, he has held up to the southern people
this gallant and heroic figure as a type, embodying in person the
qualities of mind and heart which make for their truest and
broadest development.
We read of Lanier as belonging in a large sense to the Nation,
but in a peculiar sense to the South. He knew the South. "Its
scenery was the background of his poetry." He was personally
acquainted with many of its leading men. "He was heir to all
the life of the past. His chivalry, his fine grace of manners, his
generosity and his enthusiasm were all southern traits; and the
work that he has left is in a peculiar sense the product of a
genius influenced by that civilization." But Lanier "had qualities
of mind and ideals of life which have been too rare in his native
section." "There had been men and women who had loved mu-
sic; but Lanier was the first southerner to appreciate adequately
its significance in the modern world, and to feel the inspiration
of the most recent composers. There had been some fine things
done in literature ; but he was the first to realize the transcendent
dignity and worth of the poet and his work."
Lanier, in the words of Dr. Mims,
"was national rather than provincial, open-minded, not prejudiced,
modern and not mediaeval. His characteristics are all in direct con-
trast with those of the conservative southerner. There have been
other southerners — far more than some men have thought — who have
had this spirit, and have worked with heroism toward the accomplish-
ment of enduring results. There have been none, however, who have
wrought out in their lives and expressed in their writings higher
ideals. He therefore makes his appeal to every man who is to-day-
working for the betterment of industrial, educational, and literary con-
ditions in the South. There will never be a time when such men will
not look to him as a man of letters who, after the war, struck out
along lines which meant most in the intellectual awakening of this
section. He was a pioneer worker in building up what he liked to
speak of as the New South :
"The South whose gaze is cast
No more upon the past.
But whose bright eyes the skies of promise sweep.
Whose feet in paths of progress swiftly leap;
And whose fresh thoughts, like cheerful rivers, run
Through odorous ways to meet the morning sun."
If the author of the "Life of Lanier" should do no more, he is
to be credited with important and worthy service. Fortunately,
he is a young man — but thirty-five years of age — in the full pos-
session of maturing powers. The record of achievement in the
past gives the brightest promise for his future. In North Caro-
liiia and in all the South he has a multitude of friends who wish
for him many long years of health and strength in which his use-
fulness may ever be increased.
W. H. Glasson.
f. u^c
CRANCIS MARION PARKER, one of the most
distinguished of North Carolina soldiers
evolved during the war between the states, was
born in Nash County, where his parents were
spending the summer, on September 21, 1827.
Colonel Parker has a North Carolina descent
extending far back into the colonial period, and his ancestors
have in each generation been men of affairs and distinguished in
the various walks of life. He is one of the many descendants
of John Haywood, who settled in Edgecombe County and was
surveyor for Lord Granville and treasurer of the northern coun-
ties of the province. The Haywoods were active patriots during
the Revolution, and the family has long been one of the most
distinguished in the annals of the State. He is also a grandson
of Captain Henry Irwin Toole, of the Second North Carolina
Continental regiment and a great-grand-nephew of Colonel Henry
Irwin, who was killed at the battle of Germantown.
His father, Theophilus Parker, was a merchant and farmer of
Edgecombe County, whose integrity and high character made
him prominent in that community, while his gentleness and cul-
ture and benevolence warmly attached a large circle of friends to
him. He did not enter into politics, but devoted himself to his
business affairs, and the only position of public nature that he
held was president of the Bank of Tarboro, for which he was
selected because of his recognized financial ability and superior
merit. He married Miss Mary Toole, who became the mother
of the subject of this sketch.
Colonel Parker's early youth was passed in the village of Tar-
boro, and being of a strong and robust constitution and full of
energy, he indulged in hunting and other sports in which his
companions engaged and developed both physically and intellec-
tually under the care of his tender and affectionate parents.
After a preliminary course in the local schools he was taught at
the Lovejoy Academy at Raleigh and at Dr. Wilson's Caldwell
Institute, and then became a student at the school established by
Bishop Ives at Valle Crucis. He married on December 17, 1851,
Miss Sallie T. Phillips, a daughter of Dr. Phillips, who was a
prominent physician of Edgecombe County, and shortly after
his marriage began life as a farmer on his own plantation in
Halifax County and pursued that vocation, interrupted only by
the war, until two years ago a slight stroke of paralysis incapac-
itated him for active work.
Because of his high character and sterling worth, he became
one of the leading men in the county of Halifax, whose counsels
were sought on all important occasions, and from time to time
he served his fellow-citizens in various civil positions. He was
closely associated with his kinsman. Governor Henry Toole
Clark, of Edgecombe, and in association with him and through
his strong friendship with Colonel Michael Hoke, who made the
brilliant campaign against Governor Graham, he became deeply
imbued with the principles of the Democratic party and has ever
been an earnest adherent of that organization.
With his patriotic traditions and family record and being a
true southerner, when the occasion arose he was among the first
to enlist as a soldier in the war for the South. When in April,
1 86 1, President Lincoln called on North Carolina for her quota
of troops to coerce the seceded states he immediately joined in
raising a company known as "The Enfield Blues," of which he
was elected second lieutenant. This company became Company
I of the first North Carolina regiment organized, famous as the
"Bethel regiment," and Lieutenant Parker received his baptism
of blood at Bethel, being in command of his company on the
right of Company H; and during the progress of the battle he
deployed it in the front of the works and well performed the duty
assigned him. On August 31, 1861, the captain of the company.
Captain Bell, having resigned. Lieutenant Parker was elected to
succeed him, and upon the organization of the Thirtieth North
Carolina regiment in the following October, Captain Parker was
elected colonel of that regiment and his subsequent military career
was in connection with that organization.
After a few weeks the Thirtieth regiment occupied Camp
Wyatt, near Fort Fisher, where it became well drilled and so ad-
mirably disciplined that it was subsequently known as one of the
most efficient regiments in the Confederate service. It entered
on its career of glory at the battle of Seven Pines on May 31,
1862 ; soon afterward it was assigned to a brigade commanded by
Brigadier-General George B. Anderson, and it was actively en-
gaged in the seven days' battle around Richmond, from Mechan-
icsville to Malvern Hill, the loss in this last battle having been
particularly severe. In all of these engagements Colonel Parker
bore himself with heroic courage and such coolness as to win the
highest encomiums and to endear himself to his brave soldiers.
At the battle of South Mountain the regiment again suffered
severely, that being one of the most arduous struggles of the
war, D. H. Hill's small division, of which the Thirtieth was a
part, keeping at bay the entire army of McClellan for twenty-four
hours, when it was successfully withdrawn from its perilous posi-
tion. The regiment particularly distinguished itself at the
"Bloody Lane" on September 17th at Sharpsburg, the terrible
slaughter in its immediate front attesting its stubborn courage.
On that occasion the Thirtieth held the right of the brigade and
was much exposed on the crest of the hill. Just to the right of
the Dunkard church was a peach orchard lying between the
church and the town of Sharpsburg. A half a mile in front of
the orchard Anderson's brigade held the "Bloody Lane." Its
position, thrust out in front, much resembled that of the "Bloody
Angle" at Spottsylvania two years later. When the enemy were
approaching to make their assault Colonel Parker cautioned his
men to hold their fire until he should give the command and then
to take deliberate and cool aim and to fire at the cartridge boxes,
thus shooting neither too high nor too low. They obeyed his
direction and gave a volley which brought down the enemy as
grain falls before the reaper. But finally overwhelming numbers
caused their retirement. It was there that General Anderson
was wounded and Colonel Tew, the senior colonel, killed and
Colonel Parker himself disabled by a minnie ball in the head. In
speaking of the loss of Anderson's brigade on that occasion, the
historian remarks : "Its loss was great, but the fame of its deeds
that day will abide with North Carolina forevermore."
The regiment performed good service at Fredericksburg; and
also at Chancellorsville, being one of the twenty North Carolina
regiments that accompanied Jackson in his famous flank move-
ment across Hooker's front, striking Howard's corps in reverse;
and it enjoyed the sight of their tumbling over their works, run-
ning for dear life and repeating that ominous word, "Shackson!
Shackson !"
On that occasion Colonel Parker gained particular distinction.
He was directed by General Ramseur to support Pegram's bat-
tery, which was then threatened, and to act on his own respon-
sibility. After the danger to Pegram has passed, he led the
Thirtieth in the direction of the heavy firing, and after proceeding
a half a mile, he received the fire of the enemy from behind
breastworks which he charged and captured. Continuing in the
same direction he soon struck another force of the enemy which
was attacking Ramseur's flank. These he drove from the field,
taking many prisoners, and he relieved at a critical time Ram-
seur's brigade, which had distinguished itself for its impetuous
daring on that part of the field. In this advance Colonel Parker
reached a point very near General Hooker's headquarters, and
being so far in front of any other Confederate troops. General
Stuart, who had succeeded Jackson in the command of Jackson's
corps, opened two pieces of artillery on the Thirtieth and con-
tinued to fire upon it until one of his staff officers, came near
enough to distinguish that it was a Confederate regiment they
were assailing. In that great battle the Thirtieth suffered terribly
in killed and wounded, but Colonel Parker, who was always in the
thick of the fight, fortunately escaped without any serious wound.
Accompanying Lee in the invasion of Pennsylvania, the Thir-
tieth reached the highest point to the northward attained by any
Confederate regiment and occupied the Federal barracks at Car-
lisle. In moving southward to the field of Gettysburg it consti-
tuted the rear guard of Rodes' division train which threw it on
that field in the afternoon of the first day, and its position was on
the left of Rodes' line. Colonel Parker found the enemy en-
trenched behind stone walls, from which they were driven into
and beyond the town of Gettysburg, the fighting being of a des-
perate character and the losses very heavy. On that occasion
Colonel Parker himself was wounded ; he, however, shared in all
the arduous service of the regiment during that winter and led it
in its movements in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsyl-
vania. The charge of Ramseur's brigade on May 12th at Spott-
sylvania is historic, and the losses of the Thirtieth- on that occa-
sion were heavy both in officers and men ; and the regiment also
suffered heavily on May 19th at Spottsylvania, and there Colonel
Parker received a wound which disqualified him for active ser-
vice. He was then put in command of the post at Raleigh, where
he stayed until the war was over.
In General Cox's account of the brigade, he says :
"F. M. Parker, the courteous and refined colonel of the regiment,
was a brave, cool, and excellent officer, and ever observant of his
duties to the cause and to his command. He was severely wounded
m nearly every important engagement in which he participated, which
so impaired his health that to the regret of all, he was compelled to
resign from active service."
Since the war, although his health was greatly impaired by his
wounds, Colonel Parker continued his farming operations, and
surrounded by a loving family, he has enjoyed a home life of
affection, which is the greatest blessing vouchsafed to man, and he
has also enjoyed the respect and homage that are ever accorded
to the brave and virtuous actors in times of peril. His asso-
ciates in arms have hailed him as a hero and have honored him
by choosing him as a brigadier-general of the North Carolina
division of the United Veterans of the Confederate States.
Colonel Parker has been one of those who lived much in the
love of their friends. The chief characteristics that have dis-
tinguished him all through life are unselfishness, gentleness, and
modesty, combined with a genial spirit and unwavering friend-
ship for those closely associated with him. Another one of his
characteristics has been the vim and energy which he has dis-
played in every employment which he has undertaken. In the
miUtary service this led to his pressing his command forward with
eagerness into positions on the battlefield that were sometimes
full of peril ; but he had the power of inspiring his men to greater
and greater efforts as the danger of their situation demanded, and
they always rose equal to the occasion and never failed him. He
was regarded by them with unusual confidence and affection, and
they followed implicitly where he led. In times of peace this
same energy of action gave him prominence and resulted in his
being thrust forward, especially when any trouble or crisis arose ;
and it has also been observable in his ordinary farm work, where
he combined activity with intelligence and reaped the reward in
gratifying success; and even in his sports, his strenuous, hardy,
and energetic life displayed itself, and his chief recreation afield
was following his dogs in the exciting and exhilarating sport of
the fox chase. But withal, his modesty and gentleness and amia-
bility have ever been marked features in his character and life.
He has long been an humble and consistent member of the
Protestant Episcopal Church and has also been connected with
the order of the Masons. In his family he has been particularly
blessed, and the circle of his nine children, whose affection and
reverence have been so grateful to him, has never been broken
by death.
Since the preparation of this sketch General Parker has passed
away. He died at his home at Enfield on the morning of Jan-
uary 18, 1905. The custom has been for the legislature to ad-
journ on January 19th, that being the birthday of General Lee.
Information having been received of the death of this distin-
guished Confederate veteran and citizen of the State, at the open-
ing of the legislature on the morning of the 19th, eulogies were
delivered on his life and career and a resolution was introduced
for the legislature to adjourn in honor of his memory, as well as
because of its being General Lee's birthday. The expressions of
regret in the different parts of the State were earnest and sincere
when the news was received of his death, and he was lamented in
every community. He was buried at Tarboro in the churchyard
which generations ago had been donated by one of his forefathers,
and his funeral was largely attended, there being present a con-
siderable number of his old comrades in arms.
S. A. Ashe.
[ MONG the younger men who are doing things
in North Carolina Dred Peacock holds a notably
place, and must be counted among those who
exert a wholesome influence upon society. He
was born in Stantonsburg, Wilson County,
N. C, April 12, 1864. Dr. C. C. Peacock, Jiis
father, married Miss Ava Heath, and to them were born seven
children. Dred was the sixth child. His childhood was spent
in the town of Wilson, though he was much on his father's farm,
where he was subjected to the subtle influences which the open
fields and deep forests exert upon a young and impressionable
nature, and thus in his youth his character received that bent of
sincerity and simplicity which has so distinguished him through-
out life.
During his early years his constitution was not robust and his
health was precarious. Usually such a physical condition leads
to exceeding cautiousness, which in the end tends to make a
timid mind, but in this instance it did not hinder the growth of
the stronger qualities of mind and character. No doubt the wise
care of his father had much to do with keeping the delicate boy
in good spirits and developing in him the elements of a strong
During the period of his boyhood, the southern skies were over-
cast by heavy clouds. At his birth the civil war was dragging
._'•- K//,,,-,, .-p 1
toward its weary close, and the shadows of defeat were resting
upon the homes and spirits of southern men, and the subsequent
years were full of trouble. But this adversity was the common
fortune of the generation to which Dred Peacock belongs. Their
childhood, the time when lasting impressions are made, was
cast when gloom pervaded every household. That this genera-
tion should have imbibed something of a spirit of pessimism is
most natural. That any of them should have been able to break
away from the despondency in which they were reared is a sure
sign of their rare endowments and indisputable courage.
In the South men of culture developed a literary taste, and this
was especially true of the scholarly men of the medical profes-
sion. It was so particularly with Dr. Peacock, and Dred found
the standard works of literature in his father's library and he
soon formed the habit of reading, being exceedingly fortunate
in having at his hands books that were interesting as well as
instructive. Early in life he became a lover of learning and a
lover of those who could interpret the higher ideals of cultivated
Wilson is one of those good towns that has always given con-
siderable attention to education, so Dred Peacock had more than
the average chance of the southern boy to secure the basis of a
good training. It is also true that the men who taught the
preparatory schools at that period took their tasks very seriously
and made the schoolhouse the place of work, and the harder the
work, the more virtuous did these teachers think themselves.
True, there was a shortage of material equipments in the schools
of that period, but this lack was more than supplied in the per-
sonality of the teachers. Those were good schools, in many
vital respects superior to these of the present time of boasted
excellence in matters of education.
In the fall of 1883 the young student entered the freshman
class at Trinity College, from which he was graduated in June,
1887. He came to college with good preparation, correct habits
of study, sound ideals and a stable character. In the quiet col-
lege community he found the opportunities most conducive to the
development of his faculties. He gave himself to his task with
genuine enthusiasm, unmixed with those smaller motives that so
often vex and mar the life of a college student. His college
record was one of those that become traditional and fix new ideals
of student life. He took an unusually large proportion of
college honors without setting for himself the task of getting
On the day of his graduation, June 9, 1887, he was married to
Miss Ella Carr, the daughter of Professor O. W. Carr, once a
member of the college faculty. This marriage was one of those
exceptional ones where domestic affection and severe study have
flourished in the same atmosphere. The wife has graced with
sweetness and dignity the positions won by the husband, and has
made for him a home in many respects ideal.
For a year after his graduation. Dr. Peacock was principal of
the Lexington Female Seminary. The success which attended
him there was so marked that in the fall of 1888 he was called
to the chair of Latin in the Greensboro Female College. For six
years he held this position, and upon the death of the president.
Dr. F. L. Reid, he was chosen the head of the college. His
progress had been exceptionally rapid, having attained at the age
of thirty years the presidency of one of the oldest and most in-
fluential colleges for women in the southern states.
It was natural that he should have become an educator. There
were no financial straits that forced him into the schoolroom, nor
was he making it a stepping-stone to another profession, nor, least
of all, was he influenced by a lack of ability to succeed in business.
He loved knowledge, and all of his nobler sympathies were with
the school as a center of learning. He had the genius of the
educator and was signally fitted for the work. Because of his
merits, his alma mater conferred upon him the honorary degree
of doctor of literature, also giving him membership upon its board
of trustees.
Honesty was the ruling aim of his policy as the president of
the Greensboro Female College. Education, and especially the
education of young women, has been too greatly hindered by un-
due claims and outward pretences. Very large academic dis-
tinctions have been granted upon exceedingly small academic
acquirements. As president of this old college, Dr. Peacock de-
clined to confer any of the usual academic degrees, simply grant-
ing to his graduates diplomas of graduation. Yet it is very
doubtful whether any other southern college for women as jeal-
ously watched after the sound training of its students.
For eight years Dr. Peacock was the president of Greensboro
Female College, and throughout the entire time it was embar-
rassed by a debt which required all the skill and good manage-
ment possible on the part of its president and directors to keep
it open and continue its useful mission to the church and State ;
and in 1902 he was forced on account of his failing health to re-
sign his position and abandon his cherished hopes as an edu-
cator— a work for which he had shown such exceptional qualifica-
tions. This is an old story, one that reflects no credit upon the
educational sentiments of the southern public. Southern colleges
to this date have been the altar upon which an indifferent public
has sacrificed too many noble and unselfish men who have broken
down under the burdens of college tasks which the public might
have relieved at any time; and in this case the Methodists of
North Carolina should have come to the rescue while Dr. Peacock
and his faithful few were standing at the helm spending and being
spent in a cause which was so dear to the hearts of North Caro-
lina women. Men who have had no experience can have no
conception of the ceaseless and destructive worry of carrying a
college already loaded down with debt. No man was ever more
faithful to his task than was Dr. Peacock, and none ever more
cheerfully gave to his task the entirety of his strength.
But there is another side to the work which he did for education
in North Carolina that deserves public gratitude. For fourteen
years he gave his vacations to building among the people a better
educational sentiment. There are very few, if any, counties in
the State in which his voice, invested with a charm and potency
for educational advancement, did not ring out clearly on the sub-
ject of the diffusion of education among the masses of the people.
In this connection it is to be observed that Dr. Peacock has
conferred a particular benefit. Himself a lover of books and of
literature, he formed the design of collecting a library. Without
money for the purpose, save $i,ooo as a nucleus given by Dr.
and Mrs. Peacock in memory of their deceased baby daughter, he
was so successful that in seven years' time he had secured over
7,000 volumes, at a cost of $15,000. This library was open to
the students of the college, and later when it seemed that the col-
lege would disappear because of overwhelming financial difficul-
ties, he made a gift of it to Trinity as the Ethel Carr Peacock
Memorial Collection. This was in accordance with a resolution
passed by the board of directors at the beginning of its formation
that should the college ever be closed or cease to exist, the library
should then be given to Trinity College. In it were to be found
most of the histories of the State published up to that time, and
indeed, it was one of the best reference libraries of its size in the
South. The books were all by standard authors, and the selec-
tions were excellent.
There is a traditional notion that one who teaches well is not
adapted to practical matters. Much is heard of the academic
world as distinguished from the world that is doing things. Dr.
Peacock, however, inherited business talent as well as intellect;
and when he turned with regret from the school, he walked into
the world of business and asserted himself with a calm mastery.
In a few weeks he began a very successful business and assumed
a high place among the active business men of the State, and year
by year he entered new fields of industry, developing in each the
power of a master and adding to his reputation as a man of ca-
pacity and enterprise. He became vice-president of the Globe
Home Furniture Company, the largest concern of that kind in
the South, and treasurer of the High Point Art Glass Company,
which has been a great success ; he is also a director of the High
Point Savings and Trust Company, a financial institution that
has contributed much to that marvellous growth which has made
High Point famous in its industrial work; he is a director of the
Southern Car Company, the only business of that character in
the South, and a director of the Home Savings Bank, of
Greensboro, N. C. But his industrial worls and business career
has not separated him entirely from those matters which had
earlier engaged him. He is a trustee overlooking the affairs of
the Oxford Orphan Asylum, and is also an active trustee of
Trinity College.
Dr. Peacock is tall and carries himself with modest dignity.
His forehead is high and broad, his brow is strong, his chin is
square and indicates large will power, while his eyes are clear,
penetrating, and expressive. He has a magnetism that draws
men to him, while his obvious sincerity makes it easy for them
to trust him. He is free from every form of deception, and looks
at every issue without regard to prejudices and popular beliefs.
Few men combine in their characters such notable conservatism
with such marked individuality. His social qualities are excep-
tional. Having his mind well stored with a wide variety of in-
formation, being endowed with large sympathies, commanding
an easy style, and being able to readily interpret a situation, he
is one of the most pleasant and profitable companions one can
find. Among his striking qualities of mind is a unique power
of genuine wit. He never makes it serve a bitter purpose, but
controls it with a becoming regard for the feelings of all. He has
a spirit that marks him as one of the rare men one meets and fits
him for the highest good in a community. Although a deep stu-
dent of men and affairs, he finds his greatest pleasure in the midst
of his large library, which contains nearly four thousand volumes,
of which about one thousand are on Napoleon I and the French
He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South,
and has held for many years official positions in the congregations
with which he worshiped. He is now in his forty-fourth year
with the resources of mind and character that promise much to
the welfare of his State. North Carolina has no more patriotic
and faithful citizen than Dr. Dred Peacock.
John C. Kilgo.
' banker, prominent promoter and first president
of the Western North Carolina Railroad, was
born at the family homestead, Silver Creek,
, eight miles southwest of Morganton, on Decem-
,ber 9, 1807.
His father, Isaac Pearson, was of the plain farrner folk, who
came from Virginia to the Catawba Valley in the years imme-
diately preceding the Revolution, the State's grant for the home-
stead, dated 1784, speaking of the location as on what was then
called Pearson's Fork of Silver Creek.
His mother was Elizabeth Caldwell, born in County Derry,
Ireland, and aged seventeen years when her father, Robin Cald-
well, landed with his family in Philadelphia, having fled the green
island on account of his connection with the insurrectionary
movement of 1798.
The subject of this sketch was the eldest of nine children, of
whom five were boys. One of these, John H., was for many
years sheriff of Burke when the county went to the Tennessee
line, afterward represented the county in the old house of com-
mons and presided as chief justice of the antebellum court of
pleas and quarter sessions in his native county. Another, Wil-
liam, was clerk of the superior court of Burke and gave promise
of great usefulness, when his career closed in early death. Both
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were bachelors, men of strong minds and strong wills, popular,
progressive citizens. The elder brother, Robert, was trained for
a merchant in the store of his uncle, John Caldwell, father of
the governor of that name, but obtained a fairly good classical
education under the tutelage of the Rev. John Silliman, pastor
of the Presbyterian church in Morganton. The death of an
uncle, Robert Caldwell (for whom he was named), in Petersburg,
Va., about the time when his vocation in life was to be fixed, left
the family of the Caldwells and connections quite wealthy for
that era; and with the portion allotted our subject he purchased
an interest in the firm where he was a clerk, and for years
steadily pursued the fixed purpose of acquiring wealth in land,
slaves, and bank stock.
His capacity as a business man was generally recognized in the
piedmont section and attracted the favorable notice of Hon. Dun-
can Cameron, through whose influence he continued for years
president of the western branch of the Old State Bank.
In compliment to this early friend he named his third son Dun-
can Cameron Pearson, at present postmaster at Morganton, an
office which Jackson gave the father in 1829, just on his arriving
at man's age.
This appointment, which he held for years, and the appoint-
ment of United States pension agent for the soldiers of the Revo-
lution and the war of 1812 were the only places of a political
character filled by Esquire Pearson, as from his justice's char-
acter he was familiarly known. He was named with O. G.
Parsley, of Wilmington, on the commission to raise the first ten
million Confederate loan and embarked a large part of his own
and some trust funds of his kindred in that venture, to the sure
loss of his estate not alone directly, but as an insurer for others.
When the movement to stay the frightful emigration from the
State by chartering the North Carolina Central and other rail-
ways took hold of the public mind, R. C. Pearson was one of the
band of progressive spirits who urged on that movement with
all his force. Colonel Charles Fisher, of Confederate memory,
might be called the leader in the western corps, which included
Hon. W. W. Avery and W. F. McKesson, Esq., of Burke, the
Simonton brothers, of Iredell, N. W. Woodfin, of Buncombe, and
others not now occurring to the writer.
At the first meeting of the stockholders of the Western North
Carolina Railroad in 1855 he was chosen with practical unanimity
president of the infant corporation, and till the beginning of the
second term of Governor Ellis, he continued in charge of its
construction when the civil war suspended work. The road was
at that time finished and finely equipped to a point a few miles
below Morganton, while some work had been done on the French
Broad line. The construction work was by contract, Colonel
Fisher being the leading contractor, and payment of two-thirds
was made by the sale of state bonds voted for that purpose and
one-third in the stock of the company.
In this era of rapid railway construction, with its entire free-
dom from state or political control, it is difficult to estimate the
strain endured by the earlier race of railway officials, whose
appropriations came from the legislature upon condition that the
favored section was influenced to subscribe one-third the total
cost in stock. Contracts were to be apportioned, politicians
soothed, neighborhood rivalries as to the location of the line ad-
justed, the torpor of chronic conservatism overcome and the
sneers of cynics passed over — ^these and obstacles like these were
for five long years Mr. Pearson's portion as president of this
enterprise. How well he met them the surviving men of his
generation have often attested. Judge Avery, writing in Smith's
"Western North Carolina," thus refers to him:
"Burke County has produced few men of as broad views as R. C.
Pearson. If the war had been postponed for ten years he would have
finished the road (the W. N. C. R. R.) to Ducktown at the smallest
possible cost and built up for himself the largest estate in this section.
His ready comprehension of all kinds of business and his obliging
disposition made him the adviser of more people of all classes than
any citizen of the county."
To the same effect Wheeler speaks of him in his "Reminis-
In politics our subject was a Jackson not a Calhoun Democrat,
and was a most active partisan, though never in his life a candi-
date for any popular honor. He favored Douglas for the presi-
dency in i860, and both at Charleston and Baltimore used his
admitted influence to keep our state delegation from swinging into
the company of the extremists. When civil war came, as the
result of the purposely created schism in the only national party,
he of course stood with those who had ignored his own coun-
sel and the dictates of common sense, because they were of his
blood and country, and the path of duty was plainly with them.
No man in this section of the State rendered a more constant,
uncomplaining service of loyalty to the Confederacy than Mr.
Pearson. He kept open house for soldiers' families. In the- last
cruel days of poverty and defeat he made free use of his credit
to relieve suffering at home, and even drew drafts on northern
houses, who knew his reliability, which were sent our prisoners
at Lookout and Johnson's Island and which in no case were dis-
honored. Several thousands were disbursed in this way in small
sums and later made good.
Yet he was never hopeful of victory for the cause, for he knew
the North and its resources as few in this section knew it. But
as his friend, Governor Vance, often put it, he recalled that our
Revolutionary forefathers had been even worse off than the Con-
federates were in their last days and yet had won, and so he never
lost heart till the end came. With that end he lost courage and
refused to begin the battle of life anew, verging as he was on
three score years. One incident connected with Mr. Pearson's
life during the civil war deserves more than passing notice.
When Colonel George W. Kirk, of the Second Tennessee regi-
ment, U. S. A., organized a secret raid upon Camp Vance, near
Morganton, and succeeded in completely surprising that post with
several hundred Confederate prisoners, he sent forward a scout-
ing party of a dozen or more men in the direction of the town,
three miles distant from the camp.
Great was the surprise and excitement of the townspeople when
they woke up one bright morning in June, 1864, to hear the news
of this occurrence on the previous night. Preparation was at
once made to defend the town against the raiders by the old
men and boys, who at that time made up its male population. The
Hon. W. W. Avery, destined within a few days thereafter to
meet his untimely death at the hands of these same raiders, took
the command of about fifty old men and boys hastily gathered and
thrown into a line at the edge of town and on the road leading
to Camp Vance.
Mr. Hamilton Erwin, familiarly known as "Uncle Hamp,"
and Esquire Pearson were sent out as an advance guard to feel
the enemy, and report his movement. When in sight of the ford
of Hunting Creek, about half way between camp and town, these
old gentlemen discovered the squad of raiders, above referred to,
engaged in watering their stock in the stream. The apparent
leader getting sight of them, rode from the stream and when in
the act of levelling his Winchester, was shot dead by Mr. Pear-
son's trusty double-barrel shotgun, carrying fourteen buckshot.
The stolen mule he was riding was killed by the same charge;
upon seeing which the rest of the party precipitately returned to
Camp Vance, and no further advance toward the town was made,
but on the contrary. Kirk gathered up his prisoners and set out
on his retreat.
It was believed then, and is perhaps true, that this lucky shot
saved the town from pillage and capture. Nearly a year later,
when Stoneman visited it, some of the Kirk command were
along and repaid the disappointment of June, 1864, by stealing
whatever they could lay hands on.
Among Kirk's prisoners at Camp Vance was a son of Mr.
Pearson, Lieutenant James. T. Pearson, of Company B, Forty-
sixth regiment, North Carolina troops, who escaped, however, on
the night of the first day's march and returned to service, dying
in Salisbury of fever when Stoneman took that town April, 1865.
Another son. Dr. R. C. Pearson, of the Fifty-eighth North Caro-
lina regiment, was at that time home on a furlough and went with
Avery in pursuit of Kirk. A premature attack upon his force by
the Confederates near Piedmont Springs resulted in repulse and
the death of an old citizen, A. P. Chandler, and the maiming for
life, by a shot in the knee, of Dr. Pearson.
When peace came, with its complete overturning of southern
labor and the social system, Mr. Pearson could not adapt himself
to it ; nor did he try. His heart was in the coffin of the Old South
and he would not pause to have it come back to him. "I am tired
of this concern," he said on his deathbed, the day the negroes were
registering to vote for the convention of 1868 provided for in the
reconstruction acts.
He was eminently a truthful man and filled the bill of Carlyle
in standing at all times for realities and in opposition to shams of
all sorts. Like Governor Bragg, whom he warmly esteemed and
received the like in return, the grave was a deep, dark mystery to
him, which he could not fathom, and about which he would not
pretend to a knowledge which he did not possess. A sense of
duty was ever present to him, professions, save of friendship, he
did not make ; and he left his life work here to speak for his here-
after. He thought deeply that he could prove a good character
in the upper courts and he never claimed to be even sure of this.
He was exceptionally kind as a master, never selling a slave
and purchasing at sad loss to himself those who were intermarried
with his own slaves and threatened with sale to the traders. To
this day his name is spoken of among all the elder negroes of the
county with peculiar reverence and affection.
Mr. Pearson was far in advance of the ideas of his own time.
He was the first man to bring a threshing machine to Burke to
supplant the flail ; he was the earliest user of Peruvian guano, the
one commercial fertilizer of his time ; he owned the first sewing
machine in the county, and to him was due the introduction of
several superior species of seed wheat. In all such things he took
great delight for the good they did others.
Whatever success in life this man secured and what of good he
did that survives was owing as much to the remarkable woman
who became his wife as to any exertion or good fortune of his
Jane Sophronia Tate, daughter of David Tate, Sr., and Ann E.
McCall, became Mrs. Pearson in March, 1834. Her father was
a prominent Federalist politician in this section of the State, re-
peatedly a representative in both branches of our Assembly in the
early years of the last century, and a man of striking originality,
if tradition is to be believed. Her mother died before the daugh-
ter had passed from girlhood, and yet the girl took the mother's
place in the household economy, reared two younger brothers, su-
perintended her father's hotel in Morganton, was mistress of sev-
eral slave families and attracted the favorable notice of the leading
men of the county for striking administrative ability.
A devout Presbyterian of the John Knox pattern, she went to
the Bible for all her wisdom, and one of her unbroken rules was
to go through that holy book from Genesis to Revelation, chapter
by chapter, with her children and some of the servants, each re-
curring year of her life — so many chapters every morning and ten
on the Sabbath was the rule.
Mr. Pearson died in November, 1867, at his home in Mor-
ganton. His wife survived him ten years. Of the children, Dr.
Pearson married Miss Delia Emma Gaither, daughter of Colonel
B. S. Gaither, of Morganton ; D. Cameron married Miss Claudia
Holt, daughter of Dr. W. R. Holt, of Lexington; Jennie married
Colonel Samuel McD. Tate; Laura was united with Captain
Neill W. Ray, a prominent lawyer of Fayetteville, N. C. ; William
S. to Miss Bettie Venable Michaux, daughter of Richard V.
Michaux, of John's River, in Burke ; John, the youngest child, to
Miss Florence Walton, daughter of Colonel T. George Walton,
of Creekside, Burke County. Two children, Ann E. and James
T., died unmarried.
Mrs. Tate and Dr. Pearson are also deceased. In person
Robert C. Pearson was a striking figure and commanded notice
in any assembly of people. He stood six feet two and one-half in
his boots and was of weight corresponding to his stature. His
head was large and noble, his manner cordial and of Irish bland-
ness. He was a superb traveling companion and was by instinct
C. F. McKesson.
.,r s :r,ir;-^, f-Brc l-r
October 9, 1849, in Morganton, Burke County,
N. C. On June 7, 1882, he was married to Bet-
tie Venable Michaux, and to them five children
have been born, all of whom are living.
The family of Michaux is an ancient one in
Virginia, living in Powhatan and Henrico counties. They inter-
married with the Macons and Venables, and of a marriage with
one of the former of this name came Richard Venable Michaux, a
tobacco planter, who removed to Burke County and married Miss
Susan Perkins, a granddaughter of "Gentleman John Perkins,"
who entered western North Carolina before Bishop Spangen-
berg, and took grants from Lord Granville for some of the
finest valley lands of that section. A portion of that large
domain and the grant for the same yet remains in Mrs. Michaux's
The father of our subject, Robert Caldwell Pearson, whose
sketch appears elsewhere, was one of the most prominent and
successful men who lived under the old regime. Jane Sophronia
Tate, who became Mr. R. C. Pearson's wife, was a lineal descend-
ant of Samuel Tate, who came from Derry, Ireland, and landed
in his own ship in Philadelphia, in 1763. The great-grandfather
of the subject of this sketch on the maternal side, Robert Cald-
well, also the grandfather of the late Governor Tod R. Caldwell,
was with the rebels in 1798 and fled from Ireland on that ac-
count. This sketch would be incomplete if it failed to record the
fine character and high intelligence of the mother of Colonel
Pearson. A lover of good books, a strong Presbyterian, conse-
crated to good works, she was a wonderful helpmeet to her big-
hearted and big-brained husband, who often consulted her as to
some business venture.
Colonel Pearson inherited the strongest points of both his par-
ents. His first school-teacher was James R. McCauley, at Mor-
ganton. From there he went to Melville, in Alamance County,
where he was prepared for college by Dr. Alexander Wilson, one
of the prominent educators of the past. At the age of thirteen
years he entered Davidson College, where he spent a year, and
then went to the University of North Carolina, where he grad-
uated with honors in 1868. His graduating speech created a
state sensation, not only on account of its rich, resonant sentences,
but because of the force and boldness with which it espoused the
principles of the Republican party. On account of that speech he
was in the same year made a Grant elector and messenger of the
vote. The late Colonel George N. Folk, himself one of the great
lawyers of the State, said of that speech, "Though written by a
boy, it shows a brilliant mind and a wonderful knowledge of
political history." Since 1880 he has been a lawyer; in 1874 and
1875 he was editor of the Asheville Pioneer; from 1897 to 1901,
editor of the Farmers' Friend and Morganton Herald, and from
1893 to 1898 was state attorney for the Eastern Building and
Loan Association, of Syracuse, N. Y. In 1875 to 1877 he was
aide to Governor Brogden and commissioner of the Western
North Carolina Railroad. In 1876, during this service as commis-
sioner of the State for the Western North Carolina Railroad, Colonel
Pearson aided largely in several measures important to the people
of his section, among them the first working of convicts upon the
mountain section of the road, the establishment of a telegraph
line, the placing of the town of Newton upon the main line, giving
Statesville a competitive rate and inaugurating a system of cheap
excursions then new to that section. He was one of the commis-
sioners of the State Hospital at Morganton, 1877-82, and from
1883 to 1885 a computer in the supervising architect's othce,
Washington, D. C. From 1898 to 1904, referee in bankruptcy;
in 1900, a Bryan elector, and in 1904 was elected to the state sen-
ate from the thirty-fourth district. He was the acknowledged
leader of his party in that legislature and pursued a conservative
course throughout.
In 1881 Colonel Pearson published a political novel, "Monon
Ou; or, Well Nigh Reconstructed," E. J. Hale & Son, of New
York, being the publishers. He has on hand an unpublished
story entitled "My Uncle John/' dealing with life in the old
South. This is a story of decided merit. It is rich in
thought, bold in imagery, full of striking incidents, and describes
scenes, customs and manners in an age that is rapidly pass-
ing away with the skill of an artist and the eloquence of a
Colonel Pearson was a Chi Phi at Chapel Hill, is a Master
Mason, a member of the Junior O. U. A. M., a Republican in
politics, who went to the Democrats on the silver question, and
canvassed as a Bryan elector in 1900. He is a member of Grace
Episcopal Church at Morganton and has served on its vestry.
He has ever been a great reader, especially of English history,
Shakespeare, Macaulay, and Carlyle's "Essays" being favorites.
He is fond of out-of-door exercises and reads light literature for
relaxation. He feels that old Governor Swain largely aroused
his ambitions, and that the works of Macaulay largely strength-
ened them.
Colonel Pearson has long been regarded as one of the ablest
and most entertaining writers in the. State. Strong, pure, classic,
and forceful in his English, in his editorial work, many of his
friends think him even more excellent when dealing with some
great event in history or the life of some grfeat personage, as, for
instance, his sketch of Jefferson Davis, which is here appended,
taken from the Morganton Herald:
"The meeting of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Rich-
mond recently, with the ceremonies attendant upon the dedication
of the several memorials to members of Jeflferson Davis' family, has
occasioned a certain renewal of interest in the great chieftain himself,
and comment is noticeably kinder in the North than heretofore. Few
men have lived in the century now closing who, in the acknowledged
elements which constitute in the Saxon understanding greatness, have
surpassed Jefferson Davis. He was, to begin with, a born soldier,
and when asked late in life by his daughter, Winnie, to express the
summum bonum of his ambition replied, 'To break squares with
cavalry.' He won Buena Vista by adopting Hannibal's renowned use
of the wedge, or V-shaped movement. A scholar of universal range,
acquired no one seemed to know how or when in a life of unvarying
action, an orator of no mean parts, as was often testified by the most
diverse audiences, he survived all of his contemporaries to write like
Caesar a classic of his own great d'oings. The first 200 pages of his
'History' is an example of close-knit logic, the equal of which it will
be hard to find in any literature. Not Jefferson himself has so welded
the links in vindicating the supremacy of the states, not alone as con-
stitutionally warranted, but as needful to the charter's existence. He
had the isolation of many great men, of Caesar, Wellington, and Wash-
ington; but was a kindred spirit with Sidney Johnston, Lucius Lamar,
and Dick Taylor; while for men like Bedford Forrest, Pat. Cleburne,
and John B. Hood he had the pride of a preceptor. He bowed to no
man, but for Robert Lee and Bishop Folk he felt a respect almost
equaling reverence. He wrote a half a column one day on Ben Butler
and made his infamy immortal. If he did not hate Joe Johnston, only
his Christianity prevented; certainly there is an underlying thread
through all his book inducing one to believe that on Johnston's head
was to fall the cardinal errors of the Confederacy, preventing success.
They did not fall, the reproach is not uttered and yet one feels that
it is withheld for pride's sake — pride in withholding from outsiders
family troubles. He endured vicissitudes rare in these later days of
gentle manners and public prints.
"Martyrdom was imposed upon him, trial denied him, torture tried
upon old and feeble limbs, all the hired pens employed to defame, his
very courage, which shone likfe a fixed star, lied about and weakness
imputed to a nerve, which the Nemean lion could not have faced with-
out slinking.
"Having carried through an eventful travail the weight of an em-
pire, destined to death in birth, he held aloof from common compan-
ionship in his later years and personified the dignity, self-respect, and
civil obedience of a thwarted, proud people pledged to peace and an
abandonment of their undertaking by the thin thread of a promise,
behind which, however, was honor. It will be an ill day for decency
in general, and American decency in particular, when his name is
suffered to rust."
Of this article written for a country newspaper, the Charlatte
Observer, no mean critic, said:
"The tribute to Jefferson Davis, reproduced in to-day's Observer,
from the Morganton Herald, is one of the most elegant and compre-
hensive, and yet concise sketches of a character and a career that we
have ever read. It is from the ever-able pen of Colonel W. S. Pear-
son. It shows a grasp of history, and a breadth of erudition that
chroniclers like John Richard Green or George Bancroft might have
envied, and a wealth and beauty of expression that Henry Watterson
may not surpass."
Colonel Pearson is a man of decided thought and speech, his
large reading and splendid memory have given him a wonderful
vocabulary. Of great versatility of talent, he can entertain an
audience of professors, or hold and convince a crowd of illiterates.
"Without apparent attempt at humor, he often convulses his au-
ditors with its richest flavor. He seldom lets fly a sarcasm, and
only then to show an antagonist that he knows the use of the
steel. On the hustings or in the court room he is one of the fair-
est of men, preferring to reach his fellows through persuasion and
reason, rather than by an appeal to passion or prejudice. Well
grounded in the law, he ignores its technicalities and builds on its
broad and ruling principles. The Hon. R. Z. Linney, hearing
him make various admissions in the trial of a case, wittily re-
marked, "Pearson must be a patriot, for no clansman would make
those admissions." His ambition is of that finer kind that is ever
tempered by prudence and never stained by jealousy. As a con-
versationalist he easily ranks with the best in the State, always
instructive and entertaining. A firm friend, a gifted gentleman,
full of charity for his fellows, conservative in his views, strong
in his convictions and bold in defending them, there has been
woven into the texture of his life a high sense of honor, a deep
love of virtue, a fervent patriotism, and all his gifts and graces
are worn with the modesty of a woman. Respected and beloved
at his home, he is an honor to the State.
Charles F. McKesson.
[HE Person family represents one unit in that
great English voelkerwanderung which began
from the older American colonies almost before
they were themselves out of swaddling clothes
and has gained more and more force as newer
settlements grew in strength until it has over-
run and conquered the American continent for the men of Anglo-
Saxon blood. Virginia had been planted little more than a genera-
tion when hardy pioneers pushed out from her settled centers and
in the wilderness of Carolina carved out new homes for them-
selves, redeeming them from the wilderness and the savage.
These frontiersmen in their turn sent others to the new and fer-
tile lands of the old Southwest and old Northwest, and these
have again -sent out conquering hosts to the shores of the calm
Pacific and to the naked plains and savage mountains of the arid
mid-region. Thus it follows that the real F. F. V.'s are found as
often in the far West, in the old Southwest or in Carolina as in
Virginia herself.
The Person family was one of those which thus left Virginia
with that great migration that swept over her southern border
for a hundred years after the first settling of North Carolina.
It had been settled in Brunswick County, Va., and had for its
neighbors the Mangums, who were soon to follow it to North
Carolina. I find in the Quaker records of southeastern Virginia
a John Persons, the son of John Persons (who spelled his name
Fassons), marrying Mary Patridg on the tenth of first month,
1691/2. I have no records to prove my supposition, but it is pos-
sible that these two Quakers, father and son, were the imme-
diate ancestors of that William Person who was the head of the
family at the time of its coming into Halifax County, N. C, about
1740. William Person (born 1700, died November 11, 1778)
took up land in Halifax, but seems to have soon passed on into
what is now Granville, for on its organization as a separate
county, in 1746, he became its first sheriff, an office which he filled
for a number of years. He was often a justice of the peace, a
county commissioner, a vestryman, and in general a man of
prominence and a leader in his county. He married Ann ,
and his son, Thomas Person, commonly known as General Per-
son, and whose name in his own day was indifferently written
and pronounced Person, Persons, Parson, Parsons, and Passons,
was born January 19, 1733, probably in Brunswick County, Va.
He grew up in Granville County, N. C, and there his life was
spent. He began life as a surveyor for Lord Granville, was noted
for the accuracy of his surveys and the faithfulness of his work
generally, and as his work made him acquainted with the best
lands, he thus accumulated a handsome estate. In 1788 he listed
for taxation 82,358 acres, lying in Halifax, Warren, Franklin,
Orange, Caswell, Guilford, Rockingham, Anson, and Wake
counties, N. C, and in Davidson, Sumner and Greene counties,
Tenn. State Rec, Vol. XXVI, 1275).
The first definite record of his appearance in public life is on
July 6, 1756, when he was recommended as a justice of the peace
for Granville (Col. Rec, Vol. V, 592). In 1762 lie was sheriff
of that county (ibid., VI, 895). His first appearance in the As-
sembly was at the October session, 1764, as the representative of
Granville, and he won even in this his first service sufficient recog-
nition to give him a place on the committee to settle the public
accounts (VI, 1222). He was not again in the Assembly so far
as I have been able to learn until November session, 1768,
and October session, 1769, when he again served on the Commit-
tee on Public Accounts and on that of Privileges and Elections.
It was during this last session that his connection with the Regu-
lators began to have its influence on his fortunes.
The "Regulation" was one of a series of efforts made by the
people of North Carolina at various times to secure a redress of
grievances. It began as early as 1759 with the Enfield riots,
which were directed against the land officers of Lord Granville.
A little later extortion began to grow up among the county offi-
cers in various sections of the province. Because of the lavish
expenditures of Tryon's government, provincial taxes were high,
and, being levied on the poll, bore unduly on the poor and thinly
settled communities of the middle section. In 1765 discontent
became acute, and was manifest as far east as Pasquotank. It
broke into violence in the present counties of Granville, Orange,
Alamance, Guilford, Rockingham, Surry, Chatham, Randolph,
Rowan, Davidson, Anson, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg and Iredell.
The discontented element called themselves "Regulators." Under
the leadership of Husband, Howell, Hunter, Butler and others
they published numerous addresses on the condition of affairs.
The organization gained headway. Its purpose was to "regulate"
the grievances of which they complained; these were excessive
taxes, dishonest sheriffs and extortionate fees. Their agreement,
or articles of association, show that their purpose was peaceful
in character and that they were willing to pay legal taxes and
legal fees. They petitioned the government often for redress.
This was often promised but never granted. This failure to re-
ceive the redress asked no doubt irritated many and led them to
commit indefensible acts of license and violence. A rupture was
narrowly averted in 1768, and in September, 1770, occurred the
riots in Hillsboro when Fanning, John Williams, Thomas Hart
and others were beaten, property destroyed and the court insulted
and broken up.
In the Assembly of 1769 John Ashe, of New Hanover, had re-
ported that Thomas Person, the member for Granville, was fre-
quently charged with perjury (Col. Rec, VIII, 118). He was
tried at December session, 1770, after the Hillsboro riots, for
perjury and extorting illegal fees, and there came before the
Assembly to prosecute that same Richard Henderson whose
court had been insulted and broken up. The committee of in-
vestigation, through John Campbell, its chairman, reported that
"there is not any one of the charges or allegations ... in any
manner supported," but that they were exhibited "through malice
and envy, with design to injure the character and reputation of
the said Thomas Person," and it was ordered that this report be
published in the newspaper of the day ( VIH, 448, 449, 461 ) . Hen-
derson, the prosecutor, was thereupon mulcted in the costs (VHI,
467), which he failed to pay (IX, 717, 718). Tryon claimed that
the resolution to put the costs on Henderson was clapped up by
Person's friends ; at any rate, that resolution was repealed at the
next session (IX, 196).
In an anonymous letter printed in the Colonial Records (VIII,
643 et seq.) it is said that Person was expelled from this session
of Assembly:
"After this the General Assembly of the province was called, and an
election ensued, at which Herman Husband and Thomas Parsons were
chosen by the country party as members of the house; their enemy,
Fanning, was also chosen. When the house met their first step was to
expel Husband and Parsons from their seats; Husband they sent to jail;
Parsons, home. They then passed a Riot Act, the substance of which was
that any person or persons being guilty of any riot, either before or after
the publication of this act, within the jurisdiction of any court within this
province, shall and may be indicted, and when so indicted shall appear and
stand trial before the expiration of sixty days ; and in case he, she, or they
do not appear, noticed or not noticed, within the term aforesaid, they shall
and are hereby declared to be outlawed, and shall suffer death without
• benefit of clergy, etc., and his lands, goods, and chattels confiscated and
sold at the end of eight days."
This letter was no doubt the work of Rednap Howell, one of
the Regulation leaders, as it is from "a gentleman in North Caro-
lina to his friend in New Jersey," and Howell came from that
State to North Carolina. The statements made in other parts of
the letter seem to be essentially correct, but I confess that I am
unable to reconcile this expulsion of Person with the favorable
report which was made in his behalf to this same Assembly, and
with his appearance again as a member of the same Assembly at
its session in November, 1771.
But the Assembly of 1770-71 did pass a Riot Act which antici-
pated some of the essential features of the "five intolerable acts"
of the British Parliament of 1774. It was so brutal, so tyrannical
and subversive of all liberty of the subject that it was condemned
even by the English Government as "irreconcilable with the prin-
ciples of the constitution, full of danger in its operation and unfit
for any part of the British Empire." But in the meantime this
act, more commonly known as the Johnston Act, from its author,
was put into execution against" the Regulators, and goaded them
to further resistance. Tryon collected an army from the eastern
counties, although in many sections the spirit of resistance was
almost as pronounced as in the regulation country. On May 16,
1771, with his army of iioo men, organized, trained and armed,
Tryon came up with some 2000 Regulators at Alamance Creek,
now in Alamance County. The Regulators were unorganized,
without officers, untrained and in part unarmed. There was much
parleying, the Regulators even to the last petitioning for redress.
Tryon forced a battle, defeated the Regulators, took some pris-
oners, and with more than Jeffreys' bloodthirstiness hanged
James Few on the field. Six others were hanged a month latei*,
after having received the form of a legal trial.
Person's service to the Regulation was evidently in the coun-
cil, not in the field, for he was not present at the Alamance bat-
tle, and it does not clearly appear in what form his service was
rendered beyond that he was a member of their committee to
whom the people were to give in their claims for overcharges
which the officers guilty of extortion, under the pressure of popu-
lar indignation, had agreed to refund. The committee was to
have met for this purpose on May 3, 1771, but it is probable that
events were then moving too fast for peaceful methods (Col.
Rec, VIII, 521, 535; Caruthers' "Caldwell," 143). But it is
certain that Tryon recognized Person as a leader in this move-
ment and did him the immortal honor to include him in the list
of those excepted from the benefit of pardon. Tryon's excep-
tions included the four leaders who had been outlawed, Husband,
Howell, Hunter and Butler, the prisoners, the young men who
blew up Waddell's ammunition train, and sixteen others men-
tioned by name, of whom Person is the last (Col. Rec, VHI, 618) .
How Person escaped trial and further punishment for treason
and how he secured his release do not clearly appear, although
tradition says it was through the personal friendship between him
and Edmund Fanning (ex rel. Peter M. Wilson). Tradition says
also that by permission of his jailor Person made an all night
ride to his home at Goshen to see or destroy certain incriminating
papers there, and returned to jail before the break of day. It
is said that Tryon's troops visited his home looking for plunder
as well as papers, but found nothing, and this failure may have
forced his release (Col. Rec, VIII, xxviii).
' It is usually said that the Regulators were Tories in the Revo-
lution. It is certain that few of them were enthusiastic sup-
porters of the Whig principles of 1776. But it is hardly reason-
able to expect this much of them. They were mostly simple,
honest, ignorant men who had grown restless under official op-
pression ; they had been defeated and forced to take an oath to
the king by the very men who in 1776 sought to make them break
the oath taken in 177 1. In that struggle the Regulators for the
most part maintained a sullen neutrality. Unlike their sym-
pathizers of that day, Caldwell and Person, they were unable to
see that the principles of 1776 were but those of 1771 writ large ;
that official oppression was the same, whether exercised by petty
despots at their doors or by high lords and Parliament over sea ;
and that the Johnston Act of 1770 was but the prototype of the
five intolerable acts of the British Parliament of 1774, which set
all America aflame.
But the Regulators were not allowed to go their way in peace.
Numerous efforts were made to win them to the cause of inde-
pendence, and to these efforts Pei-son lent his influence. The
Hillsboro Convention of 1775 appointed him member of a com-
mittee to confer with such of the inhabitants of the province
"who entertain any religious or political scruples with respect to
associating in the common cause of America, to remove any ill
impressions that have been made upon them by the artful de-
vices of the enemies of America, and to induce them, by argu-
ment and persuasion, heartily to unite with us for the pro-
tection of the constitutional rights and privileges thereof"
(X, 169).
Again, the Council of Safety, on August 3, 1776, resolved that
General Person and Mr. Joseph John Williams "do each of them
agree with a proper person for the purpose of instructing the in-
habitants of Anson County and other the western parts of this
colony in their duty to Almighty God, and for explaining to them
the justice and necessity of the measures pursued by the United
States of America" (X, 693).
But that the Provincial Convention of 1775 knew little of the
character of the Regulators in particular, or of human nature in
general, is shown by their making Richard Caswell, Maurice
Moore and Henry Pattillo members of this committee to win
them to the American cause. Nothing shows more clearly the
greatness of Thomas Person than his participation in the Regula-
tion and his subsequent part in the Revolution. Other Regula-
tors, by reason of narrowness of vision, or from personal spite,
or from littleness, might hang back or even join the Tory inter-
ests, to which they were invited and urged by the successor of
the brutal Tryon, but not Person. As Colonel Saunders has well
said, the most ardent friend of the Regulation might be willing
to stake the reputation of the cause on the character of Thomas
Person, Church of England man though he was, friend of educa-
tion, wealthy if not aristocratic, patriot and democrat of demo-
Person was again in the Assembly in November, 1771, in Janu-
ary and December, 1773, March, 1774, and April, 1775. Al-
though he was a commissioner on public buildings in Hillsboro
district in 1771, he seems nevertheless to have suffered some-
what from his participation in the popular uprising; but as time
passed on and efforts were made by Martin to quiet the feelings
of the Regulators, Person comes more and more into promi-
nence, and by sheer weight of character made himself a neces-
sity to the colony.
As the struggle with Great Britain drew on he became one of
the foremost advocates of separation. On February 12, 1776, he
writes to his father of the "advocates of liberty" (X, 450) ; on
the 14th, his friend, Penn, a neighbor, citizen of the same
county, possibly a sympathizer with the Regulators, now in the
Continental Congress, perhaps in great measure through his in-
fluence, surveys the situation and writes: "Matters are drawing
to a crisis. They seem determined to persevere and are forming
alliances against us. Must we not do something of the like na-
ture ? . . . The consequence of making alliances is perhaps a total
separation from Britain" (X, 456). This letter was received,
perhaps, about March ist. On the 3d the Provincial Council, of
which Person was a member, ordered the next session of the Pro-
vincial Congress to be held at Halifax on April 2d. The delegates
met on April 4th ; the North Carolina delegates to the Continental
Congress arrived on the 7th; on the 8th, Harnett, Allen Jones,
Burke, Abner Nash, John Kinchen, Person and Thomas Jones
were appointed a committee to take into consideration "the
usurpations and violences attempted and committed by the king
and Parliament of Britain against America, and the further meas-
ures to be taken for frustrating the same and for the better de-
fense of this province" (Col. Rec, X, xvii-xviii, 504) ;
on the 1 2th, the committee brought in a resolution empowering
the delegates from North Carolina in the Continental Congress
"to concur with the delegates of the other colonies in declaring
independency, and forming foreign alliances."
And thus on April 12, 1776, North Carolina became the first
of the colonies to make a formal proposal for a declaration of
Was not this proposal as much or more the work of Thomas
Person than of any other man ? Perhaps we shall never find evi-
dence that will settle this point beyond dispute, but no student
of our history will dare claim that such an honor could belong
by right of work done to any other man more than to Person or
that any other citizen of our State was more worthy of this great
and signal honor.
Person was a member of all the provincial conventions and
congresses which took the place of the Assembly and of the gov-
ernor from 1774 to 1776.
1. New Bern, August 25-27, 1774 (C. R., IX, 1042).
2. New Bern, April 3-7, 1775 (C. R., IX, 1179).
3. Hillsboro, August 20 to September 10, 1775 (X, 500).
4. Halifax, April 4 to May 14, 1776 (X, 499).
5. Halifax, November 12 to December 23, 1776 (X, 914).
He served on their important committees and in the last was
on the committees which drafted the Bill of Rights and the con-
stitution. So satisfactory was the latter to the people of North
Carolina that it remained in force for fifty-nine years without
change ; of the declaration of rights it is sufficient to say that of
its twelve clauses for the protection of individual rights eleven
were embodied in the first ten amendments to the Constitution of
the United States (Col. Rec, X, xxiii, xxv).
He had been chosen a member of the Provincial Council, Sep-
tember 9, 1775 (X, 214). This body was the executive head of
the State, and had Johnston as a member. Johnston and
Allen Jones represented the more conservative element. They
favored a strong government, a sort of representative Republi-
canism, modeled on Great Britain. The more progressive or radi-
cal wing, led by Willie Jones and Person, favored a simpler gov-
ernment and one more directly responsible to the people. The
Provincial Council under the influence of the conservatives was
slow, while the mass of the congress was with the radicals. As
a result for the Provincial Council was substituted a Council of
Safety, Person still a member (X, 5B1), with no practical change
in its functions further than in name ; but with the radical Willie
Jones as the representative of the congress, and with the con-
servative Johnston omitted altogether.
On April 22, 1776, Person was elected brigadier-general of the
militia of Hillsboro district (X, 530) and was succeeded in this
office in 1777 by John Butler. This was not the time when to
be a militia gfeneral meant ease and quiet. It meant work, the
raising of troops for active service, drilling, collecting supplies
and actual fighting in suppression of Tory marauders. It was
no sinecure, but Person was never, so far as I know, in actual
battle. His service to the State, like that to the Regulators, was
in the cabinet, not on the field.
He was made by the last Provincial Congress a justice of the
peace for Granville (XXIII, 993) and a member of the Council
of State (X, 1013), his fellow-councillors being William Dry,
William Haywood, Edward Starkey, Joseph Leech and Thomas
Eaton. He was nominated for the same office in 1781, but failed
of election (XVII, 810, 894), and again in 1789, but at the latter
period asked to have his name withdrawn (XXI, 389, 390, 704).
In May, 1782 he was nominated for the Continental Congress
but failed of election (XVI, 90; XIX, 57) ; on May 11, 1784, he
was elected to the Continental Congress, but it was a time when
there was more expense and labor in being a member of congress
than money and honor. Person never took his seat and his name
nowhere appears in the list of North Carolina Congressmen
(XVII, 79, 139, 143; XIX, 583).
In January, 1787, he was elected along with William Green and
Matthew Locke chief commissioner for receiving the certificates
of the Board of Commissioners of Army Accounts (XVIII, 451,
459). It was their duty to receive and correct the proceedings
of the commissioners appointed to settle the accounts of the North
Carolina troops in the Continental Line (XX, 630; XXI, 551)
and thus bring to a final settlement the accounts of North Carolina
with the United States. It was a delicate duty and one requiring
the highest degree of honesty. Many frauds had been committed
in the preparation of these accounts. These were discovered and
were followed by a long investigation, the trial and punishment
of the guilty parties (State Rec, XVII and XVIII, passim; Mc-
Ree's "Iredell," II, 155-6).
One of Person's most important services to the State was as
a leader of the anti- Federal party in the convention of 1788; but
before proceeding to discuss that convention, which was called to
consider the Federal constitution, it is necessary to review briefly
the alignment of political parties. From 1776 there were two
clearly defined parties in the State. They were a unit as to re-
sistance to the aggressions of Great Britain, but in domestic mat-
ters the lines of party cleavage were sharply defined. One party
we may call the Conservative ; it was strongest in the east ; was led
by Johnston, Iredell, Hooper, Maclaine. It was aristocratic and
wealthy, stood for the slaveholding, commercial and mercantile
interests ; it preferred a strong central government and was slow
to advocate democracy. The other party we may call Radical.
It was stronger in the north and west. It was nearer the soil
and the people. Its leaders were Willie Jones, Person, the Blood-
worths, Spencer, Locke, Alexander Martin, Rutherford, and
others. They were ultra-democratic, even radical in their ten-
dencies and ardent advocates from the first of an extremely demo-
cratic government. The struggle began in the first Halifax con-
gress, April, 1776, or earlier, and was won by the radicals as is
shown by the substitution of the Council of Safety for the Pro-
vincial Council. The question of the new constitution also de-
veloped differences and the April congress deferred its adoption
to a later congress to be elected for that particular purpose out of
deference to the wishes of the minority. Johnston stood as a
candidate for this congress from Chowan County and was de-
feated (McRee's "Iredell," I, 238, 281) and this left him sulking
in his tent. He refused to serve as treasurer and Iredell bitterly
resented his defeat by writing his "Creed of a Rioter" (McRee,
I, 335-336) ; Iredell later resigned as attorney general and Hooper
left the Continental Congress. But the Radicals were liberal and
patient and kept many of the conservatives in office as the price
of their support {cf. Dodd's "Macon," 30; and Saunders, pref.
notes. Col. Rec, X). In 1780-81, as the tide of war surged into
North Carolina and went against her, the conservatives grew in
numbers and power; after the war ended they championed the
Tory interests and continued to grow. Johnston was their peren-
nial candidate for governor, but Caswell was agreed on as a
sort of compromise. When the time for considering the Federal
constitution driew near each exerted itself to the utmost to win
control of the convention. The Radicals, whom we may now call
Anti-Federalists and who became the nucleus of the first Re-
pubUcan party, demanded : ( i ) A free and absolutely independent
state, for a few years at least; (2) a genuinely democratic ad-
ministration; (3) a general improvement in educational advan-
tages for the people. In accord with the last of these demands the
State actually entered on a plan of public improvements which
anticipated that urged in the State thirty years later by Murphey
and in the Union fifty years later by Clay (Dodd, 14-90).
The Anti-Federalists won control of the convention. It met
in Hillsboro, July 21, 1788. Person was a member from Gran-
ville; on his motion Samuel Johnston was made president (XXII,
6). He was himself a member of the committee on elections
(XXII, 7). It is evident from the journals that he took a leading
part in the business, but he does not seem to have been a frequent
speaker. The first trial of strength came on August i, when the
convention considered the report of the committee of the whole
house on a proposed Bill of Rights and certain amendments. The
preamble to the report of the Committee of the Whole-
reads :
"Resou'ed, That a Declaration of Rights, asserting and securing from,
encroachment the great principles of civil and religious liberty, and the
unalienable rights of the people, together with amendments to the most
ambiguous and exceptionable parts of the said constitution of government,
ought to be laid before Congress and the convention of states that shall be
called for the purpose of amending the said constitution, for their con-
sideration, previous to the ratification of the constitution aforesaid, on the
part of the State of North Carolina" (XXII, 16).
Iredell moved that all of this report be stricken out, that the
constitution be adopted and that certain amendments be then pro-
posed. This motion brought out the strength of the respective
parties: For the motion, 84; against, 184; on August 2d, the re-
port of the Committee of the Whole was again taken up and con-
curred with: yeas, 184; nays, 84.
After the report of the Committee of the Whole was adopted
Willie Jones moved :
Whereas this convention has thought proper neither to ratify nor reject
the constitution proposed for the government of the United States; and
as Congress will proceed to act under the said constitution, ten states hav-
ing ratified the same, and probably lay an impost on goods imported into
the said ratifying states:
"Resolved, That it be recommended to the legislature of this State that
whenever Congress shall pass a law for collecting an impost in the states
aforesaid, this State enact a law for collecting a similar impost on goods
imported into this State, and appropriate the money arising therefrom to
the use of Congress" (XII, 31).
This resolution, passed by 143 yeas to 44 nays, the Federal
leaders voting in the negative, shows as clearly as words can
show that the desire of Jones, Person and other Anti-Federalists
was for a Federal government of limited powers and that their
purpose was not to establish an independent republic as has been
recently claimed by Professor Dodd (see his "Macon," p. 54),
but to protect the interests of the states against the centralizing
tendency which was even then clearly visible in the new constitu-
tion to those who had eyes to see. Davie reports that both
Person and Jones were holding out the doctrine of opposi-
tion for four or five years at least. Jones feared the Federal
judiciary and Person the Federal power to tax (McRee, II,
178, 239).
It was thus that North Carolina declined to either ratify or
reject the Federal Constitution by a decided majority of 100 votes.
Whether it was the wiser policy to adopt first and then ask for
amendments or wait till the